[libcamera-devel] [RFC PATCH] Documentation: IPU3 IPA Design guide

Jean-Michel Hautbois jeanmichel.hautbois at ideasonboard.com
Thu Sep 16 14:46:23 CEST 2021

Hi Kieran,

On 16/09/2021 14:37, Kieran Bingham wrote:
> Hi Laurent,
> +cc JM for discussion point below...
> On 14/09/2021 11:34, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
>> Hi Kieran,
>> On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 11:13:39AM +0100, Kieran Bingham wrote:
>>> On 14/09/2021 06:37, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 10:30:17PM +0100, Kieran Bingham wrote:
>>>>> The IPU3 IPA implements the basic 3a using the ImgU ISP.
>>>> s/3a/3A/
>>>> Technically speaking we're only implementing 2 out of 3 at this point
>>>> :-)
>>>>> Provide an overview document to describe it's operations, and provide a
>>>> s/it's/its/
>>>>> block diagram to help visualise how the components are put together to
>>>>> assist any new developers exploring the code.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> This is really just an RFC: Particularly:
>>>>>  - Should this content actually live in Documentation?
>>>>>    or is it more suited to a page under src/ipa/ipu3/...
>>>> Good question. We tend to document things in the code where possible.
>>>> Would there be any drawback from doing so in this case ?
>>> I don't think so - I think the question mostly comes from
>>> 'discoverability' of the documentation.
>>> Which is also a bigger question that we need to make it easier for
>>> readers to find the documentation that they desire.
>>> I've come across a great talk on this recently:
>>>   - What nobody tells you about documentation - Daniele Procida
>>>   - PyConAu
>>>   - https://2017.pycon-au.org/schedule/presentation/15/
>>>   - https://youtu.be/t4vKPhjcMZg
>>> And that's been spun into a website to document how to document ;-)
>>>   - https://diataxis.fr/
>> Thanks, I'll have a look.
>>> So, I think this could indeed live under src/ipa/ipu3 but it needs to be
>>> clear that this should be the first thing to read when looking into the IPA.
>> Agreed. I could envision moving it to Documentation/ later, as part of a
>> longer document that uses the IPU3 IPA to teach how to write algorithms,
>> but at that point we'll start writing a book about algorithm design :-)
> For now, for the v2 I will keep this as an RST document, but place it in
> src/ipa/ipu3/.
>>>>>  - This is not complete to document all functionality
>>>>>    but gives an overview of the current implementation
>>>> Sounds good to me.
>>>>>  - Is there anything anyone would find helpful for me to
>>>>>    extend/write about on this?
>>>>>  - It could likely get merged in with some of the work
>>>>>    that Jean-Michel is doing, and might duplicate some of
>>>>>    the parts he is documenting, but this was an aim to
>>>>>    write a single page overview as a getting started with
>>>>>    the IPU3 IPA ....
>>>> I think it's *very* useful to have an overview.
> I'll keep this separate for now then.
>>>>>  .../guides/ipu3-ipa-design-guide.rst          | 144 ++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>  1 file changed, 144 insertions(+)
>>>>>  create mode 100644 Documentation/guides/ipu3-ipa-design-guide.rst
>>>>> diff --git a/Documentation/guides/ipu3-ipa-design-guide.rst b/Documentation/guides/ipu3-ipa-design-guide.rst
>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>> index 000000000000..a1d0f13fbb00
>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>> +++ b/Documentation/guides/ipu3-ipa-design-guide.rst
>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
>>>>> +IPU3 IPA Architecture Design and Overview
>>>>> +=========================================
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The IPU3 IPA is built as a modular and extensible framework with an
>>>>> +upper layer to manage the interactions with the pipeline handler, and
>>>>> +the image processing algorithms split to compartmentalise the processing
>>>>> +required for each accellerator cluster provided by the ImgU ISP.
>>>> I've commented on the expression "accelerator cluster" when reviewing
>>>> Jean-Michel's series. I've then seen that it's mentioned in the IPU3
>>>> kernel documentation in one place, I suppose that's where it comes from.
