[libcamera-devel] [RFC v3 5/5] py: Add cam.py

Tomi Valkeinen tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com
Thu Dec 9 10:29:06 CET 2021

Add cam.py, which mimics the 'cam' tool. Four rendering backends are

* null - Do nothing
* kms - Use KMS with dmabufs
* qt - SW render on a Qt window
* qtgl - OpenGL render on a Qt window

All the renderers handle only a few pixel formats, and especially the GL
renderer is just a prototype.

Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
 src/py/test/cam.py        | 464 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/py/test/cam_kms.py    | 185 +++++++++++++++
 src/py/test/cam_null.py   |  46 ++++
 src/py/test/cam_qt.py     | 355 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/py/test/cam_qtgl.py   | 385 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/py/test/gl_helpers.py |  67 ++++++
 6 files changed, 1502 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 src/py/test/cam.py
 create mode 100644 src/py/test/cam_kms.py
 create mode 100644 src/py/test/cam_null.py
 create mode 100644 src/py/test/cam_qt.py
 create mode 100644 src/py/test/cam_qtgl.py
 create mode 100644 src/py/test/gl_helpers.py

diff --git a/src/py/test/cam.py b/src/py/test/cam.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..48df01cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/py/test/cam.py
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Copyright (C) 2021, Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
+import pycamera as pycam
+import time
+import binascii
+import argparse
+import selectors
+import os
+import sys
+class CustomCameraAction(argparse.Action):
+	def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+		print(self.dest, values)
+		if not "camera" in namespace or namespace.camera == None:
+			setattr(namespace, "camera", [])
+		previous = namespace.camera
+		previous.append((self.dest, values))
+		setattr(namespace, "camera", previous)
+class CustomAction(argparse.Action):
+	def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs):
+		super().__init__(option_strings, dest, default={}, **kwargs)
+	def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+		if len(namespace.camera) == 0:
+			print(f"Option {option_string} requires a --camera context")
+			sys.exit(-1)
+		if self.type == bool:
+			values = True
+		current = namespace.camera[-1]
+		data = getattr(namespace, self.dest)
+		if self.nargs == "+":
+			if not current in data:
+				data[current] = []
+			data[current] += values
+		else:
+			data[current] = values
+def do_cmd_list(cm):
+	print("Available cameras:")
+	for idx,c in enumerate(cm.cameras):
+		print(f"{idx + 1}: {c.id}")
+def do_cmd_list_props(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	print("Properties for", ctx["id"])
+	for name, prop in camera.properties.items():
+		print("\t{}: {}".format(name, prop))
+def do_cmd_list_controls(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	print("Controls for", ctx["id"])
+	for name, prop in camera.controls.items():
+		print("\t{}: {}".format(name, prop))
+def do_cmd_info(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	print("Stream info for", ctx["id"])
+	roles = [pycam.StreamRole.Viewfinder]
+	camconfig = camera.generateConfiguration(roles)
+	if camconfig == None:
+		raise Exception("Generating config failed")
+	for i, stream_config in enumerate(camconfig):
+		print("\t{}: {}".format(i, stream_config.toString()))
+		formats = stream_config.formats
+		for fmt in formats.pixelFormats:
+			print("\t * Pixelformat:", fmt, formats.range(fmt))
+			for size in formats.sizes(fmt):
+				print("\t  -", size)
+def acquire(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	camera.acquire()
+def release(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	camera.release()
+def parse_streams(ctx):
+	streams = []
+	for stream_desc in ctx["opt-stream"]:
+		stream_opts = {"role": pycam.StreamRole.Viewfinder}
+		for stream_opt in stream_desc.split(","):
+			if stream_opt == 0:
+				continue
+			arr = stream_opt.split("=")
+			if len(arr) != 2:
+				print("Bad stream option", stream_opt)
+				sys.exit(-1)
+			key = arr[0]
+			value = arr[1]
+			if key in ["width", "height"]:
+				value = int(value)
+			elif key == "role":
+				rolemap = {
+					"still": pycam.StreamRole.StillCapture,
+					"raw": pycam.StreamRole.Raw,
+					"video": pycam.StreamRole.VideoRecording,
+					"viewfinder": pycam.StreamRole.Viewfinder,
+				}
+				role = rolemap.get(value.lower(), None)
+				if role == None:
+					print("Bad stream role", value)
+					sys.exit(-1)
+				value = role
+			elif key == "pixelformat":
+				pass
+			else:
+				print("Bad stream option key", key)
+				sys.exit(-1)
+			stream_opts[key] = value
+		streams.append(stream_opts)
+	return streams
+def configure(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	streams = parse_streams(ctx)
+	roles = [opts["role"] for opts in streams]
+	camconfig = camera.generateConfiguration(roles)
+	if camconfig == None:
+		raise Exception("Generating config failed")
+	for idx,stream_opts in enumerate(streams):
+		stream_config = camconfig.at(idx)
+		if "width" in stream_opts and "height" in stream_opts:
+			stream_config.size = (stream_opts["width"], stream_opts["height"])
+		if "pixelformat" in stream_opts:
+			stream_config.fmt = stream_opts["pixelformat"]
+	stat = camconfig.validate()
+	if stat == pycam.ConfigurationStatus.Invalid:
+		print("Camera configuration invalid")
+		exit(-1)
+	elif stat == pycam.ConfigurationStatus.Adjusted:
+		if ctx["opt-strict-formats"]:
+			print("Adjusting camera configuration disallowed by --strict-formats argument")
+			exit(-1)
+		print("Camera configuration adjusted")
+	r = camera.configure(camconfig);
+	if r != 0:
+		raise Exception("Configure failed")
+	ctx["stream-names"] = {}
