[libcamera-devel] [PATCH] utils: ipu3: Add test capture script

Laurent Pinchart laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com
Wed Nov 28 23:45:07 CET 2018

The script captures raw frames from cameras based on the Intel IPU3. It
takes the sensor name as an argument and isn't meant to depend on a
particular platform.

Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>
 utils/ipu3/ipu3-capture.sh | 182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 182 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 utils/ipu3/ipu3-capture.sh

diff --git a/utils/ipu3/ipu3-capture.sh b/utils/ipu3/ipu3-capture.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..930e697e7b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ipu3/ipu3-capture.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Copyright (C) 2018, Google Inc.
+# Author: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>
+# ipu3-capture.sh - Capture raw frames from cameras based on the Intel IPU3
+# The scripts makes use of the following tools, which are expected to be
+# executable from the system-wide path or from the local directory:
+# - media-ctl (from v4l-utils git://linuxtv.org/v4l-utils.git)
+# - raw2pnm (from nvt https://github.com/intel/nvt.git)
+# - yavta (from git://git.ideasonboard.org/yavta.git)
+# Locate the sensor entity
+find_sensor() {
+	local bus
+	local sensor_name=$1
+	bus=$(grep "$sensor_name" /sys/class/video4linux/v4l-subdev*/name | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
+	if [[ -z $bus ]]; then
+		echo "Sensor '$sensor_name' not found." >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	echo "$sensor_name $bus"
+# Locate the media device
+find_media_device() {
+	local mdev
+	for mdev in /dev/media* ; do
+		media-ctl -d $mdev -p | grep -q ipu3-cio2 && break
+		mdev=
+	done
+	if [[ -z $mdev ]] ; then
+	       echo "IPU3 media device not found." >&2
+	       exit 1
+	fi
+	echo $mdev
+# Locate the CSI2 and CIO2 and get the sensor format
+parse_pipeline() {
+	local cio2_queue
+	local resolution
+	local sensor=$1
+	read cio2_queue bus_format sensor_size <<< $($mediactl -p | awk "
+	/^- entity [0-9]*:/ {
+		sensor=0;
+	}
+	/^- entity [0-9]*: $sensor/ {
+		sensor=1;
+	}
+	/^[ \t]*(stream:0)?\[fmt:/ {
+		if (sensor) {
+			gsub(\".*fmt:\", \"\");
+			gsub(\"[] ].*\", \"\");
+			gsub(\"/\", \" \");
+			format=\$0;
+		}
+	}
+	/^[ \t]*->/ {
+		if (sensor)
+			cio2=substr(\$3, 0, 1);
+	}
+	END {
+		print cio2 \" \" format;
+	}
+	")
+	ipu3_csi2="ipu3-csi2 $cio2_queue"
+	ipu3_capture="ipu3-cio2 $cio2_queue"
+	sensor_width=$(echo $sensor_size | cut -d 'x' -f 1)
+	sensor_height=$(echo $sensor_size | cut -d 'x' -f 2)
+	echo "Using device $mdev with IPU3 CIO2 queue $cio2_queue"
+# Configure the pipeline
+configure_pipeline() {
+	local format="fmt:$bus_format/$sensor_size"
+	echo "Configuring pipeline for $sensor in $format"
+	$mediactl -r
+	$mediactl -l "\"$sensor\":0 -> \"$ipu3_csi2\":0[1]"
+	$mediactl -l "\"$ipu3_csi2\":1 -> \"$ipu3_capture\":0[1]"
+	$mediactl -V "\"$sensor\":0 [$format]"
+	$mediactl -V "\"$ipu3_csi2\":1 [$format]"
+# Capture frames
+capture_frames() {
+	local file_op
+	local frame_count=$1
+	local ipu3_format=IPU3_${bus_format/_1X10/}
+	local save_file=$2
+	if [ $save_file -eq 1 ]; then
+		file_op="--file=/tmp/frame-#.bin"
+	fi
+	yavta -c$frame_count -n5 -I -f $ipu3_format -s $sensor_size $file_op \
+		$($mediactl -e "$ipu3_capture")
+# Convert captured files to ppm
+convert_files() {
+	local frame_count=$1
+	local format=${bus_format/_1X10/}
+	local padded_width=$(expr \( $sensor_width + 49 \) / 50 \* 50)
+	echo "Converting ${sensor_width}x${sensor_height} (${padded_width}x${sensor_height})"
+	for i in `seq -f '%06.0f' 0 $(($frame_count - 1))`; do
+		ipu3-unpack /tmp/frame-$i.bin /tmp/frame-$i.raw
+		raw2pnm -x$padded_width -y$sensor_height -f$format /tmp/frame-$i.raw /tmp/frame-$i.ppm
+	done
+# Print usage message
+usage() {
+	echo "Usage: $1 [options] sensor-name"
+	echo "Supported options:"
+	echo "-c,--count n      Number of frame to capture"
+	echo "--no-save         Do not save captured frames to disk"
+# Parse command line arguments
+while (( "$#" )) ; do
+	case $1 in
+	-c|--count)
+		frame_count=$2
+		shift 2
+		;;
+	--no-save)
+		save_file=0
+		shift
+		;;
+	-*)
+		echo "Unsupported option $1" >&2
+		usage $0
+		exit 1
+		;;
+	*)
+		break
+		;;
+	esac
+if [ $# != 1 ] ; then
+	usage $0
+	exit 1
+sensor=$(find_sensor $sensor_name)
+mediactl="media-ctl -d $mdev"
+parse_pipeline $sensor
+capture_frames $frame_count $save_file
+[[ $save_file -eq 1 ]] && convert_files $frame_count

Laurent Pinchart

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