[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v2] Add pipeline-handler writers Guide

chris at gregariousmammal.com chris at gregariousmammal.com
Thu Aug 6 14:54:01 CEST 2020

From: Chris Chinchilla <chris at gregariousmammal.com>

Add pipeline-handler writers guide covering the steps to add support for a new device

Signed-off-by: Chris Chinchilla <chris at gregariousmammal.com>
 Documentation/write-pipeline-handler.rst | 1123 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1123 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/write-pipeline-handler.rst

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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a01dde
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+Pipeline Handler Writers Guide
+Pipeline handlers are the abstraction layer for device-specific hardware
+configuration. They access and control hardware through the V4L2 and
+Media Controller kernel interfaces, and implement an internal API to
+control the ISP and capture components of a pipeline directly.
+A pipeline handler manages most aspects of interacting with a camera
+device including:
+- Detecting and registering camera devices installed on the system.
+- Configuring the image acquisition and manipulation pipeline components to produce images in the request formats and sizes.
+- Starting and stopping image streams.
+- Applying the application-requested image transformation controls to the image stream, in cooperation with a separate image processing (IPA) module.
+Pipeline handlers create Camera device instances based on the devices
+they detect and support on the running system.
+If you want to add support for a particular device to the libcamera
+codebase, you need to create a matching pipeline handler, and
+optionally the code for any other features the device supports.
+Prerequisite knowledge
+A pipeline handler uses most of the following libcamera classes, and
+below is a brief overview of each of those. The rest of this guide
+explains how to use each of them in the context of a pipeline handler.
+.. TODO: Convert to sphinx refs
+-  `DeviceEnumerator <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1DeviceEnumerator.html>`_:
+   Enumerates all media devices attached to the system, and for each
+   device found creates an instance of the ``MediaDevice`` class and
+   stores it.
+-  `DeviceMatch <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1DeviceMatch.html>`_:
+   Describes a media device search pattern using entity names, or other
+   properties.
+-  `MediaDevice <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1MediaDevice.html>`_:
+   Instances of this class are associated with a kernel media controller
+   device and its connected objects.
+-  `V4L2VideoDevice <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2VideoDevice.html>`_:
+   Models an instance of a V4L2 video device constructed with the
+   path to a V4L2 video device node.
+-  `V4L2SubDevice <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2Subdevice.html>`_:
+   Provides an API to the sub-devices that model the hardware components
+   of a V4L2 device.
+-  `CameraSensor <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraSensor.html>`_:
+   Abstracts camera sensor handling by hiding the details of the V4L2
+   subdevice kernel API and caching sensor information.
+-  `CameraData <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraData.html>`_:
+   Represents device-specific data a pipeline handler associates to a Camera instance.
+-  `StreamConfiguration <http://libcamera.org/api-html/structlibcamera_1_1StreamConfiguration.html>`_:
+    Models the current configuration of an image stream produced by
+    the camera by reporting its format and sizes.
+-  `CameraConfiguration <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraConfiguration.html>`_: 
+    Represents the current configuration of a camera, which includes a list of stream 
+    configurations for each active stream in a capture session. When validated, it is applied 
+    to the camera.
+Creating a PipelineHandler
+This guide walks through the steps to create a simple pipeline handler
+called “Vivid” that supports the `V4L2 Virtual Video Test Driver
+(vivid) <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/media/vivid.html>`_.
+To use the vivid test driver, you first need to check that the vivid kernel module is loaded,
+for example with the ``modprobe vivid`` command.
+Create the skeleton file structure
+To add a new pipeline handler, create a directory to hold the pipeline code
+in the *src/libcamera/pipeline/* directory that matches the name of the
+pipeline (in this case *vivid*). Inside the new directory add a *meson.build* file that integrates 
+with the libcamera build system, and a *vivid.cpp* file that matches the name of the pipeline.
+In the *meson.build* file, add the *vivid.cpp* file as a build source for libcamera by adding it to 
+the global meson ``libcamera_sources`` variable:
+.. code-block:: meson
+   # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
+   libcamera_sources += files([
+       'vivid.cpp',
+   ])
+Users of libcamera can selectively enable pipelines while building libcamera using the 
+``pipelines`` option. 
+For example, to enable only the IPU3, UVC, and VIVID pipelines, specify them as a comma separated
+list with ``-Dpipelines`` when generating a build directory:
+.. code-block:: shell
+    meson build -Dpipelines=ipu3,uvcvideo,vivid'
+`Read the Meson build configuration documentation <https://mesonbuild.com/Configuring-a-build-directory.html>`_ for more information.
+To add the new pipeline handler to this list of options, add its directory 
+name to the libcamera build options in the top level _meson_options.txt_. 
