[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v4 04/37] utils: ipc: add templates for code generation for IPC mechanism

Paul Elder paul.elder at ideasonboard.com
Fri Nov 6 11:36:34 CET 2020

Add templates to mojo to generate code for the IPC mechanism. These
templates generate:
- module header
- module serializer
- IPA proxy cpp, header, and worker

Given an input data definition mojom file for a pipeline.

Signed-off-by: Paul Elder <paul.elder at ideasonboard.com>

Changes in v4:
For the non-template files:
- rename IPA{pipeline_name}CallbackInterface to
  - to avoid the notion of "callback" and emphasize that it's an event
- add support for strings in custom structs
- add validation, that async methods must not have return values
  - it throws exception and isn't very clear though...?
- rename controls to libcamera::{pipeline_name}::controls (controls is
  now lowercase)
- rename {pipeline_name}_generated.h to {pipeline_name}_ipa_interface.h,
  and {pipeline_name}_serializer.h to {pipeline_name}_ipa_serializer.h
  - same for their corresponding template files
For the template files:
- fix spacing (now it's all {{var}} instead of some {{ var }})
  - except if it's code, so code is still {{ code }}
- move inclusion of corresponding header to first in the inclusion list
- fix copy&paste errors
- change snake_case to camelCase in the generated code
  - template code still uses snake_case
- change the generated command enums to an enum class, and make it
  capitalized (instead of allcaps)
- add length checks to recvIPC (in proxy)
- fix some template spacing
- don't use const for PODs in function/signal parameters
- add the proper length checks to readPOD/appendPOD
  - the helper functions for reading and writing PODs to and from
    serialized data
- rename readUInt/appendUInt to readPOD/appendPOD
- add support for strings in custom structs

Changes in v3:
- add support for namespaces
- fix enum assignment (used to have +1 for CMD applied to all enums)
- use readHeader, writeHeader, and eraseHeader as static class functions
  of IPAIPCUnixSocket (in the proxy worker)
- add requirement that base controls *must* be defined in

Changes in v2:
- mandate the main and callback interfaces, and init(), start(), stop()
  and their parameters
- fix returning single pod value from IPC-called function
- add licenses
- improve auto-generated message
- other fixes related to serdes
 .../module_ipa_interface.h.tmpl               | 113 ++++
 .../module_ipa_proxy.cpp.tmpl                 | 238 +++++++++
 .../module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl                   | 118 +++++
 .../module_ipa_proxy_worker.cpp.tmpl          | 187 +++++++
 .../module_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl              |  44 ++
 .../libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl  | 205 ++++++++
 .../libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl       | 280 ++++++++++
 .../generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py   | 488 ++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 1673 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_interface.h.tmpl
 create mode 100644 utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.cpp.tmpl
 create mode 100644 utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl
 create mode 100644 utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy_worker.cpp.tmpl
 create mode 100644 utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl
 create mode 100644 utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl
 create mode 100644 utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl
 create mode 100644 utils/ipc/generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py

diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_interface.h.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_interface.h.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a470b99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_interface.h.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+{#- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later -#}
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) {{year}}, Google Inc.
+ *
+ * {{module_name}}_ipa_interface.h - Image Processing Algorithm interface for {{module_name}}
+ *
+ * This file is auto-generated. Do not edit.
+ */
+#ifndef __LIBCAMERA_IPA_INTERFACE_{{module_name|upper}}_GENERATED_H__
+#define __LIBCAMERA_IPA_INTERFACE_{{module_name|upper}}_GENERATED_H__
+#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}.h>
+{% if has_map %}#include <map>{% endif %}
+{% if has_array %}#include <vector>{% endif %}
+namespace libcamera {
+{%- if has_namespace %}
+{% for ns in namespace %}
+namespace {{ns}} {
+{% endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+enum class {{cmd_enum_name}} {
+	Exit = 0,
+{%- for method in interface_main.methods %}
+	{{method.mojom_name|cap}} = {{loop.index}},
+{%- endfor %}
+enum class {{cmd_event_enum_name}} {
+{%- for method in interface_cb.methods %}
+	{{method.mojom_name|cap}} = {{loop.index}},
+{%- endfor %}
+{% for enum in enums %}
+enum {{enum.mojom_name}} {
+{%- for field in enum.fields %}
+	{{field.mojom_name}} = {{field.numeric_value}},
+{%- endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
+{%- for struct in structs_nonempty %}
+struct {{struct.mojom_name}}
+	{{struct.mojom_name}}() {%- if struct|has_default_fields %}
+		:{% endif %}
+{%- for field in struct.fields|with_default_values -%}
+{{" " if loop.first}}{{field.mojom_name}}_({{field|default_value}}){{", " if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor %}
+	{
+	}
+	~{{struct.mojom_name}}() {}
+	{{struct.mojom_name}}(
+{%- for field in struct.fields -%}
+{{field|name}} {{field.mojom_name}}{{", " if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor -%}
+		:
+{%- for field in struct.fields -%}
+{{" " if loop.first}}{{field.mojom_name}}_({{field.mojom_name}}){{", " if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor %}
+	{
+	}
+{% for field in struct.fields %}
+	{{field|name}} {{field.mojom_name}}_;
+{%- endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
+Any consts or #defines should be moved to the mojom file when possible.
+If anything needs to be #included, then {{module_name}}.h needs to have the
+class {{interface_name}} : public IPAInterface
+	virtual ~{{interface_name}}() {}
+{% for method in interface_main.methods %}
+	virtual {{method|method_return_value}} {{method.mojom_name}}(
+{%- for param in method|method_parameters %}
+		{{param}}{{- "," if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor -%}
+) = 0;
+{% endfor %}
+{%- for method in interface_cb.methods %}
+	Signal<
+{%- for param in method.parameters -%}
+		{{"const " if not param|is_pod}}{{param|name}}{{" &" if not param|is_pod}}
+		{{- ", " if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor -%}
+> {{method.mojom_name}};
+{% endfor -%}
+{%- if has_namespace %}
+{% for ns in namespace|reverse %}
+} /* {{ns}} */
+{% endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+} /* namespace libcamera */
+#endif /* __LIBCAMERA_IPA_INTERFACE_{{module_name|upper}}_GENERATED_H__ */
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.cpp.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.cpp.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9328c7ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.cpp.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+{#- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later -#}
+{%- import "proxy_functions.tmpl" as proxy_funcs -%}
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) {{year}}, Google Inc.
+ *
+ * ipa_proxy_{{module_name}}.cpp - Image Processing Algorithm proxy for {{module_name}}
+ *
+ * This file is auto-generated. Do not edit.
