[libcamera-devel] [PATCH v1 14/14] ipa: raspberrypi: Add support for the Sony IMX708 sensor

Naushir Patuck naush at raspberrypi.com
Thu Jan 19 11:45:44 CET 2023

From: Nick Hollinghurst <nick.hollinghurst at raspberrypi.com>

Add support for Raspberry Pi Camera 3 modules (Sony IMX708 camera sensor) to the
Raspberry Pi IPA. These modules are available in either normal or wide angle
lens, both with IR or no IR cut options, giving a total for 4 variants. Provide
IQ tuning files for all four variants.

The IMX708 camera helper additionally parses PDAF and HDR histogram data that
is provided in the embedded data stream from Unicam.

Signed-off-by: Nick Hollinghurst <nick.hollinghurst at raspberrypi.com>
Signed-off-by: Naushir Patuck <naush at raspberrypi.com>
Reviewed-by: Naushir Patuck <naush at raspberrypi.com>
Reviewed-by: David Plowman <david.plowman at raspberrypi.com>
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/cam_helper_imx708.cpp     | 350 +++++++++++
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708.json          | 559 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_noir.json     | 559 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide.json     | 462 +++++++++++++++
 .../raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide_noir.json    | 462 +++++++++++++++
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/meson.build          |   4 +
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/meson.build               |   1 +
 7 files changed, 2397 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/ipa/raspberrypi/cam_helper_imx708.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708.json
 create mode 100644 src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_noir.json
 create mode 100644 src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide.json
 create mode 100644 src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide_noir.json

diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/cam_helper_imx708.cpp b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/cam_helper_imx708.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4c43c8e7fb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/cam_helper_imx708.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
+ * Copyright (C) 2022, Raspberry Pi Ltd
+ *
+ * cam_helper_imx708.cpp - camera helper for imx708 sensor
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <libcamera/base/log.h>
+#include "controller/pdaf_data.h"
+#include "cam_helper.h"
+#include "md_parser.h"
+using namespace RPiController;
+using namespace libcamera;
+using libcamera::utils::Duration;
+namespace libcamera {
+ * We care about two gain registers and a pair of exposure registers. Their
+ * I2C addresses from the Sony imx708 datasheet:
+ */
+constexpr uint32_t expHiReg = 0x0202;
+constexpr uint32_t expLoReg = 0x0203;
+constexpr uint32_t gainHiReg = 0x0204;
+constexpr uint32_t gainLoReg = 0x0205;
+constexpr uint32_t frameLengthHiReg = 0x0340;
+constexpr uint32_t frameLengthLoReg = 0x0341;
+constexpr uint32_t lineLengthHiReg = 0x0342;
+constexpr uint32_t lineLengthLoReg = 0x0343;
+constexpr uint32_t temperatureReg = 0x013a;
+constexpr std::initializer_list<uint32_t> registerList =
+	{ expHiReg, expLoReg, gainHiReg, gainLoReg, lineLengthHiReg,
+	  lineLengthLoReg, frameLengthHiReg, frameLengthLoReg, temperatureReg };
+class CamHelperImx708 : public CamHelper
+	CamHelperImx708();
+	uint32_t gainCode(double gain) const override;
+	double gain(uint32_t gain_code) const override;
+	void prepare(libcamera::Span<const uint8_t> buffer, Metadata &metadata) override;
+	void process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata &metadata) override;
+	std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> getBlanking(Duration &exposure, Duration minFrameDuration,
+						  Duration maxFrameDuration) const override;
+	void getDelays(int &exposureDelay, int &gainDelay,
+		       int &vblankDelay, int &hblankDelay) const override;
+	bool sensorEmbeddedDataPresent() const override;
+	double getModeSensitivity(const CameraMode &mode) const override;
+	unsigned int hideFramesModeSwitch() const override { return 1; } // seems to be required for HDR
+	/*
+	 * Smallest difference between the frame length and integration time,
+	 * in units of lines.
+	 */
+	static constexpr int frameIntegrationDiff = 22;
+	/* Maximum frame length allowable for long exposure calculations. */
+	static constexpr int frameLengthMax = 0xffdc;
+	/* Largest long exposure scale factor given as a left shift on the frame length. */
+	static constexpr int longExposureShiftMax = 7;
+	void populateMetadata(const MdParser::RegisterMap &registers,
+			      Metadata &metadata) const override;
+	static bool parsePdafData(const uint8_t *ptr, size_t len, unsigned bpp,
+				  PdafData &pdaf);
+	bool parseAEHist(const uint8_t *ptr, size_t len, unsigned bpp);
+	void putAGCStatistics(StatisticsPtr stats);
+	uint32_t aeHistLinear_[128];
+	uint32_t aeHistAverage_;
+	bool aeHistValid_;
+	: CamHelper(std::make_unique<MdParserSmia>(registerList), frameIntegrationDiff),
+	  aeHistLinear_{ 0 }, aeHistAverage_(0), aeHistValid_(false)
+uint32_t CamHelperImx708::gainCode(double gain) const
+	return static_cast<uint32_t>(1024 - 1024 / gain);
+double CamHelperImx708::gain(uint32_t gain_code) const
+	return 1024.0 / (1024 - gain_code);
+void CamHelperImx708::prepare(libcamera::Span<const uint8_t> buffer, Metadata &metadata)
+	MdParser::RegisterMap registers;
+	DeviceStatus deviceStatus;
+	LOG(IPARPI, Debug) << "Embedded buffer size: " << buffer.size();
+	if (metadata.get("device.status", deviceStatus)) {
+		LOG(IPARPI, Error) << "DeviceStatus not found from DelayedControls";
+		return;
+	}
+	parseEmbeddedData(buffer, metadata);
+	/*
+	 * Parse PDAF data, which we expect to occupy the third scanline
+	 * of embedded data. As PDAF is quite sensor-specific, it's parsed here.
+	 */
+	size_t bytesPerLine = (mode_.width * mode_.bitdepth) >> 3;
+	if (buffer.size() > 2 * bytesPerLine) {
+		PdafData pdaf;
+		if (parsePdafData(&buffer[2 * bytesPerLine],
+				  buffer.size() - 2 * bytesPerLine,
+				  mode_.bitdepth, pdaf))
+			metadata.set("pdaf.data", pdaf);
+	}
+	/* Parse AE-HIST data where present */
+	if (buffer.size() > 3 * bytesPerLine) {
+		aeHistValid_ = parseAEHist(&buffer[3 * bytesPerLine],
+					   buffer.size() - 3 * bytesPerLine,
+					   mode_.bitdepth);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The DeviceStatus struct is first populated with values obtained from
+	 * DelayedControls. If this reports frame length is > frameLengthMax,
+	 * it means we are using a long exposure mode. Since the long exposure
+	 * scale factor is not returned back through embedded data, we must rely
+	 * on the existing exposure lines and frame length values returned by
+	 * DelayedControls.
+	 *
+	 * Otherwise, all values are updated with what is reported in the
+	 * embedded data.
+	 */
+	if (deviceStatus.frameLength > frameLengthMax) {
+		DeviceStatus parsedDeviceStatus;
+		metadata.get("device.status", parsedDeviceStatus);
+		parsedDeviceStatus.shutterSpeed = deviceStatus.shutterSpeed;
+		parsedDeviceStatus.frameLength = deviceStatus.frameLength;
+		metadata.set("device.status", parsedDeviceStatus);
+		LOG(IPARPI, Debug) << "Metadata updated for long exposure: "
+				   << parsedDeviceStatus;
+	}
+void CamHelperImx708::process(StatisticsPtr &stats, [[maybe_unused]] Metadata &metadata)
+	if (aeHistValid_)
+		putAGCStatistics(stats);
+std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> CamHelperImx708::getBlanking(Duration &exposure,
+							   Duration minFrameDuration,
+							   Duration maxFrameDuration) const
+	uint32_t frameLength, exposureLines;
+	unsigned int shift = 0;
+	auto [vblank, hblank] = CamHelper::getBlanking(exposure, minFrameDuration,
+						       maxFrameDuration);
+	frameLength = mode_.height + vblank;
+	Duration lineLength = hblankToLineLength(hblank);
+	/*
+	 * Check if the frame length calculated needs to be setup for long
+	 * exposure mode. This will require us to use a long exposure scale
+	 * factor provided by a shift operation in the sensor.
