[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v3 11/11] libcamera: ipu3: Share parameter and statistic buffers with IPA

Kieran Bingham kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com
Fri Feb 5 11:34:17 CET 2021

Hello Kieran

On 05/02/2021 10:31, Kieran Bingham wrote:
> Hi Laurent/Niklas,
> On 04/02/2021 22:13, Niklas Söderlund wrote:
>> Hi Laurent,
>> Thanks for your feedback.
>> On 2021-02-04 20:54:41 +0200, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
>>> Hi Niklas,
>>> Thank you for the patch.
>>> On Thu, Feb 04, 2021 at 05:29:43PM +0100, Niklas Söderlund wrote:
>>>> Use the IPU3Frames helper to share parameters and statistics buffers
>>>> with the IPA. Track which parameter and statistic buffer is used for
>>>> which request and make sure the parameter buffers is filled in by the
>>>> IPA before it's needed and that the statistic buffer is consumed and
>>>> meta data generated before completing the request.
>>>> With this change the IPU3 pipeline is prepared to fully operate with an
>>>> IPA component.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <niklas.soderlund at ragnatech.se>
>>>> ---
>>>> * Changes since v1
>>>> - Update commit message.
>>>> - s/frameInfo_/frameInfos_/
>>>> - Refactor away isComplete variable.
>>>> * Changes since v2
>>>> - Emedd the IPU3Frames instance instead of allocating it.
>>>> - Use -ENOBUFS instead of _ENOENT in queueRequestDevice().
>>>> - Keep isComplete in cio2BufferReady()
>>>> - Rework the queue logic.
>>>> ---
>>>>  src/libcamera/pipeline/ipu3/ipu3.cpp | 149 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
>>>>  1 file changed, 112 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/src/libcamera/pipeline/ipu3/ipu3.cpp b/src/libcamera/pipeline/ipu3/ipu3.cpp
>>>> index 092db6389833a481..b79db25050d2c1d6 100644
>>>> --- a/src/libcamera/pipeline/ipu3/ipu3.cpp
>>>> +++ b/src/libcamera/pipeline/ipu3/ipu3.cpp
>>>> @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
>>>>  #include "libcamera/internal/v4l2_controls.h"
>>>>  #include "cio2.h"
>>>> +#include "frames.h"
>>>>  #include "imgu.h"
>>>>  namespace libcamera {
>>>> @@ -61,6 +62,8 @@ public:
>>>>  	void imguOutputBufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer);
>>>>  	void cio2BufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer);
>>>> +	void paramBufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer);
>>>> +	void statBufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer);
>>>>  	CIO2Device cio2_;
>>>>  	ImgUDevice *imgu_;
>>>> @@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ public:
>>>>  	uint32_t exposureTime_;
>>>>  	std::unique_ptr<DelayedControls> delayedCtrls_;
>>>> +	IPU3Frames frameInfos_;
>>>>  private:
>>>>  	void queueFrameAction(unsigned int id, const IPAOperationData &op);
>>>> @@ -609,6 +613,8 @@ int PipelineHandlerIPU3::allocateBuffers(Camera *camera)
>>>>  	data->ipa_->mapBuffers(ipaBuffers_);
>>>> +	data->frameInfos_.init(imgu->paramBuffers_, imgu->statBuffers_);
>>>> +
>>>>  	return 0;
>>>>  }
>>>> @@ -616,6 +622,8 @@ int PipelineHandlerIPU3::freeBuffers(Camera *camera)
>>>>  {
>>>>  	IPU3CameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
>>>> +	data->frameInfos_.clear();
>>>> +
>>>>  	std::vector<unsigned int> ids;
>>>>  	for (IPABuffer &ipabuf : ipaBuffers_)
>>>>  		ids.push_back(ipabuf.id);
>>>> @@ -713,7 +721,10 @@ void PipelineHandlerIPU3::stop(Camera *camera)
>>>>  int PipelineHandlerIPU3::queueRequestDevice(Camera *camera, Request *request)
>>>>  {
>>>>  	IPU3CameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
>>>> -	int error = 0;
>>>> +
>>>> +	IPU3Frames::Info *info = data->frameInfos_.create(request);
>>>> +	if (!info)
>>>> +		return -ENOBUFS;
>>>>  	/*
>>>>  	 * Queue a buffer on the CIO2, using the raw stream buffer provided in
>>>> @@ -724,24 +735,9 @@ int PipelineHandlerIPU3::queueRequestDevice(Camera *camera, Request *request)
>>>>  	if (!rawBuffer)
>>>>  		return -ENOMEM;
>>> What will happen to info in this case ? As there will be no raw buffer
>>> associated with it, won't it linger forever in a list ?
>> Good point. I will add a IPU3Frames::remove(Info *info); interface which 