+	ctx["streams"] = []
+	for idx, stream_config in enumerate(camconfig):
+		stream = stream_config.stream
+		ctx["streams"].append(stream)
+		ctx["stream-names"][stream] = "stream" + str(idx)
+		print("{}-{}: stream config {}".format(ctx["id"], ctx["stream-names"][stream], stream.configuration.toString()))
+def alloc_buffers(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	allocator = pycam.FrameBufferAllocator(camera);
+	for idx, stream in enumerate(ctx["streams"]):
+		ret = allocator.allocate(stream)
+		if ret < 0:
+			print("Can't allocate buffers")
+			exit(-1)
+		allocated = len(allocator.buffers(stream))
+		print("{}-{}: Allocated {} buffers".format(ctx["id"], ctx["stream-names"][stream], allocated))
+	ctx["allocator"] = allocator
+def create_requests(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	ctx["requests"] = []
+	# Identify the stream with the least number of buffers
+	num_bufs = min([len(ctx["allocator"].buffers(stream)) for stream in ctx["streams"]])
+	requests = []
+	for buf_num in range(num_bufs):
+		request = camera.createRequest()
+		if request == None:
+			print("Can't create request")
+			exit(-1)
+		for stream in ctx["streams"]:
+			buffers = ctx["allocator"].buffers(stream)
+			buffer = buffers[buf_num]
+			ret = request.addBuffer(stream, buffer)
+			if ret < 0:
+				print("Can't set buffer for request")
+				exit(-1)
+		requests.append(request)
+	ctx["requests"] = requests
+def start(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	camera.start()
+def stop(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	camera.stop()
+def queue_requests(ctx):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	for request in ctx["requests"]:
+		camera.queueRequest(request)
+		ctx["reqs-queued"] += 1
+	del ctx["requests"]
+def capture_init(contexts):
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		acquire(ctx)
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		configure(ctx)
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		alloc_buffers(ctx)
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		create_requests(ctx)
+def capture_start(contexts):
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		start(ctx)
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		queue_requests(ctx)
+# Called from renderer when there is a libcamera event
+def event_handler(state):
+	cm = state["cm"]
+	contexts = state["contexts"]
+	data = os.read(cm.efd, 8)
+	reqs = cm.getReadyRequests()
+	for req in reqs:
+		ctx = next(ctx for ctx in contexts if ctx["camera"] == req.camera)
+		request_handler(state, ctx, req)
+	running = any(ctx["reqs-completed"] < ctx["opt-capture"] for ctx in contexts)
+	return running
+def request_handler(state, ctx, req):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	if req.status != pycam.RequestStatus.Complete:
+		raise Exception("{}: Request failed: {}".format(ctx["id"], req.status))
+	buffers = req.buffers
+	# Compute the frame rate. The timestamp is arbitrarily retrieved from
+	# the first buffer, as all buffers should have matching timestamps.
+	ts = buffers[next(iter(buffers))].metadata.timestamp
+	last = ctx.get("last", 0)
+	fps = 1000000000.0 / (ts - last) if (last != 0 and (ts - last) != 0) else 0
+	ctx["last"] = ts
+	ctx["fps"] = fps
+	for stream, fb in buffers.items():
+		stream_name = ctx["stream-names"][stream]
+		crcs = []
+		if ctx["opt-crc"]:
+			with fb.mmap(0) as b:
+				crc = binascii.crc32(b)
+				crcs.append(crc)
+		meta = fb.metadata
+		print("{:.6f} ({:.2f} fps) {}-{}: seq {}, bytes {}, CRCs {}"
+			  .format(ts / 1000000000, fps,
+					  ctx["id"], stream_name,
+					  meta.sequence, meta.bytesused,
+					  crcs))
+		if ctx["opt-metadata"]:
+			reqmeta = req.metadata
+			for ctrl, val in reqmeta.items():
+				print(f"\t{ctrl} = {val}")
+		if ctx["opt-save-frames"]:
+			with fb.mmap(0) as b:
+				filename = "frame-{}-{}-{}.data".format(ctx["id"], stream_name, ctx["reqs-completed"])
+				with open(filename, "wb") as f:
+					f.write(b)
+	state["renderer"].request_handler(ctx, req);
+	ctx["reqs-completed"] += 1
+# Called from renderer when it has finished with a request
+def request_prcessed(ctx, req):
+	camera = ctx["camera"]
+	if ctx["reqs-queued"] < ctx["opt-capture"]:
+		req.reuse()
+		camera.queueRequest(req)
+		ctx["reqs-queued"] += 1
+def capture_deinit(contexts):
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		stop(ctx)
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		release(ctx)
+def do_cmd_capture(state):
+	capture_init(state["contexts"])
+	renderer = state["renderer"]
+	renderer.setup()
+	capture_start(state["contexts"])
+	renderer.run()
+	capture_deinit(state["contexts"])
+def main():
+	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+	# global options
+	parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", action="store_true", help="List all cameras")
+	parser.add_argument("-c", "--camera", type=int, action="extend", nargs=1, default=[], help="Specify which camera to operate on, by index")
+	parser.add_argument("-p", "--list-properties", action="store_true", help="List cameras properties")
+	parser.add_argument("--list-controls", action="store_true", help="List cameras controls")
+	parser.add_argument("-I", "--info", action="store_true", help="Display information about stream(s)")
+	parser.add_argument("-R", "--renderer", default="null", help="Renderer (null, kms, qt, qtgl)")
+	# per camera options
+	parser.add_argument("-C", "--capture", nargs="?", type=int, const=1000000, action=CustomAction, help="Capture until interrupted by user or until CAPTURE frames captured")
+	parser.add_argument("--crc", nargs=0, type=bool, action=CustomAction, help="Print CRC32 for captured frames")
+	parser.add_argument("--save-frames", nargs=0, type=bool, action=CustomAction, help="Save captured frames to files")
