[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v6 4/6] libcamera: Add geometry helper functions

David Plowman david.plowman at raspberrypi.com
Mon Oct 26 18:19:06 CET 2020

These functions are aimed at making it easier to calculate cropping
rectangles, particularly in order to implement digital zoom.

Signed-off-by: David Plowman <david.plowman at raspberrypi.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacopo Mondi <jacopo at jmondi.org>
 include/libcamera/geometry.h |  67 +++++++
 src/libcamera/geometry.cpp   | 328 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 395 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/libcamera/geometry.h b/include/libcamera/geometry.h
index 02fb63c0..ca5687a7 100644
--- a/include/libcamera/geometry.h
+++ b/include/libcamera/geometry.h
@@ -13,6 +13,38 @@
 namespace libcamera {
+class Rectangle;
+class Point
+	constexpr Point()
+		: x(0), y(0)
+	{
+	}
+	constexpr Point(int xpos, int ypos)
+		: x(xpos), y(ypos)
+	{
+	}
+	int x;
+	int y;
+	const std::string toString() const;
+	constexpr Point operator-() const
+	{
+		return { -x, -y };
+	}
+bool operator==(const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs);
+static inline bool operator!=(const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs)
+	return !(lhs == rhs);
 class Size
@@ -93,6 +125,17 @@ public:
 			std::max(height, expand.height)
+	Size boundedToAspectRatio(const Size &ratio) const;
+	Size expandedToAspectRatio(const Size &ratio) const;
+	Rectangle centeredTo(const Point &center) const;
+	Size operator*(float factor) const;
+	Size operator/(float factor) const;
+	Size &operator*=(float factor);
+	Size &operator/=(float factor);
 bool operator==(const Size &lhs, const Size &rhs);
@@ -176,6 +219,11 @@ public:
+	constexpr explicit Rectangle(const Size &size)
+		: x(0), y(0), width(size.width), height(size.height)
+	{
+	}
 	int x;
 	int y;
 	unsigned int width;
@@ -183,6 +231,25 @@ public:
 	bool isNull() const { return !width && !height; }
 	const std::string toString() const;
+	Point center() const;
+	Size size() const
+	{
+		return { width, height };
+	}
+	Point topLeft() const
+	{
+		return { x, y };
+	}
+	Rectangle &scaleBy(const Size &numerator, const Size &denominator);
+	Rectangle &translateBy(const Point &point);
+	Rectangle boundedTo(const Rectangle &bound) const;
+	Rectangle enclosedIn(const Rectangle &boundary) const;
+	Rectangle scaledBy(const Size &numerator, const Size &denominator) const;
+	Rectangle translatedBy(const Point &point) const;
 bool operator==(const Rectangle &lhs, const Rectangle &rhs);
diff --git a/src/libcamera/geometry.cpp b/src/libcamera/geometry.cpp
index b12e1a62..438bf90b 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/geometry.cpp
+++ b/src/libcamera/geometry.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include "libcamera/internal/log.h"
  * \file geometry.h
  * \brief Data structures related to geometric objects
@@ -17,6 +19,64 @@
 namespace libcamera {
+ * \class Point
+ * \brief Describe a point in two-dimensional space
+ *
+ * The Point structure defines a point in two-dimensional space with integer
+ * precision. The coordinates of a Point may be negative as well as positive.
+ */
+ * \fn Point::Point()
+ * \brief Construct a Point with x and y set to 0
+ */
+ * \fn Point::Point(int xpos, int ypos)
+ * \brief Construct a Point at given \a xpos and \a ypos values
+ * \param[in] xpos The x-coordinate
+ * \param[in] ypos The y-coordinate
+ */
+ * \var Point::x
+ * \brief The x-coordinate of the Point
+ */
+ * \var Point::y
+ * \brief The y-coordinate of the Point
+ */
+ * \brief Assemble and return a string describing the point
+ * \return A string describing the point
+ */
+const std::string Point::toString() const
+	std::stringstream ss;
+	ss << "(" << x << "," << y << ")";
+	return ss.str();
+ * \fn Point Point::operator-() const
+ * \brief Negate a Point by negating both its x and y coordinates
+ * \return The negated point
+ */
+ * \brief Compare points for equality
+ * \return True if the two points are equal, false otherwise
+ */
+bool operator==(const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs)
+	return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y;
  * \struct Size
  * \brief Describe a two-dimensional size
@@ -143,6 +203,117 @@ const std::string Size::toString() const
  * height of this size and the \a expand size
+ * \brief Bound the size down to match the aspect ratio given by \a ratio
+ * \param[in] ratio The size whose aspect ratio must be matched
+ *
+ * The behaviour of this function is undefined if either the width or the
+ * height of the \a ratio is zero.
