[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v5 1/1] libcamera: controls: Controls for driving AF (autofocus) algorithms

Jacopo Mondi jacopo at jmondi.org
Thu May 19 09:05:36 CEST 2022

Hi David,

On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 11:01:50PM +0100, David Plowman wrote:
> Hi Jacopo
> Thanks for the reply. Re-reading that bit of text I agree that you
> have a point, I don't think I like it either!


> > > +  - LensPosition:
> > > +      type: float
> > > +      description: |
> > > +        Acts as a control to instruct the lens to move to a particular position
> > > +        and also reports back the position of the lens for each frame.
> > > +
> > > +        The LensPosition control is ignored unless the AfMode is set to
> > > +        AfModeManual, though the value is reported back unconditionally in all
> > > +        modes.
> > > +
> > > +        The units are dioptres divided by the hyperfocal distance. Non-integer
> > > +        values are permitted. For example:
> >
> > My understanding is that the unit of the control is "a dioptre-like
> > scale normalized in the lens' hyperfocal distance". The use of the term
> > "divided" drives me off road everytime, but maybe it's just me ? Or
> > maybe I didn't really get how the units are expressed at all :)
> >
> > Thanks
> >    j
> I agree "divided" isn't the right word and it's not a great
> description. The examples below are exactly right, so maybe the text
> wants re-wording, perhaps like this:
> "The units are a reciprocal distance scale like dioptres but
> normalised for the hyperfocal distance. That is, for a lens with
> hyperfocal distance H, and setting it to a focal distance D, the lens
> position LP, which is generally a non-integer, is given by
> LP = H / D
> For example:"
> Does that sound better?

Thanks, it's much more clear to me.

Let's wait for more comments, and if there are no objections the text
can be updated when applying the patch!

Thank you!