+ */
+#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_proxy_{{module_name}}.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_module_info.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}_ipa_interface.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}_ipa_serializer.h>
+#include "libcamera/internal/control_serializer.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_ipc.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_ipc_unixsocket.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_data_serializer.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_module.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_proxy.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipc_unixsocket.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/log.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/process.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/thread.h"
+namespace libcamera {
+{%- if has_namespace %}
+{% for ns in namespace %}
+namespace {{ns}} {
+{% endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+{{proxy_name}}::{{proxy_name}}(IPAModule *ipam, bool isolate)
+	: IPAProxy(ipam), running_(false),
+	  isolate_(isolate)
+	LOG(IPAProxy, Debug)
+		<< "initializing {{module_name}} proxy: loading IPA from "
+		<< ipam->path();
+	if (isolate_) {
+		const std::string proxyWorkerPath = resolvePath("ipa_proxy_{{module_name}}");
+		if (proxyWorkerPath.empty()) {
+			LOG(IPAProxy, Error)
+				<< "Failed to get proxy worker path";
+			return;
+		}
+		ipc_ = std::make_unique<IPAIPCUnixSocket>(ipam->path().c_str(), proxyWorkerPath.c_str());
+		if (!ipc_->isValid()) {
+			LOG(IPAProxy, Error) << "Failed to create IPAIPC";
+			return;
+		}
+{% if interface_cb.methods|length > 0 %}
+		ipc_->recvIPC.connect(this, &{{proxy_name}}::recvIPC);
+{% endif %}
+		valid_ = true;
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!ipam->load())
+		return;
+	IPAInterface *ipai = ipam->createInterface();
+	if (!ipai) {
+		LOG(IPAProxy, Error)
+			<< "Failed to create IPA context for " << ipam->path();
+		return;
+	}
+	ipa_ = std::unique_ptr<{{interface_name}}>(dynamic_cast<{{interface_name}} *>(ipai));
+	proxy_.setIPA(ipa_.get());
+{% for method in interface_cb.methods %}
+	ipa_->{{method.mojom_name}}.connect(this, &{{proxy_name}}::{{method.mojom_name}}Thread);
+{%- endfor %}
+	valid_ = true;
+	if (isolate_)
+		ipc_->sendAsync(static_cast<uint32_t>({{cmd_enum_name}}::Exit), {}, {});
+{% if interface_cb.methods|length > 0 %}
+void {{proxy_name}}::recvIPC(std::vector<uint8_t> &data, std::vector<int32_t> &fds)
+	if (data.size() < 8) {
+		LOG(IPAProxy, Error)
+			<< "Didn't receive enough bytes to parse event";
+		return;
+	}
+	{{cmd_event_enum_name}} cmd = static_cast<{{cmd_event_enum_name}}>((
+		data[0]) | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[3] << 24));
+	/* Need to skip another 4 bytes for the sequence number. */
+	std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator vec = data.begin() + 8;
+	size_t dataSize = data.size() - 8;
+	switch (cmd) {
+{%- for method in interface_cb.methods %}
+	case {{cmd_event_enum_name}}::{{method.mojom_name|cap}}: {
+		{{method.mojom_name}}IPC(vec, dataSize, fds);
+		break;
+	}
+{%- endfor %}
+	default:
+		LOG(IPAProxy, Error) << "Unknown command " << static_cast<uint32_t>(cmd);
+	}
+{%- endif %}
+{% for method in interface_main.methods %}
+{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method)}}
+	if (isolate_)
+		{{"return " if method|method_return_value != "void"}}{{method.mojom_name}}IPC(
+{%- for param in method|method_param_names -%}
+		{{param}}{{- ", " if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor -%}
+	else
+		{{"return " if method|method_return_value != "void"}}{{method.mojom_name}}Thread(
+{%- for param in method|method_param_names -%}
+		{{param}}{{- ", " if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor -%}
+{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "Thread")}}
+{%- if method.mojom_name == "init" %}
+	{{proxy_funcs.init_thread_body()}}
+{%- elif method.mojom_name == "start" %}
+	{{proxy_funcs.start_thread_body()}}
+{%- elif method.mojom_name == "stop" %}
+	{{proxy_funcs.stop_thread_body()}}
+{%- elif not method|is_async %}
+	ipa_->{{method.mojom_name}}(
+	{%- for param in method|method_param_names -%}
+		{{param}}{{- ", " if not loop.last}}
+	{%- endfor -%}
+{% elif method|is_async %}
+	proxy_.invokeMethod(&ThreadProxy::{{method.mojom_name}}, ConnectionTypeQueued,
+	{%- for param in method|method_param_names -%}
+		{{param}}{{- ", " if not loop.last}}
+	{%- endfor -%}
+{%- endif %}
+{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "IPC")}}
+{%- set has_input = true if method|method_param_inputs|length > 0 %}
+{%- set has_output = true if method|method_param_outputs|length > 0 or method|method_return_value != "void" %}
+{%- if has_input %}
+	std::vector<uint8_t> _ipcInputBuf;
+{%- if method|method_input_has_fd %}
+	std::vector<int32_t> _ipcInputFds;
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if has_output %}
+	std::vector<uint8_t> _ipcOutputBuf;
+{%- if method|method_output_has_fd %}
+	std::vector<int32_t> _ipcOutputFds;
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+{{proxy_funcs.serialize_call(method|method_param_inputs, '_ipcInputBuf', '_ipcInputFds', base_controls)}}
+{%- set input_buf = "_ipcInputBuf" if has_input else "{}" %}
+{%- set fds_buf = "_ipcInputFds" if method|method_input_has_fd else "{}" %}
+{%- set cmd = cmd_enum_name + "::" + method.mojom_name|cap %}
+{% if method|is_async %}
+	int ret = ipc_->sendAsync(static_cast<uint32_t>({{cmd}}), {{input_buf}}, {{fds_buf}});
+{%- else %}
+	int ret = ipc_->sendSync(static_cast<uint32_t>({{cmd}}), {{input_buf}}, {{fds_buf}}
+{{- ", &_ipcOutputBuf" if has_output -}}
+{{- ", &_ipcOutputFds" if has_output and method|method_output_has_fd -}}
+{%- endif %}
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		LOG(IPAProxy, Error) << "Failed to call {{method.mojom_name}}";
+{%- if method|method_return_value != "void" %}
+		return static_cast<{{method|method_return_value}}>(ret);
+{%- else %}
+		return;
+{%- endif %}
+	}
+{% if method|method_return_value != "void" %}
+	return IPADataSerializer<{{method.response_parameters|first|name}}>::deserialize(_ipcOutputBuf, 0);
+{% elif method|method_param_outputs|length > 0 %}
+{{proxy_funcs.deserialize_call(method|method_param_outputs, '_ipcOutputBuf', '_ipcOutputFds')}}
+{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for method in interface_cb.methods %}
+{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "Thread")}}
+	{{method.mojom_name}}.emit({{method.parameters|params_comma_sep}});
+void {{proxy_name}}::{{method.mojom_name}}IPC(
+	std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator data,
+	size_t dataSize,
+	[[maybe_unused]] std::vector<int32_t> &fds)
+{%- for param in method.parameters %}
+	{{param|name}} {{param.mojom_name}};
+{%- endfor %}
+{{proxy_funcs.deserialize_call(method.parameters, 'data', 'fds', false, false, true, 'dataSize')}}
+	{{method.mojom_name}}.emit({{method.parameters|params_comma_sep}});
+{% endfor %}
+{%- if has_namespace %}
+{% for ns in namespace|reverse %}
+} /* {{ns}} */
+{% endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+} /* namespace libcamera */
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fb7192f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+{#- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later -#}
+{%- import "proxy_functions.tmpl" as proxy_funcs -%}
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) {{year}}, Google Inc.
+ *
+ * ipa_proxy_{{module_name}}.h - Image Processing Algorithm proxy for {{module_name}}
+ *
+ * This file is auto-generated. Do not edit.
