[libcamera-devel] CameraSensorInfo question

David Plowman david.plowman at raspberrypi.com
Thu Aug 6 10:10:23 CEST 2020

Hi everyone

Please excuse the rather random question!

I notice that Camera::name() has disappeared, replaced by
Camera::id(). That's fine, only I was using Camera::name() to get the
simple "user-facing" name of my sensor, such as just "imx477". Of
course I can still parse that out of the new id, it's hardly
difficult, but...

I also notice that the thing I want is available in the
CameraSensorInfo (the "model" field).  Is there any reason why we
don't make the CameraSensorInfo available to applications, for
instance by copying it into the CameraConfiguration during the
Camera::configure call. I appreciate that applications don't usually
need to know that stuff, though on the other hand making information
available can be generally helpful, I think. (You might also guess
that I have some ulterior motives here, relating to digital zoom!!)

Any thoughts on the matter?


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