[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v2] Create libcamera overview document and glossary

Chris Chinchilla chris at gregariousmammal.com
Fri Jul 10 12:29:56 CEST 2020

Thanks Umang, some great small clarifications, just about to send a new patch

On 6 Jul 2020, 19:55 +0200, Umang Jain <email at uajain.com>, wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> On 7/2/20 4:15 PM, chris at gregariousmammal.com wrote:
> > From: Chris Chinchilla <chris at gregariousmammal.com>
> >
> > Creates a libcamera architecture overview guide and glossary.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Chris Chinchilla <chris at gregariousmammal.com>
> > ---
> > Documentation/introduction.rst | 197 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> > 1 file changed, 197 insertions(+)
> > create mode 100644 Documentation/introduction.rst
> >
> > diff --git a/Documentation/introduction.rst b/Documentation/introduction.rst
> > new file mode 100644
> > index 0000000..cf914c7
> > --- /dev/null
> > +++ b/Documentation/introduction.rst
> > @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
> > +An introduction to libcamera
> > +============================
> > +
> > +The Video for Linux 2 (`V4L2 <https://www.linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis-new/userspace-api/v4l/v4l2.html>`_) API provides kernel drivers for devices that provide and manipulate
> > +images and video. However, Linux was missing a convenient way for application developers to take
> > +advantage of these kernel drivers in userspace. Vendors of devices that provide image input sources
> > +referred to as "image signal processors" (ISPs) sometimes contribute open-source V4L2 drivers.
> > +However, ISPs vary so much, and it's a hard task for developers to write portable ISP-based
> > +applications.
> > +
> > +The libcamera library aims to fill this gap by providing a complete userspace camera
> > +stack for Linux-based systems that supports a wide variety of ISPs, including systems with multiple ISPs attached.
> > +
> > +The library currently supports:
> > +
> > +- Hardware
> > +
> > + - Intel IPU3
> > + - Rockchip RK3399
> > + - RaspberryPi 3 and 4
> > + - USB video device class (UVC) cameras
> > + - Virtual media controller (vimc) driver
> > +
> > +- Software
> > +
> > + - ChromeOS support through an Android HAL3 adaptation layer
> nit: `ChromeOS` alignment not in line with other points below.
> > + - Image processing algorithms
> > + - A V4L2 compatibility layer for existing V4L2 based applications
> > + - A gstreamer element for gstreamer pipeline based applications.
> > +
> > +The library provides a public API for managing ISPs, frame capture, video streams, frame and
> > +request metadata, events and callbacks, image processing, and more.
> > +
> > +Where libcamera sits in the camera stack
> > +----------------------------------------
> > +
> > +The libcamera library sits in userspace, just on top of the kernel drivers that directly interact
> > +with hardware and the V4L2 family of APIs (Media Controller, V4L2 Video Device, and V4L2 sub-device APIs).
> > +
> > +When using libcamera in a camera stack, it is the core component, taking control of all camera
> > +devices, and exposing a native C++ API to upper layers of the framework. Other language bindings are in development.
> > +
> > +Compatibility Layers
> > +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > +
> > +In a layer above the core framework are compatibility libraries to help existing applications and their developers.
> > +
> > +V4L2 Compatibility Layer
> > +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > +
> > +To emulate high-level V4L2 camera devices and capture all access to camera devices, libcamera uses
> > +a shared library. The shared library is transparent to libcamera-based applications and injected
> > +into a process address space using dynamic linking with "LD_PRELOAD ".
> > +
> > +The compatibility layer exposes camera device features on a best-effort basis and aims for the
> > +level of features traditionally available from a UVC camera designed for video conferencing.
> > +
> > +Android Camera HAL
> > +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > +
> > +The libcamera library offers Android camera support through a generic `hardware abstraction layer (HAL) <https://source.android.com/devices/camera/camera3_requests_hal>`_ implementation.
> > +The HAL focuses on supporting features required by Android that are missing from libcamera, such as JPEG encoding.
> > +
> > +The Android camera HAL implementation initially targets the "LIMITED "
> > +`hardware level <https://source.android.com/devices/camera/versioning#camera_api2>`_,
> > +with support for the "FULL "level then gradually implemented.
> Here I feel we should mention that ChromeOS actually uses Android HAL
> layer for it's camera
> to re-iterate the point above ("ChromeOS support through an Android HAL3
> adaptation layer").
> This is why libcamera ventures into Android's HAL layer (for now atleast).
> > +
> > +gstreamer element
> > +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > +
> > +The library provides `a gstreamer element <https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/application-development/basics/elements.html?gi-language=c>`_ that routes libcamera data for
> > +further processing in a gstreamer pipeline.
> > +
> > +libcamera Architecture
> > +----------------------
> > +
> > +The libcamera library exposes one unified API, but behind that is built from
> > +re-usable components that provide hardware specific support and configuration
> > +with a device agnostic API.
> > +
> > +Camera Manager
> > +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > +
> > +It enumerates cameras at runtime and instantiates a `Pipeline Handler`_ to manage each Camera
> > +device that libcamera supports. The Camera Manager supports hotplug detection
> > +and notification events when supported by the underlying kernel devices.
> > +
> > +There is only ever one instance of the Camera Manager running per application. Each application's
> > +instance of the Camera Manager ensures that only a single application can take control of a camera
> > +device at once.
> > +
> > +`Read the Camera Manager API documentation for more details <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraManager.html>`_
> > +
> > +Camera Device