+ */
+#ifndef __LIBCAMERA_INTERNAL_IPA_PROXY_{{module_name|upper}}_H__
+#define __LIBCAMERA_INTERNAL_IPA_PROXY_{{module_name|upper}}_H__
+#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}_ipa_interface.h>
+#include "libcamera/internal/control_serializer.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_ipc.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_ipc_unixsocket.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_proxy.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipc_unixsocket.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/thread.h"
+namespace libcamera {
+{%- if has_namespace %}
+{% for ns in namespace %}
+namespace {{ns}} {
+{% endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+class {{proxy_name}} : public IPAProxy, public {{interface_name}}, public Object
+	{{proxy_name}}(IPAModule *ipam, bool isolate);
+	~{{proxy_name}}();
+{% for method in interface_main.methods %}
+{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "", false, true)|indent(8, true)}};
+{% endfor %}
+{%- for method in interface_cb.methods %}
+	Signal<
+{%- for param in method.parameters -%}
+		{{"const " if not param|is_pod}}{{param|name}}{{" &" if not param|is_pod}}
+		{{- ", " if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor -%}
+> {{method.mojom_name}};
+{% endfor %}
+	void recvIPC(std::vector<uint8_t> &data, std::vector<int32_t> &fds);
+{% for method in interface_main.methods %}
+{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "Thread", false)|indent(8, true)}};
+{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "IPC", false)|indent(8, true)}};
+{% endfor %}
+{% for method in interface_cb.methods %}
+{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "Thread", false)|indent(8, true)}};
+	void {{method.mojom_name}}IPC(
+		std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator data,
+		size_t dataSize,
+		std::vector<int32_t> &fds);
+{% endfor %}
+	/* Helper class to invoke async functions in another thread. */
+	class ThreadProxy : public Object
+	{
+	public:
+		void setIPA({{interface_name}} *ipa)
+		{
+			ipa_ = ipa;
+		}
+		int start()
+		{
+			return ipa_->start();
+		}
+		void stop()
+		{
+			ipa_->stop();
+		}
+{% for method in interface_main.methods %}
+{%- if method|is_async %}
+		{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "", false)|indent(16)}}
+		{
+			ipa_->{{method.mojom_name}}({{method.parameters|params_comma_sep}});
+		}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+	private:
+		{{interface_name}} *ipa_;
+	};
+	bool running_;
+	Thread thread_;
+	ThreadProxy proxy_;
+	std::unique_ptr<{{interface_name}}> ipa_;
+	const bool isolate_;
+	std::unique_ptr<IPAIPCUnixSocket> ipc_;
+	ControlSerializer controlSerializer_;
+{%- if has_namespace %}
+{% for ns in namespace|reverse %}
+} /* {{ns}} */
+{% endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+} /* namespace libcamera */
+#endif /* __LIBCAMERA_INTERNAL_IPA_PROXY_{{module_name|upper}}_H__ */
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy_worker.cpp.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy_worker.cpp.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dca4f99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy_worker.cpp.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+{#- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later -#}
+{%- import "proxy_functions.tmpl" as proxy_funcs -%}
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) {{year}}, Google Inc.
+ *
+ * ipa_proxy_{{module_name}}_worker.cpp - Image Processing Algorithm proxy worker for {{module_name}}
+ *
+ * This file is auto-generated. Do not edit.
+ */
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <libcamera/event_dispatcher.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}_ipa_interface.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}_ipa_serializer.h>
+#include <libcamera/logging.h>
+#include "libcamera/internal/camera_sensor.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/control_serializer.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_data_serializer.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_ipc_unixsocket.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_module.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_proxy.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipc_unixsocket.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/log.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/thread.h"
+using namespace libcamera;
+{%- if has_namespace %}
+{% for ns in namespace -%}
+using namespace {{ns}};
+{% endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+struct CallData {
+	IPCUnixSocket::Payload *response;
+	bool done;
+{{interface_name}} *ipa_;
+IPCUnixSocket socket_;
+ControlSerializer controlSerializer_;
+bool exit_ = false;
+void readyRead(IPCUnixSocket *socket)
+	IPCUnixSocket::Payload _message, _response;
+	int _retRecv = socket->receive(&_message);
+	if (_retRecv) {
+		LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Error)
+			<< "Receive message failed" << _retRecv;
+		return;
+	}
+	uint32_t _cmdUint, _seq;
+	std::tie(_cmdUint, _seq) = IPAIPCUnixSocket::readHeader(_message);
+	IPAIPCUnixSocket::eraseHeader(_message);
+	{{cmd_enum_name}} _cmd = static_cast<{{cmd_enum_name}}>(_cmdUint);
+	switch (_cmd) {
+	case {{cmd_enum_name}}::Exit: {
+		exit_ = true;
+		break;
+	}
+{% for method in interface_main.methods %}
+	case {{cmd_enum_name}}::{{method.mojom_name|cap}}: {
+	{{proxy_funcs.deserialize_call(method|method_param_inputs, '_message.data', '_message.fds', false, true)|indent(8, true)}}
+{% for param in method|method_param_outputs %}
+		{{param|name}} {{param.mojom_name}};
+{% endfor %}
+{%- if method|method_return_value != "void" %}
+		{{method|method_return_value}} _callRet = ipa_->{{method.mojom_name}}({{method.parameters|params_comma_sep}});
+{%- else %}
+		ipa_->{{method.mojom_name}}({{method.parameters|params_comma_sep}}
+{{- ", " if method|method_param_outputs|params_comma_sep -}}
+{%- for param in method|method_param_outputs -%}
+&{{param.mojom_name}}{{", " if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor -%}
+{%- endif %}
+{% if not method|is_async %}
+		IPAIPCUnixSocket::writeHeader(_response, _cmdUint, _seq);
+{%- if method|method_return_value != "void" %}
+		std::vector<uint8_t> _callRetBuf;
+		std::tie(_callRetBuf, std::ignore) =
+			IPADataSerializer<{{method|method_return_value}}>::serialize(_callRet);
+		_response.data.insert(_response.data.end(), _callRetBuf.begin(), _callRetBuf.end());
+{%- else %}
+	{{proxy_funcs.serialize_call(method|method_param_outputs, "_response.data", "_response.fds", base_controls)|indent(8, true)}}
+{%- endif %}
+		int _ret = socket_.send(_response);
+		if (_ret < 0) {
+			LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Error)
+				<< "Reply to {{method.mojom_name}}() failed" << _ret;
+		}
+		LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Debug) << "Done replying to {{method.mojom_name}}()";
+{%- endif %}
+		break;
+	}
+{% endfor %}
+	default:
+		LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Error) << "Unknown command " << _cmdUint;
+	}
+{% for method in interface_cb.methods %}
+{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "", false)}}
+	IPCUnixSocket::Payload _message;
+	IPAIPCUnixSocket::writeHeader(_message, static_cast<uint32_t>({{cmd_event_enum_name}}::{{method.mojom_name|cap}}), 0);
+	{{proxy_funcs.serialize_call(method|method_param_inputs, "_message.data", "_message.fds", base_controls)}}
+	socket_.send(_message);
+	LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Debug) << "{{method.mojom_name}} done";
+{% endfor %}
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	/* Uncomment this for debugging. */
+#if 0
+	std::string logPath = "/tmp/libcamera.worker." +
+			      std::to_string(getpid()) + ".log";
+	logSetFile(logPath.c_str());
+	if (argc < 3) {
+		LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Error)
+			<< "Tried to start worker with no args";
+		return EXIT_FAILURE;
+	}
+	int fd = std::stoi(argv[2]);
+	LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Info)
+		<< "Starting worker for IPA module " << argv[1]
+		<< " with IPC fd = " << fd;
+	std::unique_ptr<IPAModule> ipam = std::make_unique<IPAModule>(argv[1]);
+	if (!ipam->isValid() || !ipam->load()) {
+		LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Error)
+			<< "IPAModule " << argv[1] << " isn't valid";
+		return EXIT_FAILURE;
+	}
+	if (socket_.bind(fd) < 0) {
+		LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Error) << "IPC socket binding failed";
+		return EXIT_FAILURE;
+	}
+	socket_.readyRead.connect(&readyRead);
+	ipa_ = dynamic_cast<{{interface_name}} *>(ipam->createInterface());
+	if (!ipa_) {
+		LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Error) << "Failed to create IPA interface instance";
+		return EXIT_FAILURE;
+	}
+{% for method in interface_cb.methods %}
+	ipa_->{{method.mojom_name}}.connect(&{{method.mojom_name}});
+{%- endfor %}
+	LOG({{proxy_name}}Worker, Debug) << "Proxy worker successfully started";
+	/* \todo upgrade listening loop */
+	EventDispatcher *dispatcher = Thread::current()->eventDispatcher();
+	while (!exit_)
+		dispatcher->processEvents();
+	delete ipa_;
+	socket_.close();
+	return 0;
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..675f9adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{#- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later -#}
+{%- import "serializer.tmpl" as serializer -%}
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) {{year}}, Google Inc.
+ *
+ * {{module_name}}_serializer.h - Image Processing Algorithm data serializer for {{module_name}}
+ *
+ * This file is auto-generated. Do not edit.
