[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v5 09/23] tests: Remove IPA wrappers test
Paul Elder
paul.elder at ideasonboard.com
Sat Dec 5 11:30:52 CET 2020
Since we will soon no longer use IPA wrappers, remove the test for it.
Signed-off-by: Paul Elder <paul.elder at ideasonboard.com>
Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>
Changes in v5:
- move earlier in series
No change in v4
No change in v3
New in v2
test/ipa/ipa_wrappers_test.cpp | 452 ---------------------------------
test/ipa/meson.build | 1 -
2 files changed, 453 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 test/ipa/ipa_wrappers_test.cpp
diff --git a/test/ipa/ipa_wrappers_test.cpp b/test/ipa/ipa_wrappers_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 59d991cb..00000000
--- a/test/ipa/ipa_wrappers_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
- *
- * ipa_wrappers_test.cpp - Test the IPA interface and context wrappers
- */
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-#include <linux/videodev2.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <libcamera/controls.h>
-#include <libipa/ipa_interface_wrapper.h>
-#include "libcamera/internal/camera_sensor.h"
-#include "libcamera/internal/device_enumerator.h"
-#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_context_wrapper.h"
-#include "libcamera/internal/media_device.h"
-#include "libcamera/internal/v4l2_subdevice.h"
-#include "test.h"
-using namespace libcamera;
-using namespace std;
-enum Operation {
- Op_init,
- Op_start,
- Op_stop,
- Op_configure,
- Op_mapBuffers,
- Op_unmapBuffers,
- Op_processEvent,
-class TestIPAInterface : public IPAInterface
- TestIPAInterface()
- : sequence_(0)
- {
- }
- int init(const IPASettings &settings) override
- {
- if (settings.configurationFile != "/ipa/configuration/file") {
- cerr << "init(): Invalid configuration file" << endl;
- report(Op_init, TestFail);
- return 0;
- }
- report(Op_init, TestPass);
- return 0;
- }
- int start() override
- {
- report(Op_start, TestPass);
- return 0;
- }
- void stop() override
- {
- report(Op_stop, TestPass);
- }
- void configure(const CameraSensorInfo &sensorInfo,
- const std::map<unsigned int, IPAStream> &streamConfig,
- const std::map<unsigned int, const ControlInfoMap &> &entityControls,
- [[maybe_unused]] const IPAOperationData &ipaConfig,
- [[maybe_unused]] IPAOperationData *result) override
- {
- /* Verify sensorInfo. */
- if (sensorInfo.outputSize.width != 2560 ||
- sensorInfo.outputSize.height != 1940) {
- cerr << "configure(): Invalid sensor info size "
- << sensorInfo.outputSize.toString();
- }
- /* Verify streamConfig. */
- if (streamConfig.size() != 2) {
- cerr << "configure(): Invalid number of streams "
- << streamConfig.size() << endl;
- return report(Op_configure, TestFail);
- }
- auto iter = streamConfig.find(1);
- if (iter == streamConfig.end()) {
- cerr << "configure(): No configuration for stream 1" << endl;
- return report(Op_configure, TestFail);
- }
- const IPAStream *stream = &iter->second;
- if (stream->pixelFormat != V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV ||
- stream->size != Size{ 1024, 768 }) {
- cerr << "configure(): Invalid configuration for stream 1" << endl;
- return report(Op_configure, TestFail);
- }
- iter = streamConfig.find(2);
- if (iter == streamConfig.end()) {
- cerr << "configure(): No configuration for stream 2" << endl;
- return report(Op_configure, TestFail);
- }
- stream = &iter->second;
- if (stream->pixelFormat != V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12 ||
- stream->size != Size{ 800, 600 }) {
- cerr << "configure(): Invalid configuration for stream 2" << endl;
- return report(Op_configure, TestFail);
- }
- /* Verify entityControls. */
- auto ctrlIter = entityControls.find(42);
- if (ctrlIter == entityControls.end()) {
- cerr << "configure(): Controls not found" << endl;
- return report(Op_configure, TestFail);
- }
- const ControlInfoMap &infoMap = ctrlIter->second;
- if (infoMap.count(V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS) != 1 ||
- infoMap.count(V4L2_CID_CONTRAST) != 1 ||
- infoMap.count(V4L2_CID_SATURATION) != 1) {
- cerr << "configure(): Invalid control IDs" << endl;
- return report(Op_configure, TestFail);
- }
- report(Op_configure, TestPass);
- }
- void mapBuffers(const std::vector<IPABuffer> &buffers) override
- {