+ *
+ * \return A Size whose width and height are equal to the width and height
+ * of this Size aligned down to the aspect ratio of \a ratio
+ */
+Size Size::boundedToAspectRatio(const Size &ratio) const
+	ASSERT(ratio.width && ratio.height);
+	uint64_t ratio1 = static_cast<uint64_t>(width) *
+			  static_cast<uint64_t>(ratio.height);
+	uint64_t ratio2 = static_cast<uint64_t>(ratio.width) *
+			  static_cast<uint64_t>(height);
+	if (ratio1 > ratio2)
+		return { static_cast<unsigned int>(ratio2 / ratio.height), height };
+	else
+		return { width, static_cast<unsigned int>(ratio1 / ratio.width) };
+ * \brief Expand the size to match the aspect ratio given by \a ratio
+ * \param[in] ratio The size whose aspect ratio must be matched
+ *
+ * The behaviour of this function is undefined if either the width or the
+ * height of the \a ratio is zero.
+ *
+ * \return A Size whose width and height are equal to the width and height
+ * of this Size expanded up to the aspect ratio of \a ratio
+ */
+Size Size::expandedToAspectRatio(const Size &ratio) const
+	ASSERT(ratio.width && ratio.height);
+	uint64_t ratio1 = static_cast<uint64_t>(width) *
+			  static_cast<uint64_t>(ratio.height);
+	uint64_t ratio2 = static_cast<uint64_t>(ratio.width) *
+			  static_cast<uint64_t>(height);
+	if (ratio1 < ratio2)
+		return { static_cast<unsigned int>(ratio2 / ratio.height), height };
+	else
+		return { width, static_cast<unsigned int>(ratio1 / ratio.width) };
+ * \brief Center a rectangle of this size at a given Point
+ * \param[in] center The center point the Rectangle is to have
+ *
+ * A Rectangle of this object's size is positioned so that its center
+ * is at the given Point.
+ *
+ * \return A Rectangle of this size, centered at the given Point.
+ */
+Rectangle Size::centeredTo(const Point &center) const
+	int x = center.x - width / 2;
+	int y = center.y - height / 2;
+	return { x, y, width, height };
+ * \brief Scale size up by the given factor
+ * \param[in] factor The factor
+ * \return The scaled Size
+ */
+Size Size::operator*(float factor) const
+	return Size(width * factor, height * factor);
+ * \brief Scale size down by the given factor
+ * \param[in] factor The factor
+ * \return The scaled Size
+ */
+Size Size::operator/(float factor) const
+	return Size(width / factor, height / factor);
+ * \brief Scale this size up by the given factor in place
+ * \param[in] factor The factor
+ * \return A reference to this object
+ */
+Size &Size::operator*=(float factor)
+	width *= factor;
+	height *= factor;
+	return *this;
+ * \brief Scale this size down by the given factor in place
+ * \param[in] factor The factor
+ * \return A reference to this object
+ */
+Size &Size::operator/=(float factor)
+	width /= factor;
+	height /= factor;
+	return *this;
  * \brief Compare sizes for equality
  * \return True if the two sizes are equal, false otherwise
@@ -365,6 +536,13 @@ bool operator==(const SizeRange &lhs, const SizeRange &rhs)
  * \param[in] height The height
+ * \fn Rectangle::Rectangle(const Size &size)
+ * \brief Construct a Rectangle of \a size with its top left corner located
+ * at (0,0)
+ * \param[in] size The desired Rectangle size
+ */
  * \var Rectangle::x
  * \brief The horizontal coordinate of the rectangle's top-left corner
@@ -404,6 +582,156 @@ const std::string Rectangle::toString() const
 	return ss.str();
+ * \brief Retrieve the center point of this rectangle
+ * \return The center Point
+ */
+Point Rectangle::center() const
+	return { x + static_cast<int>(width / 2), y + static_cast<int>(height / 2) };
+ * \fn Size Rectangle::size() const
+ * \brief Retrieve the size of this rectangle
+ * \return The Rectangle size
+ */
+ * \fn Point Rectangle::topLeft() const
+ * \brief Retrieve the coordinates of the top left corner of this Rectangle
+ * \return The Rectangle's top left corner
+ */
+ * \brief Apply a non-uniform rational scaling in place to this Rectangle
+ * \param[in] numerator The numerators of the x and y scaling factors
+ * \param[in] denominator The denominators of the x and y scaling factors
+ *
+ * A non-uniform scaling is applied in place such the resulting x
+ * coordinates are multiplied by numerator.width / denominator.width,
+ * and similarly for the y coordinates (using height in place of width).
