[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v4 16/16] py: examples: Add simple-cam.py

Tomi Valkeinen tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com
Mon May 30 16:27:22 CEST 2022

Add a Python version of simple-cam from:


Let's keep this in the libcamera repository until the Python API has
stabilized a bit more, and then we could move this to the simple-cam

Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
 src/py/examples/simple-cam.py | 350 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 350 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 src/py/examples/simple-cam.py

diff --git a/src/py/examples/simple-cam.py b/src/py/examples/simple-cam.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2b81bb65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/py/examples/simple-cam.py
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright (C) 2022, Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
+# A simple libcamera capture example
+# This is a python version of simple-cam from:
+# https://git.libcamera.org/libcamera/simple-cam.git
+# \todo Move to simple-cam repository when the Python API has stabilized more
+import libcamera as libcam
+import selectors
+import sys
+import time
+def handle_camera_event(cm):
+    # cm.get_ready_requests() will not block here, as we know there is an event
+    # to read.
+    reqs = cm.get_ready_requests()
+    # Process the captured frames
+    for req in reqs:
+        process_request(req)
+def process_request(request):
+    global camera
+    print()
+    print(f'Request completed: {request}')
+    # When a request has completed, it is populated with a metadata control
+    # list that allows an application to determine various properties of
+    # the completed request. This can include the timestamp of the Sensor
+    # capture, or its gain and exposure values, or properties from the IPA
+    # such as the state of the 3A algorithms.
+    #
+    # To examine each request, print all the metadata for inspection. A custom
+    # application can parse each of these items and process them according to
+    # its needs.
+    requestMetadata = request.metadata
+    for id, value in requestMetadata.items():
+        print(f'\t{id.name} = {value}')
+    # Each buffer has its own FrameMetadata to describe its state, or the
+    # usage of each buffer. While in our simple capture we only provide one
+    # buffer per request, a request can have a buffer for each stream that
+    # is established when configuring the camera.
+    #
+    # This allows a viewfinder and a still image to be processed at the
+    # same time, or to allow obtaining the RAW capture buffer from the
+    # sensor along with the image as processed by the ISP.
+    buffers = request.buffers
+    for _, buffer in buffers.items():
+        metadata = buffer.metadata
+        # Print some information about the buffer which has completed.
+        print(f' seq: {metadata.sequence:06} timestamp: {metadata.timestamp} bytesused: ' +
+              '/'.join([str(p.bytes_used) for p in metadata.planes]))
+        # Image data can be accessed here, but the FrameBuffer
+        # must be mapped by the application
+    # Re-queue the Request to the camera.
+    request.reuse()
+    camera.queue_request(request)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Camera Naming.
+# Applications are responsible for deciding how to name cameras, and present
+# that information to the users. Every camera has a unique identifier, though
+# this string is not designed to be friendly for a human reader.
+# To support human consumable names, libcamera provides camera properties
+# that allow an application to determine a naming scheme based on its needs.
+# In this example, we focus on the location property, but also detail the
+# model string for external cameras, as this is more likely to be visible
+# information to the user of an externally connected device.
+# The unique camera ID is appended for informative purposes.
+def camera_name(camera):
+    props = camera.properties
+    location = props.get(libcam.properties.Location, None)
+    if location == libcam.properties.LocationEnum.Front:
+        name = 'Internal front camera'
+    elif location == libcam.properties.LocationEnum.Back:
+        name = 'Internal back camera'
+    elif location == libcam.properties.LocationEnum.External:
+        name = 'External camera'
+        if libcam.properties.Model in props:
+            name += f' "{props[libcam.properties.Model]}"'
+    else:
+        name = 'Undefined location'
+    name += f' ({camera.id})'
+    return name
+def main():
+    global camera
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Get the Camera Manager.
+    #
+    # The Camera Manager is responsible for enumerating all the Camera
+    # in the system, by associating Pipeline Handlers with media entities
+    # registered in the system.
+    #
+    # The CameraManager provides a list of available Cameras that
+    # applications can operate on.
+    #
+    # There can only be a single CameraManager within any process space.
+    cm = libcam.CameraManager.singleton()
+    # Just as a test, generate names of the Cameras registered in the
+    # system, and list them.
+    for camera in cm.cameras:
+        print(f' - {camera_name(camera)}')
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Camera
+    #
+    # Camera are entities created by pipeline handlers, inspecting the
+    # entities registered in the system and reported to applications
+    # by the CameraManager.
+    #
+    # In general terms, a Camera corresponds to a single image source
+    # available in the system, such as an image sensor.
+    #
+    # Application lock usage of Camera by 'acquiring' them.
+    # Once done with it, application shall similarly 'release' the Camera.
+    #
+    # As an example, use the first available camera in the system after
+    # making sure that at least one camera is available.
+    #
+    # Cameras can be obtained by their ID or their index, to demonstrate
+    # this, the following code gets the ID of the first camera; then gets
+    # the camera associated with that ID (which is of course the same as
+    # cm.cameras[0]).
+    if not cm.cameras:
+        print('No cameras were identified on the system.')
+        return -1
+    camera_id = cm.cameras[0].id
+    camera = cm.get(camera_id)
+    camera.acquire()
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Stream
+    #
+    # Each Camera supports a variable number of Stream. A Stream is
+    # produced by processing data produced by an image source, usually
+    # by an ISP.
+    #
+    #   +-------------------------------------------------------+
+    #   | Camera                                                |