+.. code-block:: meson
+   option('pipelines',
+           type : 'array',
+           choices : ['ipu3', 'raspberrypi', 'rkisp1', 'simple', 'uvcvideo', 'vimc', 'vivid'],
+           description : 'Select which pipeline handlers to include')
+In *vivid.cpp* add the pipeline handler to the ``libcamera`` namespace, define a `PipelineHandler <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html>`_ derived class named 
+PipelineHandlerVivid, and add stub methods for the overridden class member.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    namespace libcamera {
+        class PipelineHandlerVivid : public PipelineHandler
+        {
+        public:
+            PipelineHandlerVivid(CameraManager *manager);
+            CameraConfiguration *generateConfiguration(Camera *camera,
+                                    const StreamRoles &roles) override;
+            int configure(Camera *camera, CameraConfiguration *config) override;
+            int exportFrameBuffers(Camera *camera, Stream *stream,
+                            std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> *buffers) override;
+            int start(Camera *camera) override;
+            void stop(Camera *camera) override;
+            int queueRequestDevice(Camera *camera, Request *request) override;
+            bool match(DeviceEnumerator *enumerator) override;
+        };
+        PipelineHandlerVivid::PipelineHandlerVivid(CameraManager *manager)
+            : PipelineHandler(manager)
+        {
+        }
+        CameraConfiguration *PipelineHandlerVivid::generateConfiguration(Camera *camera,
+                                            const StreamRoles &roles)
+        {
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        int PipelineHandlerVivid::configure(Camera *camera, CameraConfiguration *config)
+        {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        int PipelineHandlerVivid::exportFrameBuffers(Camera *camera, Stream *stream,
+                                    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> *buffers)
+        {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        int PipelineHandlerVivid::start(Camera *camera)
+        {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        void PipelineHandlerVivid::stop(Camera *camera)
+        {
+        }
+        int PipelineHandlerVivid::queueRequestDevice(Camera *camera, Request *request)
+        {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        bool PipelineHandlerVivid::match(DeviceEnumerator *enumerator)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    } /* namespace libcamera */
+You must register the ``PipelineHandler`` subclass with the pipeline
+handler factory using the
+`REGISTER_PIPELINE_HANDLER <http://libcamera.org/api-html/pipeline__handler_8h.html>`_
+macro which registers it and creates a global symbol to reference the
+class and make it available to try and match devices.
+Add the following before the closing curly bracket of the namespace declaration.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   REGISTER_PIPELINE_HANDLER(PipelineHandlerVivid);
+For debugging and testing a pipeline handler during development, you can
+define a log message category for the pipeline handler. The ``LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY`` macro and 
+``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS`` environment variable help you use
+the `inbuilt libcamera logging
+infrastructure <http://libcamera.org/api-html/log_8h.html>`_ that allow
+for the inspection of internal operations in a user-configurable way.
+Add the following before the ``PipelineHandlerVivid`` class declaration.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+At this point you need the following includes for logging and pipeline handler features.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   #include "libcamera/internal/log.h"
+   #include "libcamera/internal/pipeline_handler.h"
+Run ``meson build`` and ``ninja -C build install`` to build the
+libcamera code base, and confirm that the build system found the new
+pipeline handler by running
+``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS=Pipeline:0 ./build/src/cam/cam -l``.
+And you should see output like the below.
+.. code-block:: shell
+    DEBUG Pipeline pipeline_handler.cpp:680 Registered pipeline handler "PipelineHandlerVivid"
+Matching devices
+`match <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1DeviceMatch.html>`_
+class member function is the main entry point of any pipeline handler. When a
+libcamera application starts an instance of the camera manager (using
+the `start <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraManager.html#a49e322880a2a26013bb0076788b298c5>`_ method), the instantiation calls the
+``match`` function with an enumerator of all devices it found on a
+system, it acquires the device and creates the resources it needs.
+The ``match`` method takes a pointer to the enumerator
+as a parameter and should return ``true`` if it matches a device, and
+``false`` if not.
+The match method should identify if there are suitable devices available in the 
+``DeviceEnumerator`` which the pipeline supports, returning ``true`` if it matches a device, and
+``false`` if not. To do this, construct the `DeviceMatch <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1DeviceMatch.html>`_
+class with the name of the ``MediaController`` device to match. You can specify
+the search further by adding specific media entities to the search using the
+``.add()`` method on the DeviceMatch.
+This example uses search patterns that match vivid, but you should
+change this value to suit your device identifier.
+Replace the contents of the ``PipelineHandlerVivid::match`` method with the following.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   DeviceMatch dm("vivid");
+   dm.add("vivid-000-vid-cap");
+   return false; // Prevent infinite loops for now
+With a device match defined, attempt to acquire exclusive access to the matching media controller device with the
+`acquireMediaDevice <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html#a77e424fe704e7b26094164b9189e0f84>`_
+method. If the method attempts to acquire a device it has already matched, it returns ``false``.
