[libcamera-devel] Removing media device /dev/media3 while still in use

Christoph Stamm christoph.stamm at fhnw.ch
Thu Aug 17 15:32:13 CEST 2023


I'm using the following pipeline in OpenCV (4.5.1) while using an instance of VideoCapture. My code is running on a Raspberry Pi (CM4) with OS bullseye 64 bit:

libcamerasrc camera-name="/base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c at 1/imx219 at 10" " ! appsink name=appsink

The pipeline works well and the video is displayed. However, when I call VideoCapture::release() my application crashes with an unhandled exception. The error is: DeviceEnumerator device_enumerator.cpp:166 Removing media device /dev/media3 while still in use.

Stack trace:

Calling VideoCapture.release() is the standard way to stop video capturing in OpenCV.
Where is the problem?

Best regards,

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