+    #   |                +-----------+                          |
+    #   | +--------+     |           |------> [  Main output  ] |
+    #   | | Image  |     |           |                          |
+    #   | |        |---->|    ISP    |------> [   Viewfinder  ] |
+    #   | | Source |     |           |                          |
+    #   | +--------+     |           |------> [ Still Capture ] |
+    #   |                +-----------+                          |
+    #   +-------------------------------------------------------+
+    #
+    # The number and capabilities of the Stream in a Camera are
+    # a platform dependent property, and it's the pipeline handler
+    # implementation that has the responsibility of correctly
+    # report them.
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Camera Configuration.
+    #
+    # Camera configuration is tricky! It boils down to assign resources
+    # of the system (such as DMA engines, scalers, format converters) to
+    # the different image streams an application has requested.
+    #
+    # Depending on the system characteristics, some combinations of
+    # sizes, formats and stream usages might or might not be possible.
+    #
+    # A Camera produces a CameraConfigration based on a set of intended
+    # roles for each Stream the application requires.
+    config = camera.generate_configuration([libcam.StreamRole.Viewfinder])
+    # The CameraConfiguration contains a StreamConfiguration instance
+    # for each StreamRole requested by the application, provided
+    # the Camera can support all of them.
+    #
+    # Each StreamConfiguration has default size and format, assigned
+    # by the Camera depending on the Role the application has requested.
+    stream_config = config.at(0)
+    print(f'Default viewfinder configuration is: {stream_config}')
+    # Each StreamConfiguration parameter which is part of a
+    # CameraConfiguration can be independently modified by the
+    # application.
+    #
+    # In order to validate the modified parameter, the CameraConfiguration
+    # should be validated -before- the CameraConfiguration gets applied
+    # to the Camera.
+    #
+    # The CameraConfiguration validation process adjusts each
+    # StreamConfiguration to a valid value.
+    # Validating a CameraConfiguration -before- applying it will adjust it
+    # to a valid configuration which is as close as possible to the one
+    # requested.
+    config.validate()
+    print(f'Validated viewfinder configuration is: {stream_config}')
+    # Once we have a validated configuration, we can apply it to the
+    # Camera.
+    camera.configure(config)
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Buffer Allocation
+    #
+    # Now that a camera has been configured, it knows all about its
+    # Streams sizes and formats. The captured images need to be stored in
+    # framebuffers which can either be provided by the application to the
+    # library, or allocated in the Camera and exposed to the application
+    # by libcamera.
+    #
+    # An application may decide to allocate framebuffers from elsewhere,
+    # for example in memory allocated by the display driver that will
+    # render the captured frames. The application will provide them to
+    # libcamera by constructing FrameBuffer instances to capture images
+    # directly into.
+    #
+    # Alternatively libcamera can help the application by exporting
+    # buffers allocated in the Camera using a FrameBufferAllocator
+    # instance and referencing a configured Camera to determine the
+    # appropriate buffer size and types to create.
+    allocator = libcam.FrameBufferAllocator(camera)
+    for cfg in config:
+        ret = allocator.allocate(cfg.stream)
+        if ret < 0:
+            print('Can\'t allocate buffers')
+            return -1
+        allocated = len(allocator.buffers(cfg.stream))
+        print(f'Allocated {allocated} buffers for stream')
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Frame Capture
+    #
+    # libcamera frames capture model is based on the 'Request' concept.
+    # For each frame a Request has to be queued to the Camera.
+    #
+    # A Request refers to (at least one) Stream for which a Buffer that
+    # will be filled with image data shall be added to the Request.
+    #
+    # A Request is associated with a list of Controls, which are tunable
+    # parameters (similar to v4l2_controls) that have to be applied to
+    # the image.
+    #
+    # Once a request completes, all its buffers will contain image data
+    # that applications can access and for each of them a list of metadata
+    # properties that reports the capture parameters applied to the image.
+    stream = stream_config.stream
+    buffers = allocator.buffers(stream)
+    requests = []
+    for i in range(len(buffers)):
+        request = camera.create_request()
+        if not request:
+            print('Can\'t create request')
+            return -1
+        buffer = buffers[i]
+        ret = request.add_buffer(stream, buffer)
+        if ret < 0:
+            print('Can\'t set buffer for request')
+            return -1
+        # Controls can be added to a request on a per frame basis.
+        request.set_control(libcam.controls.Brightness, 0.5)
+        requests.append(request)
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Start Capture
+    #
+    # In order to capture frames the Camera has to be started and
+    # Request queued to it. Enough Request to fill the Camera pipeline
+    # depth have to be queued before the Camera start delivering frames.
+    #
+    # When a Request has been completed, it will be added to a list in the
+    # CameraManager and an event will be raised using eventfd.
+    #
+    # The list of completed Requests can be retrieved with
+    # CameraManager.get_ready_requests(), which will also clear the list in the
+    # CameraManager.
+    #
+    # The eventfd can be retrieved from CameraManager.event_fd, and the fd can
+    # be waited upon using e.g. Python's selectors.
+    camera.start()
+    for request in requests:
+        camera.queue_request(request)
+    sel = selectors.DefaultSelector()
+    sel.register(cm.event_fd, selectors.EVENT_READ, lambda fd: handle_camera_event(cm))
+    start_time = time.time()
+    while time.time() - start_time < TIMEOUT_SEC:
+        events = sel.select()
+        for key, mask in events:
+            key.data(key.fileobj)
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Clean Up
+    #
+    # Stop the Camera, release resources and stop the CameraManager.
+    # libcamera has now released all resources it owned.
+    camera.stop()
+    camera.release()
+    return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main())

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