>> may be used to remove tracking of a request prematurely. It also makes 
>> the case where the CIO2 buffer is canceled cleaner.
>>>> -	/* Queue all buffers from the request aimed for the ImgU. */
>>>> -	for (auto it : request->buffers()) {
>>>> -		const Stream *stream = it.first;
>>>> -		FrameBuffer *buffer = it.second;
>>>> -		int ret;
>>>> +	info->rawBuffer = rawBuffer;
>>>> -		if (stream == &data->outStream_)
>>>> -			ret = data->imgu_->output_->queueBuffer(buffer);
>>>> -		else if (stream == &data->vfStream_)
>>>> -			ret = data->imgu_->viewfinder_->queueBuffer(buffer);
>>>> -		else
>>>> -			continue;
>>>> -
>>>> -		if (ret < 0)
>>>> -			error = ret;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	return error;
>>>> +	return 0;
>>>>  }
>>>>  bool PipelineHandlerIPU3::match(DeviceEnumerator *enumerator)
>>>> @@ -1007,6 +1003,10 @@ int PipelineHandlerIPU3::registerCameras()
>>>>  					&IPU3CameraData::imguOutputBufferReady);
>>>>  		data->imgu_->viewfinder_->bufferReady.connect(data.get(),
>>>>  					&IPU3CameraData::imguOutputBufferReady);
>>>> +		data->imgu_->param_->bufferReady.connect(data.get(),
>>>> +					&IPU3CameraData::paramBufferReady);
>>>> +		data->imgu_->stat_->bufferReady.connect(data.get(),
>>>> +					&IPU3CameraData::statBufferReady);
>>>>  		/* Create and register the Camera instance. */
>>>>  		std::string cameraId = cio2->sensor()->id();
>>>> @@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ int IPU3CameraData::loadIPA()
>>>>  	return 0;
>>>>  }
>>>> -void IPU3CameraData::queueFrameAction([[maybe_unused]] unsigned int id,
>>>> +void IPU3CameraData::queueFrameAction(unsigned int id,
>>>>  				      const IPAOperationData &action)
>>>>  {
>>>>  	switch (action.operation) {
>>>> @@ -1048,6 +1048,41 @@ void IPU3CameraData::queueFrameAction([[maybe_unused]] unsigned int id,
>>>>  		delayedCtrls_->push(controls);
>>>>  		break;
>>>>  	}
>>>> +		IPU3Frames::Info *info = frameInfos_.find(id);
>>>> +		if (!info)
>>>> +			break;
>>> Should we warn in this case ? Maybe in IPU3Frames::info() itself to
>>> avoid duplicating log calls ? I'm tempted to even assert.
>> I will add LOG() to IPU3Frames::find() at the Error level. We can then 
>> easily turn them into Fatal if we think it better in the future.
>>>> +
>>>> +		/* Queue all buffers from the request aimed for the ImgU. */
>>>> +		for (auto it : info->request->buffers()) {
>>>> +			const Stream *stream = it.first;
>>>> +			FrameBuffer *outbuffer = it.second;
>>>> +
>>>> +			if (stream == &outStream_)
>>>> +				imgu_->output_->queueBuffer(outbuffer);
>>>> +			else if (stream == &vfStream_)
>>>> +				imgu_->viewfinder_->queueBuffer(outbuffer);
>>>> +		}
>>>> +
>>>> +		imgu_->param_->queueBuffer(info->paramBuffer);
>>>> +		imgu_->stat_->queueBuffer(info->statBuffer);
>>>> +		imgu_->input_->queueBuffer(info->rawBuffer);
>>>> +
>>>> +		break;
>>>> +	}
>>>> +		IPU3Frames::Info *info = frameInfos_.find(id);
>>>> +		if (!info)
>>>> +			break;
>>>> +
>>>> +		Request *request = info->request;
>>>> +		request->metadata() = action.controls[0];
>>>> +		info->metadataProcessed = true;
>>>> +		if (frameInfos_.tryComplete(info))
>>>> +			pipe_->completeRequest(request);
>>> Maybe we could pass the request to IPU3Frames, and handle completion
>>> automatically internally, but that's for later.
>> We did that in earlier versions but it was disliked as a reference to 
>> the pipeline handler would then need to be stored inside the IPU3Frames.  
>> I still think it's nicer then the code duplication you point out here.  
>> But will keep it as is for now.
> Hrm ... I think I've just realised the implications of this here.
> Do IPA's really have the power to 'complete requests' ? Shouldn't that
> be a capability/responsibility restricted to the pipeline handlers?
> I can see that restricting would mean there would be some notification
> required back to the pipeline handler so that the IPA would be able to
> say "I'm finished with this object", but I sort of expected that to be
> required anyway. Perhaps directly trying to complete the request is just
> a shortcut on that then.