> Thanks!
> David
> >
> > > +        0 moves the lens to infinity.
> > > +        0.5 moves the lens to twice the hyperfocal distance.
> > > +        1 moves the lens to the hyperfocal position.
> > > +        And larger values will focus the lens ever closer.
> > > +
> > > +        \todo Define a property to report the Hyperforcal distance of calibrated
> > > +        lenses.
> > > +
> > > +        \todo Define a property to report the maximum and minimum positions of
> > > +        this lens. The minimum value will often be zero (meaning infinity).
> > > +
> > > +  - AfState:
> > > +      type: int32_t
> > > +      description: |
> > > +        Reports the current state of the AF algorithm in conjunction with the
> > > +        reported AfMode value and (in continuous AF mode) the AfPauseState
> > > +        value. The possible state changes are described below, though we note
> > > +        the following state transitions that occur when the AfMode is changed.
> > > +
> > > +        If the AfMode is set to AfModeManual, then the AfState will always
> > > +        report AfStateIdle (even if the lens is subsequently moved). Changing to
> > > +        the AfModeManual state does not initiate any lens movement.
> > > +
> > > +        If the AfMode is set to AfModeAuto then the AfState will report
> > > +        AfStateIdle. However, if AfModeAuto and AfTriggerStart are sent together
> > > +        then AfState will omit AfStateIdle and move straight to AfStateScanning
> > > +        (and start a scan).
> > > +
> > > +        If the AfMode is set to AfModeContinuous then the AfState will initially
> > > +        report AfStateScanning.
> > > +
> > > +      enum:
> > > +        - name: AfStateIdle
> > > +          value: 0
> > > +          description: |
> > > +            The AF algorithm is in manual mode (AfModeManual) or in auto mode
> > > +            (AfModeAuto) and a scan has not yet been triggered, or an
> > > +            in-progress scan was cancelled.
> > > +        - name: AfStateScanning
> > > +          value: 1
> > > +          description: |
> > > +            The AF algorithm is in auto mode (AfModeAuto), and a scan has been
> > > +            started using the AfTrigger control. The scan can be cancelled by
> > > +            sending AfTriggerCancel at which point the algorithm will either
> > > +            move back to AfStateIdle or, if the scan actually completes before
> > > +            the cancel request is processed, to one of AfStateFocused or
> > > +            AfStateFailed.
> > > +
> > > +            Alternatively the AF algorithm could be in continuous mode
> > > +            (AfModeContinuous) at which point it may enter this state
> > > +            spontaneously whenever it determines that a rescan is needed.
> > > +        - name: AfStateFocused
> > > +          value: 2
> > > +          description: |
> > > +            The AF algorithm is in auto (AfModeAuto) or continuous
> > > +            (AfModeContinuous) mode and a scan has completed with the result
> > > +            that the algorithm believes the image is now in focus.
> > > +        - name: AfStateFailed
> > > +          value: 3
> > > +          description: |
> > > +            The AF algorithm is in auto (AfModeAuto) or continuous
> > > +            (AfModeContinuous) mode and a scan has completed with the result
> > > +            that the algorithm did not find a good focus position.
> > > +
> > > +  - AfPauseState:
> > > +      type: int32_t
> > > +      description: |
> > > +        Only applicable in continuous (AfModeContinuous) mode, this reports
> > > +        whether the algorithm is currently running, paused or pausing (that is,
> > > +        will pause as soon as any in-progress scan completes).
> > > +
> > > +        Any change to AfMode will cause AfPauseStateRunning to be reported.
> > > +
> > > +      enum:
> > > +        - name: AfPauseStateRunning
> > > +          value: 0
> > > +          description: |
> > > +            Continuous AF is running and the algorithm may restart a scan
> > > +            spontaneously.
> > > +        - name: AfPauseStatePausing
> > > +          value: 1
> > > +          description: |
> > > +            Continuous AF has been sent an AfPauseDeferred control, and will
> > > +            pause as soon as any in-progress scan completes (and then report
> > > +            AfPauseStatePaused). No new scans will be start spontaneously until
> > > +            the AfPauseResume control is sent.
> > > +        - name: AfPauseStatePaused
> > > +          value: 2
> > > +          description: |
> > > +            Continuous AF is paused. No further state changes or lens movements
> > > +            will occur until the AfPauseResume control is sent.
> > > +
> > >    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >    # Draft controls section
> > >
> > > @@ -406,27 +700,6 @@ controls:
> > >              The camera will cancel any active or completed metering sequence.
> > >              The AE algorithm is reset to its initial state.
> > >
> > > -  - AfTrigger:
> > > -      type: int32_t
> > > -      draft: true
> > > -      description: |
> > > -       Control for AF trigger. Currently identical to
> > > -
> > > -        Whether the camera device will trigger autofocus for this request.
> > > -      enum:
> > > -        - name: AfTriggerIdle
> > > -          value: 0
> > > -          description: The trigger is idle.
> > > -        - name: AfTriggerStart
> > > -          value: 1
> > > -          description: The AF routine is started by the camera.
> > > -        - name: AfTriggerCancel
> > > -          value: 2
> > > -          description: |
> > > -            The camera will cancel any active trigger and the AF routine is
> > > -            reset to its initial state.
> > > -
> > >    - NoiseReductionMode:
> > >        type: int32_t
> > >        draft: true
> > > @@ -507,45 +780,6 @@ controls:
> > >              The AE algorithm has started a pre-capture metering session.
> > >              \sa AePrecaptureTrigger
> > >
> > > -  - AfState:
> > > -      type: int32_t
> > > -      draft: true
> > > -      description: |
> > > -       Control to report the current AF algorithm state. Currently identical to
> > > -
> > > -        Current state of the AF algorithm.
> > > -      enum:
> > > -        - name: AfStateInactive
> > > -          value: 0
> > > -          description: The AF algorithm is inactive.
> > > -        - name: AfStatePassiveScan
> > > -          value: 1
> > > -          description: |
> > > -            AF is performing a passive scan of the scene in continuous
> > > -            auto-focus mode.
> > > -        - name: AfStatePassiveFocused
> > > -          value: 2
> > > -          description: |
> > > -            AF believes the scene is in focus, but might restart scanning.
> > > -        - name: AfStateActiveScan
> > > -          value: 3
> > > -          description: |
> > > -            AF is performing a scan triggered by an AF trigger request.
> > > -            \sa AfTrigger
> > > -        - name: AfStateFocusedLock
> > > -          value: 4
> > > -          description: |
> > > -            AF believes has focused correctly and has locked focus.
> > > -        - name: AfStateNotFocusedLock
> > > -          value: 5
> > > -          description: |
> > > -            AF has not been able to focus and has locked.
> > > -        - name: AfStatePassiveUnfocused
> > > -          value: 6
> > > -          description: |
> > > -            AF has completed a passive scan without finding focus.
> > > -
> > >    - AwbState:
> > >        type: int32_t
> > >        draft: true
> > > --
> > > 2.30.2
> > >

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