- if (buffers.size() != 2) {
- cerr << "mapBuffers(): Invalid number of buffers "
- << buffers.size() << endl;
- return report(Op_mapBuffers, TestFail);
- }
- if (buffers[0].id != 10 ||
- buffers[1].id != 11) {
- cerr << "mapBuffers(): Invalid buffer IDs" << endl;
- return report(Op_mapBuffers, TestFail);
- }
- if (buffers[0].planes.size() != 3 ||
- buffers[1].planes.size() != 3) {
- cerr << "mapBuffers(): Invalid number of planes" << endl;
- return report(Op_mapBuffers, TestFail);
- }
- if (buffers[0].planes[0].length != 4096 ||
- buffers[0].planes[1].length != 0 ||
- buffers[0].planes[2].length != 0 ||
- buffers[0].planes[0].length != 4096 ||
- buffers[1].planes[1].length != 4096 ||
- buffers[1].planes[2].length != 0) {
- cerr << "mapBuffers(): Invalid length" << endl;
- return report(Op_mapBuffers, TestFail);
- }
- if (buffers[0].planes[0].fd.fd() == -1 ||
- buffers[0].planes[1].fd.fd() != -1 ||
- buffers[0].planes[2].fd.fd() != -1 ||
- buffers[0].planes[0].fd.fd() == -1 ||
- buffers[1].planes[1].fd.fd() == -1 ||
- buffers[1].planes[2].fd.fd() != -1) {
- cerr << "mapBuffers(): Invalid dmabuf" << endl;
- return report(Op_mapBuffers, TestFail);
- }
- report(Op_mapBuffers, TestPass);
- }
- void unmapBuffers(const std::vector<unsigned int> &ids) override
- {
- if (ids.size() != 2) {
- cerr << "unmapBuffers(): Invalid number of ids "
- << ids.size() << endl;
- return report(Op_unmapBuffers, TestFail);
- }
- if (ids[0] != 10 || ids[1] != 11) {
- cerr << "unmapBuffers(): Invalid buffer IDs" << endl;
- return report(Op_unmapBuffers, TestFail);
- }
- report(Op_unmapBuffers, TestPass);
- }
- void processEvent(const IPAOperationData &data) override
- {
- /* Verify operation and data. */
- if (data.operation != Op_processEvent) {
- cerr << "processEvent(): Invalid operation "
- << data.operation << endl;
- return report(Op_processEvent, TestFail);
- }
- if (data.data != std::vector<unsigned int>{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }) {
- cerr << "processEvent(): Invalid data" << endl;
- return report(Op_processEvent, TestFail);
- }
- /* Verify controls. */
- if (data.controls.size() != 1) {
- cerr << "processEvent(): Controls not found" << endl;
- return report(Op_processEvent, TestFail);
- }
- const ControlList &controls = data.controls[0];
- if (controls.get(V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS).get<int32_t>() != 10 ||
- controls.get(V4L2_CID_CONTRAST).get<int32_t>() != 20 ||
- controls.get(V4L2_CID_SATURATION).get<int32_t>() != 30) {
- cerr << "processEvent(): Invalid controls" << endl;
- return report(Op_processEvent, TestFail);
- }
- report(Op_processEvent, TestPass);
- }
- void report(Operation op, int status)
- {
- IPAOperationData data;
- data.operation = op;
- data.data.resize(1);
- data.data[0] = status;
- queueFrameAction.emit(sequence_++, data);
- }
- unsigned int sequence_;
-#define INVOKE(method, ...) \
- invoke(&IPAInterface::method, Op_##method, #method, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-class IPAWrappersTest : public Test
- IPAWrappersTest()
- : subdev_(nullptr), wrapper_(nullptr), sequence_(0), fd_(-1)
- {
- }
- int init() override
- {
- /* Locate the VIMC Sensor B subdevice. */
- enumerator_ = unique_ptr<DeviceEnumerator>(DeviceEnumerator::create());
- if (!enumerator_) {
- cerr << "Failed to create device enumerator" << endl;
- return TestFail;
- }
- if (enumerator_->enumerate()) {
- cerr << "Failed to enumerate media devices" << endl;
- return TestFail;
- }
- DeviceMatch dm("vimc");
- media_ = enumerator_->search(dm);
- if (!media_) {
- cerr << "No VIMC media device found: skip test" << endl;
- return TestSkip;
- }
- MediaEntity *entity = media_->getEntityByName("Sensor A");
- if (!entity) {
- cerr << "Unable to find media entity 'Sensor A'" << endl;
- return TestFail;
- }
- subdev_ = new V4L2Subdevice(entity);
- if (subdev_->open() < 0) {
- cerr << "Unable to open 'Sensor A' subdevice" << endl;
- return TestFail;
- }
- /* Force usage of the C API as that's what we want to test. */
- int ret = setenv("LIBCAMERA_IPA_FORCE_C_API", "", 1);
- if (ret)
- return TestFail;
- std::unique_ptr<IPAInterface> intf = std::make_unique<TestIPAInterface>();
- wrapper_ = new IPAContextWrapper(new IPAInterfaceWrapper(std::move(intf)));
- wrapper_->queueFrameAction.connect(this, &IPAWrappersTest::queueFrameAction);