+	 */
+	while (frameLength > frameLengthMax) {
+		if (++shift > longExposureShiftMax) {
+			shift = longExposureShiftMax;
+			frameLength = frameLengthMax;
+			break;
+		}
+		frameLength >>= 1;
+	}
+	if (shift) {
+		/* Account for any rounding in the scaled frame length value. */
+		frameLength <<= shift;
+		exposureLines = CamHelper::exposureLines(exposure, lineLength);
+		exposureLines = std::min(exposureLines, frameLength - frameIntegrationDiff);
+		exposure = CamHelper::exposure(exposureLines, lineLength);
+	}
+	return { frameLength - mode_.height, hblank };
+void CamHelperImx708::getDelays(int &exposureDelay, int &gainDelay,
+				int &vblankDelay, int &hblankDelay) const
+	exposureDelay = 2;
+	gainDelay = 2;
+	vblankDelay = 3;
+	hblankDelay = 3;
+bool CamHelperImx708::sensorEmbeddedDataPresent() const
+	return true;
+double CamHelperImx708::getModeSensitivity(const CameraMode &mode) const
+	/* In binned modes, sensitivity increases by a factor of 2 */
+	return (mode.width > 2304) ? 1.0 : 2.0;
+void CamHelperImx708::populateMetadata(const MdParser::RegisterMap &registers,
+				       Metadata &metadata) const
+	DeviceStatus deviceStatus;
+	deviceStatus.lineLength = lineLengthPckToDuration(registers.at(lineLengthHiReg) * 256 +
+							  registers.at(lineLengthLoReg));
+	deviceStatus.shutterSpeed = exposure(registers.at(expHiReg) * 256 + registers.at(expLoReg),
+					     deviceStatus.lineLength);
+	deviceStatus.analogueGain = gain(registers.at(gainHiReg) * 256 + registers.at(gainLoReg));
+	deviceStatus.frameLength = registers.at(frameLengthHiReg) * 256 + registers.at(frameLengthLoReg);
+	deviceStatus.sensorTemperature = std::clamp<int8_t>(registers.at(temperatureReg), -20, 80);
+	metadata.set("device.status", deviceStatus);
+bool CamHelperImx708::parsePdafData(const uint8_t *ptr, size_t len,
+				    unsigned bpp, PdafData &pdaf)
+	size_t step = bpp >> 1; /* bytes per PDAF grid entry */
+	if (bpp < 10 || bpp > 12 || len < 194 * step || ptr[0] != 0 || ptr[1] >= 0x40) {
+		LOG(IPARPI, Error) << "PDAF data in unsupported format";
+		return false;
+	}
+	ptr += 2 * step;
+	for (unsigned i = 0; i < PDAF_DATA_ROWS; ++i) {
+		for (unsigned j = 0; j < PDAF_DATA_COLS; ++j) {
+			unsigned c = (ptr[0] << 3) | (ptr[1] >> 5);
+			int p = (((ptr[1] & 0x0F) - (ptr[1] & 0x10)) << 6) | (ptr[2] >> 2);
+			pdaf.conf[i][j] = c;
+			pdaf.phase[i][j] = c ? p : 0;
+			ptr += step;
+		}
+	}
+	return true;
+bool CamHelperImx708::parseAEHist(const uint8_t *ptr, size_t len, unsigned bpp)
+	static const uint32_t ISP_PIPELINE_BITS = 13;
+	uint64_t count = 0, sum = 0;
+	size_t step = bpp >> 1; /* bytes per histogram bin */
+	if (len < 144 * step)
+		return false;
+	/*
+	 * Read the 128 bin linear histogram, which by default covers
+	 * the full range of the HDR shortest exposure (small values are
+	 * expected to dominate, so pixel-value resolution will be poor).
+	 */
+	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
+		if (ptr[3] != 0x55)
+			return false;
+		uint32_t c = (ptr[0] << 14) + (ptr[1] << 6) + (ptr[2] >> 2);
+		aeHistLinear_[i] = c >> 2; /* pixels to quads */
+		if (i != 0) {
+			count += c;
+			sum += c *
+			       (i * (1u << (ISP_PIPELINE_BITS - 7)) +
+				(1u << (ISP_PIPELINE_BITS - 8)));
+		}
+		ptr += step;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Now use the first 9 bins of the log histogram (these should be
+	 * subdivisions of the smallest linear bin), to get a more accurate
+	 * average value. Don't assume that AEHIST1_AVERAGE is present.
+	 */
+	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
+		if (ptr[3] != 0x55)
+			return false;
+		uint32_t c = (ptr[0] << 14) + (ptr[1] << 6) + (ptr[2] >> 2);
+		count += c;
+		sum += c *
+		       ((3u << ISP_PIPELINE_BITS) >> (17 - i));
+		ptr += step;
+	}
+	if ((unsigned)((ptr[0] << 12) + (ptr[1] << 4) + (ptr[2] >> 4)) !=
+	    aeHistLinear_[1]) {
+		LOG(IPARPI, Error) << "Lin/Log histogram mismatch";
+		return false;
+	}
+	aeHistAverage_ = count ? (sum / count) : 0;
+	return count != 0;
+void CamHelperImx708::putAGCStatistics(StatisticsPtr stats)
+	/*
+	 * For HDR mode, copy sensor's AE/AGC statistics over ISP's, so the
+	 * AGC algorithm sees a linear response to exposure and gain changes.
+	 *
+	 * Histogram: Just copy the "raw" histogram over the tone-mapped one,
+	 * although they have different distributions (raw values are lower).
+	 * Tuning should either ignore it, or constrain for highlights only.
+	 *
+	 * Average: Overwrite all regional averages with a global raw average,
+	 * scaled by a fiddle-factor so that a conventional (non-HDR) y_target
+	 * of e.g. 0.17 will map to a suitable level for HDR.
+	 */
+	memcpy(stats->hist[0].g_hist, aeHistLinear_, sizeof(stats->hist[0].g_hist));
+	constexpr unsigned int HdrHeadroomFactor = 4;
+	uint64_t v = HdrHeadroomFactor * aeHistAverage_;
+	for (int i = 0; i < AGC_REGIONS; i++) {
+		struct bcm2835_isp_stats_region &r = stats->agc_stats[i];
+		r.r_sum = r.b_sum = r.g_sum = r.counted * v;
+	}
+static CamHelper *create()
+	return new CamHelperImx708();
+static RegisterCamHelper reg("imx708", &create);
+static RegisterCamHelper regWide("imx708_wide", &create);
+static RegisterCamHelper regNoIr("imx708_noir", &create);
+static RegisterCamHelper regWideNoIr("imx708_wide_noir", &create);
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708.json b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c38b2d4cf256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708.json
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+    "version": 2.0,
+    "target": "bcm2835",
+    "algorithms": [
+        {
+            "rpi.black_level":
+            {
+                "black_level": 4096
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.dpc": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.lux":
+            {
+                "reference_shutter_speed": 10672,
+                "reference_gain": 1.12,
+                "reference_aperture": 1.0,
+                "reference_lux": 977,
+                "reference_Y": 8627
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.noise":
+            {
+                "reference_constant": 16.0,
+                "reference_slope": 4.0
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.geq":
+            {
+                "offset": 215,
+                "slope": 0.00287
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.sdn": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.awb":
+            {
+                "priors": [
+                    {
+                        "lux": 0,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 1.0,
+                            3000, 0.0,
+                            13000, 0.0
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "lux": 800,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 0.0,
+                            6000, 2.0,
+                            13000, 2.0
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "lux": 1500,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 0.0,
+                            4000, 1.0,
+                            6000, 6.0,
+                            6500, 7.0,
+                            7000, 1.0,
+                            13000, 1.0
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "modes":
+                {
+                    "auto":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 2500,
+                        "hi": 8000
+                    },
+                    "incandescent":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 2500,
+                        "hi": 3000
+                    },
+                    "tungsten":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 3000,
+                        "hi": 3500
+                    },
+                    "fluorescent":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 4000,
+                        "hi": 4700
+                    },
+                    "indoor":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 3000,
+                        "hi": 5000
+                    },
+                    "daylight":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 5500,
+                        "hi": 6500
+                    },
+                    "cloudy":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 7000,
+                        "hi": 8600
+                    }
+                },
+                "bayes": 1,
+                "ct_curve":
+                [
+                    2498.0, 0.8733, 0.2606,
+                    2821.0, 0.7707, 0.3245,
+                    2925.0, 0.7338, 0.3499,
+                    2926.0, 0.7193, 0.3603,
+                    2951.0, 0.7144, 0.3639,
+                    2954.0, 0.7111, 0.3663,
+                    3578.0, 0.6038, 0.4516,
+                    3717.0, 0.5861, 0.4669,
+                    3784.0, 0.5786, 0.4737,
+                    4485.0, 0.5113, 0.5368,
+                    4615.0, 0.4994, 0.5486,
+                    4671.0, 0.4927, 0.5554,
+                    5753.0, 0.4274, 0.6246,
+                    5773.0, 0.4265, 0.6256,
+                    7433.0, 0.3723, 0.6881
+                ],
+                "sensitivity_r": 1.05,
+                "sensitivity_b": 1.05,
+                "transverse_pos": 0.03148,
+                "transverse_neg": 0.03061
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.agc":
+            {
+                "metering_modes":
+                {
+                    "centre-weighted":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+                    },
+                    "spot":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+                    },
+                    "matrix":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
+                    }
+                },
+                "exposure_modes":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "shutter": [ 100, 15000, 30000, 60000, 120000 ],
+                        "gain": [ 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 ]
+                    },
+                    "short":
+                    {
+                        "shutter": [ 100, 5000, 10000, 20000, 120000 ],
+                        "gain": [ 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 6.0 ]
+                    }
+                },
+                "constraint_modes":
+                {
+                    "normal": [
+                        {
+                            "bound": "LOWER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.2,
+                                1000, 0.2
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ],