+ */
+#ifndef __LIBCAMERA_INTERNAL_IPA_DATA_SERIALIZER_{{module_name|upper}}_H__
+#define __LIBCAMERA_INTERNAL_IPA_DATA_SERIALIZER_{{module_name|upper}}_H__
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}_ipa_interface.h>
+#include "libcamera/internal/control_serializer.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_data_serializer.h"
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
+namespace libcamera {
+{% for struct in structs_nonempty %}
+class IPADataSerializer<{{struct|name_full(namespace_str)}}>
+{{- serializer.serializer(struct, base_controls, namespace_str)}}
+{%- if struct|has_fd %}
+{{serializer.deserializer_fd(struct, namespace_str)}}
+{%- else %}
+{{serializer.deserializer_no_fd(struct, namespace_str)}}
+{%- endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+} /* namespace libcamera */
+#endif /* __LIBCAMERA_INTERNAL_IPA_DATA_SERIALIZER_{{module_name|upper}}_H__ */
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6836034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+{#- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later -#}
+ # \brief Generate fuction prototype
+ #
+ # \param class Class name
+ # \param method mojom Method object
+ # \param suffix Suffix to append to \a method function name
+ # \param need_class_name True to generate class name with function
+ # \param override True to generate override tag after the function prototype
+ #}
+{%- macro func_sig(class, method, suffix, need_class_name = true, override = false) -%}
+{{method|method_return_value}} {{class + "::" if need_class_name}}{{method.mojom_name}}{{suffix}}(
+{%- for param in method|method_parameters %}
+	{{param}}{{- "," if not loop.last}}
+{%- endfor -%}
+){{" override" if override}}
+{%- endmacro -%}
+ # \brief Generate function body for IPA init() function for thread
+ #}
+{%- macro init_thread_body() -%}
+	int ret = ipa_->init(settings);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	proxy_.moveToThread(&thread_);
+	return 0;
+{%- endmacro -%}
+ # \brief Generate function body for IPA start() function for thread
+ #}
+{%- macro start_thread_body() -%}
+	running_ = true;
+	thread_.start();
+	return proxy_.invokeMethod(&ThreadProxy::start, ConnectionTypeBlocking);
+{%- endmacro -%}
+ # \brief Generate function body for IPA stop() function for thread
+ #}
+{%- macro stop_thread_body() -%}
+	if (!running_)
+		return;
+	running_ = false;
+	proxy_.invokeMethod(&ThreadProxy::stop, ConnectionTypeBlocking);
+	thread_.exit();
+	thread_.wait();
+{%- endmacro -%}
+ # \brief Serialize multiple objects into data buffer and fd vector
+ #
+ # Generate code to serialize multiple objects, as specified in \a params
+ # (which are the parameters to some function), into \a buf data buffer and
+ # \a fds fd vector.
+ # This code is meant to be used by the proxy, for serializing prior to IPC calls.
+ #}
+{%- macro serialize_call(params, buf, fds, base_controls) %}
+{%- for param in params %}
+	std::vector<uint8_t> {{param.mojom_name}}Buf;
+{%- if param|has_fd %}
+	std::vector<int32_t> {{param.mojom_name}}Fds;
+	std::tie({{param.mojom_name}}Buf, {{param.mojom_name}}Fds) =
+{%- else %}
+	std::tie({{param.mojom_name}}Buf, std::ignore) =
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if param|is_controls %}
+		IPADataSerializer<{{param|name}}>::serialize({{param.mojom_name}}, {{param.mojom_name}}.infoMap() ? *{{param.mojom_name}}.infoMap() : {{base_controls}}
+{%- else %}
+		IPADataSerializer<{{param|name}}>::serialize({{param.mojom_name}}
+{%- endif %}
+{{- ", &controlSerializer_" if param|needs_control_serializer -}}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- if params|length > 1 %}
+{%- for param in params %}
+	appendPOD<uint32_t>({{buf}}, {{param.mojom_name}}Buf.size());
+{%- if param|has_fd %}
+	appendPOD<uint32_t>({{buf}}, {{param.mojom_name}}Fds.size());
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- for param in params %}
+	{{buf}}.insert({{buf}}.end(), {{param.mojom_name}}Buf.begin(), {{param.mojom_name}}Buf.end());
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- for param in params %}
+{%- if param|has_fd %}
+	{{fds}}.insert({{fds}}.end(), {{param.mojom_name}}Fds.begin(), {{param.mojom_name}}Fds.end());
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- endmacro -%}
+ # \brief Deserialize a single object from data buffer and fd vector
+ #
+ # \param pointer True deserializes the object into a dereferenced pointer
+ # \param iter True treats \a buf as an iterator instead of a vector
+ # \param data_size Variable that holds the size of the vector referenced by \a buf
+ #
+ # Generate code to deserialize a single object, as specified in \a param,
+ # from \a buf data buffer and \a fds fd vector.
+ # This code is meant to be used by macro deserialize_call.
+ #}
+{%- macro deserialize_param(param, pointer, loop, buf, fds, iter, data_size) -%}
+{{"*" if pointer}}{{param.mojom_name}} = IPADataSerializer<{{param|name}}>::deserialize(
+{%- if not iter %}
+	{{buf}}.begin() + {{param.mojom_name}}Start,
+{%- else %}
+	{{buf}} + {{param.mojom_name}}Start,
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if loop.last and not iter %}
+	{{buf}}.end()
+{%- elif not iter %}
+	{{buf}}.begin() + {{param.mojom_name}}Start + {{param.mojom_name}}BufSize
+{%- elif iter and loop.length == 1 %}
+	{{buf}} + {{data_size}}
+{%- else %}
+	{{buf}} + {{param.mojom_name}}Start + {{param.mojom_name}}BufSize
+{%- endif -%}
+{{- "," if param|has_fd}}
+{%- if param|has_fd %}
+	{{fds}}.begin() + {{param.mojom_name}}FdStart,
+{%- if loop.last %}
+	{{fds}}.end()
+{%- else %}
+	{{fds}}.begin() + {{param.mojom_name}}FdStart + {{param.mojom_name}}FdsSize
+{%- endif -%}
+{%- endif -%}
+{{- "," if param|needs_control_serializer}}
+{%- if param|needs_control_serializer %}
+	&controlSerializer_
+{%- endif -%}
+{%- endmacro -%}
+ # \brief Deserialize multiple objects from data buffer and fd vector
+ #
+ # \param pointer True deserializes objects into pointers, and adds a null check.
+ # \param declare True declares the objects in addition to deserialization.
+ # \param iter True treats \a buf as an iterator instead of a vector
+ # \param data_size Variable that holds the size of the vector referenced by \a buf
+ #
+ # Generate code to deserialize multiple objects, as specified in \a params
+ # (which are the parameters to some function), from \a buf data buffer and
+ # \a fds fd vector.
+ # This code is meant to be used by the proxy, for deserializing after IPC calls.
+ #}
+{%- macro deserialize_call(params, buf, fds, pointer = true, declare = false, iter = false, data_size = '') -%}
+{% set ns = namespace(size_offset = 0) %}
+{%- if params|length > 1 %}
+{%- for param in params %}
+	[[maybe_unused]] size_t {{param.mojom_name}}BufSize = readPOD<uint32_t>({{buf}}, {{ns.size_offset}}
+{%- if iter -%}
+, {{buf}} + {{data_size}}
+{%- endif -%}
+	{%- set ns.size_offset = ns.size_offset + 4 %}
+{%- if param|has_fd %}
+	[[maybe_unused]] size_t {{param.mojom_name}}FdsSize = readPOD<uint32_t>({{buf}}, {{ns.size_offset}}
+{%- if iter -%}
+, {{buf}} + {{data_size}}
+{%- endif -%}
+	{%- set ns.size_offset = ns.size_offset + 4 %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+{% for param in params %}
+{%- if loop.first %}
+	size_t {{param.mojom_name}}Start = {{ns.size_offset}};
+{%- else %}
+	size_t {{param.mojom_name}}Start = {{loop.previtem.mojom_name}}Start + {{loop.previtem.mojom_name}}BufSize;
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{% for param in params|with_fds %}
+{%- if loop.first %}
+	size_t {{param.mojom_name}}FdStart = 0;
+{%- elif not loop.last %}
+	size_t {{param.mojom_name}}FdStart = {{loop.previtem.mojom_name}}FdStart + {{loop.previtem.mojom_name}}FdsSize;
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
+{% for param in params %}
+	{%- if pointer %}
+	if ({{param.mojom_name}}) {
+{{deserialize_param(param, pointer, loop, buf, fds, iter, data_size)|indent(16, True)}}
+	}
+	{%- else %}
+	{{param|name + " " if declare}}{{deserialize_param(param, pointer, loop, buf, fds, iter, data_size)|indent(8)}}
+	{%- endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{%- endmacro -%}
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51dbeb0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+{#- SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later -#}
+{# Turn this into a C macro? #}
+ # \brief Verify that there is enough bytes to deserialize
+ #
+ # Generate code that verifies that \a size is not greater than \a dataSize.
