[libcamera-devel] [PATCH 04/23] libcamera: properties: Add rotation property

Jacopo Mondi jacopo at jmondi.org
Mon Jan 13 17:42:26 CET 2020

The rotation property describes the rotation of the camera sensor.

Signed-off-by: Jacopo Mondi <jacopo at jmondi.org>
 src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml | 309 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 309 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml b/src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml
index aaadcbd3e52b..243af7bd0a03 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml
+++ b/src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml
@@ -25,4 +25,313 @@ controls:
           description: |
             The camera is attached to the device in a way that allows it to
             be moved freely
+  - Rotation:
+      type: int32_t
+      description: |
+        The camera rotation is expressed as the angular difference in degrees
+        between two reference systems, one implicitly defined by the camera
+        module intrinsics characteristics, and one artificially defined on the
+        external world scene to be captured when projected on the image sensor
+        pixel array.
+        A camera sensor has an implicitly defined 2-dimensional reference
+        system 'Rc' defined by its pixel array scan-out order, with its origin
+        posed at pixel address (0,0), the x-axis progressing from there towards
+        the last scanned out column of the pixel array and the y-axis
+        progressing towards the last scanned out line.
+        A typical example for a sensor with a (2592x1944) pixel array matrix
+        observed from the front is
+                   (2592)      x-axis          0
+                      <------------------------+ 0
+                      .......... ... ..........!
+                      .......... ... ..........! y-axis
+                                 ...           !
+                      .......... ... ..........!
+                      .......... ... ..........! (1944)
+                                               V
+        The external world scene reference system scene 'Rs' is defined as a
+        2-dimensional reference system on the parallel plane posed in front
+        of the camera module's focal plane, with its origin placed on the
+        visible top-left corner, the x-axis progressing towards the right from
+        there and the y-axis progressing towards the bottom of the visible
+        scene.
+        A typical example of a (very common) picture of a shark swimming from
+        left to right is
+                                 x-axis
+                   (0,0)---------------------->
+                     !
+                     !
+                     !       |\____)\___
+                     !       ) _____  __`<
+                     !       |/     )/
+                     !
+                     V
+                   y-axis
+        With the reference plane posed in front of the camera module and
+        parallel to its focal plane
+                                   !
+                                 / !
+                                /  !
+                               /   !
+                        _     /    !
+                     +-/ \-+ /     !
+                     | (o) |       ! 'Rs' reference plane
+                     +-----+ \     !
+                              \    !
+                               \   !
+                                \  !
+                                 \ !
+                                   !
+        When projected on the sensor's pixel array, the image and the associated
+        reference system 'Rs' are typically inverted, due to the camera module's
+        lens optical inversion effect.
+        Assuming the above represented scene of the swimming shark, the lens
+        inversion projects on the sensor pixel array the reference plane 'Rp'
+                  y-axis
+                     ^
+                     !
+                     !       |\_____)\__
+                     !       ) ____  ___.<
+                     !       |/    )/
+                     !
+                     !
+                   (0,0)---------------------->
+                                 x-axis
+        The camera rotation property is then defined as the angular difference
+        in counterclockwise direction between the origin of the camera reference
+        system 'Rc', defined by the camera sensor scan-out direction and its
+        mounting position, and the origin of the projected scene reference
+        system 'Rp', result of the optical projection of the scene reference
+        system 'Rs' on the sensor pixel array.
+        Examples
+        0 degrees camera rotation
+                          y-Rp
+                    y-Rc   ^
+                     ^     !
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !   (0,0)---------------------->
+                     !                 x-Rp
+                   0 +------------------------------------->
+                      0            x-Rc
+                                     x-Rc          0
+                           <------------------------+ 0
+                                x-Rp                !
+                     <-----------------------(0,0)  !
+                                               !    !
+                                               !    !
+                                               !    !
+                                               !    V
+                                               !  y-Rc
+                                               V
+                                             y-Rp
+        90 degrees camera rotation
+                      0        y-Rc
+                   0 +----------------------->
+                     !
+                     !    y-Rp
+                     !     ^
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !   (0,0)---------------------->
+                     !                 x-Rp
+                     !
+                     V
+                   x-Rc
+        180 degrees camera rotation
+                                   x-Cr          0
+                         <------------------------+ 0
+                     y-Rp                         !
+                      ^                           !
+                      !                           ! y-Cr
+                      !                           !
+                      !                           !
+                      !                           V
+                      !
+                      !
+                    (0,0)--------------------->
+                                   x-Rp