>>>> From what I understand, the expression is used to refer to a processing
>>>> block (or sub-block) that is fully implemented in hardware, as opposed
>>>> as being implemented partly or fully in the ImgU firmware. I don't think
>>>> that's relevant from an IPA point of view, it's an internal
>>>> implementation detail of the ImgU. I'd thus use "processing block" or a
>>>> similar term instead.
>>> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/drivers/staging/media/ipu3/include/uapi/intel-ipu3.h#n2428
>>> Describes it as:
>>> """
>>> ACC refers to the HW cluster containing all Fixed Functions (FFs). Each
>>> FF implements a specific algorithm.
>>> """
>>> So in fact, yes - the term Accelerator Cluster is a 'group' of all the
>>> hardware accelerator functions, rather than each individual one.
>>> Each individual function (fixed function) can indeed be better named as
>>> a processing block.
>>> Lets make this more like
>>> """
>>> The IPU3 IPA is built as a modular and extensible framework with an
>>> upper layer to manage the interactions with the pipeline handler, and
>>> the image processing algorithms split to compartmentalise the processing
>>> required for each processing block, making use of the fixed-function
>>> accelerators provided by the ImgU ISP.
>>> """
>> Sounds good to me. Let's standardize on the same "processing block"
>> terminology in the IPU3 IPA documentation series too.
> Ok,
> +Cc: Jean Michel to highlight this discussion point.

This terminology is indeed coming from the kernel. I agree with the
"processing block" term ;-).

>>>>> +
>>>>> +The core IPU3 class is responsible for initialisation and construction
>>>>> +of the algorithm components, processing controls set by the requests
>>>>> +from applications, and managing events from the Pipeline handler.
>>>> s/Pipeline/pipeline/
>>>>> +
>>>>> +::
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
>>>>> +        │      IPU3 Pipeline Handler                │
>>>>> +        │   ┌────────┐    ┌────────┐    ┌────────┐  │
>>>>> +        │   │        │    │        │    │        │  │
>>>>> +        │   │ Sensor ├───►│  CIO2  ├───►│  ImgU  ├──►
>>>>> +        │   │        │    │        │    │        │  │
>>>>> +        │   └────────┘    └────────┘    └─▲────┬─┘  │    P: Parameter Buffer
>>>>> +        │                                 │P   │    │    S: Statistics Buffer
>>>>> +        │                                 │    │S   │
>>>>> +        └─┬───┬───┬──────┬────┬────┬────┬─┴────▼─┬──┘    1: init()
>>>>> +          │   │   │      │ ▲  │ ▲  │ ▲  │ ▲      │       2: configure()
>>>>> +          │1  │2  │3     │4│  │4│  │4│  │4│      │5      3: mapBuffers(), start()
>>>>> +          ▼   ▼   ▼      ▼ │  ▼ │  ▼ │  ▼ │      ▼       4: processEvent()
>>>>> +        ┌──────────────────┴────┴────┴────┴─────────┐    5: stop(), unmapBuffers()
>>>>> +        │ IPU3 IPA                                  │
>>>>> +        │                 ┌───────────────────────┐ │
>>>>> +        │ ┌───────────┐   │ Algorithms            │ │
>>>>> +        │ │IPAContext │   │          ┌─────────┐  │ │
>>>>> +        │ │ ┌───────┐ │   │          │ ...     │  │ │
>>>>> +        │ │ │       │ │   │        ┌─┴───────┐ │  │ │
>>>>> +        │ │ │  SC   │ │   │        │ Tonemap ├─┘  │ │
>>>>> +        │ │ │       │ ◄───►      ┌─┴───────┐ │    │ │
>>>>> +        │ │ ├───────┤ │   │      │ AWB     ├─┘    │ │
>>>>> +        │ │ │       │ │   │    ┌─┴───────┐ │      │ │
>>>>> +        │ │ │  FC   │ │   │    │ AGC     ├─┘      │ │
>>>>> +        │ │ │       │ │   │    │         │        │ │
>>>>> +        │ │ └───────┘ │   │    └─────────┘        │ │
>>>>> +        │ └───────────┘   └───────────────────────┘ │
>>>>> +        └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
>>>>> +         SC: IPASessionConfiguration
>>>>> +         FC: IPAFrameContext(s)
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The IPA instance is constructed and initialised at the point a Camera is
>>>>> +created by the IPU3 pipeline handler. The initialisation call provides
>>> "Camera" is capitalised as a libcamera noun. Shouldn't Pipeline Handler
>>> also be capitalised as it's a libcamera named thing?
