[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v3 3/5] utils: semver: Add version helper

Kieran Bingham kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com
Mon Oct 10 19:32:12 CEST 2022

Provide the semver utility from [0] to make use of it with our
versioning and release scripts.

[0] https://github.com/fsaintjacques/semver-tool/commit/cac039e8b73bc6fdf2f328437ed40f52abf0d05a

Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>
Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com>
Reviewed-by: Jacopo Mondi <jacopo at jmondi.org>
 utils/semver | 419 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 419 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 utils/semver

diff --git a/utils/semver b/utils/semver
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..5b25f40ba48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/semver
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
+  $PROG bump (major|minor|patch|release|prerel [<prerel>]|build <build>) <version>
+  $PROG compare <version> <other_version>
+  $PROG diff <version> <other_version>
+  $PROG get (major|minor|patch|release|prerel|build) <version>
+  $PROG validate <version>
+  $PROG --help
+  $PROG --version
+  <version>  A version must match the following regular expression:
+             \"${SEMVER_REGEX}\"
+             In English:
+             -- The version must match X.Y.Z[-PRERELEASE][+BUILD]
+                where X, Y and Z are non-negative integers.
+             -- PRERELEASE is a dot separated sequence of non-negative integers and/or
+                identifiers composed of alphanumeric characters and hyphens (with
+                at least one non-digit). Numeric identifiers must not have leading
+                zeros. A hyphen (\"-\") introduces this optional part.
+             -- BUILD is a dot separated sequence of identifiers composed of alphanumeric
+                characters and hyphens. A plus (\"+\") introduces this optional part.
+  <other_version>  See <version> definition.
+  <prerel>  A string as defined by PRERELEASE above. Or, it can be a PRERELEASE
+            prototype string (or empty) followed by a dot.
+  <build>   A string as defined by BUILD above.
+  -v, --version          Print the version of this tool.
+  -h, --help             Print this help message.
+  bump      Bump by one of major, minor, patch; zeroing or removing
+            subsequent parts. \"bump prerel\" sets the PRERELEASE part and
+            removes any BUILD part. A trailing dot in the <prerel> argument
+            introduces an incrementing numeric field which is added or
+            bumped. If no <prerel> argument is provided, an incrementing numeric
+            field is introduced/bumped. \"bump build\" sets the BUILD part.
+            \"bump release\" removes any PRERELEASE or BUILD parts.
+            The bumped version is written to stdout.
+  compare   Compare <version> with <other_version>, output to stdout the
+            following values: -1 if <other_version> is newer, 0 if equal, 1 if
+            older. The BUILD part is not used in comparisons.
+  diff      Compare <version> with <other_version>, output to stdout the
+            difference between two versions by the release type (MAJOR, MINOR,
+  get       Extract given part of <version>, where part is one of major, minor,
+            patch, prerel, build, or release.
+  validate  Validate if <version> follows the SEMVER pattern (see <version>
+            definition). Print 'valid' to stdout if the version is valid, otherwise
+            print 'invalid'.
+See also:
+  https://semver.org -- Semantic Versioning 2.0.0"
+function error {
+  echo -e "$1" >&2
+  exit 1
+function usage_help {
+  error "$USAGE"
+function usage_version {
+  echo -e "${PROG}: $PROG_VERSION"
+  exit 0
+function validate_version {
+  local version=$1
+  if [[ "$version" =~ $SEMVER_REGEX ]]; then
+    # if a second argument is passed, store the result in var named by $2
+    if [ "$#" -eq "2" ]; then
+      local major=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+      local minor=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
+      local patch=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}
+      local prere=${BASH_REMATCH[4]}
+      local build=${BASH_REMATCH[8]}
+      eval "$2=(\"$major\" \"$minor\" \"$patch\" \"$prere\" \"$build\")"
+    else
+      echo "$version"
+    fi
+  else