- /* Create a file descriptor for the buffer-related operations. */
- fd_ = open("/tmp", O_TMPFILE | O_RDWR, 0600);
- if (fd_ == -1)
- return TestFail;
- ret = ftruncate(fd_, 4096);
- if (ret < 0)
- return TestFail;
- return TestPass;
- }
- int run() override
- {
- int ret;
- /* Test configure(). */
- CameraSensorInfo sensorInfo{
- .model = "sensor",
- .bitsPerPixel = 8,
- .activeAreaSize = { 2576, 1956 },
- .analogCrop = { 8, 8, 2560, 1940 },
- .outputSize = { 2560, 1940 },
- .pixelRate = 96000000,
- .lineLength = 2918,
- };
- std::map<unsigned int, IPAStream> config{
- { 1, { V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV, { 1024, 768 } } },
- { 2, { V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12, { 800, 600 } } },
- };
- std::map<unsigned int, const ControlInfoMap &> controlInfo;
- controlInfo.emplace(42, subdev_->controls());
- IPAOperationData ipaConfig;
- ret = INVOKE(configure, sensorInfo, config, controlInfo,
- ipaConfig, nullptr);
- if (ret == TestFail)
- return TestFail;
- /* Test mapBuffers(). */
- std::vector<IPABuffer> buffers(2);
- buffers[0].planes.resize(3);
- buffers[0].id = 10;
- buffers[0].planes[0].fd = FileDescriptor(fd_);
- buffers[0].planes[0].length = 4096;
- buffers[1].id = 11;
- buffers[1].planes.resize(3);
- buffers[1].planes[0].fd = FileDescriptor(fd_);
- buffers[1].planes[0].length = 4096;
- buffers[1].planes[1].fd = FileDescriptor(fd_);
- buffers[1].planes[1].length = 4096;
- ret = INVOKE(mapBuffers, buffers);
- if (ret == TestFail)
- return TestFail;
- /* Test unmapBuffers(). */
- std::vector<unsigned int> bufferIds = { 10, 11 };
- ret = INVOKE(unmapBuffers, bufferIds);
- if (ret == TestFail)
- return TestFail;
- /* Test processEvent(). */
- IPAOperationData data;
- data.operation = Op_processEvent;
- data.data = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
- data.controls.emplace_back(subdev_->controls());
- ControlList &controls = data.controls.back();
- controls.set(V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS, static_cast<int32_t>(10));
- controls.set(V4L2_CID_CONTRAST, static_cast<int32_t>(20));
- controls.set(V4L2_CID_SATURATION, static_cast<int32_t>(30));
- ret = INVOKE(processEvent, data);
- if (ret == TestFail)
- return TestFail;
- /*
- * Test init(), start() and stop() last to ensure nothing in the
- * wrappers or serializer depends on them being called first.
- */
- IPASettings settings{
- .configurationFile = "/ipa/configuration/file"
- };
- ret = INVOKE(init, settings);
- if (ret == TestFail) {
- cerr << "Failed to run init()";
- return TestFail;
- }
- ret = INVOKE(start);
- if (ret == TestFail) {
- cerr << "Failed to run start()";
- return TestFail;
- }
- ret = INVOKE(stop);
- if (ret == TestFail) {
- cerr << "Failed to run stop()";
- return TestFail;
- }
- return TestPass;
- }
- void cleanup() override
- {
- delete wrapper_;
- delete subdev_;
- if (fd_ != -1)
- close(fd_);
- }
- template<typename T, typename... Args1, typename... Args2>
- int invoke(T (IPAInterface::*func)(Args1...), Operation op,
- const char *name, Args2... args)
- {
- data_ = IPAOperationData();
- (wrapper_->*func)(args...);
- if (frame_ != sequence_) {
- cerr << "IPAInterface::" << name
- << "(): invalid frame number " << frame_
- << ", expected " << sequence_;
- return TestFail;
- }
- sequence_++;
- if (data_.operation != op) {
- cerr << "IPAInterface::" << name
- << "(): failed to propagate" << endl;
- return TestFail;
- }
- if (data_.data[0] != TestPass) {
- cerr << "IPAInterface::" << name
- << "(): reported an error" << endl;
- return TestFail;
- }
- return TestPass;
- }
- void queueFrameAction(unsigned int frame, const IPAOperationData &data)
- {
- frame_ = frame;
- data_ = data;
- }
- std::shared_ptr<MediaDevice> media_;
- std::unique_ptr<DeviceEnumerator> enumerator_;
- V4L2Subdevice *subdev_;
- IPAContextWrapper *wrapper_;
- IPAOperationData data_;
- unsigned int sequence_;
- unsigned int frame_;
- int fd_;
diff --git a/test/ipa/meson.build b/test/ipa/meson.build
index ba672f3f..e4f0818a 100644
--- a/test/ipa/meson.build
+++ b/test/ipa/meson.build
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
ipa_test = [
['ipa_module_test', 'ipa_module_test.cpp'],
['ipa_interface_test', 'ipa_interface_test.cpp'],
- ['ipa_wrappers_test', 'ipa_wrappers_test.cpp'],
foreach t : ipa_test
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