+	parser.add_argument("--metadata", nargs=0, type=bool, action=CustomAction, help="Print the metadata for completed requests")
+	parser.add_argument("--strict-formats", type=bool, nargs=0, action=CustomAction, help="Do not allow requested stream format(s) to be adjusted")
+	parser.add_argument("-s", "--stream", nargs="+", action=CustomAction)
+	args = parser.parse_args()
+	cm = pycam.CameraManager.singleton()
+	if args.list:
+		do_cmd_list(cm)
+	contexts = []
+	for cam_idx in args.camera:
+		camera = next((c for i,c in enumerate(cm.cameras) if i + 1 == cam_idx), None)
+		if camera == None:
+			print("Unable to find camera", cam_idx)
+			return -1
+		contexts.append({
+						"camera": camera,
+						"idx": cam_idx,
+						"id": "cam" + str(cam_idx),
+						"reqs-queued": 0,
+						"reqs-completed": 0,
+						"opt-capture": args.capture.get(cam_idx, False),
+						"opt-crc": args.crc.get(cam_idx, False),
+						"opt-save-frames": args.save_frames.get(cam_idx, False),
+						"opt-metadata": args.metadata.get(cam_idx, False),
+						"opt-strict-formats": args.strict_formats.get(cam_idx, False),
+						"opt-stream": args.stream.get(cam_idx, ["role=viewfinder"]),
+						})
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		print("Using camera {} as {}".format(ctx["camera"].id, ctx["id"]))
+	for ctx in contexts:
+		if args.list_properties:
+			do_cmd_list_props(ctx)
+		if args.list_controls:
+			do_cmd_list_controls(ctx)
+		if args.info:
+			do_cmd_info(ctx)
+	if args.capture:
+		state = {
+			"cm": cm,
+			"contexts": contexts,
+			"event_handler": event_handler,
+			"request_prcessed": request_prcessed,
+		}
+		if args.renderer == "null":
+			import cam_null
+			renderer = cam_null.NullRenderer(state)
+		elif args.renderer == "kms":
+			import cam_kms
+			renderer = cam_kms.KMSRenderer(state)
+		elif args.renderer == "qt":
+			import cam_qt
+			renderer = cam_qt.QtRenderer(state)
+		elif args.renderer == "qtgl":
+			import cam_qtgl
+			renderer = cam_qtgl.QtRenderer(state)
+		else:
+			print("Bad renderer", args.renderer)
+			return -1
+		state["renderer"] = renderer
+		do_cmd_capture(state)
+	return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/py/test/cam_kms.py b/src/py/test/cam_kms.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb0e6375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/py/test/cam_kms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Copyright (C) 2021, Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
+import sys
+import selectors
+import pykms
+FMT_MAP = {
+	"RGB888": pykms.PixelFormat.RGB888,
+	"YUYV": pykms.PixelFormat.YUYV,
+	"ARGB8888": pykms.PixelFormat.ARGB8888,
+	"XRGB8888": pykms.PixelFormat.XRGB8888,
+class KMSRenderer:
+	def __init__(self, state):
+		self.state = state
+		self.cm = state["cm"]
+		self.contexts = state["contexts"]
+		self.running = False
+		card = pykms.Card()
+		res = pykms.ResourceManager(card)
+		conn = res.reserve_connector()
+		crtc = res.reserve_crtc(conn)
+		mode = conn.get_default_mode()
+		modeb = mode.to_blob(card)
+		req = pykms.AtomicReq(card)
+		req.add_connector(conn, crtc)
+		req.add_crtc(crtc, modeb)
+		r = req.commit_sync(allow_modeset = True)
+		assert(r == 0)
+		self.card = card
+		self.resman = res
+		self.crtc = crtc
+		self.mode = mode
+		self.bufqueue = []
+		self.current = None
+		self.next = None
+		self.cam_2_drm = {}
+	# KMS
+	def close(self):
+		req = pykms.AtomicReq(self.card)
+		for s in self.streams:
+			req.add_plane(s["plane"], None, None, dst=(0, 0, 0, 0))
+		req.commit()
+	def add_plane(self, req, stream, fb):
+		s = next(s for s in self.streams if s["stream"] == stream)
+		idx = s["idx"]
+		plane = s["plane"]
+		if idx % 2 == 0:
+			x = 0
+		else:
+			x = self.mode.hdisplay - fb.width
+		if idx // 2 == 0:
+			y = 0
+		else:
+			y = self.mode.vdisplay - fb.height
+		req.add_plane(plane, fb, self.crtc, dst=(x, y, fb.width, fb.height))
+	def apply_request(self, drmreq):
+		buffers = drmreq["camreq"].buffers
+		for stream, fb in buffers.items():
+			drmfb = self.cam_2_drm.get(fb, None)
+			req = pykms.AtomicReq(self.card)
+			self.add_plane(req, stream, drmfb)
+			req.commit()
+	def handle_page_flip(self, frame, time):
+		old = self.current
+		self.current = self.next
+		if len(self.bufqueue) > 0:
+			self.next = self.bufqueue.pop(0)
+		else:
+			self.next = None
+		if self.next:
+			drmreq = self.next
+			self.apply_request(drmreq)
+		if old:
+			req = old["camreq"]
+			ctx = old["camctx"]
+			self.state["request_prcessed"](ctx, req)
+	def queue(self, drmreq):
+		if not self.next:
+			self.next = drmreq
+			self.apply_request(drmreq)
+		else:
+			self.bufqueue.append(drmreq)
+	# libcamera
+	def setup(self):
+		self.streams = []
+		idx = 0
+		for ctx in self.contexts:
+			camera = ctx["camera"]
+			for stream in ctx["streams"]:
+				cfg = stream.configuration
+				fmt = cfg.fmt
+				fmt = FMT_MAP[fmt]
+				plane = self.resman.reserve_generic_plane(self.crtc, fmt)
+				assert(plane != None)
+				self.streams.append({
+								"idx": idx,
+								"stream": stream,
+								"plane": plane,
+								"fmt": fmt,
+								"size": cfg.size,
+							   })
+				for fb in ctx["allocator"].buffers(stream):
+					w, h = cfg.size
+					stride = cfg.stride
+					fd = fb.fd(0)
+					drmfb = pykms.DmabufFramebuffer(self.card, w, h, fmt,
+													[fd], [stride], [0])
+					self.cam_2_drm[fb] = drmfb
+				idx += 1
+	def readdrm(self, fileobj):
+		for ev in self.card.read_events():
+			if ev.type == pykms.DrmEventType.FLIP_COMPLETE:
+				self.handle_page_flip(ev.seq, ev.time)
+	def readcam(self, fd):
+		self.running = self.state["event_handler"](self.state)
+	def readkey(self, fileobj):
+		sys.stdin.readline()
+		self.running = False
+	def run(self):
+		print("Capturing...")