+Add the following below ``dm.add("vivid-000-vid-cap");``.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   MediaDevice *media = acquireMediaDevice(enumerator, dm);
+   if (!media)
+       return false;
+The pipeline handler now needs an additional include. Add the following to the existing include block for device enumeration functionality.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   #include "libcamera/internal/device_enumerator.h"
+At this stage, you should test that the pipeline handler can successfully match
+the devices, but have not yet added any code to create a Camera which libcamera
+reports to applications.
+As a temporary validation step, add a debug print with ``LOG(VIVID, Debug) << "Obtained Vivid Device";``
+before the closing ``return false; // Prevent infinite loops for now`` in the ``PipelineHandlerVivid::match`` method for when when the pipeline handler successfully matches the ``MediaDevice`` 
+and ``MediaEntity`` names.
+Test that the pipeline handler matches and finds a device by rebuilding,
+and running
+``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS=Pipeline,VIVID:0 ./build/src/cam/cam -l``.
+And you should see output like the below.
+.. code-block:: shell
+    DEBUG VIVID vivid.cpp:74 Obtained Vivid Device
+Creating camera data
+If the enumerator finds a matching device, the ``match`` method
+creates a Camera instance for it. Each Camera has device-specific data
+stored using the `CameraData <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraData.html>`_
+class, which you extend for the needs of a specific pipeline handler.
+Define a ``CameraData`` derived ``VividCameraData()`` class and initialize the base ``CameraData`` 
+class using the base ``PipelineHandler`` pointer.
+Add the following code after the ``LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(VIVID)`` line. 
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   class VividCameraData : public CameraData
+   {
+   public:
+       VividCameraData(PipelineHandler *pipe, MediaDevice *media)
+           : CameraData(pipe), media_(media), video_(nullptr)
+       {
+       }
+       ~VividCameraData()
+       {
+           delete video_;
+       }
+       int init();
+       void bufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer);
+       MediaDevice *media_;
+       V4L2VideoDevice *video_;
+       Stream stream_;
+   };
+Continuing the``CameraData(pipe)``  initializes the base class through it's
+constructor, and then the ``VividCameraData`` members. ``media_`` is initialized
+with the ``MediaDevice`` passed into this constructor, and the video
+capture device is initialized to a ``nullptr`` as it's not yet established.
+This example pipeline handler handles a single video device and supports a single
+stream, represented by the minimal variable declarations. More complex pipeline handlers might 
+register cameras composed of several video devices and sub-devices, or multiple streams per camera 
+that represent the several components of the image capture pipeline. You should represent all 
+these components in the ``CameraData`` derived class.
+The class has a destructor method that deletes the video device when the ``CameraData`` is 
+destroyed by an application.
+Every camera data class instance needs at least the above, but yours may
+add more, in which case you should also remove and clean up anything
+extra in the destructor method.
+The class then calls a method to initialize the camera data with
+``init()``. The base ``CameraData`` class doesn’t define the ``init()``
+function, it’s up to pipeline handlers to define how they initialize the
+camera and camera data. This method is one of the more device-specific
+methods for a pipeline handler, and defines the context of the camera,
+and how libcamera should communicate with the camera and store the data
+it generates. For real hardware, this includes tasks such as opening the
+ISP, or creating a sensor device.
+For this example, create an ``init`` method after the ``VividCameraData`` class that creates a new 
+V4L2 video device by matching the media entity name of a device using the 
+`MediaDevice::getEntityByName <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1MediaDevice.html#ad5d9279329ef4987ceece2694b33e230>`_ helper.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   int VividCameraData::init()
+   {
+       video_ = new V4L2VideoDevice(media_->getEntityByName("vivid-000-vid-cap"));
+       if (video_->open())
+           return -ENODEV;
+       return 0;
+   }
+Return to the ``match`` method, and remove ``LOG(VIVID, Debug) << "Obtained Vivid Device";`` and
+``return false; // Prevent infinite loops for now``, replacing it with the following code.
+After a successful device match, the code below creates a new instance of the device-specific 
+``CameraData`` class, using a unique pointer to manage the lifetime of the instance.
+If the camera data initialization fails, return ``false`` to indicate the failure to the ``match()
+`` method and prevent retiring of the pipeline handler.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   std::unique_ptr<VividCameraData> data = std::make_unique<VividCameraData>(this, media);
+   if (data->init())
+       return false;
+Create a set of streams for the camera, which for this device is
+only one. You create a camera using the static
+`Camera::create <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1Camera.html#a453740e0d2a2f495048ae307a85a2574>`_ method,
+passing the pipeline handler, the name of the camera, and the streams
+available. Then register the camera and its data with the camera manager
+`registerCamera <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html#adf02a7f1bbd87aca73c0e8d8e0e6c98b>`_.
+At the end of the method, return ``true`` to express that a camera was
+created successfully.