>>> (From your comment above about s/Pipeline/pipeline/. I wonder if instead
>>> it should be capitalised there and here too.
>> In Doxygen capitalization generates links to classes, so we have to be
>> careful about writing "Camera" for instance. When it comes to pipeline
>> handlers, "Pipeline Handler" won't generate a link, and I wouldn't write
>> "PipelineHandler" here anyway.
>> I'm sure there are conventions for all this in documentation. I usually
>> capitalize words that have special meanings the first time they're
>> introduced only, but I don't know if that's a good thing to do.
>>>>> +details about which Camera Sensor is being used, and the controls that
>>>> s/Camera Sensor/camera sensor/ ?
>>> Now that one is awkward, as it's both a libcamera noun, and a real world
>>> object.
>>> In this context, I believe camera sensor is correct, (as you've
>>> suggested) as it's the external world camera sensor details.
>>>>> +it has available, along with their defaults and ranges.
>>>> s/defaults/default values/
>>>>> +
>>>>> +Buffers
>>>>> +~~~~~~~
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The IPA will have Parameter and Statistics buffers shared with it from
>>>>> +the IPU3 Pipeline handler. These buffers will be passed to the IPA
>>>>> +before the ``start()`` operation occurs.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The IPA will map the buffers into CPU accessible memory, associated with
>>>> s/CPU accessible/CPU-accessible/
>>>>> +a buffer ID, and further events for sending or receiving parameter and
>>>>> +statistics buffers will reference the ID to avoid expensive memory
>>>>> +mapping operations, or the passing of file handles during streaming.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +After the ``stop()`` operation occurs, these buffers will be unmapped,
>>>>> +and no further access to the buffers is permitted.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +Context
>>>>> +~~~~~~~
>>>>> +
>>>>> +Algorithm calls will always have the ``IPAContext`` available to them.
>>>>> +This context comprises of two parts:
>>>>> +
>>>>> +-  IPA Session Configuration
>>>>> +-  IPA Frame Context
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The session configuration structure ``IPASessionConfiguration``
>>>>> +represents constant parameters determined from either before streaming
>>>>> +commenced during ``configure()`` or updated parameters when processing
>>>>> +controls.
>>>> I'm not sure about the last part, I thought the session configuration
>>>> was meant to be constant after configure() ?
>>> I would expect updates from controls to update the 'active session
>>> configuration'.
>>> Of course some of that session configuration will be constant, and not
>>> change (I don't think we'll change the resolution for instance) - but I
>>> expect that some parameters will be set such as whether AE is enabled or
>>> locked.
>>> That to me is a session configuration parameter. But it can change at
>>> runtime - and while it remains the same, every new frame will have that
>>> configuration applied.
>>> Whereas the FrameContexts are about the context that is handled for each
>>> frame, and any context shared between algorithms , and is much more dynamic.
>> This makes me think that we may want to introduce a third structure to
>> group state that isn't per-frame. I recall designing
>> IPASessionConfiguration as something that will not change during the
>> session. Maybe I recall it wrong, but I like the idea of keeping it
> But ... state that isn't per frame is the ... session ? and thus that
> state is stored as the SessionConfiguration ...
> At the moment I anticipate we'll need to store things like control
> state. I.e. is AE enabled or manual for instance. And if manual - what
> is the current fixed manual value.
> I expected that would be the session configuration, as in it's the
> current active settings ... but maybe a third group would come up, I
> think we'll find out when we actually add the controls.
>> static. Separating configuration that is set at the beginning and
>> doesn't change from controls that are updated dynamically seems a good
>> design principle to me.
> I'll delete the last part:
> "or updated parameters when processing controls."