+                    "highlight": [
+                        {
+                            "bound": "LOWER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.2,
+                                1000, 0.2
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "bound": "UPPER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.8,
+                                1000, 0.8
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                "y_target":
+                [
+                    0, 0.16,
+                    1000, 0.165,
+                    10000, 0.17
+                ],
+                "startup_frames": 5,
+                "convergence_frames": 6,
+                "speed": 0.15
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.alsc":
+            {
+                "omega": 1.3,
+                "n_iter": 100,
+                "luminance_strength": 0.5,
+                "calibrations_Cr": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            1.562, 1.566, 1.566, 1.556, 1.533, 1.506, 1.475, 1.475, 1.475, 1.475, 1.506, 1.533, 1.555, 1.563, 1.562, 1.555,
+                            1.563, 1.564, 1.561, 1.538, 1.508, 1.482, 1.449, 1.436, 1.436, 1.449, 1.481, 1.508, 1.537, 1.557, 1.558, 1.557,
+                            1.564, 1.563, 1.554, 1.522, 1.482, 1.449, 1.421, 1.403, 1.403, 1.419, 1.449, 1.481, 1.519, 1.549, 1.557, 1.559,
+                            1.564, 1.563, 1.545, 1.506, 1.462, 1.421, 1.403, 1.378, 1.378, 1.402, 1.419, 1.459, 1.503, 1.541, 1.557, 1.559,
+                            1.564, 1.562, 1.537, 1.494, 1.447, 1.404, 1.378, 1.364, 1.364, 1.377, 1.402, 1.444, 1.491, 1.532, 1.556, 1.559,
+                            1.564, 1.559, 1.532, 1.487, 1.438, 1.395, 1.365, 1.359, 1.359, 1.364, 1.393, 1.436, 1.484, 1.527, 1.555, 1.558,
+                            1.564, 1.559, 1.532, 1.487, 1.438, 1.395, 1.365, 1.356, 1.356, 1.364, 1.393, 1.436, 1.484, 1.527, 1.554, 1.557,
+                            1.564, 1.561, 1.536, 1.492, 1.444, 1.402, 1.374, 1.364, 1.363, 1.373, 1.401, 1.442, 1.489, 1.531, 1.554, 1.557,
+                            1.564, 1.563, 1.544, 1.504, 1.458, 1.418, 1.397, 1.374, 1.374, 1.395, 1.416, 1.456, 1.501, 1.538, 1.556, 1.557,
+                            1.564, 1.562, 1.551, 1.518, 1.477, 1.441, 1.418, 1.397, 1.397, 1.416, 1.438, 1.474, 1.514, 1.546, 1.556, 1.556,
+                            1.562, 1.562, 1.558, 1.534, 1.499, 1.476, 1.441, 1.426, 1.426, 1.438, 1.473, 1.496, 1.531, 1.552, 1.556, 1.555,
+                            1.561, 1.564, 1.564, 1.552, 1.525, 1.497, 1.466, 1.461, 1.461, 1.464, 1.495, 1.523, 1.548, 1.556, 1.556, 1.552
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            2.609, 2.616, 2.617, 2.607, 2.573, 2.527, 2.483, 2.481, 2.481, 2.483, 2.529, 2.573, 2.604, 2.613, 2.613, 2.604,
+                            2.609, 2.615, 2.608, 2.576, 2.533, 2.489, 2.439, 2.418, 2.418, 2.439, 2.491, 2.532, 2.577, 2.605, 2.609, 2.607,
+                            2.611, 2.611, 2.597, 2.551, 2.489, 2.439, 2.391, 2.364, 2.364, 2.391, 2.439, 2.491, 2.551, 2.592, 2.607, 2.609,
+                            2.612, 2.608, 2.583, 2.526, 2.457, 2.391, 2.362, 2.318, 2.318, 2.362, 2.391, 2.458, 2.526, 2.581, 2.607, 2.611,
+                            2.612, 2.604, 2.571, 2.507, 2.435, 2.362, 2.317, 2.293, 2.294, 2.318, 2.363, 2.434, 2.508, 2.568, 2.604, 2.612,
+                            2.611, 2.602, 2.564, 2.496, 2.419, 2.349, 2.293, 2.284, 2.284, 2.294, 2.347, 2.421, 2.497, 2.562, 2.603, 2.611,
+                            2.609, 2.601, 2.564, 2.496, 2.419, 2.349, 2.293, 2.278, 2.278, 2.294, 2.347, 2.421, 2.497, 2.562, 2.602, 2.609,
+                            2.609, 2.602, 2.568, 2.503, 2.429, 2.361, 2.311, 2.292, 2.292, 2.309, 2.357, 2.429, 2.504, 2.567, 2.602, 2.609,
+                            2.606, 2.604, 2.579, 2.519, 2.449, 2.384, 2.348, 2.311, 2.311, 2.346, 2.383, 2.449, 2.521, 2.577, 2.604, 2.608,
+                            2.604, 2.603, 2.586, 2.537, 2.474, 2.418, 2.384, 2.348, 2.348, 2.383, 2.417, 2.476, 2.538, 2.586, 2.601, 2.603,
+                            2.603, 2.605, 2.596, 2.561, 2.508, 2.474, 2.418, 2.396, 2.396, 2.417, 2.474, 2.511, 2.562, 2.596, 2.603, 2.602,
+                            2.601, 2.607, 2.606, 2.589, 2.549, 2.507, 2.456, 2.454, 2.454, 2.458, 2.508, 2.554, 2.594, 2.605, 2.605, 2.602
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "calibrations_Cb": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            3.221, 3.226, 3.231, 3.236, 3.239, 3.243, 3.245, 3.247, 3.249, 3.253, 3.255, 3.254, 3.253, 3.242, 3.235, 3.226,
+                            3.225, 3.231, 3.235, 3.238, 3.241, 3.244, 3.246, 3.247, 3.249, 3.254, 3.256, 3.255, 3.252, 3.248, 3.241, 3.232,
+                            3.226, 3.234, 3.239, 3.243, 3.243, 3.245, 3.247, 3.248, 3.251, 3.255, 3.256, 3.256, 3.254, 3.249, 3.244, 3.236,
+                            3.232, 3.238, 3.245, 3.245, 3.246, 3.247, 3.248, 3.251, 3.251, 3.256, 3.257, 3.257, 3.256, 3.254, 3.249, 3.239,
+                            3.232, 3.243, 3.246, 3.246, 3.246, 3.247, 3.248, 3.251, 3.253, 3.257, 3.258, 3.258, 3.257, 3.256, 3.254, 3.239,
+                            3.232, 3.242, 3.246, 3.247, 3.246, 3.246, 3.248, 3.251, 3.252, 3.253, 3.256, 3.255, 3.255, 3.254, 3.251, 3.239,
+                            3.233, 3.241, 3.244, 3.245, 3.244, 3.245, 3.246, 3.249, 3.251, 3.252, 3.253, 3.252, 3.252, 3.252, 3.249, 3.238,
+                            3.238, 3.241, 3.246, 3.246, 3.245, 3.245, 3.247, 3.249, 3.251, 3.252, 3.253, 3.253, 3.252, 3.252, 3.249, 3.239,
+                            3.235, 3.241, 3.245, 3.245, 3.245, 3.245, 3.246, 3.247, 3.251, 3.254, 3.253, 3.255, 3.256, 3.255, 3.251, 3.241,
+                            3.226, 3.235, 3.241, 3.241, 3.241, 3.241, 3.243, 3.245, 3.246, 3.252, 3.253, 3.254, 3.256, 3.254, 3.241, 3.237,
+                            3.205, 3.213, 3.213, 3.214, 3.214, 3.214, 3.214, 3.213, 3.213, 3.216, 3.218, 3.216, 3.214, 3.213, 3.211, 3.208,
+                            3.205, 3.205, 3.212, 3.212, 3.212, 3.213, 3.211, 3.211, 3.211, 3.213, 3.216, 3.214, 3.213, 3.211, 3.208, 3.196
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            1.645, 1.646, 1.649, 1.653, 1.654, 1.657, 1.659, 1.661, 1.663, 1.662, 1.661, 1.659, 1.656, 1.651, 1.645, 1.642,
+                            1.646, 1.649, 1.652, 1.654, 1.656, 1.659, 1.662, 1.663, 1.664, 1.664, 1.662, 1.661, 1.657, 1.653, 1.649, 1.644,
+                            1.648, 1.652, 1.654, 1.656, 1.658, 1.662, 1.665, 1.668, 1.668, 1.668, 1.665, 1.662, 1.658, 1.655, 1.652, 1.646,
+                            1.649, 1.653, 1.656, 1.658, 1.661, 1.665, 1.667, 1.671, 1.673, 1.671, 1.668, 1.663, 1.659, 1.656, 1.654, 1.647,
+                            1.649, 1.655, 1.657, 1.659, 1.661, 1.666, 1.671, 1.674, 1.675, 1.673, 1.671, 1.664, 1.659, 1.656, 1.654, 1.648,
+                            1.649, 1.654, 1.656, 1.659, 1.661, 1.666, 1.673, 1.676, 1.676, 1.675, 1.671, 1.664, 1.659, 1.656, 1.654, 1.648,
+                            1.649, 1.654, 1.656, 1.658, 1.659, 1.665, 1.672, 1.675, 1.675, 1.674, 1.668, 1.662, 1.658, 1.655, 1.654, 1.646,
+                            1.652, 1.655, 1.657, 1.659, 1.661, 1.665, 1.671, 1.673, 1.673, 1.672, 1.668, 1.662, 1.658, 1.655, 1.654, 1.647,
+                            1.652, 1.655, 1.657, 1.659, 1.661, 1.664, 1.667, 1.671, 1.672, 1.668, 1.666, 1.662, 1.659, 1.656, 1.654, 1.647,
+                            1.647, 1.652, 1.655, 1.656, 1.657, 1.661, 1.664, 1.665, 1.665, 1.665, 1.663, 1.661, 1.657, 1.655, 1.647, 1.647,
+                            1.639, 1.642, 1.644, 1.645, 1.646, 1.648, 1.648, 1.648, 1.649, 1.649, 1.649, 1.646, 1.645, 1.642, 1.639, 1.636,
+                            1.639, 1.641, 1.642, 1.644, 1.645, 1.646, 1.647, 1.647, 1.648, 1.648, 1.647, 1.645, 1.642, 1.639, 1.636, 1.633
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "luminance_lut":
+                [
+                    2.644, 2.396, 2.077, 1.863, 1.682, 1.535, 1.392, 1.382, 1.382, 1.382, 1.515, 1.657, 1.826, 2.035, 2.351, 2.604,
+                    2.497, 2.229, 1.947, 1.733, 1.539, 1.424, 1.296, 1.249, 1.249, 1.285, 1.401, 1.519, 1.699, 1.908, 2.183, 2.456,
+                    2.389, 2.109, 1.848, 1.622, 1.424, 1.296, 1.201, 1.146, 1.146, 1.188, 1.285, 1.401, 1.591, 1.811, 2.065, 2.347,
+                    2.317, 2.026, 1.771, 1.535, 1.339, 1.201, 1.145, 1.069, 1.069, 1.134, 1.188, 1.318, 1.505, 1.734, 1.983, 2.273,
+                    2.276, 1.972, 1.715, 1.474, 1.281, 1.148, 1.069, 1.033, 1.024, 1.065, 1.134, 1.262, 1.446, 1.679, 1.929, 2.233,
+                    2.268, 1.941, 1.682, 1.441, 1.251, 1.119, 1.033, 1.013, 1.013, 1.024, 1.105, 1.231, 1.415, 1.649, 1.898, 2.227,
+                    2.268, 1.941, 1.682, 1.441, 1.251, 1.119, 1.033, 1.001, 1.001, 1.024, 1.105, 1.231, 1.415, 1.649, 1.898, 2.227,
+                    2.268, 1.951, 1.694, 1.456, 1.265, 1.131, 1.044, 1.026, 1.019, 1.039, 1.118, 1.246, 1.429, 1.663, 1.912, 2.227,
+                    2.291, 1.992, 1.738, 1.505, 1.311, 1.175, 1.108, 1.044, 1.041, 1.106, 1.161, 1.292, 1.478, 1.707, 1.955, 2.252,
+                    2.347, 2.058, 1.803, 1.581, 1.384, 1.245, 1.175, 1.108, 1.108, 1.161, 1.239, 1.364, 1.551, 1.773, 2.023, 2.311,
+                    2.438, 2.156, 1.884, 1.674, 1.484, 1.373, 1.245, 1.199, 1.199, 1.239, 1.363, 1.463, 1.647, 1.858, 2.123, 2.406,
+                    2.563, 2.305, 1.998, 1.792, 1.615, 1.472, 1.339, 1.322, 1.322, 1.326, 1.456, 1.593, 1.767, 1.973, 2.273, 2.532
+                ],
+                "sigma": 0.00178,
+                "sigma_Cb": 0.00217
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.contrast":
+            {
+                "ce_enable": 1,
+                "gamma_curve":
+                [
+                    0, 0,
+                    1024, 5040,
+                    2048, 9338,
+                    3072, 12356,
+                    4096, 15312,
+                    5120, 18051,
+                    6144, 20790,
+                    7168, 23193,
+                    8192, 25744,
+                    9216, 27942,
+                    10240, 30035,
+                    11264, 32005,
+                    12288, 33975,
+                    13312, 35815,
+                    14336, 37600,
+                    15360, 39168,
+                    16384, 40642,
+                    18432, 43379,
+                    20480, 45749,
+                    22528, 47753,
+                    24576, 49621,
+                    26624, 51253,
+                    28672, 52698,