Please consider the function that this code is in, and try to determine
if this is in the PipelineHandler or the IPA - and you might find that
your entire concern is completely invalid ;-)

<Sorry, I thought the IPU3Frames was an IPA concept at first>


> --
> Kieran
>>>> +
>>>> +		break;
>>>> +	}
>>>>  	default:
>>>>  		LOG(IPU3, Error) << "Unknown action " << action.operation;
>>>>  		break;
>>>> @@ -1068,11 +1103,12 @@ void IPU3CameraData::imguOutputBufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer)
>>>>  {
>>>>  	Request *request = buffer->request();
>>>> -	if (!pipe_->completeBuffer(request, buffer))
>>>> -		/* Request not completed yet, return here. */
>>>> +	pipe_->completeBuffer(request, buffer);
>>>> +
>>>> +	IPU3Frames::Info *info = frameInfos_.find(buffer);
>>>> +	if (!info)
>>>>  		return;
>>>> -	/* Mark the request as complete. */
>>>>  	request->metadata().set(controls::draft::PipelineDepth, 3);
>>>>  	/* \todo Move the ExposureTime control to the IPA. */
>>>>  	request->metadata().set(controls::ExposureTime, exposureTime_);
>>>> @@ -1081,7 +1117,12 @@ void IPU3CameraData::imguOutputBufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer)
>>>>  		Rectangle cropRegion = request->controls().get(controls::ScalerCrop);
>>>>  		request->metadata().set(controls::ScalerCrop, cropRegion);
>>>>  	}
>>>> -	pipe_->completeRequest(request);
>>>> +
>>>> +	if (buffer->metadata().status == FrameMetadata::FrameCancelled)
>>>> +		info->metadataProcessed = true;
>>>> +
>>>> +	if (frameInfos_.tryComplete(info))
>>>> +		pipe_->completeRequest(request);
>>>>  }
>>>>  /**
>>>> @@ -1093,26 +1134,60 @@ void IPU3CameraData::imguOutputBufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer)
>>>>   */
>>>>  void IPU3CameraData::cio2BufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer)
>>>>  {
>>>> -	/* \todo Handle buffer failures when state is set to BufferError. */
>>>> -	if (buffer->metadata().status == FrameMetadata::FrameCancelled)
>>>> +	IPU3Frames::Info *info = frameInfos_.find(buffer);
>>>> +	if (!info)
>>>>  		return;
>>>>  	Request *request = buffer->request();
>>>> -	/*
>>>> -	 * If the request contains a buffer for the RAW stream only, complete it
>>>> -	 * now as there's no need for ImgU processing.
>>>> -	 */
>>>> -	if (request->findBuffer(&rawStream_)) {
>>>> -		bool isComplete = pipe_->completeBuffer(request, buffer);
>>>> -		if (isComplete) {
>>>> -			request->metadata().set(controls::draft::PipelineDepth, 2);
>>>> -			pipe_->completeRequest(request);
>>>> -			return;
>>>> -		}
>>>> +	if (request->findBuffer(&rawStream_))
>>>> +		pipe_->completeBuffer(request, buffer);
>>> If you moved this after the next if (...) { } block, you could...
>>>> +
>>>> +	/* If the buffer is cancelled force a complete of the whole request. */
>>>> +	if (buffer->metadata().status == FrameMetadata::FrameCancelled) {
>>>> +		for (auto it : request->buffers())
>>>> +			if (it.second != buffer)
>>> ... drop this check.
>> Good point.
>>>> +				pipe_->completeBuffer(request, it.second);
>>>> +
>>>> +		info->paramDequeued = true;
>>>> +		info->metadataProcessed = true;
>>>> +		ASSERT(frameInfos_.tryComplete(info));
>>>> +		pipe_->completeRequest(request);
>>>> +
>>>> +		return;
>>>>  	}
>>>> -	imgu_->input_->queueBuffer(buffer);
>>>> +	IPAOperationData op;
>>>> +	op.operation = IPU3_IPA_EVENT_FILL_PARAMS;
>>>> +	op.data = { info->id, info->paramBuffer->cookie() };
>>>> +	op.controls = { request->controls() };
>>> This is the right time to call IPU3_IPA_EVENT_FILL_PARAMS, but the
>>> request controls need to be passed to the IPA earlier, right when the
>>> request is queued, as the IPA needs to look ahead in the request queue
>>> to compute parameters.
>>> This is the main issue in this patch, the rest is fairly minor.
>> I see your point I will fix this for v4.
>>>> +	ipa_->processEvent(op);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +void IPU3CameraData::paramBufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	IPU3Frames::Info *info = frameInfos_.find(buffer);
>>>> +	if (!info)
>>>> +		return;
>>>> +
>>>> +	info->paramDequeued = true;
>>>> +	if (frameInfos_.tryComplete(info))
>>>> +		pipe_->completeRequest(buffer->request());
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +void IPU3CameraData::statBufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	if (buffer->metadata().status == FrameMetadata::FrameCancelled)
>>>> +		return;
>>> Why do we need to check for the status for stats buffers but not for
>>> params buffers ?
>> Because there is no point in giving a cancelled statistics buffer to the 
>> IPA. While for the param all we really care about is marking the buffer 
>> free and moving on. But this error path can't have been tested it should 
>> set info->metadataProcessed = true and try to complete the request. Will 
>> fix for v4.
>>>> +
>>>> +	IPU3Frames::Info *info = frameInfos_.find(buffer);
>>>> +	if (!info)
>>>> +		return;
>>>> +
>>>> +	IPAOperationData op;
>>>> +	op.operation = IPU3_IPA_EVENT_STAT_READY;
>>>> +	op.data = { info->id, info->statBuffer->cookie() };
>>>> +	ipa_->processEvent(op);
>>>>  }
>>> -- 
>>> Regards,
>>> Laurent Pinchart


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