[libcamera-devel] [PATCH 00/15] Use pragma once

Laurent Pinchart laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com
Wed Nov 24 04:00:37 CET 2021

Hi Kieran,

Thank you for the patch series.

On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 10:40:00PM +0000, Kieran Bingham wrote:
> We've always used the following pattern to maintain idempotency with
> headers:
>  #ifndef __PATH_TO_FILE_H__
>  #define __PATH_TO_FILE_H__
>  ..
>  #endif // __PATH_TO_FILE_H__

Turns out we had only two mismatches in header guards where the comment
after the #endif didn't match the macro name, not too bad :-)

> This is fine, and long established, but makes for awkward names in cases
> such as:
>   src/ipa/ipu3/algorithm/algorithm.h
> requiring duplication, and constant concern over updating these names
> when files are moved or renamed.
> Remove all ifndef usages and ensure consistency across the project using
>  #pragma once
> The changes are broken down into grouped components to ease review.

Thanks, that makes it easier to review the series.

I have one comment for patch 03/15. For the rest of the series,

Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>

> Kieran Bingham (15):
>   libcamera: Convert to pragma once
>   libcamera: base: Convert to pragma once
>   libcamera: internal: Convert to pragma once
>   libcamera: ipa: Convert to pragma once
>   libcamera: pipeline: Convert to pragma once
>   android: Convert to pragma once
>   cam: Convert to pragma once
>   gstreamer: Convert to pragma once
>   ipa: ipu3: Convert to pragma once
>   ipa: libipa: Convert to pragma once
>   lc-compliance: Convert to pragma once
>   qcam: Convert to pragma once
>   test: Convert to pragma once
>   utils: Convert to pragma once
>   v4l2: Convert to pragma once
>  include/libcamera/base/backtrace.h                       | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/bound_method.h                    | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/class.h                           | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/event_dispatcher.h                | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/event_dispatcher_poll.h           | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/event_notifier.h                  | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/file.h                            | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/flags.h                           | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/log.h                             | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/message.h                         | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/object.h                          | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/semaphore.h                       | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/signal.h                          | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/span.h                            | 5 +----
>  include/libcamera/base/thread.h                          | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/timer.h                           | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/base/utils.h                           | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/camera.h                               | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/camera_manager.h                       | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/compiler.h                             | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/control_ids.h.in                       | 5 +----
>  include/libcamera/controls.h                             | 5 +----
>  include/libcamera/file_descriptor.h                      | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/formats.h.in                           | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/framebuffer.h                          | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/framebuffer_allocator.h                | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/geometry.h                             | 5 +----
>  include/libcamera/internal/bayer_format.h                | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/byte_stream_buffer.h          | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/camera.h                      | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/camera_controls.h             | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/camera_sensor.h               | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/camera_sensor_properties.h    | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/control_serializer.h          | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/control_validator.h           | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/delayed_controls.h            | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/device_enumerator.h           | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/device_enumerator_sysfs.h     | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/device_enumerator_udev.h      | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/formats.h                     | 5 +----
>  include/libcamera/internal/framebuffer.h                 | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/ipa_data_serializer.h         | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/ipa_manager.h                 | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/ipa_module.h                  | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/ipa_proxy.h                   | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/ipc_pipe.h                    | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/ipc_pipe_unixsocket.h         | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/ipc_unixsocket.h              | 5 +----
>  include/libcamera/internal/mapped_framebuffer.h          | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h                | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/media_object.h                | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/pipeline_handler.h            | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/process.h                     | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/pub_key.h                     | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/source_paths.h                | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/sysfs.h                       | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/tracepoints.h.in              | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/v4l2_device.h                 | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/v4l2_pixelformat.h            | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/v4l2_subdevice.h              | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/internal/v4l2_videodevice.h            | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/ipa/ipa_controls.h                     | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h                    | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/ipa/ipa_module_info.h                  | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/ipa/raspberrypi.h                      | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/logging.h                              | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/pixel_format.h                         | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/property_ids.h.in                      | 5 +----
