[libcamera-devel] GCC v5,v6 Support and beyond C++14

Kieran Bingham kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com
Thu Jul 16 16:12:26 CEST 2020

There has been a few issues lately where we have discussed the minimum
requirements for libcamera, and we have been supporting from GCC v5
onwards as much as we can.

We already depend on features and functionality which is provided in a
v5.0+ kernel, so that is currently a limiting factor on the low end of

If we no longer support GCC v5 and 6, I believe we would also have no
reason not to move up beyond C++14 to C++17.

To do so, we need to check that we really don't need to support gcc v5
or gcc v6 though:

- Ubuntu only brought in kernel v5.0 at 18.04.3,
  and 18.04 ships with gcc v7.

- On Debian,
   Stretch(9) uses kernel v4.14,
   Buster(10) has kernel v5.4, and ships with GCC v8.

- Fedora picks up a v5.0 kernel in Fedora 30, which ships gcc v9.

So I don't foresee much reason to keep gcc 5/6 support around ...
Does anyone know of a distribution that provides a kernel >= 5.0 which
ships gcc <= 6?


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