[libcamera-devel] [PATCH 1/1] libcamera: controls: Controls for driving AF (autofocus) algorithms

David Plowman david.plowman at raspberrypi.com
Thu Mar 10 13:05:40 CET 2022

This patch describes a series of controls that allow applications to
drive AF algorithms:

AfMode - manual, auto or continuous
AfRange - full, macro or normal
AfSpeed - fast or slow
AfWindow - AF window locations
AfTrigger - start (trigger an AF scan) or cancel
AfPause - pause continuous AF
LensPosition - position of lens from lens driver
AfState - reset, scanning, focused or failed
 src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml | 271 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 211 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml b/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml
index 9d4638ae..89636d82 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml
+++ b/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml
@@ -406,27 +406,6 @@ controls:
             The camera will cancel any active or completed metering sequence.
             The AE algorithm is reset to its initial state.
-  - AfTrigger:
-      type: int32_t
-      draft: true
-      description: |
-       Control for AF trigger. Currently identical to
-        Whether the camera device will trigger autofocus for this request.
-      enum:
-        - name: AfTriggerIdle
-          value: 0
-          description: The trigger is idle.
-        - name: AfTriggerStart
-          value: 1
-          description: The AF routine is started by the camera.
-        - name: AfTriggerCancel
-          value: 2
-          description: |
-            The camera will cancel any active trigger and the AF routine is
-            reset to its initial state.
   - NoiseReductionMode:
       type: int32_t
       draft: true
@@ -507,45 +486,6 @@ controls:
             The AE algorithm has started a pre-capture metering session.
             \sa AePrecaptureTrigger
-  - AfState:
-      type: int32_t
-      draft: true
-      description: |
-       Control to report the current AF algorithm state. Currently identical to
-        Current state of the AF algorithm.
-      enum:
-        - name: AfStateInactive
-          value: 0
-          description: The AF algorithm is inactive.
-        - name: AfStatePassiveScan
-          value: 1
-          description: |
-            AF is performing a passive scan of the scene in continuous
-            auto-focus mode.
-        - name: AfStatePassiveFocused
-          value: 2
-          description: |
-            AF believes the scene is in focus, but might restart scanning.
-        - name: AfStateActiveScan
-          value: 3
-          description: |
-            AF is performing a scan triggered by an AF trigger request.
-            \sa AfTrigger
-        - name: AfStateFocusedLock
-          value: 4
-          description: |
-            AF believes has focused correctly and has locked focus.
-        - name: AfStateNotFocusedLock
-          value: 5
-          description: |
-            AF has not been able to focus and has locked.
-        - name: AfStatePassiveUnfocused
-          value: 6
-          description: |
-            AF has completed a passive scan without finding focus.
   - AwbState:
       type: int32_t
       draft: true
@@ -690,4 +630,215 @@ controls:
             value. All of the custom test patterns will be static (that is the
             raw image must not vary from frame to frame).
+  - AfMode:
+      type: int32_t
+      draft: true
+      description: |
+        Control to set the mode of the AF (autofocus) algorithm. Applications
+        are allowed to set a new mode, and to send additional controls for
+        that new mode, in the same request.
+      enum:
+        - name: AfModeManual
+          value: 0
+          description: |
+            The AF algorithm is in manual mode. In this mode it will never
+            perform any action nor move the lens of its own accord. The only
+	    autofocus controls that have an immediate effect are AfMode (to
+	    switch out of manual mode) and LensPosition (so that the lens can
+	    be moved "manually").
+	    In this mode the AfState will always report AfStateReset.
+        - name: AfModeAuto
+          value: 1
+          description: |
+            The AF algorithm is in auto mode. This means that the algorithm
+            will never move the lens or change state unless the AfTrigger
+            control is used. The AfTrigger control can be used to initiate a
+            focus scan, the results of which will also be reported by AfState.
+            If the autofocus algorithm is moved from AfModeAuto to another
+            mode while a scan is in progress, the scan is cancelled
+            immediately, without waiting for the scan to finish.
+	    When first entering this mode the AfState will report
+	    AfStateReset. When a trigger control is sent, AfState will
+	    report AfStateScanning for a period before spontaneously
+	    changing to AfStateFocused or AfStateFailed, depending on the
+	    outcome of the scan. It will remain in this state until another
+	    scan is initiated by the AfTrigger control. If a scan is
+	    cancelled (without changing to another mode), AfState will return
+	    to AfStateReset.
+        - name: AfModeContinuous
+          value: 2
+          description: |
+            The AF algorithm is in continuous mode. This means that the lens
+            can re-start a scan spontaneously at any moment, without any user
+            intervention. The AfState still reports whether the algorithm is
+            currently scanning or not, though the application has no ability
+            to initiate or cancel scans, nor move the lens for itself.
+	    When set to AfModeContinuous, the system will immediately initiate
+	    a scan so AfState will report AfStateScanning, and will settle on
+	    one of AfStateFocused or AfStateFailed, depending on the scan
+	    result.
+            The continuous autofocus behaviour can be paused with the
+	    AfPause control. Pausing the algorithm does not change the value
+	    reported by AfState, so that applications can determine the