+                    30720, 53796,
+                    32768, 54876,
+                    36864, 57012,
+                    40960, 58656,
+                    45056, 59954,
+                    49152, 61183,
+                    53248, 62355,
+                    57344, 63419,
+                    61440, 64476,
+                    65535, 65535
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.ccm":
+            {
+                "ccms": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2498,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.14912, 0.28638, -0.43551,
+                            -0.49691, 1.60391, -0.10701,
+                            -0.10513, -1.09534, 2.20047
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2821,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.18251, 0.15501, -0.33752,
+                            -0.44304, 1.58495, -0.14191,
+                            -0.05077, -0.96422, 2.01498
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2925,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.18668, 0.00195, -0.18864,
+                            -0.41617, 1.50514, -0.08897,
+                            -0.02675, -0.91143, 1.93818
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2926,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.50948, -0.44421, -0.06527,
+                            -0.37241, 1.41726, -0.04486,
+                            0.07098, -0.84694, 1.77596
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2951,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.52743, -0.47333, -0.05411,
+                            -0.36485, 1.40764, -0.04279,
+                            0.08672, -0.90479, 1.81807
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2954,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.51683, -0.46841, -0.04841,
+                            -0.36288, 1.39914, -0.03625,
+                            0.06421, -0.82034, 1.75613
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3578,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.59888, -0.59105, -0.00784,
+                            -0.29366, 1.32037, -0.02671,
+                            0.06627, -0.76465, 1.69838
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3717,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.59063, -0.58059, -0.01003,
+                            -0.29583, 1.32715, -0.03132,
+                            0.03613, -0.67431, 1.63817
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3784,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.59379, -0.58861, -0.00517,
+                            -0.29178, 1.33292, -0.04115,
+                            0.03541, -0.66162, 1.62622
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 4485,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.40761, -0.34561, -0.06201,
+                            -0.32388, 1.57221, -0.24832,
+                            -0.01014, -0.63427, 1.64441
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 4615,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.41537, -0.35832, -0.05705,
+                            -0.31429, 1.56019, -0.24591,
+                            -0.01761, -0.61859, 1.63621
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 4671,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.42941, -0.38178, -0.04764,
+                            -0.31421, 1.55925, -0.24504,
+                            -0.01141, -0.62987, 1.64129
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5753,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.64549, -0.63329, -0.01221,
+                            -0.22431, 1.36423, -0.13992,
+                            -0.00831, -0.55373, 1.56204
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5773,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.63668, -0.63557, -0.00111,
+                            -0.21919, 1.36234, -0.14315,
+                            -0.00399, -0.57428, 1.57827
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 7433,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.36007, -0.09277, -0.26729,
+                            -0.36886, 2.09249, -0.72363,
+                            -0.12573, -0.76761, 1.89334
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 55792,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.65091, -0.63689, -0.01401,
+                            -0.22277, 1.35752, -0.13475,
+                            -0.00943, -0.55091, 1.56033
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.sharpen": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.focus": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.af":
+            {
+                "ranges":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "min": 0.0,
+                        "max": 12.0,
+                        "default": 1.0
+                    },
+                    "macro":
+                    {
+                        "min": 3.0,
+                        "max": 15.0,
+                        "default": 4.0
+                    }
+                },
+                "speeds":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "step_coarse": 1.0,
+                        "step_fine": 0.25,
+                        "contrast_ratio": 0.75,
+                        "pdaf_gain": -0.02,
+                        "pdaf_squelch": 0.125,
+                        "max_slew": 2.0,
+                        "pdaf_frames": 20,
+                        "dropout_frames": 6,
+                        "step_frames": 4
+                    }
+                },
+                "conf_epsilon": 8,
+                "conf_thresh": 16,
+                "conf_clip": 512,
+                "skip_frames": 5,
+                "map": [ 0.0, 445, 15.0, 925 ]
+            }
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_noir.json b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_noir.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..082274e34c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_noir.json
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+    "version": 2.0,
+    "target": "bcm2835",
+    "algorithms": [
+        {
+            "rpi.black_level":
+            {
+                "black_level": 4096
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.dpc": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.lux":
+            {
+                "reference_shutter_speed": 10672,
+                "reference_gain": 1.12,
+                "reference_aperture": 1.0,
+                "reference_lux": 977,
+                "reference_Y": 8627
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.noise":
+            {
+                "reference_constant": 16.0,
+                "reference_slope": 4.0
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.geq":
+            {
+                "offset": 215,
+                "slope": 0.00287
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.sdn": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.awb":
+            {
+                "priors": [
+                    {
+                        "lux": 0,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 1.0,
+                            3000, 0.0,
+                            13000, 0.0
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "lux": 800,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 0.0,
+                            6000, 2.0,
+                            13000, 2.0
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "lux": 1500,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 0.0,
+                            4000, 1.0,
+                            6000, 6.0,
+                            6500, 7.0,
+                            7000, 1.0,
+                            13000, 1.0
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "modes":
+                {
+                    "auto":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 2500,
+                        "hi": 8000
+                    },
+                    "incandescent":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 2500,
+                        "hi": 3000
+                    },
+                    "tungsten":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 3000,
+                        "hi": 3500
+                    },
+                    "fluorescent":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 4000,
+                        "hi": 4700
+                    },
+                    "indoor":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 3000,
+                        "hi": 5000
+                    },
+                    "daylight":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 5500,
+                        "hi": 6500
+                    },
+                    "cloudy":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 7000,
+                        "hi": 8600
+                    }
+                },
+                "bayes": 0,
+                "ct_curve":
+                [
+                    2498.0, 0.8733, 0.2606,
+                    2821.0, 0.7707, 0.3245,
+                    2925.0, 0.7338, 0.3499,
+                    2926.0, 0.7193, 0.3603,
+                    2951.0, 0.7144, 0.3639,
+                    2954.0, 0.7111, 0.3663,
+                    3578.0, 0.6038, 0.4516,
+                    3717.0, 0.5861, 0.4669,
+                    3784.0, 0.5786, 0.4737,
+                    4485.0, 0.5113, 0.5368,
+                    4615.0, 0.4994, 0.5486,
+                    4671.0, 0.4927, 0.5554,
+                    5753.0, 0.4274, 0.6246,
+                    5773.0, 0.4265, 0.6256,
+                    7433.0, 0.3723, 0.6881
+                ],
+                "sensitivity_r": 1.05,
+                "sensitivity_b": 1.05,
+                "transverse_pos": 0.03148,
+                "transverse_neg": 0.03061
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.agc":
+            {
+                "metering_modes":
+                {
+                    "centre-weighted":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+                    },
+                    "spot":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+                    },
+                    "matrix":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
+                    }
+                },
+                "exposure_modes":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "shutter": [ 100, 15000, 30000, 60000, 120000 ],
+                        "gain": [ 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 ]
