[libcamera-devel] [RFC PATCH 5/5] libcamera: pipeline: uvcvideo: Handle metadata stream

Kieran Bingham kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com
Wed Aug 16 23:53:09 CEST 2023

Quoting Gabby George (2023-08-14 12:28:49)
> Register the metadata stream's buffer ready callback and start
> processing metadata buffers.  Use the timestamp from the metadata
> buffer as the corresponding video buffer Requests' timestamp. Metadata
> buffers are synchronized with frames coming into the video stream
> using the sequence field of the buffers. They may come in either order
> (video buffer first or metadata buffer first), so store relevant
> information about the buffer required to set the metadata timestamp or
> complete the buffer request as soon as possible.
> The timestamp will improved upon in the next patch. For now, use the

'will be improved'

> driver-provided metadata timestamp.
> Signed-off-by: Gabby George <gabbymg94 at gmail.com>
> ---
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp | 157 ++++++++++++++++++-
>  1 file changed, 152 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp b/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp
> index 51f30187..5c7ae064 100644
> --- a/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp
> +++ b/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp
> @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
>  #include <memory>
>  #include <tuple>
> +#include <linux/uvcvideo.h>
> +
>  #include <libcamera/base/log.h>
>  #include <libcamera/base/utils.h>
> @@ -34,6 +36,13 @@ namespace libcamera {
> +/* This is used to memcpy */

Why ? (The comment isn't helpful I'm afraid).

> +struct UVCMetadataPacked {
> +       __u32 pts;
> +       __u32 scr;
> +       __u16 sofDevice;
> +} __attribute__((packed));
> +
>  class UVCCameraData : public Camera::Private
>  {
>  public:
> @@ -46,6 +55,7 @@ public:
>         void addControl(uint32_t cid, const ControlInfo &v4l2info,
>                         ControlInfoMap::Map *ctrls);
>         void bufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer);
> +       void bufferReadyMetadata(FrameBuffer *buffer);
>         const std::string &id() const { return id_; }
> @@ -57,10 +67,14 @@ public:
>         bool useMetadataStream_;
>         std::map<PixelFormat, std::vector<SizeRange>> formats_;
> +       std::queue<std::pair<Request *, FrameBuffer *>> waitingForVideoBuffer_;
> +       std::queue<std::pair<unsigned int, uint64_t>> waitingForMDBuffer_;

I think I would have used waitingForMetaBuffer_ ... but this is probably

>  private:
>         int initMetadata(MediaDevice *media);
> +       const unsigned int frameStart_ = 1;
> +       const unsigned int maxVidBuffersInQueue_ = 2;
>         const unsigned int minLengthHeaderBuf_ = 10;
>         bool generateId();
> @@ -638,8 +652,16 @@ int UVCCameraData::init(MediaDevice *media)
>         }
>         controlInfo_ = ControlInfoMap(std::move(ctrls), controls::controls);
> +       ret = initMetadata(media);
> +
> +       if (!ret) {
> +               metadata_->bufferReady.connect(this, &UVCCameraData::bufferReadyMetadata);
> +               useMetadataStream_ = true;
> +       } else {
> +               useMetadataStream_ = false;

Should this release the metadata_ node? It won't be used now will it?
(or can it on restarts?)

> +       }
> -       return initMetadata(media);
> +       return 0;

Aha - this fixes an earlier comment at least. We might still be better
fixing the earlier patch too though.

>  }
>  bool UVCCameraData::generateId()
> @@ -824,16 +846,141 @@ void UVCCameraData::addControl(uint32_t cid, const ControlInfo &v4l2Info,
>         ctrls->emplace(id, info);
>  }
> +/*
> + * If there is a metadata buffer that hasn't been matched with a
> + * video buffer, check to see if it matches this video buffer.
> + *
> + * If there is a match, use the timestamp stored in the metadata queue
> + * for this video buffer's request. Complete this video buffer
> + * and its request.
> + *
> + * If there are no metadata buffers available to check for a match,
> + * push this video buffer's request object to the queue. It may
> + * be that the metadata buffer has not yet arrived.
> + * When the matching metadata buffer does come in, it will handle
> + * completion of the buffer and request.
> + *
> + * If more than maxVidBuffersInQueue_ video buffers have been added
> + * to the queue, something is wrong with the metadata stream and
> + * we can no longer use UVC metadata packets for timestamps.
> + * Complete all of the outstanding requests and turn off metadata
> + * stream use.
> + */
>  void UVCCameraData::bufferReady(FrameBuffer *buffer)
>  {
>         Request *request = buffer->request();
> -
> -       /* \todo Use the UVC metadata to calculate a more precise timestamp */

It looks like we shouldn't actually remove this comment yet in this
patch ...

>         request->metadata().set(controls::SensorTimestamp,
>                                 buffer->metadata().timestamp);
> -       pipe()->completeBuffer(request, buffer);
> -       pipe()->completeRequest(request);
> +       if (useMetadataStream_) {
> +               if (buffer->metadata().sequence == 0) {
> +                       /* \todo: we do not expect the first frame to have a
> +                       * metadata buffer associated with it.  Why?
> +                       */

/* comment styles again.
* like this.

