[libcamera-devel] [PATCH] README.rst: Add FAQ section.
Kieran Bingham
kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com
Sun May 3 03:17:20 CEST 2020
Provide an initial set of Questions and Answers.
Hopefully these will provide quick insights to the project from the
README, and can be incorporated into the website.
Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com>
README.rst | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 65 insertions(+)
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 40d45196c7d6..af44686b969c 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -89,3 +89,68 @@ default video display element on your system.
gst-launch-1.0 libcamerasrc camera-name="Camera 1" ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
.. section-end-getting-started
+.. section-begin-faq
+Frequently Asked Questions
+What is libcamera?
+ libcamera is an open source camera stack implemented entirely in user space.
+ It aims to encourage the development of new embedded camera applications by
+ limiting the complexity that developers have to deal with. The interface is
+ designed around the way that modern embedded camera hardware works.
+What is the correct way to display the name 'libcamera'
+ libcamera, is always in lowercase; in titles, or at the beginning of
+ sentences.
+How is libcamera different from V4L2?
+ We see libcamera as a continuation of V4L2. One that can more easily handle
+ the recent advances in hardware design. As embedded cameras have developed,
+ all of the complexity has been pushed on to the developers. With libcamera,
+ all of that complexity is simplified and a single model is presented to
+ application developers.
+Does this mean the camera stack is completely open?
+ libcamera is open-source friendly which means all of libcamera itself is open
+ source. Because vendors are reluctant to open-source their Image Processing
+ Algorithms, libcamera can support closed-source Image Processing Algorithm
+ modules (IPAs) which will be sandboxed to minimise the exposure of binary
+ blobs.
+libcamera has been described as “the MESA of the camera stack”. What does that mean?
+ Mesa provides powerful high-level APIs to applications and implements
+ device-specific code in userspace to support the implementation. libcamera
+ provides high-level APIs that handle device-specific code in userspace to
+ simplify development for application developers.
+Which cameras SoCs (pipelines) are supported?
+ Currently supported pipelines include the Intel IPU3, RockChip RK3399, UVC,
+ and VIMC/VIVID test drivers
+Which camera protocols are supported?
+ libcamera supports cameras that use MIPI/CSI2 protocols.
+Can I use libcamera to access photos on digital cameras?
+ No, libcamera is a library for controlling embedded camera hardware, it’s not
+ an application for accessing photos and has no relationship to gphoto2.
+ libcamera supports internal cameras designed for point-and-shoot still image
+ and video capture and external UVC cameras designed for video conferencing.
+Can libcamera handle multiple cameras simultaneously?
+ libcamera can support multiple cameras within a system, and allows only a
+ single application to consume each stream. An application must ‘acquire’ a
+ Camera to start operations on it, and should release it when finished.
+ Logical cameras where multiple cameras are treated as a single camera is a
+ pipeline and hardware specific extension that will be supported in the
+ future.
+Does libcamera do format conversion and debayering?
+ Format conversion and debayering operations are dependent upon the Image
+ Signal Processor (ISP) and hardware available. Our demonstration application,
+ QCam, does basic software format conversions to handle display but we aim to
+ move to using OpenGL to improve real time conversion performance. Where
+ possible, QCam will request formats that can be displayed natively without
+ requiring software conversions.
+.. section-end-faq
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