+                    },
+                    "short":
+                    {
+                        "shutter": [ 100, 5000, 10000, 20000, 120000 ],
+                        "gain": [ 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 6.0 ]
+                    }
+                },
+                "constraint_modes":
+                {
+                    "normal": [
+                        {
+                            "bound": "LOWER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.2,
+                                1000, 0.2
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ],
+                    "highlight": [
+                        {
+                            "bound": "LOWER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.2,
+                                1000, 0.2
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "bound": "UPPER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.8,
+                                1000, 0.8
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                "y_target":
+                [
+                    0, 0.16,
+                    1000, 0.165,
+                    10000, 0.17
+                ],
+                "startup_frames": 5,
+                "convergence_frames": 6,
+                "speed": 0.15
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.alsc":
+            {
+                "omega": 1.3,
+                "n_iter": 100,
+                "luminance_strength": 0.5,
+                "calibrations_Cr": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            1.562, 1.566, 1.566, 1.556, 1.533, 1.506, 1.475, 1.475, 1.475, 1.475, 1.506, 1.533, 1.555, 1.563, 1.562, 1.555,
+                            1.563, 1.564, 1.561, 1.538, 1.508, 1.482, 1.449, 1.436, 1.436, 1.449, 1.481, 1.508, 1.537, 1.557, 1.558, 1.557,
+                            1.564, 1.563, 1.554, 1.522, 1.482, 1.449, 1.421, 1.403, 1.403, 1.419, 1.449, 1.481, 1.519, 1.549, 1.557, 1.559,
+                            1.564, 1.563, 1.545, 1.506, 1.462, 1.421, 1.403, 1.378, 1.378, 1.402, 1.419, 1.459, 1.503, 1.541, 1.557, 1.559,
+                            1.564, 1.562, 1.537, 1.494, 1.447, 1.404, 1.378, 1.364, 1.364, 1.377, 1.402, 1.444, 1.491, 1.532, 1.556, 1.559,
+                            1.564, 1.559, 1.532, 1.487, 1.438, 1.395, 1.365, 1.359, 1.359, 1.364, 1.393, 1.436, 1.484, 1.527, 1.555, 1.558,
+                            1.564, 1.559, 1.532, 1.487, 1.438, 1.395, 1.365, 1.356, 1.356, 1.364, 1.393, 1.436, 1.484, 1.527, 1.554, 1.557,
+                            1.564, 1.561, 1.536, 1.492, 1.444, 1.402, 1.374, 1.364, 1.363, 1.373, 1.401, 1.442, 1.489, 1.531, 1.554, 1.557,
+                            1.564, 1.563, 1.544, 1.504, 1.458, 1.418, 1.397, 1.374, 1.374, 1.395, 1.416, 1.456, 1.501, 1.538, 1.556, 1.557,
+                            1.564, 1.562, 1.551, 1.518, 1.477, 1.441, 1.418, 1.397, 1.397, 1.416, 1.438, 1.474, 1.514, 1.546, 1.556, 1.556,
+                            1.562, 1.562, 1.558, 1.534, 1.499, 1.476, 1.441, 1.426, 1.426, 1.438, 1.473, 1.496, 1.531, 1.552, 1.556, 1.555,
+                            1.561, 1.564, 1.564, 1.552, 1.525, 1.497, 1.466, 1.461, 1.461, 1.464, 1.495, 1.523, 1.548, 1.556, 1.556, 1.552
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            2.609, 2.616, 2.617, 2.607, 2.573, 2.527, 2.483, 2.481, 2.481, 2.483, 2.529, 2.573, 2.604, 2.613, 2.613, 2.604,
+                            2.609, 2.615, 2.608, 2.576, 2.533, 2.489, 2.439, 2.418, 2.418, 2.439, 2.491, 2.532, 2.577, 2.605, 2.609, 2.607,
+                            2.611, 2.611, 2.597, 2.551, 2.489, 2.439, 2.391, 2.364, 2.364, 2.391, 2.439, 2.491, 2.551, 2.592, 2.607, 2.609,
+                            2.612, 2.608, 2.583, 2.526, 2.457, 2.391, 2.362, 2.318, 2.318, 2.362, 2.391, 2.458, 2.526, 2.581, 2.607, 2.611,
+                            2.612, 2.604, 2.571, 2.507, 2.435, 2.362, 2.317, 2.293, 2.294, 2.318, 2.363, 2.434, 2.508, 2.568, 2.604, 2.612,
+                            2.611, 2.602, 2.564, 2.496, 2.419, 2.349, 2.293, 2.284, 2.284, 2.294, 2.347, 2.421, 2.497, 2.562, 2.603, 2.611,
+                            2.609, 2.601, 2.564, 2.496, 2.419, 2.349, 2.293, 2.278, 2.278, 2.294, 2.347, 2.421, 2.497, 2.562, 2.602, 2.609,
+                            2.609, 2.602, 2.568, 2.503, 2.429, 2.361, 2.311, 2.292, 2.292, 2.309, 2.357, 2.429, 2.504, 2.567, 2.602, 2.609,
+                            2.606, 2.604, 2.579, 2.519, 2.449, 2.384, 2.348, 2.311, 2.311, 2.346, 2.383, 2.449, 2.521, 2.577, 2.604, 2.608,
+                            2.604, 2.603, 2.586, 2.537, 2.474, 2.418, 2.384, 2.348, 2.348, 2.383, 2.417, 2.476, 2.538, 2.586, 2.601, 2.603,
+                            2.603, 2.605, 2.596, 2.561, 2.508, 2.474, 2.418, 2.396, 2.396, 2.417, 2.474, 2.511, 2.562, 2.596, 2.603, 2.602,
+                            2.601, 2.607, 2.606, 2.589, 2.549, 2.507, 2.456, 2.454, 2.454, 2.458, 2.508, 2.554, 2.594, 2.605, 2.605, 2.602
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "calibrations_Cb": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            3.221, 3.226, 3.231, 3.236, 3.239, 3.243, 3.245, 3.247, 3.249, 3.253, 3.255, 3.254, 3.253, 3.242, 3.235, 3.226,
+                            3.225, 3.231, 3.235, 3.238, 3.241, 3.244, 3.246, 3.247, 3.249, 3.254, 3.256, 3.255, 3.252, 3.248, 3.241, 3.232,
+                            3.226, 3.234, 3.239, 3.243, 3.243, 3.245, 3.247, 3.248, 3.251, 3.255, 3.256, 3.256, 3.254, 3.249, 3.244, 3.236,
+                            3.232, 3.238, 3.245, 3.245, 3.246, 3.247, 3.248, 3.251, 3.251, 3.256, 3.257, 3.257, 3.256, 3.254, 3.249, 3.239,
+                            3.232, 3.243, 3.246, 3.246, 3.246, 3.247, 3.248, 3.251, 3.253, 3.257, 3.258, 3.258, 3.257, 3.256, 3.254, 3.239,
+                            3.232, 3.242, 3.246, 3.247, 3.246, 3.246, 3.248, 3.251, 3.252, 3.253, 3.256, 3.255, 3.255, 3.254, 3.251, 3.239,
+                            3.233, 3.241, 3.244, 3.245, 3.244, 3.245, 3.246, 3.249, 3.251, 3.252, 3.253, 3.252, 3.252, 3.252, 3.249, 3.238,
+                            3.238, 3.241, 3.246, 3.246, 3.245, 3.245, 3.247, 3.249, 3.251, 3.252, 3.253, 3.253, 3.252, 3.252, 3.249, 3.239,
+                            3.235, 3.241, 3.245, 3.245, 3.245, 3.245, 3.246, 3.247, 3.251, 3.254, 3.253, 3.255, 3.256, 3.255, 3.251, 3.241,
+                            3.226, 3.235, 3.241, 3.241, 3.241, 3.241, 3.243, 3.245, 3.246, 3.252, 3.253, 3.254, 3.256, 3.254, 3.241, 3.237,
+                            3.205, 3.213, 3.213, 3.214, 3.214, 3.214, 3.214, 3.213, 3.213, 3.216, 3.218, 3.216, 3.214, 3.213, 3.211, 3.208,
+                            3.205, 3.205, 3.212, 3.212, 3.212, 3.213, 3.211, 3.211, 3.211, 3.213, 3.216, 3.214, 3.213, 3.211, 3.208, 3.196
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            1.645, 1.646, 1.649, 1.653, 1.654, 1.657, 1.659, 1.661, 1.663, 1.662, 1.661, 1.659, 1.656, 1.651, 1.645, 1.642,
+                            1.646, 1.649, 1.652, 1.654, 1.656, 1.659, 1.662, 1.663, 1.664, 1.664, 1.662, 1.661, 1.657, 1.653, 1.649, 1.644,
+                            1.648, 1.652, 1.654, 1.656, 1.658, 1.662, 1.665, 1.668, 1.668, 1.668, 1.665, 1.662, 1.658, 1.655, 1.652, 1.646,
+                            1.649, 1.653, 1.656, 1.658, 1.661, 1.665, 1.667, 1.671, 1.673, 1.671, 1.668, 1.663, 1.659, 1.656, 1.654, 1.647,
+                            1.649, 1.655, 1.657, 1.659, 1.661, 1.666, 1.671, 1.674, 1.675, 1.673, 1.671, 1.664, 1.659, 1.656, 1.654, 1.648,
+                            1.649, 1.654, 1.656, 1.659, 1.661, 1.666, 1.673, 1.676, 1.676, 1.675, 1.671, 1.664, 1.659, 1.656, 1.654, 1.648,
+                            1.649, 1.654, 1.656, 1.658, 1.659, 1.665, 1.672, 1.675, 1.675, 1.674, 1.668, 1.662, 1.658, 1.655, 1.654, 1.646,
+                            1.652, 1.655, 1.657, 1.659, 1.661, 1.665, 1.671, 1.673, 1.673, 1.672, 1.668, 1.662, 1.658, 1.655, 1.654, 1.647,
+                            1.652, 1.655, 1.657, 1.659, 1.661, 1.664, 1.667, 1.671, 1.672, 1.668, 1.666, 1.662, 1.659, 1.656, 1.654, 1.647,
+                            1.647, 1.652, 1.655, 1.656, 1.657, 1.661, 1.664, 1.665, 1.665, 1.665, 1.663, 1.661, 1.657, 1.655, 1.647, 1.647,
+                            1.639, 1.642, 1.644, 1.645, 1.646, 1.648, 1.648, 1.648, 1.649, 1.649, 1.649, 1.646, 1.645, 1.642, 1.639, 1.636,
+                            1.639, 1.641, 1.642, 1.644, 1.645, 1.646, 1.647, 1.647, 1.648, 1.648, 1.647, 1.645, 1.642, 1.639, 1.636, 1.633
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "luminance_lut":
+                [
+                    2.644, 2.396, 2.077, 1.863, 1.682, 1.535, 1.392, 1.382, 1.382, 1.382, 1.515, 1.657, 1.826, 2.035, 2.351, 2.604,
+                    2.497, 2.229, 1.947, 1.733, 1.539, 1.424, 1.296, 1.249, 1.249, 1.285, 1.401, 1.519, 1.699, 1.908, 2.183, 2.456,
+                    2.389, 2.109, 1.848, 1.622, 1.424, 1.296, 1.201, 1.146, 1.146, 1.188, 1.285, 1.401, 1.591, 1.811, 2.065, 2.347,
+                    2.317, 2.026, 1.771, 1.535, 1.339, 1.201, 1.145, 1.069, 1.069, 1.134, 1.188, 1.318, 1.505, 1.734, 1.983, 2.273,
+                    2.276, 1.972, 1.715, 1.474, 1.281, 1.148, 1.069, 1.033, 1.024, 1.065, 1.134, 1.262, 1.446, 1.679, 1.929, 2.233,
+                    2.268, 1.941, 1.682, 1.441, 1.251, 1.119, 1.033, 1.013, 1.013, 1.024, 1.105, 1.231, 1.415, 1.649, 1.898, 2.227,
+                    2.268, 1.941, 1.682, 1.441, 1.251, 1.119, 1.033, 1.001, 1.001, 1.024, 1.105, 1.231, 1.415, 1.649, 1.898, 2.227,
+                    2.268, 1.951, 1.694, 1.456, 1.265, 1.131, 1.044, 1.026, 1.019, 1.039, 1.118, 1.246, 1.429, 1.663, 1.912, 2.227,
+                    2.291, 1.992, 1.738, 1.505, 1.311, 1.175, 1.108, 1.044, 1.041, 1.106, 1.161, 1.292, 1.478, 1.707, 1.955, 2.252,
+                    2.347, 2.058, 1.803, 1.581, 1.384, 1.245, 1.175, 1.108, 1.108, 1.161, 1.239, 1.364, 1.551, 1.773, 2.023, 2.311,
+                    2.438, 2.156, 1.884, 1.674, 1.484, 1.373, 1.245, 1.199, 1.199, 1.239, 1.363, 1.463, 1.647, 1.858, 2.123, 2.406,
+                    2.563, 2.305, 1.998, 1.792, 1.615, 1.472, 1.339, 1.322, 1.322, 1.326, 1.456, 1.593, 1.767, 1.973, 2.273, 2.532
+                ],
+                "sigma": 0.00178,
+                "sigma_Cb": 0.00217
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.contrast":
+            {
+                "ce_enable": 1,
+                "gamma_curve":
+                [
+                    0, 0,
+                    1024, 5040,
+                    2048, 9338,
+                    3072, 12356,
+                    4096, 15312,
+                    5120, 18051,