+Add the following below the code added above.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   std::set<Stream *> streams{ &data->stream_ };
+   std::shared_ptr<Camera> camera = Camera::create(this, data->video_->deviceName(), streams);
+   registerCamera(std::move(camera), std::move(data));
+   return true;
+Add a private ``cameraData`` helper to the ``PipelineHandlerVivid`` class which obtains the camera 
+data, and does the necessary casting to convert it to the pipeline-specific ``VividCameraData``. 
+This simplifies the process of obtaining the custom camera data, which you need throughout the code 
+for the pipeline handler.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   private:
+       VividCameraData *cameraData(const Camera *camera)
+       {
+           return static_cast<VividCameraData *>(
+               PipelineHandler::cameraData(camera));
+       }
+At this point, you need to add the following new includes to provide the Camera interface, and 
+device interaction interfaces.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   #include <libcamera/camera.h>
+   #include "libcamera/internal/media_device.h"
+   #include "libcamera/internal/v4l2_videodevice.h"
+Generating a default configuration
+When a libcamera-based application accesses and controls a camera stream using a pipeline handler,
+it generates a default configuration with known valid values. An application can then makes changes 
+to the configuration returned, validate those changes with the pipeline handler, and apply them to 
+the device.
+Validating a configuration requires the pipeline handler to verify that the device 
+supports the requested streams and their configurations, that is supports the requested sizes and 
+pixel formats, and that system resources are assigned to each stream to avoid any issues. 
+Create a `CameraConfiguration <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraConfiguration.html>`_ derived class for the camera device and its empty constructor 
+before the ``PipelineHandlerVivid`` class.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    class VividCameraConfiguration : public CameraConfiguration
+    {
+    public:
+        VividCameraConfiguration();
+        Status validate() override;
+    };
+   VividCameraConfiguration::VividCameraConfiguration()
+       : CameraConfiguration()
+   {
+   }    
+To generate the default configuration, add to the overridden
+`generateConfiguration <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html#a7932e87735695500ce1f8c7ae449b65b>`_
+method, passing a pointer to the camera device. 
+Notice the ``StreamRoles`` type, which libcamera uses to define the predefined ways
+an application intends to use a camera (`You can read the full list in the API
+documentation <http://libcamera.org/api-html/stream_8h.html#file_a295d1f5e7828d95c0b0aabc0a8baac03>`_).
+These are optional hints on how an application intends to use a stream, and a pipeline handler 
+should return ideal configuration for each role an application requests.
+In the pipeline handler ``generateConfiguration`` implementation, remove the ``return nullptr;``, create a new instance of the ``CameraConfiguration`` derived class,
+and assign it to a base class pointer. The function returns the class to applications at
+the end of the function.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   CameraConfiguration *config = new VividCameraConfiguration();
+   VividCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
+A ``CameraConfiguration`` is specific to each pipeline, so you can only
+create it from the pipeline handler code path. Application can generate empty configuration and add
+desired stream configuration from scratch. To allow for this, add the following beneath the code 
+above to return the newly constructed empty configuration in case the application does not pass any 
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   if (roles.empty())
+       return config;
+A production pipeline handler should generate the ``StreamConfiguration``s for all
+the appropriate stream roles a camera device supports. For this simpler
+example (with only one stream), the pipeline handler always returns the
+same configuration. How it does this is reproduced below, but we
+recommend you take a look at the Raspberry Pi pipeline handler for a
+realistic example.
+.. TODO: Add link
+To generate a ``StreamConfiguration``, you need a list of pixel formats and
+frame sizes supported by the device. You can fetch a map of the
+``V4LPixelFormat``s and ``SizeRange``s supported by the device, but the pipeline
+handler needs to convert this to a ``libcamera::PixelFormat`` type to pass
+to applications. You can do this using ``std::transform`` to convert the
+formats and populate a new ``PixelFormat`` map as shown below. Add the following beneath the code 
+from above.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   std::map<V4L2PixelFormat, std::vector<SizeRange>> v4l2Formats =
+   data->video_->formats();
+   std::map<PixelFormat, std::vector<SizeRange>> deviceFormats;
+   std::transform(v4l2Formats.begin(), v4l2Formats.end(),
+          std::inserter(deviceFormats, deviceFormats.begin()),
+          [&](const decltype(v4l2Formats)::value_type &format) {
+              return decltype(deviceFormats)::value_type{
+                  format.first.toPixelFormat(),
+                  format.second
+              };
+          });
+`StreamFormats <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1StreamFormats.html>`_
+class holds information about the pixel formats and frame sizes a stream
+supports. The class groups size information by the pixel format, which
+can produce it.
+`StreamConfiguration <http://libcamera.org/api-html/structlibcamera_1_1StreamConfiguration.html>`_
+structure models all configurable information for a single video stream.
