[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v4 1/5] libcamera: Add SensorCropMaximum property

David Plowman david.plowman at raspberrypi.com
Mon Oct 19 14:51:52 CEST 2020

The SensorCropMaximum camera property reports the location of that
part of the image sensor array that is scaled to produce the output
images, given in native sensor pixels. It will normally change when a
new camera mode is selected, and can be used to implement digital

Signed-off-by: David Plowman <david.plowman at raspberrypi.com>
 src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml b/src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml
index 7261263a..022cf65d 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml
+++ b/src/libcamera/property_ids.yaml
@@ -663,4 +663,24 @@ controls:
         \todo Rename this property to ActiveAreas once we will have property
               categories (i.e. Properties::PixelArray::ActiveAreas)
+  - ScalerCropMaximum:
+      type: Rectangle
+      description: |
+        The size and location, in native sensor pixels, of the part of the
+        sensor that is rescaled to produce the output images. Note that the
+        units remain native sensor pixels, even if the sensor is being used in
+        a binning skipping or scaling mode.
+        The (x,y) location of this rectangle is relative to the
+        PixelArrayActiveArea that is being used. The property also takes into
+        account any further cropping being done by the CSI-2 receiver or
+        elsewhere.
+        This property is valid only after the Camera has been successfully
+        configured and its value changes whenever a new configuration is
+        applied.
+        \todo Turn this property into a "maximum control value" for the
+        ScalerCrop control once "dynamic" controls have been implemented.

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