+                    6144, 20790,
+                    7168, 23193,
+                    8192, 25744,
+                    9216, 27942,
+                    10240, 30035,
+                    11264, 32005,
+                    12288, 33975,
+                    13312, 35815,
+                    14336, 37600,
+                    15360, 39168,
+                    16384, 40642,
+                    18432, 43379,
+                    20480, 45749,
+                    22528, 47753,
+                    24576, 49621,
+                    26624, 51253,
+                    28672, 52698,
+                    30720, 53796,
+                    32768, 54876,
+                    36864, 57012,
+                    40960, 58656,
+                    45056, 59954,
+                    49152, 61183,
+                    53248, 62355,
+                    57344, 63419,
+                    61440, 64476,
+                    65535, 65535
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.ccm":
+            {
+                "ccms": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2498,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.14912, 0.28638, -0.43551,
+                            -0.49691, 1.60391, -0.10701,
+                            -0.10513, -1.09534, 2.20047
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2821,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.18251, 0.15501, -0.33752,
+                            -0.44304, 1.58495, -0.14191,
+                            -0.05077, -0.96422, 2.01498
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2925,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.18668, 0.00195, -0.18864,
+                            -0.41617, 1.50514, -0.08897,
+                            -0.02675, -0.91143, 1.93818
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2926,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.50948, -0.44421, -0.06527,
+                            -0.37241, 1.41726, -0.04486,
+                            0.07098, -0.84694, 1.77596
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2951,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.52743, -0.47333, -0.05411,
+                            -0.36485, 1.40764, -0.04279,
+                            0.08672, -0.90479, 1.81807
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2954,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.51683, -0.46841, -0.04841,
+                            -0.36288, 1.39914, -0.03625,
+                            0.06421, -0.82034, 1.75613
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3578,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.59888, -0.59105, -0.00784,
+                            -0.29366, 1.32037, -0.02671,
+                            0.06627, -0.76465, 1.69838
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3717,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.59063, -0.58059, -0.01003,
+                            -0.29583, 1.32715, -0.03132,
+                            0.03613, -0.67431, 1.63817
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3784,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.59379, -0.58861, -0.00517,
+                            -0.29178, 1.33292, -0.04115,
+                            0.03541, -0.66162, 1.62622
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 4485,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.40761, -0.34561, -0.06201,
+                            -0.32388, 1.57221, -0.24832,
+                            -0.01014, -0.63427, 1.64441
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 4615,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.41537, -0.35832, -0.05705,
+                            -0.31429, 1.56019, -0.24591,
+                            -0.01761, -0.61859, 1.63621
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 4671,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.42941, -0.38178, -0.04764,
+                            -0.31421, 1.55925, -0.24504,
+                            -0.01141, -0.62987, 1.64129
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5753,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.64549, -0.63329, -0.01221,
+                            -0.22431, 1.36423, -0.13992,
+                            -0.00831, -0.55373, 1.56204
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5773,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.63668, -0.63557, -0.00111,
+                            -0.21919, 1.36234, -0.14315,
+                            -0.00399, -0.57428, 1.57827
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 7433,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.36007, -0.09277, -0.26729,
+                            -0.36886, 2.09249, -0.72363,
+                            -0.12573, -0.76761, 1.89334
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 55792,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.65091, -0.63689, -0.01401,
+                            -0.22277, 1.35752, -0.13475,
+                            -0.00943, -0.55091, 1.56033
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.sharpen": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.focus": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.af":
+            {
+                "ranges":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "min": 0.0,
+                        "max": 12.0,
+                        "default": 1.0
+                    },
+                    "macro":
+                    {
+                        "min": 3.0,
+                        "max": 15.0,
+                        "default": 4.0
+                    }
+                },
+                "speeds":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "step_coarse": 1.0,
+                        "step_fine": 0.25,
+                        "contrast_ratio": 0.75,
+                        "pdaf_gain": -0.02,
+                        "pdaf_squelch": 0.125,
+                        "max_slew": 2.0,
+                        "pdaf_frames": 20,
+                        "dropout_frames": 6,
+                        "step_frames": 4
+                    }
+                },
+                "conf_epsilon": 8,
+                "conf_thresh": 16,
+                "conf_clip": 512,
+                "skip_frames": 5,
+                "map": [ 0.0, 445, 15.0, 925 ]
+            }
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide.json b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cdc61436995d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide.json
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+    "version": 2.0,
+    "target": "bcm2835",
+    "algorithms": [
+        {
+            "rpi.black_level":
+            {
+                "black_level": 4096
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.dpc": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.lux":
+            {
+                "reference_shutter_speed": 9989,
+                "reference_gain": 1.23,
+                "reference_aperture": 1.0,
+                "reference_lux": 980,
+                "reference_Y": 8345
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.noise":
+            {
+                "reference_constant": 16.0,
+                "reference_slope": 4.0
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.geq":
+            {
+                "offset": 215,
+                "slope": 0.00287
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.sdn": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.awb":
+            {
+                "priors": [
+                    {
+                        "lux": 0,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 1.0,
+                            3000, 0.0,
+                            13000, 0.0
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "lux": 800,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 0.0,
+                            6000, 2.0,
+                            13000, 2.0
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "lux": 1500,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 0.0,
+                            4000, 1.0,
+                            6000, 6.0,
+                            6500, 7.0,
+                            7000, 1.0,
+                            13000, 1.0
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "modes":
+                {
+                    "auto":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 2500,
+                        "hi": 8000
+                    },
+                    "incandescent":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 2500,
+                        "hi": 3000
+                    },
+                    "tungsten":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 3000,
+                        "hi": 3500
+                    },
+                    "fluorescent":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 4000,
+                        "hi": 4700
+                    },
+                    "indoor":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 3000,
+                        "hi": 5000
+                    },
+                    "daylight":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 5500,
+                        "hi": 6500
+                    },
+                    "cloudy":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 7000,
+                        "hi": 8600
+                    }
+                },
+                "bayes": 1,
+                "ct_curve":
+                [
+                    2750.0, 0.7881, 0.2849,
+                    2940.0, 0.7559, 0.3103,
+                    3650.0, 0.6291, 0.4206,
+                    4625.0, 0.5336, 0.5161,
+                    5715.0, 0.4668, 0.5898
+                ],
+                "sensitivity_r": 1.05,
+                "sensitivity_b": 1.05,
+                "transverse_pos": 0.01165,
+                "transverse_neg": 0.01601
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.agc":
+            {
+                "metering_modes":
+                {
+                    "centre-weighted":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+                    },
+                    "spot":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+                    },
+                    "matrix":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
+                    }
+                },
+                "exposure_modes":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "shutter": [ 100, 15000, 30000, 60000, 120000 ],
