[libcamera-devel] [PATCH 8/8] utils: checkstyle.py: Add header add checker

Laurent Pinchart laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com
Thu Dec 24 13:28:55 CET 2020

Add a commit checker that ensures that all header files added to the
libcamera includes (public or internal) are accompanied by a
corresponding update of the meson.build file in the same directory.

Here's the output of the new checker when run against a commit that
forgot to update meson.build.

    $ ./utils/checkstyle.py b3383da79f1d
    b3383da79f1d513b0d76db220a7104e1c1035e30 libcamera: buffer: Create a MappedBuffer
    Header include/libcamera/internal/buffer.h added without corresponding update to include/libcamera/internal/meson.build
    1 potential issue detected, please review

In theory we could extend the checker to cover .cpp files too, but the
issue will be quite noticeable as meson won't build the file if
meson.build isn't updated. Header files are more tricky as problems
would only occur at when installing the headers (for public headers), or
would result in race conditions in the build. Both of those issues are
harder to catch.

Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>
 utils/checkstyle.py | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+)

diff --git a/utils/checkstyle.py b/utils/checkstyle.py
index c0a6b7ab06cd..e618db937c2b 100755
--- a/utils/checkstyle.py
+++ b/utils/checkstyle.py
@@ -320,6 +320,50 @@ class CommitIssue(object):
         self.msg = msg
+class HeaderAddChecker(CommitChecker):
+    @classmethod
+    def check(cls, commit, top_level):
+        issues = []
+        meson_files = [f for f in commit.files('M')
+                       if os.path.basename(f) == 'meson.build']
+        for filename in commit.files('A'):
+            if not filename.startswith('include/libcamera/') or \
+               not filename.endswith('.h'):
+                continue
+            meson = os.path.dirname(filename) + '/meson.build'
+            header = os.path.basename(filename)
+            issue = CommitIssue('Header %s added without corresponding update to %s' %
+                                (filename, meson))
+            if meson not in meson_files:
+                issues.append(issue)
+                continue
+            diff = commit.get_diff(top_level, meson)
+            found = False
+            for hunk in diff:
+                for line in hunk.lines:
+                    if line[0] != '+':
+                        continue
+                    if line.find("'%s'" % header) != -1:
+                        found = True
+                        break
+                if found:
+                    break
+            if not found:
+                issues.append(issue)
+        return issues
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Style Checkers

Laurent Pinchart

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