+ *
+ * \return A reference to this object
+ */
+Rectangle &Rectangle::scaleBy(const Size &numerator, const Size &denominator)
+	x = static_cast<int64_t>(x) * numerator.width / denominator.width;
+	y = static_cast<int64_t>(y) * numerator.height / denominator.height;
+	width = static_cast<uint64_t>(width) * numerator.width / denominator.width;
+	height = static_cast<uint64_t>(height) * numerator.height / denominator.height;
+	return *this;
+ * \brief Translate this Rectangle in place by the given Point
+ * \param[in] point The amount to translate the Rectangle by
+ *
+ * The Rectangle is translated in the x-direction by the point's x coordinate
+ * and in the y-direction by the point's y coordinate.
+ *
+ * \return A reference to this object
+ */
+Rectangle &Rectangle::translateBy(const Point &point)
+	x += point.x;
+	y += point.y;
+	return *this;
+ * \brief Calculate the intersection of this Rectangle with another
+ * \param[in] bound The Rectangle that is intersected with this Rectangle
+ *
+ * This method calculates the standard intersection of two rectangles. If the
+ * rectangles do not overlap in either the x or y direction, then the size
+ * of that dimension in the result (its width or height) is set to zero. Even
+ * when one dimension is set to zero, note that the other dimension may still
+ * have a positive value if there was some overlap.
+ *
+ * \return A Rectangle that is the intersection of the input rectangles
+ */
+Rectangle Rectangle::boundedTo(const Rectangle &bound) const
+	int topLeftX = std::max(x, bound.x);
+	int topLeftY = std::max(y, bound.y);
+	int bottomRightX = std::min<int>(x + width, bound.x + bound.width);
+	int bottomRightY = std::min<int>(y + height, bound.y + bound.height);
+	unsigned int newWidth = std::max(bottomRightX - topLeftX, 0);
+	unsigned int newHeight = std::max(bottomRightY - topLeftY, 0);
+	return { topLeftX, topLeftY, newWidth, newHeight };
+ * \brief Enclose a Rectangle so as not to exceed another Rectangle
+ * \param[in] boundary The limit that the returned Rectangle will not exceed
+ *
+ * The Rectangle is modified so that it does not exceed the given \a boundary.
+ * This process involves translating the Rectangle if any of its edges
+ * lie beyond \a boundary, so that those edges then lie along the boundary
+ * instead.
+ *
+ * If either width or height are larger than \a boundary, then the returned
+ * Rectangle is clipped to be no larger. But other than this, the
+ * Rectangle is not clipped or reduced in size, merely translated.
+ *
+ * Note that this is not a conventional Rectangle intersection function
+ * which is provided by boundedTo().
+ *
+ * \return A Rectangle that does not extend beyond a boundary Rectangle
+ */
+Rectangle Rectangle::enclosedIn(const Rectangle &boundary) const
+	/* We can't be bigger than the boundary rectangle. */
+	Rectangle result = boundedTo(Rectangle{ x, y, boundary.size() });
+	result.x = std::clamp<int>(result.x, boundary.x,
+				   boundary.x + boundary.width - result.width);
+	result.y = std::clamp<int>(result.y, boundary.y,
+				   boundary.y + boundary.height - result.height);
+	return result;
+ * \brief Apply a non-uniform rational scaling to this Rectangle
+ * \param[in] numerator The numerators of the x and y scaling factors
+ * \param[in] denominator The denominators of the x and y scaling factors
+ *
+ * A non-uniform scaling is applied such the resulting x
+ * coordinates are multiplied by numerator.width / denominator.width,
+ * and similarly for the y coordinates (using height in place of width).
+ *
+ * \return The non-uniformly scaled Rectangle
+ */
+Rectangle Rectangle::scaledBy(const Size &numerator, const Size &denominator) const
+	int scaledX = static_cast<int64_t>(x) * numerator.width / denominator.width;
+	int scaledY = static_cast<int64_t>(y) * numerator.height / denominator.height;
+	unsigned int scaledWidth = static_cast<uint64_t>(width) * numerator.width / denominator.width;
+	unsigned int scaledHeight = static_cast<uint64_t>(height) * numerator.height / denominator.height;
+	return { scaledX, scaledY, scaledWidth, scaledHeight };
+ * \brief Translate a Rectangle by the given amounts
+ * \param[in] point The amount to translate the Rectangle by
+ *
+ * The Rectangle is translated in the x-direction by the point's x coordinate
+ * and in the y-direction by the point's y coordinate.
+ *
+ * \return The translated Rectangle
+ */
+Rectangle Rectangle::translatedBy(const Point &point) const
+	return { x + point.x, y + point.y, width, height };
  * \brief Compare rectangles for equality
  * \return True if the two rectangles are equal, false otherwise

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