[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v3 1/5] pipeline: raspberrypi: Avoid over-allocation for ISP Output 1

Naushir Patuck naush at raspberrypi.com
Mon Mar 21 11:26:58 CET 2022

The V4L2DeviceFormat structure for the ISP Output 1 node was a copy of what is
used ISP Output 0 node, but with the size changed. However, the plane size and
stride values were not updated. So there is a possibility that the buffer might
be over-sized for the requested resolution.

Fix this by only copying the relevant fields from the ISP Output 0
V4L2DeviceFormat structure, and let the device driver size the planes as needed.

Signed-off-by: Naushir Patuck <naush at raspberrypi.com>
Reviewed-by: David Plowman <david.plowman at raspberrypi.com>
Tested-by: David Plowman <david.plowman at raspberrypi.com>
Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>
 src/libcamera/pipeline/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.cpp | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/libcamera/pipeline/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.cpp b/src/libcamera/pipeline/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.cpp
index c2230199fed7..43e87a406036 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/pipeline/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.cpp
+++ b/src/libcamera/pipeline/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.cpp
@@ -845,11 +845,13 @@ int PipelineHandlerRPi::configure(Camera *camera, CameraConfiguration *config)
 	 * colour denoise will not run.
 	if (!output1Set) {
-		V4L2DeviceFormat output1Format = format;
+		V4L2DeviceFormat output1Format;
 		constexpr Size maxDimensions(1200, 1200);
 		const Size limit = maxDimensions.boundedToAspectRatio(format.size);
 		output1Format.size = (format.size / 2).boundedTo(limit).alignedDownTo(2, 2);
+		output1Format.colorSpace = format.colorSpace;
+		output1Format.fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat::fromPixelFormat(formats::YUV420);
 		LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Setting ISP Output1 (internal) to "
 				<< output1Format.toString();

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