+        270 degrees camera rotation
+                      0        y-Rc
+                   0 +----------------------->
+                     !            x-Rp
+                     ! <-----------------------(0,0
+                     !                           !
+                     !                           !
+                     !                           !
+                     !                           !
+                     !                           !
+                     !                           V
+                     !                         y-Rp
+                     !
+                     !
+                     V
+                   x-Rc
+        Example one - Webcam
+        A camera module installed on the user facing part of a laptop screen
+        casing used for video calls. The captured images are meant to be
+        displayed in landscape mode (width > height) on the laptop screen.
+        The camera is typically mounted 180 degrees rotated to compensate the
+        lens optical inversion effect.
+                          y-Rp
+                    y-Rc   ^
+                     ^     !
+                     !     !       |\_____)\__
+                     !     !       ) ____  ___.<
+                     !     !       |/    )/
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !   (0,0)---------------------->
+                     !                 x-Rp
+                   0 +------------------------------------->
+                      0                x-Rc
+        The two reference systems are aligned, the resulting camera rotation is
+        0 degrees, no rotation correction should be applied to the resulting
+        image once captured to memory buffers to correctly display it to users.
+                     +--------------------------+
+                     !       |\____)\___        !
+                     !       ) _____  __`<      !
+                     !       |/     )/          !
+                     +--------------------------+
+        If the camera module is not mounted 180 degrees rotated to compensate
+        the lens optical inversion, the two reference system will result not
+        aligned, with 'Rp' plane 180 degrees rotated in respect to the 'Rc'
+        plane.
+                                   x-Rc          0
+                         <------------------------+ 0
+                     y-Rp                         !
+                      ^                           !
+                      !                           ! y-Rc
+                      !      |\_____)\__          !
+                      !      ) ____  ___.<        !
+                      !      |/    )/             V
+                      !
+                      !
+                    (0,0)--------------------->
+                                   x-Rp
+        The image once captured to memory will then be 180 degrees rotated
+                     +--------------------------+
+                     !          __/(_____/|     !
+                     !        >.___  ____ (     !
+                     !             \(    \|     !
+                     +--------------------------+
+        A software rotation correction of 180 degrees should be applied to
+        correctly display the image.
+                     +--------------------------+
+                     !       |\____)\___        !
+                     !       ) _____  __`<      !
+                     !       |/     )/          !
+                     +--------------------------+
+        Example two - Phone camera
+        A camera installed on the back-side of a mobile device facing away from
+        the user. The captured images are meant to be displayed in portrait mode
+        (height > width) to match the device screen orientation and the device
+        usage orientation used when taking the picture.
+        The camera is typically mounted with its pixel array longer side aligned
+        to the device longer side, 180 degrees rotated to compensate the lens
+        optical inversion effect.
+                      0        y-Rc
+                   0 +----------------------->
+                     !
+                     !    y-Rp
+                     !     ^
+                     !     !
+                     !     !       |\_____)\__
+                     !     !       ) ____  ___.<
+                     !     !       |/    )/
+                     !     !
+                     !     !
+                     !   (0,0)---------------------->
+                     !                 x-Rp
+                     !
+                     !
+                     V
+                   x-Rc
+        The two reference systems are not aligned and the 'Rp' reference
+        system is 90 degrees rotated in counterclockwise direction in respect
+        to the 'Rc' reference system.
+        The image, when captured to memory buffer will be rotated.
+                     +---------------------------------------+
+                     |                  _ _                  |
+                     |                 \   /                 |
+                     |                  | |                  |
+                     |                  | |                  |
+                     |                  |  >                 |
+                     |                 <  |                  |
+                     |                  | |                  |
+                     |                    .                  |
+                     |                   V                   |
+                     +---------------------------------------+
+        A correction of 90 degrees in counterclockwise direction has to be
+        applied to correctly display the image in portrait mode on the device
+        screen.
+                                +-----------------+
+                                |                 |
+                                |                 |
+                                |                 |
+                                |                 |
+                                |                 |
+                                |                 |
+                                |  |\____)\___    |
+                                |  ) _____  __`<  |
+                                |  |/     )/      |
+                                |                 |
+                                |                 |
+                                |                 |
+                                |                 |
+                                |                 |
+                                +-----------------+

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