+ # Otherwise log an error with \a name and \a typename.
+ #}
+{%- macro check_data_size(size, dataSize, name, typename) %}
+		if ({{size}} > {{dataSize}}) {
+			LOG(IPADataSerializer, Error)
+				<< "Failed to deserialize {{name}}: not enough {{typename}}, expected "
+				<< ({{size}}) << ", got " << ({{dataSize}});
+			return ret;
+		}
+{%- endmacro %}
+ # \brief Serialize some field into return vector
+ #
+ # Generate code to serialize \a field into retData, including size of the
+ # field and fds (where appropriate). \a base_controls indicates the
+ # default ControlInfoMap in the event that the ControlList does not have one.
+ # This code is meant to be used by the IPADataSerializer specialization.
+ #}
+{%- macro serializer_field(field, base_controls, namespace, loop) %}
+{%- if field|is_pod or field|is_enum %}
+		std::vector<uint8_t> {{field.mojom_name}};
+		std::tie({{field.mojom_name}}, std::ignore) =
+	{%- if field|is_pod %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::serialize(data.{{field.mojom_name}}_);
+	{%- elif field|is_enum %}
+			IPADataSerializer<uint{{field|bit_width}}_t>::serialize(data.{{field.mojom_name}}_);
+	{%- endif %}
+		retData.insert(retData.end(), {{field.mojom_name}}.begin(), {{field.mojom_name}}.end());
+{%- elif field|is_fd %}
+		std::vector<uint8_t> {{field.mojom_name}};
+		std::vector<int32_t> {{field.mojom_name}}Fds;
+		std::tie({{field.mojom_name}}, {{field.mojom_name}}Fds) =
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::serialize(data.{{field.mojom_name}}_);
+		retData.insert(retData.end(), {{field.mojom_name}}.begin(), {{field.mojom_name}}.end());
+		retFds.insert(retFds.end(), {{field.mojom_name}}Fds.begin(), {{field.mojom_name}}Fds.end());
+{%- elif field|is_controls %}
+		if (data.{{field.mojom_name}}_.size() > 0) {
+			std::vector<uint8_t> {{field.mojom_name}};
+			std::tie({{field.mojom_name}}, std::ignore) =
+				IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::serialize(data.{{field.mojom_name}}_,
+					data.{{field.mojom_name}}_.infoMap() ? *data.{{field.mojom_name}}_.infoMap() : {{base_controls}},
+					cs);
+			appendPOD<uint32_t>(retData, {{field.mojom_name}}.size());
+			retData.insert(retData.end(), {{field.mojom_name}}.begin(), {{field.mojom_name}}.end());
+		} else {
+			appendPOD<uint32_t>(retData, 0);
+		}
+{%- elif field|is_plain_struct or field|is_array or field|is_map or field|is_str %}
+		std::vector<uint8_t> {{field.mojom_name}};
+	{%- if field|has_fd %}
+		std::vector<int32_t> {{field.mojom_name}}Fds;
+		std::tie({{field.mojom_name}}, {{field.mojom_name}}Fds) =
+	{%- else %}
+		std::tie({{field.mojom_name}}, std::ignore) =
+	{%- endif %}
+	{%- if field|is_array or field|is_map %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::serialize(data.{{field.mojom_name}}_, cs);
+	{%- elif field|is_str %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::serialize(data.{{field.mojom_name}}_);
+	{%- else %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name_full(namespace)}}>::serialize(data.{{field.mojom_name}}_, cs);
+	{%- endif %}
+		appendPOD<uint32_t>(retData, {{field.mojom_name}}.size());
+	{%- if field|has_fd %}
+		appendPOD<uint32_t>(retData, {{field.mojom_name}}Fds.size());
+	{%- endif %}
+		retData.insert(retData.end(), {{field.mojom_name}}.begin(), {{field.mojom_name}}.end());
+	{%- if field|has_fd %}
+		retFds.insert(retFds.end(), {{field.mojom_name}}Fds.begin(), {{field.mojom_name}}Fds.end());
+	{%- endif %}
+{%- else %}
+		/* Unknown serialization for {{field.mojom_name}}. */
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endmacro %}
+ # \brief Deserialize some field into return struct
+ #
+ # Generate code to deserialize \a field into object ret.
+ # This code is meant to be used by the IPADataSerializer specialization.
+ #}
+{%- macro deserializer_field(field, namespace, loop) %}
+{% if field|is_pod or field|is_enum %}
+	{%- set field_size = (field|bit_width|int / 8)|int %}
+		{{- check_data_size(field_size, 'dataSize', field.mojom_name, 'data')}}
+		{%- if field|is_pod %}
+		ret.{{field.mojom_name}}_ = static_cast<{{field|name}}>(IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::deserialize(m, m + {{field_size}}));
+		{%- else %}
+		ret.{{field.mojom_name}}_ = static_cast<{{field|name}}>(IPADataSerializer<uint{{field|bit_width}}_t>::deserialize(m, m + {{field_size}}));
+		{%- endif %}
+	{%- if not loop.last %}
+		m += {{field_size}};
+		dataSize -= {{field_size}};
+	{%- endif %}
+{% elif field|is_fd %}
+	{%- set field_size = 1 %}
+		{{- check_data_size(field_size, 'dataSize', field.mojom_name, 'data')}}
+		ret.{{field.mojom_name}}_ = IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::deserialize(m, m + 1, n, n + 1, cs);
+	{%- if not loop.last %}
+		m += {{field_size}};
+		dataSize -= {{field_size}};
+		n += ret.{{field.mojom_name}}_.isValid() ? 1 : 0;
+		fdsSize -= ret.{{field.mojom_name}}_.isValid() ? 1 : 0;
+	{%- endif %}
+{% elif field|is_controls %}
+	{%- set field_size = 4 %}
+		{{- check_data_size(field_size, 'dataSize', field.mojom_name + 'Size', 'data')}}
+		size_t {{field.mojom_name}}Size = readPOD<uint32_t>(m, 0, data.end());
+	{%- set field_size = '4 + ' + field.mojom_name + 'Size' -%}
+		{{- check_data_size(field_size, 'dataSize', field.mojom_name, 'data')}}
+		if ({{field.mojom_name}}Size > 0)
+			ret.{{field.mojom_name}}_ =
+				IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::deserialize(m + 4, m + 4 + {{field.mojom_name}}Size, cs);
+	{%- if not loop.last %}
+		m += {{field_size}};
+		dataSize -= {{field_size}};
+	{%- endif %}
+{% elif field|is_plain_struct or field|is_array or field|is_map or field|is_str %}
+	{%- set field_size = 4 %}
+		{{- check_data_size(field_size, 'dataSize', field.mojom_name + 'Size', 'data')}}
+		size_t {{field.mojom_name}}Size = readPOD<uint32_t>(m, 0, data.end());
+	{%- if field|has_fd %}
+	{%- set field_size = 8 %}
+		{{- check_data_size(field_size, 'dataSize', field.mojom_name + 'FdsSize', 'data')}}
+		size_t {{field.mojom_name}}FdsSize = readPOD<uint32_t>(m, 4, data.end());
+		{{- check_data_size(field.mojom_name + 'FdsSize', 'fdsSize', field.mojom_name, 'fds')}}
+	{%- endif %}
+	{%- set field_size = field|has_fd|choose('8 + ', '4 + ') + field.mojom_name + 'Size' -%}
+		{{- check_data_size(field_size, 'dataSize', field.mojom_name, 'data')}}
+		ret.{{field.mojom_name}}_ =
+	{%- if field|is_str %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::deserialize(m + 4, m + 4 + {{field.mojom_name}}Size);
+	{%- elif field|has_fd and (field|is_array or field|is_map) %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::deserialize(m + 8, m + 8 + {{field.mojom_name}}Size, n, n + {{field.mojom_name}}FdsSize, cs);
+	{%- elif field|has_fd and (not (field|is_array or field|is_map)) %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name_full(namespace)}}>::deserialize(m + 8, m + 8 + {{field.mojom_name}}Size, n, n + {{field.mojom_name}}FdsSize, cs);
+	{%- elif (not field|has_fd) and (field|is_array or field|is_map) %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::deserialize(m + 4, m + 4 + {{field.mojom_name}}Size, cs);
+	{%- else %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name_full(namespace)}}>::deserialize(m + 4, m + 4 + {{field.mojom_name}}Size, cs);
+	{%- endif %}
+	{%- if not loop.last %}
+		m += {{field_size}};
+		dataSize -= {{field_size}};
+	{%- if field|has_fd %}
+		n += {{field.mojom_name}}FdsSize;
+		fdsSize -= {{field.mojom_name}}FdsSize;
+	{%- endif %}
+	{%- endif %}
+{% else %}
+		/* Unknown deserialization for {{field.mojom_name}}. */
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endmacro %}
+ # \brief Serialize a struct
+ #
+ # Generate code for IPADataSerializer specialization, for serializing
+ # \a struct. \a base_controls indicates the default ControlInfoMap
+ # in the event that the ControlList does not have one.