+		self.running = True
+		sel = selectors.DefaultSelector()
+		sel.register(self.card.fd, selectors.EVENT_READ, self.readdrm)
+		sel.register(self.cm.efd, selectors.EVENT_READ, self.readcam)
+		sel.register(sys.stdin, selectors.EVENT_READ, self.readkey)
+		print("Press enter to exit")
+		while self.running:
+			events = sel.select()
+			for key, mask in events:
+				callback = key.data
+				callback(key.fileobj)
+		print("Exiting...")
+	def request_handler(self, ctx, req):
+		drmreq = {
+			"camctx": ctx,
+			"camreq": req,
+		}
+		self.queue(drmreq)
diff --git a/src/py/test/cam_null.py b/src/py/test/cam_null.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3935f5b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/py/test/cam_null.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Copyright (C) 2021, Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
+import sys
+import selectors
+class NullRenderer:
+	def __init__(self, state):
+		self.state = state
+		self.cm = state["cm"]
+		self.contexts = state["contexts"]
+		self.running = False
+	def setup(self):
+		pass
+	def run(self):
+		print("Capturing...")
+		self.running = True
+		sel = selectors.DefaultSelector()
+		sel.register(self.cm.efd, selectors.EVENT_READ, self.readcam)
+		sel.register(sys.stdin, selectors.EVENT_READ, self.readkey)
+		print("Press enter to exit")
+		while self.running:
+			events = sel.select()
+			for key, mask in events:
+				callback = key.data
+				callback(key.fileobj)
+		print("Exiting...")
+	def readcam(self, fd):
+		self.running = self.state["event_handler"](self.state)
+	def readkey(self, fileobj):
+		sys.stdin.readline()
+		self.running = False
+	def request_handler(self, ctx, req):
+		self.state["request_prcessed"](ctx, req)
diff --git a/src/py/test/cam_qt.py b/src/py/test/cam_qt.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ff12df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/py/test/cam_qt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Copyright (C) 2021, Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
+# Debayering code from PiCamera documentation
+from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
+from io import BytesIO
+from PIL import Image
+from PIL.ImageQt import ImageQt
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
+import sys
+def rgb_to_pix(rgb):
+	img = Image.frombuffer("RGB", (rgb.shape[1], rgb.shape[0]), rgb)
+	qim = ImageQt(img).copy()
+	pix = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(qim)
+	return pix
+def separate_components(data, r0, g0, g1, b0):
+	# Now to split the data up into its red, green, and blue components. The
+	# Bayer pattern of the OV5647 sensor is BGGR. In other words the first
+	# row contains alternating green/blue elements, the second row contains
+	# alternating red/green elements, and so on as illustrated below:
+	#
+	#
+	# Please note that if you use vflip or hflip to change the orientation
+	# of the capture, you must flip the Bayer pattern accordingly
+	rgb = np.zeros(data.shape + (3,), dtype=data.dtype)
+	rgb[r0[1]::2, r0[0]::2, 0] = data[r0[1]::2, r0[0]::2] # Red
+	rgb[g0[1]::2, g0[0]::2, 1] = data[g0[1]::2, g0[0]::2] # Green
+	rgb[g1[1]::2, g1[0]::2, 1] = data[g1[1]::2, g1[0]::2] # Green
+	rgb[b0[1]::2, b0[0]::2, 2] = data[b0[1]::2, b0[0]::2] # Blue
+	return rgb
+def demosaic(rgb, r0, g0, g1, b0):
+	# At this point we now have the raw Bayer data with the correct values
+	# and colors but the data still requires de-mosaicing and
+	# post-processing. If you wish to do this yourself, end the script here!