+                        "gain": [ 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 ]
+                    },
+                    "short":
+                    {
+                        "shutter": [ 100, 5000, 10000, 20000, 120000 ],
+                        "gain": [ 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 6.0 ]
+                    }
+                },
+                "constraint_modes":
+                {
+                    "normal": [
+                        {
+                            "bound": "LOWER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.2,
+                                1000, 0.2
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ],
+                    "highlight": [
+                        {
+                            "bound": "LOWER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.2,
+                                1000, 0.2
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "bound": "UPPER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.8,
+                                1000, 0.8
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                "y_target":
+                [
+                    0, 0.16,
+                    1000, 0.165,
+                    10000, 0.17
+                ],
+                "startup_frames": 5,
+                "convergence_frames": 6,
+                "speed": 0.15
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.alsc":
+            {
+                "omega": 1.3,
+                "n_iter": 100,
+                "luminance_strength": 0.5,
+                "calibrations_Cr": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            1.529, 1.526, 1.522, 1.506, 1.489, 1.473, 1.458, 1.456, 1.456, 1.458, 1.474, 1.493, 1.513, 1.531, 1.541, 1.544,
+                            1.527, 1.523, 1.511, 1.491, 1.474, 1.459, 1.445, 1.441, 1.441, 1.446, 1.461, 1.479, 1.499, 1.521, 1.536, 1.541,
+                            1.524, 1.515, 1.498, 1.477, 1.459, 1.444, 1.431, 1.426, 1.426, 1.435, 1.446, 1.466, 1.487, 1.507, 1.528, 1.538,
+                            1.522, 1.512, 1.491, 1.468, 1.447, 1.431, 1.423, 1.417, 1.418, 1.425, 1.435, 1.455, 1.479, 1.499, 1.523, 1.537,
+                            1.522, 1.509, 1.485, 1.463, 1.441, 1.423, 1.416, 1.413, 1.415, 1.418, 1.429, 1.449, 1.473, 1.495, 1.521, 1.538,
+                            1.522, 1.508, 1.483, 1.461, 1.438, 1.421, 1.413, 1.412, 1.412, 1.415, 1.428, 1.447, 1.471, 1.493, 1.519, 1.538,
+                            1.522, 1.509, 1.484, 1.462, 1.439, 1.421, 1.414, 1.411, 1.412, 1.416, 1.428, 1.447, 1.471, 1.493, 1.519, 1.537,
+                            1.523, 1.511, 1.487, 1.465, 1.443, 1.424, 1.417, 1.413, 1.415, 1.419, 1.429, 1.451, 1.473, 1.494, 1.519, 1.536,
+                            1.524, 1.514, 1.493, 1.471, 1.451, 1.434, 1.424, 1.419, 1.419, 1.428, 1.437, 1.457, 1.477, 1.498, 1.521, 1.538,
+                            1.527, 1.521, 1.503, 1.481, 1.462, 1.449, 1.434, 1.429, 1.429, 1.437, 1.451, 1.469, 1.488, 1.508, 1.527, 1.539,
+                            1.529, 1.527, 1.515, 1.495, 1.477, 1.462, 1.449, 1.444, 1.444, 1.451, 1.467, 1.481, 1.499, 1.519, 1.535, 1.543,
+                            1.534, 1.531, 1.527, 1.512, 1.492, 1.476, 1.463, 1.461, 1.461, 1.464, 1.479, 1.495, 1.515, 1.533, 1.543, 1.546
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            2.603, 2.599, 2.591, 2.567, 2.539, 2.515, 2.489, 2.489, 2.489, 2.491, 2.516, 2.543, 2.574, 2.597, 2.614, 2.617,
+                            2.596, 2.591, 2.571, 2.542, 2.516, 2.489, 2.464, 2.458, 2.458, 2.469, 2.492, 2.518, 2.547, 2.576, 2.602, 2.614,
+                            2.591, 2.576, 2.546, 2.519, 2.489, 2.464, 2.437, 2.427, 2.427, 2.441, 2.467, 2.492, 2.525, 2.553, 2.586, 2.605,
+                            2.588, 2.568, 2.534, 2.503, 2.472, 2.437, 2.423, 2.409, 2.411, 2.425, 2.441, 2.475, 2.513, 2.541, 2.577, 2.602,
+                            2.588, 2.565, 2.527, 2.494, 2.461, 2.425, 2.409, 2.399, 2.403, 2.409, 2.431, 2.466, 2.503, 2.534, 2.571, 2.601,
+                            2.586, 2.561, 2.525, 2.491, 2.454, 2.418, 2.399, 2.396, 2.395, 2.402, 2.424, 2.461, 2.501, 2.531, 2.567, 2.599,
+                            2.583, 2.559, 2.525, 2.491, 2.454, 2.418, 2.398, 2.393, 2.393, 2.401, 2.423, 2.459, 2.498, 2.531, 2.566, 2.597,
+                            2.583, 2.559, 2.526, 2.494, 2.458, 2.421, 2.404, 2.397, 2.399, 2.404, 2.426, 2.461, 2.501, 2.531, 2.566, 2.596,
+                            2.583, 2.563, 2.531, 2.501, 2.469, 2.435, 2.419, 2.405, 2.404, 2.422, 2.435, 2.471, 2.505, 2.537, 2.572, 2.596,
+                            2.585, 2.571, 2.539, 2.516, 2.486, 2.458, 2.435, 2.424, 2.424, 2.435, 2.459, 2.489, 2.521, 2.546, 2.579, 2.601,
+                            2.589, 2.578, 2.557, 2.532, 2.506, 2.483, 2.458, 2.449, 2.449, 2.459, 2.485, 2.507, 2.535, 2.563, 2.591, 2.605,
+                            2.589, 2.586, 2.575, 2.551, 2.525, 2.503, 2.481, 2.476, 2.476, 2.481, 2.504, 2.526, 2.555, 2.583, 2.604, 2.611
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "calibrations_Cb": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            3.311, 3.339, 3.369, 3.374, 3.371, 3.363, 3.356, 3.353, 3.353, 3.353, 3.357, 3.362, 3.362, 3.356, 3.328, 3.311,
+                            3.321, 3.354, 3.374, 3.374, 3.368, 3.359, 3.352, 3.349, 3.347, 3.347, 3.349, 3.357, 3.361, 3.359, 3.343, 3.324,
+                            3.334, 3.368, 3.375, 3.374, 3.365, 3.356, 3.349, 3.347, 3.346, 3.346, 3.347, 3.349, 3.358, 3.361, 3.357, 3.336,
+                            3.346, 3.378, 3.378, 3.369, 3.363, 3.358, 3.351, 3.348, 3.347, 3.346, 3.347, 3.348, 3.354, 3.364, 3.363, 3.345,
+                            3.351, 3.381, 3.381, 3.368, 3.361, 3.357, 3.349, 3.347, 3.347, 3.345, 3.345, 3.347, 3.353, 3.364, 3.364, 3.347,
+                            3.353, 3.379, 3.379, 3.366, 3.359, 3.351, 3.348, 3.343, 3.342, 3.342, 3.343, 3.345, 3.351, 3.363, 3.363, 3.347,
+                            3.353, 3.376, 3.376, 3.363, 3.351, 3.347, 3.343, 3.338, 3.336, 3.338, 3.339, 3.343, 3.351, 3.361, 3.361, 3.347,
+                            3.351, 3.374, 3.374, 3.359, 3.351, 3.345, 3.338, 3.334, 3.333, 3.334, 3.336, 3.339, 3.347, 3.358, 3.358, 3.345,
+                            3.346, 3.368, 3.368, 3.359, 3.349, 3.343, 3.336, 3.332, 3.327, 3.331, 3.333, 3.337, 3.346, 3.356, 3.356, 3.341,
+                            3.336, 3.362, 3.364, 3.359, 3.351, 3.342, 3.334, 3.324, 3.324, 3.325, 3.329, 3.336, 3.346, 3.351, 3.351, 3.333,
+                            3.324, 3.349, 3.359, 3.358, 3.352, 3.341, 3.329, 3.323, 3.321, 3.322, 3.326, 3.336, 3.346, 3.347, 3.339, 3.319,
+                            3.311, 3.328, 3.352, 3.354, 3.352, 3.341, 3.329, 3.321, 3.319, 3.321, 3.324, 3.338, 3.343, 3.343, 3.319, 3.312
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            1.634, 1.647, 1.665, 1.668, 1.668, 1.664, 1.662, 1.662, 1.661, 1.661, 1.661, 1.663, 1.663, 1.659, 1.643, 1.636,
+                            1.639, 1.656, 1.668, 1.669, 1.668, 1.666, 1.664, 1.663, 1.663, 1.661, 1.661, 1.662, 1.663, 1.662, 1.654, 1.642,
+                            1.645, 1.663, 1.669, 1.668, 1.667, 1.667, 1.667, 1.668, 1.668, 1.665, 1.662, 1.661, 1.662, 1.664, 1.661, 1.649,
+                            1.651, 1.669, 1.669, 1.667, 1.666, 1.668, 1.669, 1.672, 1.672, 1.668, 1.665, 1.661, 1.661, 1.665, 1.665, 1.655,
+                            1.654, 1.669, 1.669, 1.666, 1.666, 1.669, 1.672, 1.673, 1.673, 1.671, 1.666, 1.661, 1.661, 1.665, 1.665, 1.659,
+                            1.654, 1.669, 1.669, 1.666, 1.666, 1.669, 1.671, 1.673, 1.672, 1.669, 1.667, 1.661, 1.661, 1.665, 1.665, 1.659,
+                            1.654, 1.668, 1.668, 1.664, 1.663, 1.667, 1.669, 1.671, 1.669, 1.668, 1.665, 1.661, 1.661, 1.663, 1.663, 1.659,
+                            1.653, 1.665, 1.665, 1.661, 1.661, 1.664, 1.667, 1.668, 1.668, 1.665, 1.661, 1.658, 1.659, 1.662, 1.662, 1.657,
+                            1.651, 1.664, 1.664, 1.659, 1.659, 1.661, 1.663, 1.663, 1.662, 1.661, 1.658, 1.656, 1.657, 1.662, 1.662, 1.655,
+                            1.645, 1.661, 1.663, 1.661, 1.659, 1.659, 1.659, 1.657, 1.657, 1.656, 1.654, 1.655, 1.656, 1.661, 1.661, 1.649,
+                            1.641, 1.654, 1.661, 1.661, 1.659, 1.657, 1.655, 1.653, 1.652, 1.651, 1.652, 1.653, 1.657, 1.658, 1.655, 1.644,
+                            1.635, 1.645, 1.661, 1.661, 1.661, 1.655, 1.653, 1.649, 1.648, 1.647, 1.651, 1.653, 1.657, 1.657, 1.646, 1.638
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "luminance_lut":
+                [
+                    3.535, 3.279, 3.049, 2.722, 2.305, 1.958, 1.657, 1.647, 1.647, 1.656, 1.953, 2.289, 2.707, 3.058, 3.325, 3.589,
+                    3.379, 3.157, 2.874, 2.421, 1.973, 1.735, 1.472, 1.388, 1.388, 1.471, 1.724, 1.963, 2.409, 2.877, 3.185, 3.416,
+                    3.288, 3.075, 2.696, 2.169, 1.735, 1.472, 1.311, 1.208, 1.208, 1.306, 1.471, 1.724, 2.159, 2.695, 3.092, 3.321,
+                    3.238, 3.001, 2.534, 1.981, 1.572, 1.311, 1.207, 1.082, 1.082, 1.204, 1.306, 1.563, 1.973, 2.529, 3.008, 3.259,
+                    3.211, 2.938, 2.414, 1.859, 1.468, 1.221, 1.082, 1.036, 1.031, 1.079, 1.217, 1.463, 1.851, 2.403, 2.931, 3.229,
+                    3.206, 2.904, 2.356, 1.802, 1.421, 1.181, 1.037, 1.002, 1.002, 1.032, 1.175, 1.414, 1.793, 2.343, 2.899, 3.223,
+                    3.206, 2.904, 2.356, 1.802, 1.421, 1.181, 1.037, 1.005, 1.005, 1.032, 1.175, 1.414, 1.793, 2.343, 2.899, 3.223,
+                    3.211, 2.936, 2.417, 1.858, 1.468, 1.222, 1.083, 1.037, 1.032, 1.083, 1.218, 1.463, 1.848, 2.403, 2.932, 3.226,
+                    3.234, 2.997, 2.536, 1.979, 1.569, 1.311, 1.206, 1.084, 1.084, 1.204, 1.305, 1.565, 1.966, 2.524, 2.996, 3.251,
+                    3.282, 3.069, 2.697, 2.166, 1.731, 1.471, 1.311, 1.207, 1.207, 1.305, 1.466, 1.729, 2.158, 2.689, 3.077, 3.304,
+                    3.369, 3.146, 2.873, 2.415, 1.964, 1.722, 1.471, 1.382, 1.382, 1.466, 1.722, 1.964, 2.408, 2.871, 3.167, 3.401,
+                    3.524, 3.253, 3.025, 2.691, 2.275, 1.939, 1.657, 1.628, 1.628, 1.654, 1.936, 2.275, 2.687, 3.029, 3.284, 3.574
+                ],
+                "sigma": 0.00195,
+                "sigma_Cb": 0.00241
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.contrast":
+            {
+                "ce_enable": 1,
+                "gamma_curve":
+                [
+                    0, 0,
+                    1024, 5040,
+                    2048, 9338,