+	    state of the algorithm when the pause control took effect. Once
+	    un-paused ("resumed"), the algorithm starts again from exactly
+	    where it left off when it paused.
+  - AfRange:
+      type: int32_t
+      draft: true
+      description: |
+        Control to set the range of focus distances that is scanned.
+      enum:
+        - name: AfRangeNormal
+          value: 0
+          description: |
+	    A wide range of focus distances is scanned, all the way from
+	    infinity down to close distances, though depending on the
+	    implementation, possibly not including the very closest macro
+	    positions.
+        - name: AfRangeMacro
+          value: 1
+          description: Only close distances are scanned.
+        - name: AfRangeFull
+          value: 2
+          description: |
+            The full range of focus distances is scanned just as with
+	    AfRangeNormal but this time including the very closest macro
+	    positions.
+  - AfSpeed:
+      type: int32_t
+      draft: true
+      description: |
+        Control that determines whether the AF algorithm is to move the lens
+        as quickly as possible or more steadily. For example, during video
+        recording it may be desirable not to move the lens too abruptly, but
+        when in a preview mode (waiting for a still capture) it may be
+        helpful to move the lens as quickly as is reasonably possible.
+      enum:
+        - name: AfSpeedNormal
+          value: 0
+          description: Move the lens at its usual speed.
+        - name: AfSpeedFast
+          value: 1
+          description: Move the lens more quickly.
+  - AfWindow:
+      type: Rectangle
+      draft: true
+      description: |
+         Sets the focus windows used by the AF algorithm. The units used express
+         a proportion of the ScalerCrop control (or if unavailable, of the entire
+         image), as u0.16 format numbers.
+         In order to be activated, a rectangle must be programmed with non-zero
+         width and height. If no rectangles are programmed in this way, then the
+         system will choose its own single default window in the centre of the
+         image.
+         The details of how the windows are used are platform dependent. We note
+         that when there is more than one AF window, a typical implementation
+         might find the optimal focus position for each one and finally select
+	 the window closest to the camera.
+         size: [platform dependent]
+  - AfTrigger:
+      type: int32_t
+      draft: true
+      description: |
+         This control starts an autofocus scan when AfMode is set to AfModeAuto,
+         and can also be used to terminate a scan early.
+         It is ignored if AfMode is set to AfModeContinuous.
+      enum:
+        - name: AfTriggerStart
+          value: 0
+          description: Start an AF scan. Ignored if a scan is in progress.
+        - name: AfTriggerCancel
+          value: 1
+          description: Cancel an AF scan. Ingored if no scan is in progress.
+  - AfPause:
+      type: int32_t
+      draft: true
+      description: |
+        This control has no effect except when in continuous autofocus mode
+        (AfModeContinuous). It can be used to pause any lens movements while
+        (for example) images are captured. The algorithm remains inactive
+        until it is instructed to resume.
+      enum:
+        - name: AfPauseImmediate
+          value: 0
+          description: |
+            Pause the continuous autofocus algorithm immediately, whether or
+            not any kind of scan is underway. The AfState will continue to
+            report whatever value it had when the control was enacted.
+        - name AfPauseDeferred
+          value: 1
+          description: |
+            Pause the continuous autofocus algorithm as soon as it is no longer
+            scanning. The AfState will report AfStateFocused or AfStateFailed,
+            depending on whether the final scan succeeds or not. If no scan is
+	    in currently progress, the algorithm will pause immediately.
+        - name: AfPauseResume
+          value: 2
+          description: |
+	    Resume continous autofocus operation. The algorithm starts again
+	    from exactly where it left off, with AfState unchanged (one of
+	    AfStateFocused, AfStateFailed or following AfPauseImmediate it
+	    might also have been in the AfStateScanning state).
+  - LensPosition:
+      type: int32_t
+      draft: true
+      description: |
+         Acts as a control to instruct the lens to move to a particular position
+         and also reports back the position of the lens for each frame.
+         The units are determined by the lens driver.
+         The LensPosition control is ignored unless the AfMode is set to
+         AfModeManual.
+  - AfState:
+      type: int32_t
+      draft: true
+      description: |
+          Reports the current state of the AF algorithm.
+      enum:
+        - name: AfStateReset
+          value: 0
+          description: |
+              The AF algorithm reports this state when:
+                  * It is in manual mode (AfModeManual).
+                  * The system has entered auto mode (AfModeAuto) but no scan
+		    has yet been initiated.
+                  * The system is in auto mode (AfModeAuto) and a scan has been
+		    cancelled.
+        - name: AfStateScanning
+          value: 1
+          description:  |
+              AF is performing a scan. This state can be entered spontaneously
+              if AfMode is set to AfModeContinuous, otherwise it requires the
+              application to use the AfTrigger control to start the scan.
+        - name: AfStateFocused
+          value: 2
+          description: |
+              An AF scan has been performed and the algorithm believes the
+              scene is in focus.
+        - name: AfStateFailed
+          value: 3
+          description: |
+              An AF scan has been performed but the algorithm has not been able
+              to find the best focus position.

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