+	#
+	# Below we present a fairly naive de-mosaic method that simply
+	# calculates the weighted average of a pixel based on the pixels
+	# surrounding it. The weighting is provided b0[1] a b0[1]te representation of
+	# the Bayer filter which we construct first:
+	bayer = np.zeros(rgb.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
+	bayer[r0[1]::2, r0[0]::2, 0] = 1 # Red
+	bayer[g0[1]::2, g0[0]::2, 1] = 1 # Green
+	bayer[g1[1]::2, g1[0]::2, 1] = 1 # Green
+	bayer[b0[1]::2, b0[0]::2, 2] = 1 # Blue
+	# Allocate an array to hold our output with the same shape as the input
+	# data. After this we define the size of window that will be used to
+	# calculate each weighted average (3x3). Then we pad out the rgb and
+	# bayer arrays, adding blank pixels at their edges to compensate for the
+	# size of the window when calculating averages for edge pixels.
+	output = np.empty(rgb.shape, dtype=rgb.dtype)
+	window = (3, 3)
+	borders = (window[0] - 1, window[1] - 1)
+	border = (borders[0] // 2, borders[1] // 2)
+	#rgb_pad = np.zeros((
+	#	rgb.shape[0] + borders[0],
+	#	rgb.shape[1] + borders[1],
+	#	rgb.shape[2]), dtype=rgb.dtype)
+	#rgb_pad[
+	#	border[0]:rgb_pad.shape[0] - border[0],
+	#	border[1]:rgb_pad.shape[1] - border[1],
+	#	:] = rgb
+	#rgb = rgb_pad
+	#
+	#bayer_pad = np.zeros((
+	#	bayer.shape[0] + borders[0],
+	#	bayer.shape[1] + borders[1],
+	#	bayer.shape[2]), dtype=bayer.dtype)
+	#bayer_pad[
+	#	border[0]:bayer_pad.shape[0] - border[0],
+	#	border[1]:bayer_pad.shape[1] - border[1],
+	#	:] = bayer
+	#bayer = bayer_pad
+	# In numpy >=1.7.0 just use np.pad (version in Raspbian is 1.6.2 at the
+	# time of writing...)
+	#
+	rgb = np.pad(rgb, [
+		(border[0], border[0]),
+		(border[1], border[1]),
+		(0, 0),
+		], 'constant')
+	bayer = np.pad(bayer, [
+		(border[0], border[0]),
+		(border[1], border[1]),
+		(0, 0),
+		], 'constant')
+	# For each plane in the RGB data, we use a nifty numpy trick
+	# (as_strided) to construct a view over the plane of 3x3 matrices. We do
+	# the same for the bayer array, then use Einstein summation on each
+	# (np.sum is simpler, but copies the data so it's slower), and divide
+	# the results to get our weighted average:
+	for plane in range(3):
+		p = rgb[..., plane]
+		b = bayer[..., plane]
+		pview = as_strided(p, shape=(
+			p.shape[0] - borders[0],
+			p.shape[1] - borders[1]) + window, strides=p.strides * 2)
+		bview = as_strided(b, shape=(
+			b.shape[0] - borders[0],
+			b.shape[1] - borders[1]) + window, strides=b.strides * 2)
+		psum = np.einsum('ijkl->ij', pview)
+		bsum = np.einsum('ijkl->ij', bview)
+		output[..., plane] = psum // bsum
+	return output
+def to_rgb(fmt, size, data):
+	w = size[0]
+	h = size[1]
+	if fmt == "YUYV":
+		# YUV422
+		yuyv = data.reshape((h, w // 2 * 4))
+		# YUV444
+		yuv = np.empty((h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
+		yuv[:, :, 0] = yuyv[:, 0::2]					# Y
+		yuv[:, :, 1] = yuyv[:, 1::4].repeat(2, axis=1)	# U
+		yuv[:, :, 2] = yuyv[:, 3::4].repeat(2, axis=1)	# V
+		m = np.array([
+			[ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+			[-0.000007154783816076815, -0.3441331386566162, 1.7720025777816772],
+			[ 1.4019975662231445, -0.7141380310058594 , 0.00001542569043522235]
+		])
+		rgb = np.dot(yuv, m)
+		rgb[:, :, 0] -= 179.45477266423404
+		rgb[:, :, 1] += 135.45870971679688
+		rgb[:, :, 2] -= 226.8183044444304
+		rgb = rgb.astype(np.uint8)
+	elif fmt == "RGB888":
+		rgb = data.reshape((h, w, 3))
+		rgb[:, :, [0, 1, 2]] = rgb[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
+	elif fmt == "BGR888":
+		rgb = data.reshape((h, w, 3))
+	elif fmt in ["ARGB8888", "XRGB8888"]:
+		rgb = data.reshape((h, w, 4))
+		rgb = np.flip(rgb, axis=2)
+		# drop alpha component
+		rgb = np.delete(rgb, np.s_[0::4], axis=2)
+	elif fmt.startswith("S"):
+		bayer_pattern = fmt[1:5]
+		bitspp = int(fmt[5:])
+		# TODO: shifting leaves the lowest bits 0
+		if bitspp == 8:
+			data = data.reshape((h, w))
+			data = data.astype(np.uint16) << 8
+		elif bitspp in [10, 12]:
+			data = data.view(np.uint16)
+			data = data.reshape((h, w))
+			data = data << (16 - bitspp)
+		else:
+			raise Exception("Bad bitspp:" + str(bitspp))
+		idx = bayer_pattern.find("R")
+		assert(idx != -1)
+		r0 = (idx % 2, idx // 2)
+		idx = bayer_pattern.find("G")
+		assert(idx != -1)
+		g0 = (idx % 2, idx // 2)
+		idx = bayer_pattern.find("G", idx + 1)
+		assert(idx != -1)
+		g1 = (idx % 2, idx // 2)
+		idx = bayer_pattern.find("B")
+		assert(idx != -1)
+		b0 = (idx % 2, idx // 2)
+		rgb = separate_components(data, r0, g0, g1, b0)
+		rgb = demosaic(rgb, r0, g0, g1, b0)
+		rgb = (rgb >> 8).astype(np.uint8)
+	else:
+		rgb = None
+	return rgb
+class QtRenderer:
+	def __init__(self, state):
+		self.state = state
+		self.cm = state["cm"]
+		self.contexts = state["contexts"]
+	def setup(self):
+		self.app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
+		windows = []
+		for ctx in self.contexts:
+			camera = ctx["camera"]
+			for stream in ctx["streams"]:
+				fmt = stream.configuration.fmt
+				size = stream.configuration.size
+				window = MainWindow(ctx, stream)
+				window.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_ShowWithoutActivating)
+				window.show()
+				windows.append(window)
+		self.windows = windows
+	def run(self):
+		camnotif = QtCore.QSocketNotifier(self.cm.efd, QtCore.QSocketNotifier.Read)
+		camnotif.activated.connect(lambda x: self.readcam())
+		keynotif = QtCore.QSocketNotifier(sys.stdin.fileno(), QtCore.QSocketNotifier.Read)
+		keynotif.activated.connect(lambda x: self.readkey())
+		print("Capturing...")