+    error "version $version does not match the semver scheme 'X.Y.Z(-PRERELEASE)(+BUILD)'. See help for more information."
+  fi
+function is_nat {
+    [[ "$1" =~ ^($NAT)$ ]]
+function is_null {
+    [ -z "$1" ]
+function order_nat {
+    [ "$1" -lt "$2" ] && { echo -1 ; return ; }
+    [ "$1" -gt "$2" ] && { echo 1 ; return ; }
+    echo 0
+function order_string {
+    [[ $1 < $2 ]] && { echo -1 ; return ; }
+    [[ $1 > $2 ]] && { echo 1 ; return ; }
+    echo 0
+# given two (named) arrays containing NAT and/or ALPHANUM fields, compare them
+# one by one according to semver 2.0.0 spec. Return -1, 0, 1 if left array ($1)
+# is less-than, equal, or greater-than the right array ($2).  The longer array
+# is considered greater-than the shorter if the shorter is a prefix of the longer.
+function compare_fields {
+    local l="$1[@]"
+    local r="$2[@]"
+    local leftfield=( "${!l}" )
+    local rightfield=( "${!r}" )
+    local left
+    local right
+    local i=$(( -1 ))
+    local order=$(( 0 ))
+    while true
+    do
+        [ $order -ne 0 ] && { echo $order ; return ; }
+        : $(( i++ ))
+        left="${leftfield[$i]}"
+        right="${rightfield[$i]}"
+        is_null "$left" && is_null "$right" && { echo 0  ; return ; }
+        is_null "$left"                     && { echo -1 ; return ; }
+                           is_null "$right" && { echo 1  ; return ; }
+        is_nat "$left" &&  is_nat "$right" && { order=$(order_nat "$left" "$right") ; continue ; }
+        is_nat "$left"                     && { echo -1 ; return ; }
+                           is_nat "$right" && { echo 1  ; return ; }
+                                              { order=$(order_string "$left" "$right") ; continue ; }
+    done
+# shellcheck disable=SC2206     # checked by "validate"; ok to expand prerel id's into array
+function compare_version {
+  local order
+  validate_version "$1" V
+  validate_version "$2" V_
+  # compare major, minor, patch
+  local left=( "${V[0]}" "${V[1]}" "${V[2]}" )
+  local right=( "${V_[0]}" "${V_[1]}" "${V_[2]}" )
+  order=$(compare_fields left right)
+  [ "$order" -ne 0 ] && { echo "$order" ; return ; }
+  # compare pre-release ids when M.m.p are equal
+  local prerel="${V[3]:1}"
+  local prerel_="${V_[3]:1}"
+  local left=( ${prerel//./ } )
+  local right=( ${prerel_//./ } )
+  # if left and right have no pre-release part, then left equals right
+  # if only one of left/right has pre-release part, that one is less than simple M.m.p
+  [ -z "$prerel" ] && [ -z "$prerel_" ] && { echo 0  ; return ; }
+  [ -z "$prerel" ]                      && { echo 1  ; return ; }
+                      [ -z "$prerel_" ] && { echo -1 ; return ; }
+  # otherwise, compare the pre-release id's
+  compare_fields left right
+# render_prerel -- return a prerel field with a trailing numeric string
+#                  usage: render_prerel numeric [prefix-string]
+function render_prerel {
+    if [ -z "$2" ]
+    then
+        echo "${1}"
+    else
+        echo "${2}${1}"
+    fi
+# extract_prerel -- extract prefix and trailing numeric portions of a pre-release part
+#                   usage: extract_prerel prerel prerel_parts
+#                   The prefix and trailing numeric parts are returned in "prerel_parts".
+function extract_prerel {
+    local prefix; local numeric;
+    if [[ "$1" =~ $EXTRACT_REGEX ]]
+    then                                        # found prefix and trailing numeric parts
+        prefix="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+        numeric="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+    else                                        # no numeric part
+        prefix="${1}"
+        numeric=
+    fi
+    eval "$2=(\"$prefix\" \"$numeric\")"
+# bump_prerel -- return the new pre-release part based on previous pre-release part
+#                and prototype for bump
+#                usage: bump_prerel proto previous
+function bump_prerel {
+    local proto; local prev_prefix; local prev_numeric;
+    # case one: no trailing dot in prototype => simply replace previous with proto
+    if [[ ! ( "$1" =~ \.$ ) ]]
+    then
+        echo "$1"
+        return
+    fi
+    proto="${1%.}"                              # discard trailing dot marker from prototype
+    extract_prerel "${2#-}" prerel_parts        # extract parts of previous pre-release
+#   shellcheck disable=SC2154
+    prev_prefix="${prerel_parts[0]}"
+    prev_numeric="${prerel_parts[1]}"
+    # case two: bump or append numeric to previous pre-release part