>  include/libcamera/request.h                              | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/stream.h                               | 6 ++----
>  include/libcamera/transform.h                            | 5 +----
>  include/libcamera/version.h.in                           | 6 ++----
>  src/android/camera_buffer.h                              | 5 ++---
>  src/android/camera_capabilities.h                        | 6 ++----
>  src/android/camera_device.h                              | 6 ++----
>  src/android/camera_hal_config.h                          | 5 ++---
>  src/android/camera_hal_manager.h                         | 6 ++----
>  src/android/camera_metadata.h                            | 6 ++----
>  src/android/camera_ops.h                                 | 6 ++----
>  src/android/camera_request.h                             | 6 ++----
>  src/android/camera_stream.h                              | 6 ++----
>  src/android/camera_worker.h                              | 6 ++----
>  src/android/jpeg/encoder.h                               | 6 ++----
>  src/android/jpeg/encoder_libjpeg.h                       | 6 ++----
>  src/android/jpeg/exif.h                                  | 6 ++----
>  src/android/jpeg/post_processor_jpeg.h                   | 6 ++----
>  src/android/jpeg/thumbnailer.h                           | 6 ++----
>  src/android/post_processor.h                             | 6 ++----
>  src/android/yuv/post_processor_yuv.h                     | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/camera_session.h                                 | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/drm.h                                            | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/event_loop.h                                     | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/file_sink.h                                      | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/frame_sink.h                                     | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/image.h                                          | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/kms_sink.h                                       | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/main.h                                           | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/options.h                                        | 6 ++----
>  src/cam/stream_options.h                                 | 6 ++----
>  src/gstreamer/gstlibcamera-utils.h                       | 5 +----
>  src/gstreamer/gstlibcameraallocator.h                    | 5 +----
>  src/gstreamer/gstlibcamerapad.h                          | 5 +----
>  src/gstreamer/gstlibcamerapool.h                         | 6 +-----
>  src/gstreamer/gstlibcameraprovider.h                     | 6 +-----
>  src/gstreamer/gstlibcamerasrc.h                          | 5 +----
>  src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/agc.h                            | 6 ++----
>  src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/algorithm.h                      | 6 ++----
>  src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.h                            | 5 ++---
>  src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/blc.h                            | 6 ++----
>  src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/tone_mapping.h                   | 6 ++----
>  src/ipa/ipu3/ipa_context.h                               | 6 ++----
>  src/ipa/libipa/camera_sensor_helper.h                    | 6 ++----
>  src/ipa/libipa/histogram.h                               | 6 ++----
>  src/lc-compliance/environment.h                          | 6 ++----
>  src/lc-compliance/simple_capture.h                       | 6 ++----
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/ipu3/cio2.h                       | 6 ++----
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/ipu3/frames.h                     | 6 ++----
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/ipu3/imgu.h                       | 6 ++----
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/raspberrypi/dma_heaps.h           | 6 ++----
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/raspberrypi/rpi_stream.h          | 6 ++----
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/rkisp1/rkisp1_path.h              | 6 ++----
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/simple/converter.h                | 5 +----
>  src/qcam/dng_writer.h                                    | 6 ++----
>  src/qcam/format_converter.h                              | 6 ++----
>  src/qcam/main_window.h                                   | 6 ++----
>  src/qcam/message_handler.h                               | 6 ++----
>  src/qcam/viewfinder.h                                    | 6 ++----
>  src/qcam/viewfinder_gl.h                                 | 6 ++----
>  src/qcam/viewfinder_qt.h                                 | 6 ++----
>  src/v4l2/v4l2_camera.h                                   | 5 +----
>  src/v4l2/v4l2_camera_file.h                              | 5 +----
>  src/v4l2/v4l2_camera_proxy.h                             | 5 +----
>  src/v4l2/v4l2_compat_manager.h                           | 5 +----
>  test/gstreamer/gstreamer_test.h                          | 5 +----
>  test/libtest/buffer_source.h                             | 6 ++----
>  test/libtest/camera_test.h                               | 6 ++----
>  test/libtest/test.h                                      | 6 ++----
>  test/media_device/media_device_test.h                    | 6 ++----
>  test/serialization/serialization_test.h                  | 6 ++----
>  test/v4l2_subdevice/v4l2_subdevice_test.h                | 5 +----
>  test/v4l2_videodevice/v4l2_videodevice_test.h            | 6 ++----
>  utils/gen-header.sh                                      | 9 ++-------
>  .../libcamera_templates/core_ipa_interface.h.tmpl        | 5 +----
>  .../libcamera_templates/core_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl       | 5 +----
>  .../libcamera_templates/module_ipa_interface.h.tmpl      | 5 +----
>  .../libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl          | 5 +----
>  .../libcamera_templates/module_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl     | 5 +----
>  147 files changed, 268 insertions(+), 590 deletions(-)


Laurent Pinchart

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