+		self.app.exec()
+		print("Exiting...")
+	def readcam(self):
+		running = self.state["event_handler"](self.state)
+		if not running:
+			self.app.quit()
+	def readkey(self):
+		sys.stdin.readline()
+		self.app.quit()
+	def request_handler(self, ctx, req):
+		buffers = req.buffers
+		for stream, fb in buffers.items():
+			wnd = next(wnd for wnd in self.windows if wnd.stream == stream)
+			wnd.handle_request(stream, fb)
+		self.state["request_prcessed"](ctx, req)
+	def cleanup(self):
+		for w in self.windows:
+			w.close()
+class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget):
+	def __init__(self, ctx, stream):
+		super().__init__()
+		self.ctx = ctx
+		self.stream = stream
+		self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel()
+		windowLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
+		self.setLayout(windowLayout)
+		windowLayout.addWidget(self.label)
+		controlsLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
+		windowLayout.addLayout(controlsLayout)
+		windowLayout.addStretch()
+		group = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Info")
+		groupLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
+		group.setLayout(groupLayout)
+		controlsLayout.addWidget(group)
+		lab = QtWidgets.QLabel(ctx["id"])
+		groupLayout.addWidget(lab)
+		self.frameLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel()
+		groupLayout.addWidget(self.frameLabel)
+		group = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Properties")
+		groupLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
+		group.setLayout(groupLayout)
+		controlsLayout.addWidget(group)
+		camera = ctx["camera"]
+		for k, v in camera.properties.items():
+			lab = QtWidgets.QLabel()
+			lab.setText(k + " = " + str(v))
+			groupLayout.addWidget(lab)
+		group = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Controls")
+		groupLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
+		group.setLayout(groupLayout)
+		controlsLayout.addWidget(group)
+		for k, (min, max, default) in camera.controls.items():
+			lab = QtWidgets.QLabel()
+			lab.setText("{} = {}/{}/{}".format(k, min, max, default))
+			groupLayout.addWidget(lab)
+		controlsLayout.addStretch()
+	def buf_to_qpixmap(self, stream, fb):
+		with fb.mmap(0) as b:
+			cfg = stream.configuration
+			w, h = cfg.size
+			pitch = cfg.stride
+			if cfg.fmt == "MJPEG":
+				img = Image.open(BytesIO(b))
+				qim = ImageQt(img).copy()
+				pix = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(qim)
+			else:
+				data = np.array(b, dtype=np.uint8)
+				rgb = to_rgb(cfg.fmt, cfg.size, data)
+				if rgb is None:
+					raise Exception("Format not supported: " + cfg.fmt)
+				pix = rgb_to_pix(rgb)
+		return pix
+	def handle_request(self, stream, fb):
+		ctx = self.ctx
+		pix = self.buf_to_qpixmap(stream, fb)
+		self.label.setPixmap(pix)
+		self.frameLabel.setText("Queued: {}\nDone: {}\nFps: {:.2f}"
+			.format(ctx["reqs-queued"], ctx["reqs-completed"], ctx["fps"]))
diff --git a/src/py/test/cam_qtgl.py b/src/py/test/cam_qtgl.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01168979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/py/test/cam_qtgl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Copyright (C) 2021, Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
+from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
+from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+import os
+os.environ["PYOPENGL_PLATFORM"] = "egl"
+import math
+import OpenGL
+from OpenGL import GL as gl
+from OpenGL.EGL.KHR.image import *
+from OpenGL.EGL.EXT.image_dma_buf_import import *
+from OpenGL.EGL.VERSION.EGL_1_0 import *
+from OpenGL.EGL.VERSION.EGL_1_2 import *
+from OpenGL.EGL.VERSION.EGL_1_3 import *
+from OpenGL.GLES2.VERSION.GLES2_2_0 import *
+from OpenGL.GLES2.OES.EGL_image import *
+from OpenGL.GLES2.OES.EGL_image_external import *
+from OpenGL.GLES3.VERSION.GLES3_3_0 import *
+from OpenGL.GL import shaders
+from gl_helpers import *
+# libcamera format string -> DRM fourcc
+FMT_MAP = {
+	"RGB888": "RG24",
+	"XRGB8888": "XR24",
+	"ARGB8888": "AR24",
+	"YUYV": "YUYV",
+class EglState:
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.create_display()
+		self.choose_config()
+		self.create_context()
+		self.check_extensions()
+	def create_display(self):
+		xdpy = getEGLNativeDisplay()
+		dpy = eglGetDisplay(xdpy)
+		self.display = dpy
+	def choose_config(self):
+		dpy = self.display
+		major, minor = EGLint(), EGLint()
+		b = eglInitialize(dpy, major, minor)
+		assert(b)
+		print("EGL {} {}".format(
+			  eglQueryString(dpy, EGL_VENDOR).decode(),
+			  eglQueryString(dpy, EGL_VERSION).decode()))
+		check_egl_extensions(dpy, ["EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import"])
+		b = eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENGL_ES_API)
+		assert(b)
+		def print_config(dpy, cfg):
+			def _getconf(dpy, cfg, a):
+				value = ctypes.c_long()
+				eglGetConfigAttrib(dpy, cfg, a, value)
