[libcamera-devel] [PATCH 4/5] libcamera: base: log: Add coloring to the log output

Laurent Pinchart laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com
Thu May 26 00:25:02 CEST 2022

Extend the logger to support coloring messages. The log level is
colorized with per-level colors, and the category with a fixed color.
This makes the log output more readable.

Coloring is enabled by default when logging to std::cerr, and can be
disabled by setting the LIBCAMERA_LOG_NO_COLOR environment variable.
When logging to a file with LIBCAMERA_LOG_FILE, coloring is disabled. It
can be enabled for file logging using the logSetFile() function.

Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>
 Documentation/environment_variables.rst |  21 +++--
 include/libcamera/logging.h             |   4 +-
 src/libcamera/base/log.cpp              | 114 +++++++++++++++++++-----
 src/libcamera/camera_manager.cpp        |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/environment_variables.rst b/Documentation/environment_variables.rst
index fa703a726845..7028c024b14e 100644
--- a/Documentation/environment_variables.rst
+++ b/Documentation/environment_variables.rst
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS
    Example value: ``*:DEBUG``
+   Disable coloring of log messages (`more <Notes about debugging_>`__).
    Define custom search locations for IPA configurations (`more <IPA configuration_>`__).
@@ -40,12 +43,20 @@ Further details
 Notes about debugging
-The environment variables ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_FILE`` and ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS``
-are used to modify the destination and verbosity of messages provided by
+The environment variables ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_FILE``, ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS`` and
+``LIBCAMERA_LOG_NO_COLOR`` are used to modify the degault configuration of the
+libcamera logger.
-The ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS`` variable accepts a comma-separated list of
-'category:level' pairs.
+By default, libcamera logs all messages to the standard error (std::cerr).
+Messages are colored by default depending on the log level. Coloring can be
+disabled by setting the ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_NO_COLOR`` environment variable.
+The default log destination can also be directed to a file by setting the
+``LIBCAMERA_LOG_FILE`` environment variable to the log file name. This also
+disables coloring.
+Log levels are controlled through the ``LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS`` variable, which
+accepts a comma-separated list of 'category:level' pairs.
 The `level <Log levels_>`__ part is mandatory and can either be specified by
 name or by numerical index associated with each level.
diff --git a/include/libcamera/logging.h b/include/libcamera/logging.h
index c36882b91974..cd842f67d553 100644
--- a/include/libcamera/logging.h
+++ b/include/libcamera/logging.h
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ enum LoggingTarget {
-int logSetFile(const char *path);
-int logSetStream(std::ostream *stream);
+int logSetFile(const char *path, bool color = false);
+int logSetStream(std::ostream *stream, bool color = false);
 int logSetTarget(LoggingTarget target);
 void logSetLevel(const char *category, const char *level);
diff --git a/src/libcamera/base/log.cpp b/src/libcamera/base/log.cpp
index 26f1420703b9..a9f5bbbd36f7 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/base/log.cpp
+++ b/src/libcamera/base/log.cpp
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ static const char *log_severity_name(LogSeverity severity)
 class LogOutput
-	LogOutput(const char *path);
-	LogOutput(std::ostream *stream);
+	LogOutput(const char *path, bool color);
+	LogOutput(std::ostream *stream, bool color);
@@ -119,14 +119,16 @@ private:
 	std::ostream *stream_;
 	LoggingTarget target_;
+	bool color_;
  * \brief Construct a log output based on a file