> We can revisit this when we add controls.
>>>>> +The IPA Frame Context provides the storage for algorithms for a single
>>>>> +frame operation.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The ``IPAFrameContext`` structure may be extended to an array, list, or
>>>>> +queue to store historical state for each frame, allowing algorithms to
>>>>> +obtain and reference results of calculations which are deeply pipelined.
>>>>> +This may only be done if an algorithm needs to know the context that was
>>>>> +applied at the frame the statistics were produced for, rather than the
>>>>> +previous or current frame.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +Presently there is a single ``IPAFrameContext`` without historical data,
>>>>> +and the context is maintained and updated through successive processing
>>>>> +operations.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +Operating
>>>>> +~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> +
>>>>> +There are three main parts of interactions with the algorithms for the
>>>>> +IPU3 IPA to operate when running:
>>>>> +
>>>>> +-  configure()
>>>>> +-  processEvent(``EventFillParams``)
>>>>> +-  processEvent(``EventStatReady``)
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The configuration phase allows the pipeline-handler to inform the IPA of
>>>>> +the current stream configurations, which is then passed into each
>>>>> +algorithm to provide an opportunity to identify and track state of the
>>>>> +hardware, such as image size or ImgU pipeline configurations.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +Pre-frame preparation
>>>>> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> +
>>>>> +When configured, the IPA is notified by the pipeline handler of the
>>>>> +Camera ``start()`` event, after which incoming requests will be queued
>>>>> +for processing, requiring a parameter buffer (``ipu3_uapi_params``) to
>>>>> +be populated for the ImgU. This is passed directly to each algorithm
>>>>> +through the ``prepare()`` call allowing the ISP configuration to be
>>>>> +updated for the needs of each component that the algorithm is
>>>>> +responsible for.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The algorithm should set the use flag (``ipu3_uapi_flags``) for any
>>>>> +structure that it modifies, and it should take care to ensure that any
>>>>> +structure set by a use flag is fully initialised to suitable values.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The parameter buffer is returned to the pipeline handler through the
>>>>> +``ActionParamFilled`` event, and from there queued to the ImgU along
>>>>> +with a raw frame captured with the CIO2.
>>>> This reminds me that we should turn the operations (actions and events)
>>>> into separate functions in the IPAIPU3Interface. Out of scope for this
>>>> patch of course.
>>> You mean directly defining them in Mojo instead of passing them through
>>> processEvent with an event flag?
>> Yes.
> That sounds like a good thing to do, and may indeed make the interfaces
> clearer I think.
> We may have to further document the expectations of those calls for both
> directions. I.e. EventFillParams (or it's new direct call equivalent) is
> expected to call or initiate the calling of a return of the buffer
> through ActionParamFilled (or it's renamed direct call equivalent).
>>> I think that would probably be better indeed, I don't see much added
>>> value to having processEvent() ... (with the small exception that it
>>> partially shows which functions are called while streaming, but we could
>>> also document the async/streaming expectations anyway).
>> processEvent() dates back from when we tried to have a single generic
>> API for IPAs.
> And we clearly have per - pipeline handler IPA's now.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +Post-frame completion
>>>>> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> +
>>>>> +When the capture of an image is completed, and successfully processed
>>>>> +through the ImgU, the generated statistics buffer
>>>>> +(``ipu3_uapi_stats_3a``) is given to the IPA through the
>>>>> +``EventStatReady`` event. This provides the IPA with an opportunity to
>>>>> +examine the results of the ISP and run the calculations required by each
>>>>> +algorithm on the new data. The algorithms may require context from the
>>>>> +operations of other algorithms, for example, the AWB might choose to use
>>>>> +a scene brightness determined by the AGC. It is important that the
>>>>> +algorithms are ordered to ensure that required results are determined
>>>>> +before they are needed.
>>>>> +
>>>>> +The ordering of the algorithm processing is determined by their
>>>>> +placement in the ``IPU3::algorithms_`` ordered list.
>>>> I expect interesting research to happen in this area :-)
>>> Yes, well it's too early to state any more than that currently I think.

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