+The code below uses the ``StreamFormats`` class to hold information about the pixel
+formats and frame sizes a stream supports, and groups size information by
+the pixel format that can support it. It then uses the
+``StreamConfiguration`` class to model the information an application
+can use to configure a single stream.
+Add the following below the code from above.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   StreamFormats formats(deviceFormats);
+   StreamConfiguration cfg(formats);
+Create the default values for pixel formats, sizes, and buffer count
+returned by the configuration.
+Add the following below the code from above.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    cfg.pixelFormat = formats::BGR888;
+    cfg.size = { 1280, 720 };
+    cfg.bufferCount = 4;
+Add each ``StreamConfiguration`` you generate to the ``CameraConfiguration``, validating  
+it before returning them to the application.
+Add the following below the code from above.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    config->addConfiguration(cfg);
+    config->validate();
+    return config;
+To validate any configuration, a pipeline handler must implement the
+`validate <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraConfiguration.html#a29f8f263384c6149775b6011c7397093>`_
+method that takes any configuration passed to it, can make adjustments to make the configuration 
+valid, and returns the validation status.  If changes are made, it marks the configuration as 
+Again, this example pipeline handler is simpler, look at the Raspberry Pi pipeline handler for a 
+realistic example.
+.. TODO: Add link
+.. TODO: Can we fit in a description of the checks that are actually done?
+Add the following code above ``PipelineHandlerVivid::configure``.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   CameraConfiguration::Status VividCameraConfiguration::validate()
+   {
+       Status status = Valid;
+       if (config_.empty())
+           return Invalid;
+       if (config_.size() > 1) {
+           config_.resize(1);
+           status = Adjusted;
+       }
+       StreamConfiguration &cfg = config_[0];
+       const std::vector<libcamera::PixelFormat> formats = cfg.formats().pixelformats();
+       if (std::find(formats.begin(), formats.end(), cfg.pixelFormat) == formats.end()) {
+           cfg.pixelFormat = cfg.formats().pixelformats()[0];
+           LOG(VIVID, Debug) << "Adjusting format to " << cfg.pixelFormat.toString();
+           status = Adjusted;
+       }
+       cfg.bufferCount = 4;
+       return status;
+   }
+To handle ``PixelFormat``s, add ``#include <libcamera/formats.h>`` to the include section, rebuild
+the codebase, and use ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS=Pipeline,VIVID:0 ./build/src/cam/cam -c vivid -I`` to test
+the configuration is generated.
+You should see the following output.
+.. code-block:: shell
+    Using camera vivid
+    0: 1280x720-BGR888
+    * Pixelformat: NV21 (320x180)-(3840x2160)/(+0,+0)
+    - 320x180
+    - 640x360
+    - 640x480
+    - 1280x720
+    - 1920x1080
+    - 3840x2160
+    * Pixelformat: NV12 (320x180)-(3840x2160)/(+0,+0)
+    - 320x180
+    - 640x360
+    - 640x480
+    - 1280x720
+    - 1920x1080
+    - 3840x2160
+    * Pixelformat: BGRA8888 (320x180)-(3840x2160)/(+0,+0)
+    - 320x180
+    - 640x360
+    - 640x480
+    - 1280x720
+    - 1920x1080
+    - 3840x2160
+    * Pixelformat: RGBA8888 (320x180)-(3840x2160)/(+0,+0)
+    - 320x180
+    - 640x360
+    - 640x480
+    - 1280x720
+    - 1920x1080
+    - 3840x2160
+Configuring a device
+With the configuration generated, and optionally modified and validated, a pipeline handler needs
+a method that allows an application to apply a configuration
+to a supported device.
+The `PipelineHandler::configure() <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html#a930f2a9cdfb51dfb4b9ca3824e84fc29>`_ method receives a valid `CameraConfiguration <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraConfiguration.html>`_ and applies the settings to 
+hardware devices, using its content to prepare a device for streaming images.
+Replace the contents of the ``PipelineHandlerVivid::configure`` method
+with the following that obtains the camera data and stream configuration. This pipeline handler supports only a single stream, so it
+directly obtains the first ``StreamConfiguration`` from the camera
+configuration. A pipeline handler with multiple streams should handle
+requests to configure each of them..
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    VividCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
+    StreamConfiguration &cfg = config->at(0);
+    int ret;
+The Vivid capture device is a V4L2 video device, so create a
+`V4L2DeviceFormat <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2DeviceFormat.html>`_
+with the fourcc and size attributes to apply directly to the capture device node. The
+fourcc attribute is a `V4L2PixelFormat <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2PixelFormat.html>`_ and differs from the ``libcamera::PixelFormat``.
+Converting the format requires knowledge of the plane configuration for
+multiplanar formats, so you must explicitly convert it using the
+helpers provided by the ``V4LVideoDevice``, in this case ``toV4L2PixelFormat``.