+ #}
+{%- macro serializer(struct, base_controls, namespace) %}
+	static std::tuple<std::vector<uint8_t>, std::vector<int32_t>>
+	serialize(const {{struct|name_full(namespace)}} &data,
+{%- if struct|needs_control_serializer %}
+		  ControlSerializer *cs)
+{%- else %}
+		  [[maybe_unused]] ControlSerializer *cs = nullptr)
+{%- endif %}
+	{
+		std::vector<uint8_t> retData;
+{%- if struct|has_fd %}
+		std::vector<int32_t> retFds;
+{%- endif %}
+{%- for field in struct.fields %}
+{{serializer_field(field, base_controls, namespace, loop)}}
+{%- endfor %}
+{% if struct|has_fd %}
+		return {retData, retFds};
+{%- else %}
+		return {retData, {}};
+{%- endif %}
+	}
+{%- endmacro %}
+ # \brief Deserialize a struct that has fds
+ #
+ # Generate code for IPADataSerializer specialization, for deserializing
+ # \a struct, in the case that \a struct has file descriptors.
+ #}
+{%- macro deserializer_fd(struct, namespace) %}
+	static {{struct|name_full(namespace)}}
+	deserialize(std::vector<uint8_t> &data,
+		    std::vector<int32_t> &fds,
+{%- if struct|needs_control_serializer %}
+		    ControlSerializer *cs)
+{%- else %}
+		    [[maybe_unused]] ControlSerializer *cs = nullptr)
+{%- endif %}
+	{
+		{{struct|name_full(namespace)}} ret;
+		std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator m = data.begin();
+		std::vector<int32_t>::iterator n = fds.begin();
+		size_t dataSize = data.size();
+		size_t fdsSize = fds.size();
+{%- for field in struct.fields -%}
+{{deserializer_field(field, namespace, loop)}}
+{%- endfor %}
+		return ret;
+	}
+	static {{struct|name_full(namespace)}}
+	deserialize(std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator dataBegin,
+		    std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator dataEnd,
+		    std::vector<int32_t>::iterator fdsBegin,
+		    std::vector<int32_t>::iterator fdsEnd,
+{%- if struct|needs_control_serializer %}
+		    ControlSerializer *cs)
+{%- else %}
+		    [[maybe_unused]] ControlSerializer *cs = nullptr)
+{%- endif %}
+	{
+		std::vector<uint8_t> data(dataBegin, dataEnd);
+		std::vector<int32_t> fds(fdsBegin, fdsEnd);
+		return IPADataSerializer<{{struct|name_full(namespace)}}>::deserialize(data, fds, cs);
+	}
+{%- endmacro %}
+ # \brief Deserialize a struct that has no fds
+ #
+ # Generate code for IPADataSerializer specialization, for deserializing
+ # \a struct, in the case that \a struct does not have file descriptors.
+ #}
+{%- macro deserializer_no_fd(struct, namespace) %}
+	static {{struct|name_full(namespace)}}
+	deserialize(std::vector<uint8_t> &data,
+{%- if struct|needs_control_serializer %}
+		    ControlSerializer *cs)
+{%- else %}
+		    [[maybe_unused]] ControlSerializer *cs = nullptr)
+{%- endif %}
+	{
+		{{struct|name_full(namespace)}} ret;
+		std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator m = data.begin();
+		size_t dataSize = data.size();
+{%- for field in struct.fields -%}
+{{deserializer_field(field, namespace, loop)}}
+{%- endfor %}
+		return ret;
+	}
+	static {{struct|name_full(namespace)}}
+	deserialize(std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator dataBegin,
+		    std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator dataEnd,
+{%- if struct|needs_control_serializer %}
+		    ControlSerializer *cs)
+{%- else %}
+		    [[maybe_unused]] ControlSerializer *cs = nullptr)
+{%- endif %}
+	{
+		std::vector<uint8_t> data(dataBegin, dataEnd);
+		return IPADataSerializer<{{struct|name_full(namespace)}}>::deserialize(data, cs);
+	}
+{%- endmacro %}
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py b/utils/ipc/generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4fbf9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+'''Generates libcamera files from a mojom.Module.'''
