[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v3.1 4/7] utils: ipc: Add support for Flags

Paul Elder paul.elder at ideasonboard.com
Fri Aug 26 18:54:53 CEST 2022

Add Flags<E> as a supported type in the IPA interface.

It is used in mojom with the [flags] attribute. Any field or parameter
type E that is prefixed with the [flags] attribute will direct the code
generator to generate the type name "Flags<E>" and appropriate
serialization/deserialization code for Flags<E> instead of for E.

It is usable and has been tested in struct members, function input and
output parameters, and Signal parameters. This does not add support for
returning Flags as direct return values.

Additionally, the [scopedEnum] attribute can be used on enum
definitions, which will instruct the code generator to convert it to an
enum class instead of a raw enum.

Signed-off-by: Paul Elder <paul.elder at ideasonboard.com>

Changes in v3.1:
- add documentation of [scopedEnum] and [flags] to core.mojom
  - it's not the best place, but better somewhere than nowhere for now

Changes in v3:
- change flags attribute from [Flags] to [flags]
- make it so that enum input parameters are passed directly (as opposed
  to const references)
- to turn enum definitions in mojom to enum classes, use the
  [scopedEnum] attribute (as opposed to the [Flags] attribute in v2)
  - correspondingly, the function in the mojom generator python script
    is separated out from IsFlags() into IsScoped()
- clean up IsFlags()
- simplify GetFullNameForElement() for flags

Question for reviewers (in v2): Should we use a different attribute name to
specify that an enum should be an enum class?

Answer (in v3): Yes; that attribute name is [scopedEnum]