+Add the following code beneath the code from above.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   V4L2DeviceFormat format = {};
+   format.fourcc = data->video_->toV4L2PixelFormat(cfg.pixelFormat);
+   format.size = cfg.size;
+Set the format defined above using the
+`setFormat <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2VideoDevice.html#ad67b47dd9327ce5df43350b80c083cca>`_
+helper method to the Kernel API. You should check if the kernel driver
+has adjusted the format, as this shows the pipeline handler has failed
+to handle the validation stages correctly, and the configure operation
+has also failed.
+Add the following code beneath the code from above.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+       ret = data->video_->setFormat(&format);
+       if (ret)
+           return ret;
+       if (format.size != cfg.size ||
+           format.fourcc != data->video_->toV4L2PixelFormat(cfg.pixelFormat))
+           return -EINVAL;
+Finally, store and set stream-specific data reflecting the state of the
+stream. Associate the configuration with the stream by using the
+`setStream <http://libcamera.org/api-html/structlibcamera_1_1StreamConfiguration.html#a74a0eb44dad1b00112c7c0443ae54a12>`_
+method, and you can also set the values of individual stream
+configuration members.
+.. NOTE: the cfg.setStream() call here associates the stream to the
+   StreamConfiguration however that should quite likely be done as part of
+   the validation process. TBD
+Add the following code beneath the code from above.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+       cfg.setStream(&data->stream_);
+       cfg.stride = format.planes[0].bpl;
+       return 0;
+Buffer handling and stream control
+An application using libcamera needs to reserve the memory that it can
+write camera data to for each individual stream requested, using
+`FrameBuffer <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1FrameBuffer.html>`_
+instances to represent frames of data from memory.
+An application can create a `FrameBufferAllocator <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1FrameBufferAllocator.html>`_ for a Camera to create
+frame buffers suitable for use with that device.
+The ``FrameBufferAllocator`` uses the camera
+device pipeline handler to export buffers from the underlying device
+using the
+`exportFrameBuffers <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html#a6312a69da7129c2ed41f9d9f790adf7c>`_
+method, that all pipeline handlers must implement.
+The ``exportFrameBuffers()`` function uses a Camera and a Stream pointer to
+identify the required device to allocate buffers for, and
+returns the buffers allocated by adding them to the buffers vector. 
+Replace the contents of the ``exportFrameBuffers`` method with the following.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    unsigned int count = stream->configuration().bufferCount;
+    VividCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
+    return data->video_->exportBuffers(count, buffers);
+This example method takes pointers to the camera, the stream, and a
+vector of unique pointers to the frame buffers.
+The method checks the stream configuration to see how many buffers an application
+requested, in the default configuration for this example this is 4, but
+an application may have changed this value.
+It then uses the ``exportBuffers`` to create the buffers on the
+underlying V4L2 video device, which allows a ``FrameBufferAllocator`` to
+obtain buffers from the capture device-specific to this stream, and
+returns the number created.
+When applications obtain buffers through ``exportFrameBuffers``, they are
+orphaned and left unassociated with the device, and an application must reimport
+them in the pipeline handler ``start`` method. This approach allows you
+to use the same interface whether you are using internal or external
+buffers for the stream.
+Replace the contents of the ``start`` method with the following.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    VividCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
+    unsigned int count = data->stream_.configuration().bufferCount;
+    int ret = data->video_->importBuffers(count);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    ret = data->video_->streamOn();
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        data->video_->releaseBuffers();
+        return ret;
+    }
+    return 0;
+The method imports buffers
+(`importBuffers <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2VideoDevice.html#a154f5283d16ebd5e15d63e212745cb64>`_)
+to prepare the underlying V4L2 device based on the number requested, and
+starts a stream using the
+`streamOn <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2VideoDevice.html#a588a5dc9d6f4c54c61136ac43ff9a8cc>`_
+method. If either of the calls fail, the error value is propagated to the caller
+and the `releaseBuffers <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2VideoDevice.html#a191619c152f764e03bc461611f3fcd35>`_
+method releases any buffers to leave the device in a consistent state. If your pipeline handler 
+uses any image processing algorithms, you should also stop them.
+Add the following to the ``stop`` method, which stops the stream
+(`streamOff <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2VideoDevice.html#a61998710615bdf7aa25a046c8565ed66>`_)
+and releases the buffers (``releaseBuffers``).
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    VividCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
+    data->video_->streamOff();
+    data->video_->releaseBuffers();
+Event handling
+Applications use signals and slots (`similar to
+Qt <https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/signalsandslots.html>`_) to connect system
+events with callbacks to handle those events.
+Pipeline handlers `connect <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1Signal.html#aa04db72d5b3091ffbb4920565aeed382>`_ the ``bufferReady`` signal from the capture
+devices they support to a member function slot to handle processing of available
+frames. When a buffer is ready, the pipeline handler must propagate the
+completion of that buffer, and when all buffers have successfully
+completed for a request, also complete the Request itself.
