[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v2 2/2] android: Check if Stream configurations were generated correctly

Javier Martinez Canillas javierm at redhat.com
Tue Oct 5 08:04:18 CEST 2021

Thanks Hiro and Jacobo for the feedback.

On 10/4/21 10:41, Jacopo Mondi wrote:
> Hi Javier,


> Hence, if we get to generate a config for a role we know there's a
> supported compatible format.

Agreed, that's why I used "could lead to..." (I first wrote "will lead")
but the function should not attempt to dereference a pointer that may be
NULL and rely on the caller to only call it when is safe.


>> +
>>  	StreamConfiguration &cfg = cameraConfig->at(0);
>>  	const StreamFormats &formats = cfg.formats();
>> -	std::vector<Size> supportedResolutions = formats.sizes(pixelFormat);
>> +	supportedResolutions = formats.sizes(pixelFormat);
> Hiro's right, not required, but I prefer your way as it makes
> initializeRawResolutions more similar to initializeYUVResolutions

Yes, I did if for consistency between the two functions. I don't have a
strong opinion really, I'm happy to change if you believe that's better.

Best regards,
Javier Martinez Canillas
Linux Engineering
Red Hat

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