> > +~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > +
> > +The camera class represents a single item of camera hardware that is capable of producing one or more image streams, and provides the API to interact with the underlying device.
> > +
> > +If a system has multiple instances of the same hardware attached, each has it's own instance of the camera class.
> > +
> > +The API exposes full control of the device to upper layers of libcamera through the public API,
> > +making it the highest level object libcamera exposes, and the object that all other API operations
> > +interact with from configuration to capture.
> > +
> > +`Read the Camera API documentation for more details <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1Camera.html>`_
> > +
> > +Frame controls
> > +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > +
> > +Depending on the capabilities of a camera device and the hardware it is connected
> > +to, libcamera supports controlling capture parameters for each stream on a per-frame basis.
> > +
> > +These controls include auto exposure, gain, brightness, contrast, lux, white balance, color
> > +temperature, and saturation.
> > +
> > +`Read the Control API documentation for more details <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1Control.html>`_
> > +
> > +Pipeline Handler
> > +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > +
> > +Pipeline handlers are the abstraction layer for platform-specific hardware configuration. They
> > +access and control hardware through the V4L2 and Media Controller kernel interfaces, and implement
> > +an internal API to control the ISP and Capture components of a pipeline directly.
> > +
> > +Pipeline handlers' create' Camera device instances based on the devices they detect and support on
> > +the running system.
> > +A pipeline handler manages most aspects of interacting with a camera device including:
> > +
> > +- frame controls
> > +- pipelines and stream configuration
> > +- the data the camera produces, and the buffers it needs to hold the data
> > +- granting access to camera data
> > +
> > +Pipeline handlers form part of the libcamera codebase, and developers need to implement them for
> > +complex hardware with an ISP that requires device-specific configurations.
> > +
> > +`Read the PipelineHandler API documentation for more details <http://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html>`_
> > +
> > +Image Processing Algorithms
> > +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > +
> > +An image processing algorithm (IPA) component is a private API that implements
> > +3A (Auto-Exposure, Auto-White Balance, and Auto-Focus) algorithms.
> > +
> > +Each supported camera device has its own IPA component that runs on the CPU and
> > +interacts with the kernel camera devices to control hardware image processing
> > +based on the parameters supplied by upper layers, and helps maintain state,
> > +closing the control loop of the ISP.
> > +
> > +An IPA component can be part of the libcamera code base, in which case the same
> > +license covers it, or provided externally as an open-source or closed-source component.
> > +
> > +The component is sandboxed and can only interact with libcamera through specifically
> > +marked APIs. A component has no direct access to kernel camera devices, and dmabuf
> > +instances explicitly passed to the component control its access to image data and
> > +metadata. The component should run in a process separate from the main libcamera
> > +process, and has a restricted view of the system, including no access to networking APIs
> > +and limited access to file systems.
> > +
> > +While libcamera requires sandboxing, the implementation is platform-specific, and handled by
> > +platform-specific plugins.
> > +
> > +To support this security and sandboxing model, libcamera provides an IPC mechanism
> > +for an IPA and Pipeline Handler to communicate, but developers need to create the
> > +API themselves. Platform vendors can also use any other IPC mechanism that supports
> > +passing file descriptors.
> > +
> > +3A and Image Enhancement Algorithms
> > +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > +
> > +Camera devices should implement auto exposure, auto gain, and auto white balance,
> > +and those that include a focus lens should also implement autofocus.
> > +
> > +Device vendors implement the control methods required to control these algorithms in hardware or
> > +firmware outside of libcamera, or in an IPA component.
> > +
> > +.. TODO: Add link to guide when completed
> > +
> > +Helpers and Support Classes
> > +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > +
> > +.. TODO: Feel like this is implied in other places of the doc
> > +
> > +To help developers create device-specific pipeline handlers and image processing
> > +algorithms, libcamera provides helpers and support classes that sit on top of the
> > +Media Controller and V4L2 APIs.
> > +
> > +Glossary
> > +--------
> > +
> > +- **ISP**: Image Signal Processor.
> > +- **Media controller API**: `The Linux Kernel API <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.10/media/uapi/mediactl/media-controller-intro.html>`_ that handles audio and video input and output.
> Small question: Anything specific to do with v4.10 version of the
> document here? Shouldn't we point to something newer / latest?
> A quick search gave me v5.6
> https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v5.6/media/uapi/mediactl/media-controller-intro.html
> based on the release I guess?
> I don't know what to do here specifically? Maybe asking a bit around but
> generally something > v5.0 should be used I guess.
> > +- **V4L2**: `Video for Linux API version 2 <https://www.linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis-new/userspace-api/v4l/v4l2.html>`_. Device drivers and API for video capture on Linux.
> > +- **UVC camera**: `USB Video Class <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_video_device_class>`_ that describes devices capable of streaming video over the UVC protocol.
> > +- **3A**: Common algorithms used by camera devices for auto-exposure, auto-white balance and auto-focus).
> > +- **IPC**: `Inter-process communications based protocol <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication>`_.
> Thanks for the work.
> Reviewed-by: Umang Jain <email at uajain.com>
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