+In this example, when a buffer completes, the event handler calls the buffer
+completion handler of the pipeline handler, and because the device has a
+single stream, immediately completes the request.
+Returning to the ``int VividCameraData::init()`` method, add the
+following above the closing ``return 0;`` that connects the pipeline
+handler ``bufferReady`` method to the V4L2 device buffer signaling it is
+ready and passing the frame buffer to the class ``bufferReady`` method.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   video_->bufferReady.connect(this, &VividCameraData::bufferReady);
+The libcamera library follows a familiar streaming request model for
+data (frames of camera data). For each frame a camera captures, an
+application must queue a request for it to the camera. With libcamera, a
+``Request`` is at least one Stream (one source from a Camera), that has
+one ``FrameBuffer`` full of image data.
+Create the matching ``VividCameraData::bufferReady`` method above the ``REGISTER_PIPELINE_HANDLER(PipelineHandlerVivid);`` line that takes
+the frame buffer passed to it as a parameter.
+The ``bufferReady`` method obtains the request from the buffer using the
+``request`` method, and notifies the pipeline handler that the buffer
+and request are completed. In this simpler pipeline handler, there is
+only one buffer, so it completes the buffer immediately. You can find a more complex example of 
+event handling with supporting multiple streams in the RaspberryPi Pipeline Handler.
+.. TODO: Add link
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   void VividCameraData::bufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer)
+   {
+       Request *request = buffer->request();
+       pipe_->completeBuffer(camera_, request, buffer);
+       pipe_->completeRequest(camera_, request);
+   }
+Queuing requests between applications and hardware
+When an application sends a request to a pipeline handler, the pipeline
+handler must parse the request and identify what actions it should take
+to carry out the request on the hardware.
+This example pipeline handler identifies the buffer
+(`findBuffer <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1Request.html#ac66050aeb9b92c64218945158559c4d4>`_)
+from the only supported stream and queues it to the capture device
+(`queueBuffer <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1V4L2VideoDevice.html#a594cd594686a8c1cf9ae8dba0b2a8a75>`_).
+Replace the contents of ``queueRequestDevice`` with the following.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    VividCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
+    FrameBuffer *buffer = request->findBuffer(&data->stream_);
+    if (!buffer) {
+        LOG(VIVID, Error)
+            << "Attempt to queue request with invalid stream";
+        return -ENOENT;
+    }
+    int ret = data->video_->queueBuffer(buffer);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+    return 0;
+At this point you can test capture by rebuilding, and using ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS=Pipeline,VIVID:0 sudo ./build/src/cam/cam -c vivid -I -C`` which should output frame capture data.
+Initializing frame controls
+Controls allow an application using libcamera to control capture
+parameters for each stream on a per-frame basis, and a pipeline handler
+can define the initial controls to suit the device.
+This section is particularly vivid specific as it sets the initial
+values of controls to match `the controls that vivid
+defines <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/media/vivid.html#controls>`_.
+You won’t need any of the code below for your pipeline handler, but it’s
+included as an example of how to implement what your pipeline handler
+might need.
+Create a list of controls with the
+`ControlList <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1ControlList.html>`_
+class, and set them using the
+`set <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1ControlList.html#a74a1a29abff5243e6e37ace8e24eb4ba>`_
+This pipeline handler retains the global state of its controls and shows
+an example of creating and setting a control list. In a production
+pipeline handler, you typically set controls as part of a request.
+.. TODO: Link to example of the above
+Create defines beneath the current includes for convenience.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   #define VIVID_CID_VIVID_BASE           (0x00f00000 | 0xf000)
+   #define VIVID_CID_VIVID_CLASS           (0x00f00000 | 1)
+   #define VIVID_CID_SHOW_BORDER           (VIVID_CID_VIVID_BASE  + 4)
+   #define VIVID_CID_SHOW_SQUARE           (VIVID_CID_VIVID_BASE  + 5)
+   #define VIVID_CID_INSERT_SAV            (VIVID_CID_VIVID_BASE  + 6)
+   #define VIVID_CID_INSERT_EAV            (VIVID_CID_VIVID_BASE  + 7)
+In the ``configure`` method, add the below above the
+``cfg.setStream(&data->stream_);`` line.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    ControlList controls(data->video_->controls());
+    controls.set(VIVID_CID_TEST_PATTERN, 0);
+    controls.set(VIVID_CID_OSD_TEXT_MODE, 0);
+    controls.set(V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS, 128);
+    controls.set(V4L2_CID_CONTRAST, 128);
+    controls.set(V4L2_CID_SATURATION, 128);
+    controls.set(VIVID_CID_HOR_MOVEMENT, 5);
+    ret = data->video_->setControls(&controls);
+    if (ret) {
+        LOG(VIVID, Error) << "Failed to set controls: " << ret;
+        return ret < 0 ? ret : -EINVAL;
+    }
+These controls configure VIVID to use a default test pattern, and
+enable all on-screen display text, while configuring sensible brightness,
+contrast and saturation values. Use the ``controls.set`` method to set individual controls.
