[libcamera-devel] [PATCH 0/7] ipu3: imgu: Improve ImgU calculation procedure

Jacopo Mondi jacopo at jmondi.org
Thu Mar 18 11:39:34 CET 2021

This series applies

To the ImgU pipeline calculation.

To recap: the current ImgU calculation procedure doesn't work if we select
a sensor resolution smaller than the full frame size, and result in a
stall in the ImgU producing frames, or in an error in finding any configuration
at all.

This set of improvements fixes some of the issues we had.
In example, on Soraka
$ cam -swidth=1280,height=720 -swidth=640,height=480 -c1 -C
now works with a 2112x1188 frame input.

Unfortunately other resolution remain broken, as in example
main=1920x1080,vf=320x240. This can also be verified by running the
python tool:

$ python pipe_config.py input=2112x1188 main=1920x1080 vf=320x240
IndexError: list index out of range

So yes, some improvements, but commit
Fixes: 7208e70211a6 ("libcamera: ipu3: Always use sensor full frame size")
cannot be revereted yet.

No regressions detected when running CTS.


Dave Olsthoorn (1):
  libcamera: ipu3: imgu: Change IF_CROP_MAX to 40

Jacopo Mondi (6):
  libcamera: ipu3: imgu: Update BDS calculation process
  libcamera: ipu3: imgu: Filter BDS by height
  libcamera: ipu3: imgu: Fix BDS height calculation
  libcamera: ipu3: imgu: Fix IF height selection
  libcamera: ipu3: imgu: Fix BSD height size comparison
  libcamera: ipu3: imgu: Add pipe calculation debug

 src/libcamera/pipeline/ipu3/imgu.cpp | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)


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