Changes in v2:
- Use mojom attribute to specify that a field should be Flags<E>,
  instead of using a magic type name format
 include/libcamera/ipa/core.mojom              |  9 ++++++
 include/libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h         |  1 +
 .../definition_functions.tmpl                 |  2 +-
 .../libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl  | 10 +++++--
 .../libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl       |  4 +++
 .../generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py   | 29 +++++++++++++++++--
 6 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/libcamera/ipa/core.mojom b/include/libcamera/ipa/core.mojom
index 74f3339e..ef28ff2d 100644
--- a/include/libcamera/ipa/core.mojom
+++ b/include/libcamera/ipa/core.mojom
@@ -33,6 +33,15 @@ module libcamera;
  *     available for the type and there's no need to generate one
  * - hasFd - struct fields or empty structs only
  *   - Designate that this field or empty struct contains a SharedFD
+ * - scopedEnum - enum definitions
+ *   - Designate that this enum should be an enum class, as opposed to a pure
+ *     enum
+ * - flags - struct fields or function parameters that are enums
+ *   - Designate that this enum type E should be Flags<E> in the generated C++
+ *     code
+ *   - For example, if a struct field is defined as `[flags] ErrorFlag f;`
+ *     (where ErrorFlag is defined as an enum elsewhere in mojom), then the
+ *     generated code for this field will be `Flags<ErrorFlag> f`
  * Rules:
  * - If the type is defined in a libcamera C++ header *and* a (de)serializer is
diff --git a/include/libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h b/include/libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h
index 50ca0e7b..8afcfe21 100644
--- a/include/libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h
+++ b/include/libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include <map>
 #include <vector>
+#include <libcamera/base/flags.h>
 #include <libcamera/base/signal.h>
 #include <libcamera/controls.h>
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/definition_functions.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/definition_functions.tmpl
index 94bb4918..8b8509f3 100644
--- a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/definition_functions.tmpl
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/definition_functions.tmpl
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  # \param enum Enum object whose definition is to be generated
 {%- macro define_enum(enum) -%}
-enum {{enum.mojom_name}} {
+enum{{" class" if enum|is_scoped}} {{enum.mojom_name}} {
 {%- for field in enum.fields %}
 	{{field.mojom_name}} = {{field.numeric_value}},
 {%- endfor %}
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl
index cbcfb64a..2be65d43 100644
--- a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/proxy_functions.tmpl
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@
 {%- else %}
 	std::tie({{param.mojom_name}}Buf, std::ignore) =
 {%- endif %}
-{%- if param|is_enum %}
+{%- if param|is_flags %}
+		IPADataSerializer<{{param|name_full}}>::serialize({{param.mojom_name}}
+{%- elif param|is_enum %}
 {%- else %}
@@ -105,7 +107,9 @@
 {%- macro deserialize_param(param, pointer, loop, buf, fds, iter, data_size) -%}
 {{"*" if pointer}}{{param.mojom_name}} =
-{%- if param|is_enum %}
+{%- if param|is_flags %}
+{%- elif param|is_enum %}
 {%- else %}
@@ -133,7 +137,7 @@ IPADataSerializer<{{param|name}}>::deserialize(
 {%- if param|needs_control_serializer %}
 {%- endif -%}
-){{")" if param|is_enum}};
+){{")" if param|is_enum and not param|is_flags}};
 {%- endmacro -%}
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl
index 77bae36f..eec75211 100644
--- a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/serializer.tmpl
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 		std::tie({{field.mojom_name}}, std::ignore) =
 	{%- if field|is_pod %}
+	{%- elif field|is_flags %}
+			IPADataSerializer<{{field|name_full}}>::serialize(data.{{field.mojom_name}});
 	{%- elif field|is_enum %}
 	{%- endif %}
@@ -96,6 +98,8 @@
 		{{- check_data_size(field_size, 'dataSize', field.mojom_name, 'data')}}
 		{%- if field|is_pod %}
 		ret.{{field.mojom_name}} = IPADataSerializer<{{field|name}}>::deserialize(m, m + {{field_size}});
+		{%- elif field|is_flags %}
+		ret.{{field.mojom_name}} = IPADataSerializer<{{field|name_full}}>::deserialize(m, m + {{field_size}});
 		{%- else %}
 		ret.{{field.mojom_name}} = static_cast<{{field|name_full}}>(IPADataSerializer<uint{{field|bit_width}}_t>::deserialize(m, m + {{field_size}}));
 		{%- endif %}
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py b/utils/ipc/generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py
index 753bfc73..d7fe2031 100644
--- a/utils/ipc/generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py
+++ b/utils/ipc/generators/mojom_libcamera_generator.py
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ def GetDefaultValue(element):
         return element.default
     if type(element.kind) == mojom.Kind:
         return '0'
+    if IsFlags(element):
+        return ''
     if mojom.IsEnumKind(element.kind):
         return f'static_cast<{element.kind.mojom_name}>(0)'
     if isinstance(element.kind, mojom.Struct) and \
@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ def MethodParameters(method):
     params = []
     for param in method.parameters:
         params.append('const %s %s%s' % (GetNameForElement(param),
-                                         '&' if not IsPod(param) else '',
+                                         '' if IsPod(param) or (IsEnum(param) and not IsFlags(param)) else '&',
     for param in MethodParamOutputs(method):
         params.append(f'{GetNameForElement(param)} *{param.mojom_name}')
@@ -220,9 +222,21 @@ def IsControls(element):
 def IsEnum(element):
     return mojom.IsEnumKind(element.kind)
+def IsScoped(element):
+    attributes = getattr(element, 'attributes', None)
+    if not attributes:
+        return False
+    return 'scopedEnum' in attributes
 def IsFd(element):
     return mojom.IsStructKind(element.kind) and element.kind.mojom_name == "SharedFD"
+def IsFlags(element):
+    attributes = getattr(element, 'attributes', None)
+    if not attributes:
+        return False
+    return 'flags' in attributes
 def IsMap(element):
     return mojom.IsMapKind(element.kind)
@@ -251,9 +265,11 @@ def ByteWidthFromCppType(t):
         raise Exception('invalid type')
     return str(int(_bit_widths[key]) // 8)
 # Get the type name for a given element
 def GetNameForElement(element):
+    # Flags
+    if IsFlags(element):
+        return f'Flags<{GetFullNameForElement(element.kind)}>'
     # structs
     if (mojom.IsEnumKind(element) or
         mojom.IsInterfaceKind(element) or
@@ -302,7 +318,8 @@ def GetNameForElement(element):
 def GetFullNameForElement(element):
     name = GetNameForElement(element)
     namespace_str = ''
-    if mojom.IsStructKind(element):
+    if (mojom.IsStructKind(element) or
+        mojom.IsEnumKind(element)):
         namespace_str = element.module.mojom_namespace.replace('.', '::')
     elif (hasattr(element, 'kind') and
              (mojom.IsStructKind(element.kind) or
@@ -311,6 +328,10 @@ def GetFullNameForElement(element):
     if namespace_str == '':
         return name
+    if IsFlags(element):
+        return GetNameForElement(element)
     return f'{namespace_str}::{name}'
 def ValidateZeroLength(l, s, cap=True):
@@ -408,9 +429,11 @@ class Generator(generator.Generator):
             'is_controls': IsControls,
             'is_enum': IsEnum,
             'is_fd': IsFd,
+            'is_flags': IsFlags,
             'is_map': IsMap,
             'is_plain_struct': IsPlainStruct,
             'is_pod': IsPod,
+            'is_scoped': IsScoped,
             'is_str': IsStr,
             'method_input_has_fd': MethodInputHasFd,
             'method_output_has_fd': MethodOutputHasFd,

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