+Enabling ``HOR_MOVEMENT`` adds movement to the video stream while
+capturing, and all controls are set on the vivid capture device through
+the ``setControls()`` method below.
+Processing controls
+When constructing the camera, a pipeline handler parses the available
+controls on a capture device, and maps supported controls to libcamera
+controls, and initializes the defaults.
+Create the ``processControls`` method above the ``queueRequestDevice`` method. 
+The method loops through the defined control list, and libcamera makes adjustments to the control 
+values to convert between libcamera control range definitions and their corresponding values on the 
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   int PipelineHandlerVivid::processControls(VividCameraData *data, Request *request)
+   {
+       ControlList controls(data->video_->controls());
+       for (auto it : request->controls()) {
+           unsigned int id = it.first;
+           unsigned int offset;
+           uint32_t cid;
+           if (id == controls::Brightness) {
+               cid = V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS;
+               offset = 128;
+           } else if (id == controls::Contrast) {
+               cid = V4L2_CID_CONTRAST;
+               offset = 0;
+           } else if (id == controls::Saturation) {
+               cid = V4L2_CID_SATURATION;
+               offset = 0;
+           } else {
+               continue;
+           }
+           int32_t value = lroundf(it.second.get<float>() * 128 + offset);
+           controls.set(cid, utils::clamp(value, 0, 255));
+       }
+       for (const auto &ctrl : controls)
+           LOG(VIVID, Debug)
+               << "Setting control " << utils::hex(ctrl.first)
+               << " to " << ctrl.second.toString();
+       int ret = data->video_->setControls(&controls);
+       if (ret) {
+           LOG(VIVID, Error) << "Failed to set controls: " << ret;
+           return ret < 0 ? ret : -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return ret;
+   }
+Declare the function prototype for the ``processControls`` method within
+the private ``PipelineHandlerVivid`` class members, as it is only used internally as a
+helper when processing Requests.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   private:
+       int processControls(VividCameraData *data, Request *request);
+A pipeline handler is responsible for applying controls provided in a
+Request to the relevant hardware devices. This could be directly on the
+capture device, or where appropriate by setting controls on
+V4L2Subdevices directly. Each pipeline handler is responsible for
+understanding the correct procedure for applying controls to the device they support.
+This example pipeline handler applies controls during the
+`queueRequestDevice <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html#a106914cca210640c9da9ee1f0419e83c>`_
+method for each request, and applies them to the capture device through
+the capture node.
+In the ``queueRequestDevice`` method, replace the following.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    int ret = data->video_->queueBuffer(buffer);
+    if (ret < 0)
+        return ret;
+With the following code.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+	int ret = processControls(data, request);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	ret = data->video_->queueBuffer(buffer);
+ 	if (ret < 0)
+ 		return ret;
+In the ``init`` method, initialize the supported controls beneath the
+``video_->bufferReady.connect(this, &VividCameraData::bufferReady);``
+line by parsing the available controls on the V4L2 video device, and
+creating corresponding libcamera controls, populated with their minimum,
+maximum and default values.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    const ControlInfoMap &controls = video_->controls();
+    ControlInfoMap::Map ctrls;
+    for (const auto &ctrl : controls) {
+        const ControlId *id;
+        ControlInfo info;
+        switch (ctrl.first->id()) {
+        case V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS:
+            id = &controls::Brightness;
+            info = ControlInfo{ { -1.0f }, { 1.0f }, { 0.0f } };
+            break;
+        case V4L2_CID_CONTRAST:
+            id = &controls::Contrast;
+            info = ControlInfo{ { 0.0f }, { 2.0f }, { 1.0f } };
+            break;
+        case V4L2_CID_SATURATION:
+            id = &controls::Saturation;
+            info = ControlInfo{ { 0.0f }, { 2.0f }, { 1.0f } };
+            break;
+        default:
+            continue;
+        }
+        ctrls.emplace(id, info);
+    }
+    controlInfo_ = std::move(ctrls);
+At this point you need to add the following includes to the top of the file for controls handling.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+    #include <math.h>
+    #include <libcamera/controls.h>
+    #include <libcamera/control_ids.h>
+Testing a pipeline handler
+Once you've built the pipeline handler, rebuild the code base, and you
+can use the ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS=Pipeline,VIVID:0 ./build/src/cam/cam -c vivid -I -C`` command 
+to test that the pipeline handler can detect a device, and capture input.
+Running the command above outputs (a lot of) information about pixel formats, and then starts capturing frame data.
+.. TODO: LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS=Pipeline,VIVID:0 sudo ./build/src/qcam/qcam -c vivid

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