+				return value.value
+			getconf = lambda a: _getconf(dpy, cfg, a)
+			print("EGL Config {}: color buf {}/{}/{}/{} = {}, depth {}, stencil {}, native visualid {}, native visualtype {}".format(
+				getconf(EGL_CONFIG_ID),
+				getconf(EGL_ALPHA_SIZE),
+				getconf(EGL_RED_SIZE),
+				getconf(EGL_GREEN_SIZE),
+				getconf(EGL_BLUE_SIZE),
+				getconf(EGL_BUFFER_SIZE),
+				getconf(EGL_DEPTH_SIZE),
+				getconf(EGL_STENCIL_SIZE),
+				getconf(EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID),
+				getconf(EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE)))
+		if False:
+			num_configs = ctypes.c_long()
+			eglGetConfigs(dpy, None, 0, num_configs)
+			print("{} configs".format(num_configs.value))
+			configs = (EGLConfig * num_configs.value)()
+			eglGetConfigs(dpy, configs, num_configs.value, num_configs)
+			for config_id in configs:
+				print_config(dpy, config_id)
+		config_attribs = [
+			EGL_RED_SIZE, 8,
+		]
+		n = EGLint()
+		configs = (EGLConfig * 1)()
+		b = eglChooseConfig(dpy, config_attribs, configs, 1, n)
+		assert(b and n.value == 1)
+		config = configs[0]
+		print("Chosen Config:")
+		print_config(dpy, config)
+		self.config = config
+	def create_context(self):
+		dpy = self.display
+		context_attribs = [
+		]
+		context = eglCreateContext(dpy, self.config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, context_attribs)
+		assert(context)
+		b = eglMakeCurrent(dpy, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, context)
+		assert(b)
+		self.context = context
+	def check_extensions(self):
+		check_gl_extensions(["GL_OES_EGL_image"])
+		assert(eglCreateImageKHR)
+		assert(eglDestroyImageKHR)
+		assert(glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES)
+class QtRenderer:
+	def __init__(self, state):
+		self.state = state
+	def setup(self):
+		self.app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
+		window = MainWindow(self.state)
+		window.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_ShowWithoutActivating)
+		window.show()
+		self.window = window
+	def run(self):
+		camnotif = QtCore.QSocketNotifier(self.state["cm"].efd, QtCore.QSocketNotifier.Read)
+		camnotif.activated.connect(lambda x: self.readcam())
+		keynotif = QtCore.QSocketNotifier(sys.stdin.fileno(), QtCore.QSocketNotifier.Read)
+		keynotif.activated.connect(lambda x: self.readkey())
+		print("Capturing...")
+		self.app.exec()
+		print("Exiting...")
+	def readcam(self):
+		running = self.state["event_handler"](self.state)
+		if not running:
+			self.app.quit()
+	def readkey(self):
+		sys.stdin.readline()
+		self.app.quit()
+	def request_handler(self, ctx, req):
+		self.window.handle_request(ctx, req)
+	def cleanup(self):
+		self.window.close()
+class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QWidget):
+	def __init__(self, state):
+		super().__init__()
+		self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_PaintOnScreen)
+		self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_NativeWindow)
+		self.state = state
+		self.textures = {}
+		self.reqqueue = {}
+		self.current = {}
+		for ctx in self.state["contexts"]:
+			self.reqqueue[ctx["idx"]] = []
+			self.current[ctx["idx"]] = []
+			for stream in ctx["streams"]:
+				fmt = stream.configuration.fmt
+				size = stream.configuration.size
+				if not fmt in FMT_MAP:
+					raise Exception("Unsupported pixel format: " + str(fmt))
+				self.textures[stream] = None
+		num_tiles = len(self.textures)
+		self.num_columns = math.ceil(math.sqrt(num_tiles))
+		self.num_rows = math.ceil(num_tiles / self.num_columns)
+		self.egl = EglState()
+		self.surface = None
+	def paintEngine(self):
+		return None
+	def create_surface(self):
+		native_surface = c_void_p(self.winId().__int__())
+		surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(self.egl.display, self.egl.config,
+										 native_surface, None)
+		b = eglMakeCurrent(self.egl.display, self.surface, self.surface, self.egl.context)
+		assert(b)
+		self.surface = surface
+	def init_gl(self):
+		self.create_surface()
+		vertShaderSrc = """
+			attribute vec2 aPosition;
+			varying vec2 texcoord;
+			void main()
+			{
+				gl_Position = vec4(aPosition * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+				texcoord.x = aPosition.x;
+				texcoord.y = 1.0 - aPosition.y;
+			}
+		"""
+		fragShaderSrc = """
+			#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : enable
+			precision mediump float;
+			varying vec2 texcoord;
+			uniform samplerExternalOES texture;
+			void main()
+			{
+				gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, texcoord);
+			}
+		"""
+		program = shaders.compileProgram(
+			shaders.compileShader(vertShaderSrc, GL_VERTEX_SHADER),
+			shaders.compileShader(fragShaderSrc, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)
+		)
+		glUseProgram(program)
+		glClearColor(0.5, 0.8, 0.7, 1.0)
+		vertPositions = [
+			 0.0,  0.0,
+			 1.0,  0.0,
+			 1.0,  1.0,
+			 0.0,  1.0
+		]
