[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v2 0/6] Raspberry Pi: Colour denoise

Naushir Patuck naush at raspberrypi.com
Fri Jan 22 10:25:31 CET 2021


This is v2 of the patchset that adds colour denoise support to the Raspberry Pi pipeline handler and IPA.  The differences from v1 are:

1) In patch 2/6, we simplify the 1/4 resolution calculation using the existing methods in the Size class.
2) Patch 4/6 is a new commit that renames SdnStatus to DenoiseStatus to reflect us now using a DenoiseAlgorithm base class.
3) In patches 5/6 and 6/6 we expand the DenoiseMode enum to allow us to selectively switch off SDN and CDN.

Many thanks,

Naushir Patuck (6):
  pipeline: raspberrypi: Refactor stream configuration routine
  pipeline: raspberrypi: Set the ISP Output1 to 1/4 resolution if unused
  uapi: raspberrypi: Update the bcm2835-isp header definition
  ipa: raspberrypi: Rename SdnStatus to DenoiseStatus
  ipa: raspberrypi: Add a DenoiseAlgorithm class to the Controller
  ipa: raspberrypi: Handle control::NoiseReductionMode in the controller

 include/linux/bcm2835-isp.h                   | 32 ++++++-
 .../controller/denoise_algorithm.hpp          | 23 +++++
 .../{sdn_status.h => denoise_status.h}        |  7 +-
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/sdn.cpp    | 17 ++--
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/sdn.hpp    |  5 +-
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.cpp           | 55 ++++++++++--
 .../pipeline/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.cpp      | 87 ++++++++++---------
 7 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/denoise_algorithm.hpp
 rename src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/{sdn_status.h => denoise_status.h} (62%)


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