+    if [ "$proto" == "+" ]                      # dummy "+" indicates no prototype argument provided
+    then
+        if [ -n "$prev_numeric" ]
+        then
+            : $(( ++prev_numeric ))             # previous pre-release is already numbered, bump it
+            render_prerel "$prev_numeric" "$prev_prefix"
+        else
+            render_prerel 1 "$prev_prefix"      # append starting number
+        fi
+        return
+    fi
+    # case three: set, bump, or append using prototype prefix
+    if [  "$prev_prefix" != "$proto" ]
+    then
+        render_prerel 1 "$proto"                # proto not same pre-release; set and start at '1'
+    elif [ -n "$prev_numeric" ]
+    then
+        : $(( ++prev_numeric ))                 # pre-release is numbered; bump it
+        render_prerel "$prev_numeric" "$prev_prefix"
+    else
+        render_prerel 1 "$prev_prefix"          # start pre-release at number '1'
+    fi
+function command_bump {
+  local new; local version; local sub_version; local command;
+  case $# in
+    2) case $1 in
+        major|minor|patch|prerel|release) command=$1; sub_version="+."; version=$2;;
+        *) usage_help;;
+       esac ;;
+    3) case $1 in
+        prerel|build) command=$1; sub_version=$2 version=$3 ;;
+        *) usage_help;;
+       esac ;;
+    *) usage_help;;
+  esac
+  validate_version "$version" parts
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2154
+  local major="${parts[0]}"
+  local minor="${parts[1]}"
+  local patch="${parts[2]}"
+  local prere="${parts[3]}"
+  local build="${parts[4]}"
+  case "$command" in
+    major) new="$((major + 1)).0.0";;
+    minor) new="${major}.$((minor + 1)).0";;
+    patch) new="${major}.${minor}.$((patch + 1))";;
+    release) new="${major}.${minor}.${patch}";;
+    prerel) new=$(validate_version "${major}.${minor}.${patch}-$(bump_prerel "$sub_version" "$prere")");;
+    build) new=$(validate_version "${major}.${minor}.${patch}${prere}+${sub_version}");;
+    *) usage_help ;;
+  esac
+  echo "$new"
+  exit 0
+function command_compare {
+  local v; local v_;
+  case $# in
+    2) v=$(validate_version "$1"); v_=$(validate_version "$2") ;;
+    *) usage_help ;;
+  esac
+  set +u                        # need unset array element to evaluate to null
+  compare_version "$v" "$v_"
+  exit 0
+function command_diff {
+  validate_version "$1" v1_parts
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2154
+  local v1_major="${v1_parts[0]}"
+  local v1_minor="${v1_parts[1]}"
+  local v1_patch="${v1_parts[2]}"
+  local v1_prere="${v1_parts[3]}"
+  local v1_build="${v1_parts[4]}"
+  validate_version "$2" v2_parts
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2154
+  local v2_major="${v2_parts[0]}"
+  local v2_minor="${v2_parts[1]}"
+  local v2_patch="${v2_parts[2]}"
+  local v2_prere="${v2_parts[3]}"
+  local v2_build="${v2_parts[4]}"
+  if [ "${v1_major}" != "${v2_major}" ]; then
+    echo "major"
+  elif [ "${v1_minor}" != "${v2_minor}" ]; then
+    echo "minor"
+  elif [ "${v1_patch}" != "${v2_patch}" ]; then
+    echo "patch"
+  elif [ "${v1_prere}" != "${v2_prere}" ]; then
+    echo "prerelease"
+  elif [ "${v1_build}" != "${v2_build}" ]; then
+    echo "build"
+  fi
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+function command_get {
+    local part version
+    if [[ "$#" -ne "2" ]] || [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
+        usage_help
+        exit 0
+    fi
+    part="$1"
+    version="$2"
+    validate_version "$version" parts
+    local major="${parts[0]}"
+    local minor="${parts[1]}"
+    local patch="${parts[2]}"
+    local prerel="${parts[3]:1}"
+    local build="${parts[4]:1}"
+    local release="${major}.${minor}.${patch}"
+    case "$part" in
+        major|minor|patch|release|prerel|build) echo "${!part}" ;;
+        *) usage_help ;;
+    esac
+    exit 0
+function command_validate {
+  if [[ "$#" -ne "1" ]]; then
+        usage_help
+  fi  
+  if [[ "$1" =~ $SEMVER_REGEX ]]; then
+    echo "valid"
+  else
+    echo "invalid"
+  fi
+  exit 0
+case $# in
+  0) echo "Unknown command: $*"; usage_help;;
+case $1 in
+  --help|-h) echo -e "$USAGE"; exit 0;;
+  --version|-v) usage_version ;;
+  bump) shift; command_bump "$@";;
+  get) shift; command_get "$@";;
+  compare) shift; command_compare "$@";;
+  diff) shift; command_diff "$@";;
+  validate) shift; command_validate "$@";;
+  *) echo "Unknown arguments: $*"; usage_help;;

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