 * Should be formatted like
 * this when on multi-lines

> +                       pipe()->completeBuffer(request, buffer);
> +                       pipe()->completeRequest(request);
> +                       return;
> +               }
> +
> +               if (!waitingForMDBuffer_.empty()) {
> +                       unsigned int mdSequence =
> +                               std::get<0>(waitingForMDBuffer_.front()) + frameStart_;
> +                       if (mdSequence == buffer->metadata().sequence) {
> +                               request->metadata().set(controls::SensorTimestamp,
> +                                                       std::get<1>(waitingForMDBuffer_.front()));
> +                               pipe()->completeBuffer(request, buffer);
> +                               pipe()->completeRequest(request);
> +                               waitingForMDBuffer_.pop();
> +                               return;
> +                       }
> +               } else {
> +                       waitingForVideoBuffer_.push(std::make_pair(request, buffer));
> +               }
> +
> +               if (waitingForVideoBuffer_.size() > maxVidBuffersInQueue_) {
> +                       while (!waitingForVideoBuffer_.empty()) {
> +                               Request *oldRequest = std::get<0>(waitingForVideoBuffer_.front());
> +                               FrameBuffer *oldBuffer = std::get<1>(waitingForVideoBuffer_.front());
> +                               oldRequest->metadata().set(controls::SensorTimestamp,
> +                                                          oldBuffer->metadata().timestamp);
> +                               pipe()->completeBuffer(oldRequest, oldBuffer);
> +                               pipe()->completeRequest(oldRequest);
> +                               waitingForVideoBuffer_.pop();
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       } else {
> +               pipe()->completeBuffer(request, buffer);
> +               pipe()->completeRequest(request);
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +void UVCCameraData::bufferReadyMetadata(FrameBuffer *buffer)
> +{
> +       if (!useMetadataStream_ || buffer->metadata().status != FrameMetadata::Status::FrameSuccess) {
> +               return;
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +        * The metadata stream always starts at seq 1 and libcamera sets the start sequence to 0,
> +        * so it's necessary to add one to match this buffer with the correct
> +        * video frame buffer.
> +        *
> +        * \todo: Is there a better way to do this?  What is the root cause?
> +        */
> +       unsigned int mdSequence = buffer->metadata().sequence + frameStart_;
> +       int pos = buffer->cookie();
> +       /*
> +        * A UVC Metadata Block length field contains size of
> +        * the header buf, length field, and flags field.
> +        */
> +       uvc_meta_buf metadataBuf;
> +       __u8 minLength = minLengthHeaderBuf_ +
> +                        sizeof(metadataBuf.length) +
> +                        sizeof(metadataBuf.flags);
> +       size_t lenMDPacket = minLength + sizeof(metadataBuf.ns) + sizeof(metadataBuf.sof);

That all looks quite complicated to calculate the size of a structure.

Can we do anything with sizeof(metadataBuf) instead?
Why is minLengthHeaderBuf_ separated out?

Does metadataBuf.length == sizeof(UVCMetadataPacked) ?

> +       memcpy(&metadataBuf, mappedMetadataBuffers_.at(pos).planes()[0].data(), lenMDPacket);

Is this memcpy a temporary thing ? Or do we always need to do it. We
probably need a block comment above the memcpy explaining /why/ we're
copying this instead of accessing it directly.

Is this even safe? Is there any chance that this memcpy could overwrite
the space provided by metadataBuf ? (I suspect running valgrind might
trigger here).

> +
> +       if (metadataBuf.length < minLength) {
> +               LOG(UVC, Error) << "Received improper metadata packet.  Using default timestamps.";
> +               useMetadataStream_ = false;
> +               return;
> +       }
> +
> +       /*
> +        * If there is a video buffer that hasn't been matched with a
> +        * metadata buffer, check to see if it matches this metadata buffer.
> +        *
> +        * If there is a match, use the timestamp associated with this
> +        * metadata buffer as the timestamp for the video buffer's request.
> +        * Complete that video buffer and its request.
> +        *
> +        * If there are no video buffers, push this metadata buffer's
> +        * sequence number and timestamp to a shared queue.  It may be that
> +        * the metadata buffer came in before the video buffer.
> +        * When the matching video buffer does come in, it will use this
> +        * metadata buffer's timestamp.
> +        */
> +       __u64 timestamp = metadataBuf.ns;
> +
> +       if (!waitingForVideoBuffer_.empty()) {
> +               Request *request = std::get<0>(waitingForVideoBuffer_.front());
> +               FrameBuffer *vidBuffer = std::get<1>(waitingForVideoBuffer_.front());

Interesting I haven't seen this syntax used. We normally use structured
bindings for something like this, which I think would look like:

		auto [request, vidBuffer] = waitingForVideoBuffer_.front();

But I like that your version expresses the whole type for each variable.

> +               unsigned int vidSequence = vidBuffer->metadata().sequence;
> +
> +               if (vidSequence == mdSequence) {
> +                       request->metadata().set(controls::SensorTimestamp,
> +                                               timestamp);
> +
> +                       pipe()->completeBuffer(request, vidBuffer);
> +                       pipe()->completeRequest(request);
> +                       waitingForVideoBuffer_.pop();
> +               }

		if (vidSequence == mdSequence) {
			/* Your code above */
		} else {
			What happens here? Do we need to worry about anything in

> +       } else {
> +               waitingForMDBuffer_.push(
> +                       std::make_pair(buffer->metadata().sequence,
> +                                      timestamp));
> +       }
> +       metadata_->queueBuffer(buffer);
>  }
> -- 
> 2.34.1

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