+		inputAttrib = glGetAttribLocation(program, "aPosition")
+		glVertexAttribPointer(inputAttrib, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vertPositions)
+		glEnableVertexAttribArray(inputAttrib)
+	def create_texture(self, stream, fb):
+		cfg = stream.configuration
+		fmt = cfg.fmt
+		fmt = str_to_fourcc(FMT_MAP[fmt])
+		w, h = cfg.size
+		attribs = [
+			EGL_WIDTH, w,
+			EGL_HEIGHT, h,
+			EGL_DMA_BUF_PLANE0_FD_EXT, fb.fd(0),
+			EGL_DMA_BUF_PLANE0_PITCH_EXT, cfg.stride,
+		]
+		image = eglCreateImageKHR(self.egl.display,
+								  EGL_NO_CONTEXT,
+								  None,
+								  attribs)
+		assert(image)
+		textures = glGenTextures(1)
+		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, textures)
+		glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, image)
+		return textures
+	def resizeEvent(self, event):
+		size = event.size()
+		print("Resize", size)
+		super().resizeEvent(event)
+		if self.surface == None:
+			return
+		glViewport(0, 0, size.width()//2, size.height())
+	def paintEvent(self, event):
+		if self.surface == None:
+			self.init_gl()
+		for ctx_idx, queue in self.reqqueue.items():
+			if len(queue) == 0:
+				continue
+			ctx = next(ctx for ctx in self.state["contexts"] if ctx["idx"] == ctx_idx)
+			if self.current[ctx_idx]:
+				old = self.current[ctx_idx]
+				self.current[ctx_idx] = None
+				self.state["request_prcessed"](ctx, old)
+			next_req = queue.pop(0)
+			self.current[ctx_idx] = next_req
+			stream, fb = next(iter(next_req.buffers.items()))
+			self.textures[stream] = self.create_texture(stream, fb)
+		self.paint_gl()
+	def paint_gl(self):
+		b = eglMakeCurrent(self.egl.display, self.surface, self.surface, self.egl.context)
+		assert(b)
+		size = self.size()
+		for idx,ctx in enumerate(self.state["contexts"]):
+			for stream in ctx["streams"]:
+				if self.textures[stream] == None:
+					continue
+				w = size.width() // self.num_columns
+				h = size.height() // self.num_rows
+				x = idx % self.num_columns
+				y = idx // self.num_columns
+				x *= w
+				y *= h
+				glViewport(x, y, w, h)
+				glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, self.textures[stream])
+				glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4)
+		b = eglSwapBuffers(self.egl.display, self.surface)
+		assert(b)
+	def handle_request(self, ctx, req):
+		self.reqqueue[ctx["idx"]].append(req)
+		self.update()
diff --git a/src/py/test/gl_helpers.py b/src/py/test/gl_helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a80b03b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/py/test/gl_helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Copyright (C) 2021, Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
+from OpenGL.EGL.VERSION.EGL_1_0 import EGLNativeDisplayType, eglGetProcAddress, eglQueryString, EGL_EXTENSIONS
+from OpenGL.raw.GLES2 import _types as _cs
+from OpenGL.GLES2.VERSION.GLES2_2_0 import *
+from OpenGL.GLES3.VERSION.GLES3_3_0 import *
+from OpenGL import GL as gl
+from ctypes import c_int, c_char_p, c_void_p, cdll, POINTER, util, \
+	pointer, CFUNCTYPE, c_bool
+def getEGLNativeDisplay():
+	_x11lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(util.find_library("X11"))
+	XOpenDisplay = _x11lib.XOpenDisplay
+	XOpenDisplay.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+	XOpenDisplay.restype = POINTER(EGLNativeDisplayType)
+	xdpy = XOpenDisplay(None)
+# Hack. PyOpenGL doesn't seem to manage to find glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES.
+def getglEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES():
+	funcptr = eglGetProcAddress("glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES")
+	prototype = CFUNCTYPE(None,_cs.GLenum,_cs.GLeglImageOES)
+	return prototype(funcptr)
+glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES = getglEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES()
+def str_to_fourcc(str):
+	assert(len(str) == 4)
+	fourcc = 0
+	for i,v in enumerate([ord(c) for c in str]):
+		fourcc |= v << (i * 8)
+	return fourcc
+def get_gl_extensions():
+	n = GLint()
+	glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, n)
+	gl_extensions = []
+	for i in range(n.value):
+		gl_extensions.append(gl.glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, i).decode())
+	return gl_extensions
+def check_gl_extensions(required_extensions):
+	extensions = get_gl_extensions()
+	if False:
+		print("GL EXTENSIONS: ", " ".join(extensions))
+	for ext in required_extensions:
+		if not ext in extensions:
+			raise Exception(ext + " missing")
+def get_egl_extensions(egl_display):
+	return eglQueryString(egl_display, EGL_EXTENSIONS).decode().split(" ")
+def check_egl_extensions(egl_display, required_extensions):
+	extensions = get_egl_extensions(egl_display)
+	if False:
+		print("EGL EXTENSIONS: ", " ".join(extensions))
+	for ext in required_extensions:
+		if not ext in extensions:
+			raise Exception(ext + " missing")

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