[libcamera-devel] softISP for libcamera

Pavel Machek pavel at ucw.cz
Thu Dec 7 00:04:36 CET 2023


> I have pushed a new version of my optimization work here:
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/camera/libcamera-softisp/-/commits/SoftwareISP-v02-hans1/
> As the branch name suggests this has been rebased on top
> of the SoftwareISP-v02 branch.
> There are 2 new things here:
> 1. The color gains for whitebalance now use a lookup table
> instead of a fixed 0-256 multiplication factor. This allows
> color gains > 1.0 without needing to call std::min() 6 million
> times per frame (for FHD) to clamp. Gains > 1.0 are is necessary
> to avoid overexposed white areas like a lamp on the ceiling
> or a window in the roof to not turn purple.

This is wrong in debayer, AFAICT?

void SwIspLinaro::IspWorker::debayerBGGR10PLine1(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
	const uint8_t *prev = src - stride_;
	const uint8_t *curr = src;
	const uint8_t *next = src - stride_;

next should be "+ stride_".

Plus statistics:

	y_val = r * RED_Y_MUL;				\
	y_val += (g1 + g2) * GREEN_Y_MUL;		\
	y_val += b * BLUE_Y_MUL;			\
	if (y_val > BRIGHT_LVL) ++bright_sum;		\
	if (y_val > TOO_BRIGHT_LVL) ++too_bright_sum;

That's quite expensive to compute... as it even right? Lets say we are
looking at scene with bright red source. Sensor is saturated, red is
255 everywhere. g/b will be zero, we'll use 0.3 * red, that is less
than 240, and we'll turn the gain up. But we should be turning gain
down, since sensor is saturated.

Best regards,
People of Russia, stop Putin before his war on Ukraine escalates.
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