  * \param[in] path Full path to log file
+ * \param[in] color True to output colored messages
-LogOutput::LogOutput(const char *path)
-	: target_(LoggingTargetFile)
+LogOutput::LogOutput(const char *path, bool color)
+	: target_(LoggingTargetFile), color_(color)
 	stream_ = new std::ofstream(path);
@@ -134,9 +136,10 @@ LogOutput::LogOutput(const char *path)
  * \brief Construct a log output based on a stream
  * \param[in] stream Stream to send log output to
+ * \param[in] color True to output colored messages
-LogOutput::LogOutput(std::ostream *stream)
-	: stream_(stream), target_(LoggingTargetStream)
+LogOutput::LogOutput(std::ostream *stream, bool color)
+	: stream_(stream), target_(LoggingTargetStream), color_(color)
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ LogOutput::LogOutput(std::ostream *stream)
  * \brief Construct a log output to syslog
-	: stream_(nullptr), target_(LoggingTargetSyslog)
+	: stream_(nullptr), target_(LoggingTargetSyslog), color_(false)
 	openlog("libcamera", LOG_PID, 0);
@@ -179,28 +182,70 @@ bool LogOutput::isValid() const
+namespace {
+constexpr const char *kColorReset = "\033[0m";
+constexpr const char *kColorRed = "\033[31m";
+constexpr const char *kColorGreen = "\033[32m";
+constexpr const char *kColorYellow = "\033[33m";
+constexpr const char *kColorBlue = "\033[34m";
+constexpr const char *kColorMagenta = "\033[35m";
+constexpr const char *kColorCyan = "\033[36m";
+constexpr const char *kColorWhite = "\033[37m";
+constexpr const char *kColorGrey = "\033[90m";
+constexpr const char *kColorBrightRed = "\033[91m";
+constexpr const char *kColorBrightGreen = "\033[92m";
+constexpr const char *kColorBrightYellow = "\033[93m";
+constexpr const char *kColorBrightBlue = "\033[94m";
+constexpr const char *kColorBrightMagenta = "\033[95m";
+constexpr const char *kColorBrightCyan = "\033[96m";
+constexpr const char *kColorBrightWhite = "\033[97m";
+} /* namespace */
  * \brief Write message to log output
  * \param[in] msg Message to write
 void LogOutput::write(const LogMessage &msg)
+	static const char *const severityColors[] = {
+		kColorBrightCyan,
+		kColorBrightGreen,
+		kColorBrightYellow,
+		kColorBrightRed,
+		kColorBrightMagenta,
+	};
+	const char *categoryColor = color_ ? kColorBrightWhite : "";
+	const char *fileColor = color_ ? kColorBrightBlue : "";
+	const char *msgColor = color_ ? kColorReset : "";
+	const char *severityColor = "";
+	LogSeverity severity = msg.severity();
 	std::string str;
+	if (color_) {
+		if (static_cast<unsigned int>(severity) < std::size(severityColors))
+			severityColor = severityColors[severity];
+		else
+			severityColor = kColorBrightWhite;
+	}
 	switch (target_) {
 	case LoggingTargetSyslog:
-		str = std::string(log_severity_name(msg.severity())) + " "
+		str = std::string(log_severity_name(severity)) + " "
 		    + msg.category().name() + " " + msg.fileInfo() + " "
 		    + msg.msg();
-		writeSyslog(msg.severity(), str);
+		writeSyslog(severity, str);
 	case LoggingTargetStream:
 	case LoggingTargetFile:
 		str = "[" + utils::time_point_to_string(msg.timestamp()) + "] ["
 		    + std::to_string(Thread::currentId()) + "] "
-		    + log_severity_name(msg.severity()) + " "
-		    + msg.category().name() + " " + msg.fileInfo() + " "
-		    + msg.msg();
+		    + severityColor + log_severity_name(severity) + " "
+		    + categoryColor + msg.category().name() + " "
+		    + fileColor + msg.fileInfo() + " "
+		    + msgColor + msg.msg();
@@ -253,8 +298,8 @@ public:
 	void write(const LogMessage &msg);
 	void backtrace();
-	int logSetFile(const char *path);
-	int logSetStream(std::ostream *stream);
+	int logSetFile(const char *path, bool color);
+	int logSetStream(std::ostream *stream, bool color);
 	int logSetTarget(LoggingTarget target);
 	void logSetLevel(const char *category, const char *level);
@@ -298,35 +343,47 @@ bool Logger::destroyed_ = false;
  * \brief Direct logging to a file
  * \param[in] path Full path to the log file
+ * \param[in] color True to output colored messages