+import argparse
+import ast
+import datetime
+import contextlib
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from jinja2 import contextfilter
+import mojom.fileutil as fileutil
+import mojom.generate.generator as generator
+import mojom.generate.module as mojom
+from mojom.generate.template_expander import UseJinja
+GENERATOR_PREFIX = 'libcamera'
+_kind_to_cpp_type = {
+    mojom.BOOL:   'bool',
+    mojom.INT8:   'int8_t',
+    mojom.UINT8:  'uint8_t',
+    mojom.INT16:  'int16_t',
+    mojom.UINT16: 'uint16_t',
+    mojom.INT32:  'int32_t',
+    mojom.UINT32: 'uint32_t',
+    mojom.FLOAT:  'float',
+    mojom.INT64:  'int64_t',
+    mojom.UINT64: 'uint64_t',
+    mojom.DOUBLE: 'double',
+_bit_widths = {
+    mojom.BOOL:   '8',
+    mojom.INT8:   '8',
+    mojom.UINT8:  '8',
+    mojom.INT16:  '16',
+    mojom.UINT16: '16',
+    mojom.INT32:  '32',
+    mojom.UINT32: '32',
+    mojom.FLOAT:  '32',
+    mojom.INT64:  '64',
+    mojom.UINT64: '64',
+    mojom.DOUBLE: '64',
+def ModuleName(path):
+    return path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
+def ModuleClassName(module):
+    s = re.sub(r'^IPA', '',  module.interfaces[0].mojom_name)
+    return re.sub(r'Interface$', '', s)
+def UpperCamelCase(name):
+    return ''.join([x.capitalize() for x in generator.SplitCamelCase(name)])
+def CamelCase(name):
+    uccc = UpperCamelCase(name)
+    return uccc[0].lower() + uccc[1:]
+def Capitalize(name):
+    return name[0].upper() + name[1:]
+def ConstantStyle(name):
+    return generator.ToUpperSnakeCase(name)
+def Choose(cond, t, f):
+    return t if cond else f
+def CommaSep(l):
+    return ', '.join([m for m in l])
+def ParamsCommaSep(l):
+    return ', '.join([m.mojom_name for m in l])
+def GetDefaultValue(element):
+    if element.default is not None:
+        return element.default
+    if type(element.kind) == mojom.Kind:
+        return '0'
+    if mojom.IsEnumKind(element.kind):
+        return f'static_cast<{element.kind.mojom_name}>(0)'
+    if (isinstance(element.kind, mojom.Struct) and
+       element.kind.mojom_name == 'FileDescriptor'):
+        return '-1'
+    return ''
+def WithDefaultValues(element):
+    return [x for x in element if HasDefaultValue(x)]
+def WithFds(element):
+    return [x for x in element if HasFd(x)]
+def HasDefaultValue(element):
+    return GetDefaultValue(element) != ''
+def HasDefaultFields(element):
+    return True in [HasDefaultValue(x) for x in element.fields]
+def GetAllTypes(element):
+    if mojom.IsArrayKind(element):
+        return GetAllTypes(element.kind)
+    if mojom.IsMapKind(element):
+        return GetAllTypes(element.key_kind) + GetAllTypes(element.value_kind)
+    if isinstance(element, mojom.Parameter):
+        return GetAllTypes(element.kind)
+    if mojom.IsEnumKind(element):
+        return [element.mojom_name]
+    if not mojom.IsStructKind(element):
+        return [element.spec]
+    if len(element.fields) == 0:
+        return [element.mojom_name]
+    ret = [GetAllTypes(x.kind) for x in element.fields]
+    ret = [x for sublist in ret for x in sublist]
+    return list(set(ret))
+def GetAllAttrs(element):
+    if mojom.IsArrayKind(element):
+        return GetAllAttrs(element.kind)
+    if mojom.IsMapKind(element):
+        return {**GetAllAttrs(element.key_kind), **GetAllAttrs(element.value_kind)}
+    if isinstance(element, mojom.Parameter):
+        return GetAllAttrs(element.kind)
+    if mojom.IsEnumKind(element):
+        return element.attributes if element.attributes is not None else {}
+    if mojom.IsStructKind(element) and len(element.fields) == 0:
+        return element.attributes if element.attributes is not None else {}
+    if not mojom.IsStructKind(element):
+        return {}
+    attrs = [(x.attributes) for x in element.fields]
+    ret = {}
+    for d in attrs:
+        if d is not None:
+            ret = {**ret, **d}
+    return ret
+def NeedsControlSerializer(element):
+    types = GetAllTypes(element)
+    return "ControlList" in types or "ControlInfoMap" in types
+def HasFd(element):
+    attrs = GetAllAttrs(element)
+    if isinstance(element, mojom.Kind):
+        types = GetAllTypes(element)
+    else:
+        types = GetAllTypes(element.kind)
+    return "FileDescriptor" in types or (attrs is not None and "hasFd" in attrs)
+def MethodInputHasFd(method):
+    if len([x for x in method.parameters if HasFd(x)]) > 0:
+        return True
+    return False
+def MethodOutputHasFd(method):
+    if (MethodReturnValue(method) != 'void' or
+        method.response_parameters is None):
+        return False
+    if len([x for x in method.parameters if HasFd(x)]) > 0:
+        return True
+    return False
+def MethodParamInputs(method):
+    return method.parameters
+def MethodParamOutputs(method):
+    if (MethodReturnValue(method) != 'void' or
+        method.response_parameters is None):
+        return []
+    return method.response_parameters
+def MethodParamNames(method):
+    params = []
+    for param in method.parameters:
+        params.append(param.mojom_name)
+    if MethodReturnValue(method) == 'void':
+        if method.response_parameters is None:
+            return params
+        for param in method.response_parameters:
+            params.append(param.mojom_name)
+    return params
+def MethodParameters(method):
+    params = []
+    for param in method.parameters:
+        params.append('const %s %s%s' % (GetNameForElement(param),
+                                         ('&' if not IsPod(param) else ''),
+                                         param.mojom_name))
+    if MethodReturnValue(method) == 'void':
+        if method.response_parameters is None:
+            return params
+        for param in method.response_parameters:
+            params.append(f'{GetNameForElement(param)} *{param.mojom_name}')
+    return params
+def MethodReturnValue(method):
+    if method.response_parameters is None:
+        return 'void'
+    if len(method.response_parameters) == 1 and IsPod(method.response_parameters[0]):
+        return GetNameForElement(method.response_parameters[0])
+    return 'void'
+def IsAsync(method):
+    # callbacks are always async
+    if re.match("^IPA.*EventInterface$", method.interface.mojom_name):
+        return True
+    elif re.match("^IPA.*Interface$", method.interface.mojom_name):
+        if method.attributes is None:
+            return False
+        elif 'async' in method.attributes and method.attributes['async']:
+            return True
+    return False
+def IsArray(element):
+    return mojom.IsArrayKind(element.kind)
+def IsControls(element):
+    return mojom.IsStructKind(element.kind) and (element.kind.mojom_name == "ControlList" or
+                                                 element.kind.mojom_name == "ControlInfoMap")
+def IsEnum(element):
+    return mojom.IsEnumKind(element.kind)
+def IsFd(element):
+    return mojom.IsStructKind(element.kind) and element.kind.mojom_name == "FileDescriptor"
+def IsMap(element):
+    return mojom.IsMapKind(element.kind)
+def IsPlainStruct(element):
+    return mojom.IsStructKind(element.kind) and not IsControls(element) and not IsFd(element)
+def IsPod(element):
+    return element.kind in _kind_to_cpp_type
+def IsStr(element):
+    return element.kind.spec == 's'
+def BitWidth(element):
+    if element.kind in _bit_widths:
+        return _bit_widths[element.kind]
+    if mojom.IsEnumKind(element.kind):
+        return '32'
+    return ''
+def GetNameForElement(element):
+    if (mojom.IsEnumKind(element) or
+        mojom.IsInterfaceKind(element) or
+        mojom.IsStructKind(element)):
+        return element.mojom_name
+    if (mojom.IsArrayKind(element)):
+        elem_name = GetNameForElement(element.kind)
+        return f'std::vector<{elem_name}>'
+    if (mojom.IsMapKind(element)):
+        key_name = GetNameForElement(element.key_kind)
+        value_name = GetNameForElement(element.value_kind)
+        return f'std::map<{key_name}, {value_name}>'
+    if isinstance(element, (mojom.Field, mojom.Method, mojom.Parameter)):
+        if (mojom.IsArrayKind(element.kind) or mojom.IsMapKind(element.kind)):
+            return GetNameForElement(element.kind)
+        if (mojom.IsReferenceKind(element.kind) and element.kind.spec == 's'):
+            return 'std::string'
+        if (hasattr(element, 'kind') and element.kind in _kind_to_cpp_type):
+            return _kind_to_cpp_type[element.kind]
+        return element.kind.mojom_name
+    if isinstance(element,  mojom.EnumValue):
+        return (GetNameForElement(element.enum) + '.' +
+                ConstantStyle(element.name))
+    if isinstance(element, (mojom.NamedValue,
+                            mojom.Constant,
+                            mojom.EnumField)):
+        return ConstantStyle(element.name)
+    if (hasattr(element, '__hash__') and element in _kind_to_cpp_type):
+        return _kind_to_cpp_type[element]
+    if (hasattr(element, 'kind') and element.kind in _kind_to_cpp_type):
+        return _kind_to_cpp_type[element.kind]
