[libcamera-devel] [PATCH 6/6] cam: add --format option to configure a stream

Niklas Söderlund niklas.soderlund at ragnatech.se
Mon Jan 28 01:41:09 CET 2019

Add a option to configure the first stream of a camera from an argument
with options and parse the width, height and pixel format from that

The pixel format is still specified as a integer which should correspond
to the kernels FOURCC identifiers. Going forward this should be turned
into a string representation and the cam parser should translate between
the two.

Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <niklas.soderlund at ragnatech.se>
 src/cam/main.cpp | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cam/main.cpp b/src/cam/main.cpp
index bde47a8f17983912..4b4ce9aa29c80bd1 100644
--- a/src/cam/main.cpp
+++ b/src/cam/main.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ using namespace libcamera;
 OptionsParser::Options options;
 enum {
-	OptCamera = 'c',
+	OptCamera = 'C',
+	OptFormat = 'f',
 	OptHelp = 'h',
 	OptList = 'l',
@@ -35,10 +36,20 @@ void signalHandler(int signal)
 static int parseOptions(int argc, char *argv[])
+	KeyValueParser formatKeyValue;
+	formatKeyValue.addOption("width", "Set width in pixels",
+				 ArgumentRequired, "w");
+	formatKeyValue.addOption("height", "Set height in pixels",
+				 ArgumentRequired, "h");
+	formatKeyValue.addOption("pixelformat", "Set pixel format",
+				 ArgumentRequired, "pf");
 	OptionsParser parser;
 	parser.addOption(OptCamera, "Specify which camera to operate on",
 			 "camera", ArgumentRequired, "camera");
+	parser.addOption(OptFormat, "Set format of the cameras first stream",
+			 formatKeyValue, "format");
 	parser.addOption(OptHelp, "Display this help message", "help");
 	parser.addOption(OptList, "List all cameras", "list");
@@ -54,6 +65,42 @@ static int parseOptions(int argc, char *argv[])
 	return 0;
+int str2uint(std::string str, unsigned int *dest)
+	if (!dest || str == "" || !sscanf(str.c_str(), "%d", dest))
+		return -EINVAL;
+	return 0;
+bool configureStreams(Camera *camera, std::vector<Stream> &streams)
+	if (!options.isKeyValue(OptFormat))
+		return false;
+	KeyValueParser::Options format = options.keyValues(OptFormat);
+	std::map<unsigned int, StreamConfiguration> config = camera->streamConfiguration(streams);
+	unsigned int id = streams.front().id();
+	if (format.isSet("width"))
+		if (str2uint(format["width"], &config[id].width))
+			return false;
+	if (format.isSet("height"))
+		if (str2uint(format["height"], &config[id].height))
+			return false;
+	/* TODO: Translate 4CC string to ID. */
+	if (format.isSet("pixelformat"))
+		if (str2uint(format["pixelformat"], &config[id].pixelFormat))
+			return false;
+	if (camera->configureStreams(config))
+		return false;
+	return true;
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	int ret;
@@ -63,6 +110,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		return EXIT_FAILURE;
 	CameraManager *cm = CameraManager::instance();
+	std::shared_ptr<Camera> camera;
+	std::vector<Stream> streams;
 	ret = cm->start();
 	if (ret) {
@@ -71,31 +120,62 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		return EXIT_FAILURE;
+	loop = new EventLoop(cm->eventDispatcher());
+	struct sigaction sa = {};
+	sa.sa_handler = &signalHandler;
+	sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, nullptr);
 	if (options.isSet(OptList)) {
 		std::cout << "Available cameras:" << std::endl;
-		for (const std::shared_ptr<Camera> &camera : cm->cameras())
-			std::cout << "- " << camera->name() << std::endl;
+		for (const std::shared_ptr<Camera> &cam : cm->cameras())
+			std::cout << "- " << cam->name() << std::endl;
 	if (options.isSet(OptCamera)) {
-		std::shared_ptr<Camera> cam = cm->get(options[OptCamera]);
-		if (cam) {
-			std::cout << "Using camera " << cam->name() << std::endl;
-		} else {
+		camera = cm->get(options[OptCamera]);
+		if (!camera) {
 			std::cout << "Camera " << options[OptCamera]
 				  << " not found" << std::endl;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		streams = camera->streams();
+		if (streams.size() != 1) {
+			std::cout << "Camera have " << streams.size()
+				  << " streams, I only know how to work with 1"
+				  << std::endl;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		if (camera->acquire()) {
+			std::cout << "Failed to acquire camera" << std::endl;
+			goto out;
+		std::cout << "Using camera " << camera->name() << std::endl;
-	loop = new EventLoop(cm->eventDispatcher());
+	if (options.isSet(OptFormat)) {
+		if (!camera) {
+			std::cout << "Can't configure stream, no camera selected" << std::endl;
+			goto out_camera;
+		}
-	struct sigaction sa = {};
-	sa.sa_handler = &signalHandler;
-	sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, nullptr);
+		if (!configureStreams(camera.get(), streams)) {
+			std::cout << "Failed to configure camera" << std::endl;
+			goto out_camera;
+		}
+	}
 	ret = loop->exec();
+	if (camera) {
+		camera->release();
+		camera.reset();
+	}
 	delete loop;

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