  * This function directs the log output to the file identified by \a path. The
  * previous log target, if any, is closed, and all new log messages will be
  * written to the new log file.
+ * \a color controls whether or not the messages will be colored with standard
+ * ANSI escape codes. This is done regardless of whether \a path refers to a
+ * standard file or a TTY, the caller is responsible for disabling coloring when
+ * not suitable for the log target.
+ *
  * If the function returns an error, the log target is not changed.
  * \return Zero on success, or a negative error code otherwise
-int logSetFile(const char *path)
+int logSetFile(const char *path, bool color)
-	return Logger::instance()->logSetFile(path);
+	return Logger::instance()->logSetFile(path, color);
  * \brief Direct logging to a stream
  * \param[in] stream Stream to send log output to
+ * \param[in] color True to output colored messages
  * This function directs the log output to \a stream. The previous log target,
  * if any, is closed, and all new log messages will be written to the new log
  * stream.
+ * \a color controls whether or not the messages will be colored with standard
+ * ANSI escape codes. This is done regardless of whether \a stream refers to a
+ * standard file or a TTY, the caller is responsible for disabling coloring when
+ * not suitable for the log target.
+ *
  * If the function returns an error, the log file is not changed
  * \return Zero on success, or a negative error code otherwise.
-int logSetStream(std::ostream *stream)
+int logSetStream(std::ostream *stream, bool color)
-	return Logger::instance()->logSetStream(stream);
+	return Logger::instance()->logSetStream(stream, color);
@@ -437,14 +494,16 @@ void Logger::backtrace()
  * \brief Set the log file
  * \param[in] path Full path to the log file
+ * \param[in] color True to output colored messages
  * \sa libcamera::logSetFile()
  * \return Zero on success, or a negative error code otherwise.
-int Logger::logSetFile(const char *path)
+int Logger::logSetFile(const char *path, bool color)
-	std::shared_ptr<LogOutput> output = std::make_shared<LogOutput>(path);
+	std::shared_ptr<LogOutput> output =
+		std::make_shared<LogOutput>(path, color);
 	if (!output->isValid())
 		return -EINVAL;
@@ -455,14 +514,16 @@ int Logger::logSetFile(const char *path)
  * \brief Set the log stream
  * \param[in] stream Stream to send log output to
+ * \param[in] color True to output colored messages
  * \sa libcamera::logSetStream()
  * \return Zero on success, or a negative error code otherwise.
-int Logger::logSetStream(std::ostream *stream)
+int Logger::logSetStream(std::ostream *stream, bool color)
-	std::shared_ptr<LogOutput> output = std::make_shared<LogOutput>(stream);
+	std::shared_ptr<LogOutput> output =
+		std::make_shared<LogOutput>(stream, color);
 	std::atomic_store(&output_, output);
 	return 0;
@@ -514,10 +575,15 @@ void Logger::logSetLevel(const char *category, const char *level)
  * \brief Construct a logger
+ *
+ * If the environment variable is not set, log to std::cerr. The log messages
+ * are then colored by default. This can be overridden by setting the
+ * LIBCAMERA_LOG_NO_COLOR environment variable to disabled coloring.
-	logSetStream(&std::cerr);
+	bool color = !utils::secure_getenv("LIBCAMERA_LOG_NO_COLOR");
+	logSetStream(&std::cerr, color);
@@ -543,7 +609,7 @@ void Logger::parseLogFile()
-	logSetFile(file);
+	logSetFile(file, false);
diff --git a/src/libcamera/camera_manager.cpp b/src/libcamera/camera_manager.cpp
index 70d73822193b..d934596e4145 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/camera_manager.cpp
+++ b/src/libcamera/camera_manager.cpp
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ CameraManager::~CameraManager()
 int CameraManager::start()
-	LOG(Camera, Info) << "libcamera " << version_;
+	LOG(Camera, Debug) << "libcamera " << version_;
 	int ret = _d()->start();
 	if (ret)

Laurent Pinchart

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