+    if (hasattr(element, 'spec')):
+        if (element.spec == 's'):
+            return 'std::string'
+        return element.spec.split(':')[-1]
+    if (mojom.IsInterfaceRequestKind(element) or
+        mojom.IsAssociatedKind(element) or
+        mojom.IsPendingRemoteKind(element) or
+        mojom.IsPendingReceiverKind(element) or
+        mojom.IsUnionKind(element)):
+        raise Exception('Unsupported element: %s' % element)
+    raise Exception('Unexpected element: %s' % element)
+def GetFullNameForElement(element, namespace_str):
+    name = GetNameForElement(element)
+    if namespace_str == '':
+        return name
+    return f'{namespace_str}::{name}'
+def ValidateZeroLength(l, s, cap=True):
+    if l is None:
+        return
+    if len(l) > 0:
+        raise Exception(f'{s.capitalize() if cap else s} should be empty')
+def ValidateSingleLength(l, s, cap=True):
+    if len(l) > 1:
+        raise Exception(f'Only one {s} allowed')
+    if len(l) < 1:
+        raise Exception(f'{s.capitalize() if cap else s} is required')
+def ValidateInterfaces(interfaces):
+    # Validate presence of main interface
+    intf = [x for x in interfaces
+            if re.match("^IPA.*Interface", x.mojom_name) and
+               not re.match("^IPA.*EventInterface", x.mojom_name)]
+    ValidateSingleLength(intf, 'main interface')
+    intf = intf[0]
+    # Validate presence of callback interface
+    cb = [x for x in interfaces if re.match("^IPA.*EventInterface", x.mojom_name)]
+    ValidateSingleLength(cb, 'event interface')
+    cb = cb[0]
+    # Validate required main interface functions
+    f_init  = [x for x in intf.methods if x.mojom_name == 'init']
+    f_start = [x for x in intf.methods if x.mojom_name == 'start']
+    f_stop  = [x for x in intf.methods if x.mojom_name == 'stop']
+    ValidateSingleLength(f_init, 'init()', False)
+    ValidateSingleLength(f_start, 'start()', False)
+    ValidateSingleLength(f_stop, 'stop()', False)
+    f_init  = f_init[0]
+    f_start = f_start[0]
+    f_stop  = f_stop[0]
+    # Validate parameters to init()
+    ValidateSingleLength(f_init.parameters, 'input parameter to init()')
+    ValidateSingleLength(f_init.response_parameters, 'output parameter from init()')
+    if f_init.parameters[0].kind.mojom_name != 'IPASettings':
+        raise Exception('init() must have single IPASettings input parameter')
+    if f_init.response_parameters[0].kind.spec != 'i32':
+        raise Exception('init() must have single int32 output parameter')
+    # Validate parameters to start()
+    ValidateZeroLength(f_start.parameters, 'input parameter to start()')
+    ValidateSingleLength(f_start.response_parameters, 'output parameter from start()')
+    if f_start.response_parameters[0].kind.spec != 'i32':
+        raise Exception('start() must have single int32 output parameter')
+    # Validate parameters to stop()
+    ValidateZeroLength(f_stop.parameters, 'input parameter to stop()')
+    ValidateZeroLength(f_stop.parameters, 'output parameter from stop()')
+    # Validate that all async methods don't have return values
+    intf_methods_async = [x for x in intf.methods if IsAsync(x)]
+    for method in intf_methods_async:
+        ValidateZeroLength(method.response_parameters,
+                           f'{method.mojom_name} response parameters', False)
+    cb_methods_async = [x for x in cb.methods if IsAsync(x)]
+    for method in cb_methods_async:
+        ValidateZeroLength(method.response_parameters,
+                           f'{method.mojom_name} response parameters', False)
+class Generator(generator.Generator):
+    @staticmethod
+    def GetTemplatePrefix():
+        return 'libcamera_templates'
+    def GetFilters(self):
+        libcamera_filters = {
+            'all_types': GetAllTypes,
+            'bit_width': BitWidth,
+            'cap': Capitalize,
+            'choose': Choose,
+            'comma_sep': CommaSep,
+            'default_value': GetDefaultValue,
+            'has_default_fields': HasDefaultFields,
+            'has_fd': HasFd,
+            'is_async': IsAsync,
+            'is_array': IsArray,
+            'is_controls': IsControls,
+            'is_enum': IsEnum,
+            'is_fd': IsFd,
+            'is_map': IsMap,
+            'is_plain_struct': IsPlainStruct,
+            'is_pod': IsPod,
+            'is_str': IsStr,
+            'method_input_has_fd': MethodInputHasFd,
+            'method_output_has_fd': MethodOutputHasFd,
+            'method_param_names': MethodParamNames,
+            'method_param_inputs': MethodParamInputs,
+            'method_param_outputs': MethodParamOutputs,
+            'method_parameters': MethodParameters,
+            'method_return_value': MethodReturnValue,
+            'name': GetNameForElement,
+            'name_full': GetFullNameForElement,
+            'needs_control_serializer': NeedsControlSerializer,
+            'params_comma_sep': ParamsCommaSep,
+            'with_default_values': WithDefaultValues,
+            'with_fds': WithFds,
+        }
+        return libcamera_filters
+    def _GetJinjaExports(self):
+        return {
+            'base_controls': '%s::controls' % ModuleClassName(self.module),
+            'cmd_enum_name': '_%sCmd' % ModuleClassName(self.module),
+            'cmd_event_enum_name': '_%sEventCmd' % ModuleClassName(self.module),
+            'enums': self.module.enums,
+            'has_array': len([x for x in self.module.kinds.keys() if x[0] == 'a']) > 0,
+            'has_map': len([x for x in self.module.kinds.keys() if x[0] == 'm']) > 0,
+            'has_namespace': self.module.mojom_namespace != '',
+            'imports': self.module.imports,
+            'interface_cb': self.module.interfaces[1],
+            'interface_main': self.module.interfaces[0],
+            'interface_name': 'IPA%sInterface' % ModuleClassName(self.module),
+            'ipc_name': 'IPAIPCUnixSocket',
+            'kinds': self.module.kinds,
+            'module': self.module,
+            'module_name': ModuleName(self.module.path),
+            'module_class_name': ModuleClassName(self.module),
+            'namespace': self.module.mojom_namespace.split('.'),
+            'namespace_str': self.module.mojom_namespace.replace('.', '::') if
+                             self.module.mojom_namespace is not None else '',
+            'proxy_name': 'IPAProxy%s' % ModuleClassName(self.module),
+            'proxy_worker_name': 'IPAProxy%sWorker' % ModuleClassName(self.module),
+            'structs_nonempty': [x for x in self.module.structs if len(x.fields) > 0],
+            'year': datetime.datetime.now().year,
+        }
+    @UseJinja('module_ipa_interface.h.tmpl')
+    def _GenerateDataHeader(self):
+        return self._GetJinjaExports()
+    @UseJinja('module_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl')
+    def _GenerateSerializer(self):
+        return self._GetJinjaExports()
+    @UseJinja('module_ipa_proxy.cpp.tmpl')
+    def _GenerateProxyCpp(self):
+        return self._GetJinjaExports()
+    @UseJinja('module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl')
+    def _GenerateProxyHeader(self):
+        return self._GetJinjaExports()
+    @UseJinja('module_ipa_proxy_worker.cpp.tmpl')
+    def _GenerateProxyWorker(self):
+        return self._GetJinjaExports()
+    def GenerateFiles(self, unparsed_args):
+        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+        parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_header',       action='store_true')
+        parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_serializer',   action='store_true')
+        parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_proxy_cpp',    action='store_true')
+        parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_proxy_h',      action='store_true')
+        parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_proxy_worker', action='store_true')
+        parser.add_argument('--libcamera_output_path')
+        args = parser.parse_args(unparsed_args)
+        ValidateInterfaces(self.module.interfaces)
+        fileutil.EnsureDirectoryExists(os.path.dirname(args.libcamera_output_path))
+        module_name = ModuleName(self.module.path)
+        if args.libcamera_generate_header:
+            self.Write(self._GenerateDataHeader(),
+                       args.libcamera_output_path)
+        if args.libcamera_generate_serializer:
+            self.Write(self._GenerateSerializer(),
+                       args.libcamera_output_path)
+        if args.libcamera_generate_proxy_cpp:
+            self.Write(self._GenerateProxyCpp(),
+                       args.libcamera_output_path)
+        if args.libcamera_generate_proxy_h:
+            self.Write(self._GenerateProxyHeader(),
+                       args.libcamera_output_path)
+        if args.libcamera_generate_proxy_worker:
+            self.Write(self._GenerateProxyWorker(),
+                       args.libcamera_output_path)

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