[libcamera-devel] Potential issue with EventDispatcher

Umang Jain email at uajain.com
Thu Jul 23 12:59:06 CEST 2020

Hi Laurent, Sorry for late reply on this.
I took this up again only today.

On 7/17/20 7:33 AM, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
> Hi Umang,
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 08:29:54AM +0000, Umang Jain wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I noticed a potential issue where EventDispatcher::processEvents() is
>> running in a `while` loop, which seems to starve the execution of any
>> other call to EventDispatcher. Those calls seems to be queued for
>> execution until processEvents() seems to be terminated in some way or
>> the other.
> I assume you mean the while loop in Thread::exec():
> int Thread::exec()
> {
> 	MutexLocker locker(data_->mutex_);
> 	EventDispatcher *dispatcher = eventDispatcher();
> 	locker.unlock();
> 	while (!data_->exit_.load(std::memory_order_acquire))
> 		dispatcher->processEvents();
> 	locker.lock();
> 	return data_->exitCode_;
> }
>> I noticed this while studying the guts of Event Loop on Hot-_un_plug
>> of a currently streaming camera. (Context: see "cam: Add --monitor
>> option" patch/reviews). On Hot-unplug of a UVC camera, The
>> V4L2VideoDevice tries to release the buffers and also delete event
>> notifiers. Essentially, deleting event notifiers primarily means to
>> unregister them from Event Dispatcher, so that the subsequent
>> processEvents call do not process events from the unregistered event
>> notifiers. However, as I mentioned above, the while loop in which
>> processEvents is running, can starve the unregisterEventNotifier from
>> executing (I tried with gdb to hit a breakpoint, but it didn't) .
>> It's only when I SIGINT cam application, those queued calls on
>> unregisterNotifier are executed.
>> Is this expected? Or am I missing something.
> This is clearly not expected.
> libcamera is event-based. There's a main thread created by the camera
> manager, one thread per IPA, and IPAs can create additional threads. All
> the internal code in the camera manager thread and IPA threads runs from
> an event loop, with an event dispatcher at its core (the custom threads
> created by IPAs may or may not use this mechanism, but that's irrelevant
> for this discussion).
> Being event-based means that the event loop can starve execution of code
> from the same thread, as that code runs from the event loop in the first
> place. However, it can cause multi-thread issues. libcamera has a
> threading model documented in src/libcamera/thread.cpp. This governs
> what classes and functions can be called concurrently from different
> threads, with the default case when not explicitly stated otheriwse
> being that functions from an object may not be called from different
> threads.
> I assume your issue is related to the V4L2VideoDevice deletion. This
> calls V4L2VideoDevice::close(), which deletes the EventNotifier
> instances. Deleting an EventNotifier calls setEnabled(false), which
> calls dispatcher->unregisterEventNotifier(this). Note that
> EventNotifier::setEnabled() is documented as being thread-bound, which
> means that it can only be called from the thread that the event notifier
> belongs to (in this case it's the camera manager thread, as that's the
> thread to which all pipeline handlers belong). This is why
> unregisterEventNotifier() doesn't use any lock to guard against races
> with processEvents(), it simply can't race because it's guaranteed to be
> executed from the event loop (provided it's used correctly of course).
> The same holds true through the whole code base, we have plenty of
> operations that we don't lock because the thread model guarantees they
> won't be executed concurrently.
> There's nothing special about the
> EventDispatcher::unregisterEventNotifier() function. If you don't see it
> getting called, it's because it doesn't get called :-) I would recommend
> moving your breakpoint up the stack, to EventNotifier::~EventNotifier(),
> then V4L2VideoDevice::~V4L2VideoDevice(), to confirm those don't get
> called. I suspect a reference count issue.
Indeed, I cannot see ~V4L2VideoDevice or  ~EventNotifier being executed,
on camera hot-unplug *until* I terminate the app. After termination (Ctrl-C
on cam and/or closing qcam), the destructors gets executed from the camera
manager only (checked using std::this_thread::get_id())

You mentioned of refcount issue and I looked into that too. The signal
handler of "cameraRemoved" receives a refcount of '8' in cam and
'7' in qcam. This looks notoriously high! (I am under the impression,
this is the last place from where camera destructors could have been
executed - so it probably equates to '1'). This needs looking too.
> Note that due to the threading model there can be issues if the last
> reference to the shared pointer storing the camera object is released
> from the application thread, as the destructor is then called from that
> thread, which isn't allowed by the threading model. If the hot-unplug
> issues eventually gets traced to that, we'll have to discuss how to
> solve the problem. It may be as easy as creating the shared pointer with
> a custom deleter that would push the task of deleting the object to the
> camera manager's event loop. That could be implemented by adding
> Object::deleteLater() (with similar semantics to the Qt's equivalent,
> see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qobject.html#deleteLater), and making Camera
> inherit from the Object class. It could also be implemented by creating
> a custom shared pointer class for the camera, but I'm not sure that's
> worth it.
> If you're stuck on this, can you share the procedure to reproduce the
> problem ?
I have no particular instructions other than what Niklas has:

I have been able to trigger the errors ~50% of the times. So I think 
there indeed,
is some kind of race happening which didn't get caught while I integrated
  the hotplug feature earlier.

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