+                    3072, 12356,
+                    4096, 15312,
+                    5120, 18051,
+                    6144, 20790,
+                    7168, 23193,
+                    8192, 25744,
+                    9216, 27942,
+                    10240, 30035,
+                    11264, 32005,
+                    12288, 33975,
+                    13312, 35815,
+                    14336, 37600,
+                    15360, 39168,
+                    16384, 40642,
+                    18432, 43379,
+                    20480, 45749,
+                    22528, 47753,
+                    24576, 49621,
+                    26624, 51253,
+                    28672, 52698,
+                    30720, 53796,
+                    32768, 54876,
+                    36864, 57012,
+                    40960, 58656,
+                    45056, 59954,
+                    49152, 61183,
+                    53248, 62355,
+                    57344, 63419,
+                    61440, 64476,
+                    65535, 65535
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.ccm":
+            {
+                "ccms": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2750,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.13004, 0.36392, -0.49396,
+                            -0.45885, 1.68171, -0.22286,
+                            -0.06473, -0.86962, 1.93435
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2940,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.29876, 0.09627, -0.39503,
+                            -0.43085, 1.60258, -0.17172,
+                            -0.02638, -0.92581, 1.95218
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3650,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.57729, -0.29734, -0.27995,
+                            -0.42965, 1.66231, -0.23265,
+                            -0.02183, -0.62331, 1.64514
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 4625,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.52145, -0.22382, -0.29763,
+                            -0.40445, 1.82186, -0.41742,
+                            -0.05732, -0.56222, 1.61954
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5715,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.67851, -0.39193, -0.28658,
+                            -0.37169, 1.72949, -0.35781,
+                            -0.09556, -0.41951, 1.51508
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.sharpen": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.focus": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.af":
+            {
+                "ranges":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "min": 0.0,
+                        "max": 12.0,
+                        "default": 1.0
+                    },
+                    "macro":
+                    {
+                        "min": 4.0,
+                        "max": 32.0,
+                        "default": 6.0
+                    }
+                },
+                "speeds":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "step_coarse": 2.0,
+                        "step_fine": 0.5,
+                        "contrast_ratio": 0.75,
+                        "pdaf_gain": -0.03,
+                        "pdaf_squelch": 0.2,
+                        "max_slew": 4.0,
+                        "pdaf_frames": 20,
+                        "dropout_frames": 6,
+                        "step_frames": 4
+                    },
+                    "fast":
+                    {
+                        "step_coarse": 2.0,
+                        "step_fine": 0.5,
+                        "contrast_ratio": 0.75,
+                        "pdaf_gain": -0.05,
+                        "pdaf_squelch": 0.2,
+                        "max_slew": 5.0,
+                        "pdaf_frames": 16,
+                        "dropout_frames": 6,
+                        "step_frames": 4
+                    }
+                },
+                "conf_epsilon": 8,
+                "conf_thresh": 12,
+                "conf_clip": 512,
+                "skip_frames": 5,
+                "map": [ 0.0, 420, 35.0, 920 ]
+            }
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide_noir.json b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide_noir.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a7f59910833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/imx708_wide_noir.json
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+    "version": 2.0,
+    "target": "bcm2835",
+    "algorithms": [
+        {
+            "rpi.black_level":
+            {
+                "black_level": 4096
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.dpc": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.lux":
+            {
+                "reference_shutter_speed": 9989,
+                "reference_gain": 1.23,
+                "reference_aperture": 1.0,
+                "reference_lux": 980,
+                "reference_Y": 8345
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.noise":
+            {
+                "reference_constant": 16.0,
+                "reference_slope": 4.0
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.geq":
+            {
+                "offset": 215,
+                "slope": 0.00287
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.sdn": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.awb":
+            {
+                "priors": [
+                    {
+                        "lux": 0,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 1.0,
+                            3000, 0.0,
+                            13000, 0.0
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "lux": 800,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 0.0,
+                            6000, 2.0,
+                            13000, 2.0
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "lux": 1500,
+                        "prior":
+                        [
+                            2000, 0.0,
+                            4000, 1.0,
+                            6000, 6.0,
+                            6500, 7.0,
+                            7000, 1.0,
+                            13000, 1.0
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "modes":
+                {
+                    "auto":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 2500,
+                        "hi": 8000
+                    },
+                    "incandescent":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 2500,
+                        "hi": 3000
+                    },
+                    "tungsten":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 3000,
+                        "hi": 3500
+                    },
+                    "fluorescent":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 4000,
+                        "hi": 4700
+                    },
+                    "indoor":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 3000,
+                        "hi": 5000
+                    },
+                    "daylight":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 5500,
+                        "hi": 6500
+                    },
+                    "cloudy":
+                    {
+                        "lo": 7000,
+                        "hi": 8600
+                    }
+                },
+                "bayes": 0,
+                "ct_curve":
+                [
+                    2750.0, 0.7881, 0.2849,
+                    2940.0, 0.7559, 0.3103,
+                    3650.0, 0.6291, 0.4206,
+                    4625.0, 0.5336, 0.5161,
+                    5715.0, 0.4668, 0.5898
+                ],
+                "sensitivity_r": 1.05,
+                "sensitivity_b": 1.05,
+                "transverse_pos": 0.01165,
+                "transverse_neg": 0.01601
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.agc":
+            {
+                "metering_modes":
+                {
+                    "centre-weighted":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+                    },
+                    "spot":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+                    },
+                    "matrix":
+                    {
+                        "weights": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
+                    }
+                },
+                "exposure_modes":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "shutter": [ 100, 15000, 30000, 60000, 120000 ],
+                        "gain": [ 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 ]
+                    },
+                    "short":
+                    {
+                        "shutter": [ 100, 5000, 10000, 20000, 120000 ],
+                        "gain": [ 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 6.0 ]
+                    }
+                },
+                "constraint_modes":
+                {
+                    "normal": [
+                        {
+                            "bound": "LOWER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.2,
+                                1000, 0.2
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ],
+                    "highlight": [
+                        {
+                            "bound": "LOWER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.2,
+                                1000, 0.2
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "bound": "UPPER",
+                            "q_lo": 0.98,
+                            "q_hi": 1.0,
+                            "y_target":
+                            [
+                                0, 0.8,
+                                1000, 0.8
+                            ]
+                        }
+                    ]
+                },
+                "y_target":
+                [
+                    0, 0.16,
+                    1000, 0.165,
+                    10000, 0.17
+                ],
+                "startup_frames": 5,
+                "convergence_frames": 6,
+                "speed": 0.15
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.alsc":
+            {
+                "omega": 1.3,
+                "n_iter": 100,
+                "luminance_strength": 0.5,
+                "calibrations_Cr": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            1.529, 1.526, 1.522, 1.506, 1.489, 1.473, 1.458, 1.456, 1.456, 1.458, 1.474, 1.493, 1.513, 1.531, 1.541, 1.544,
+                            1.527, 1.523, 1.511, 1.491, 1.474, 1.459, 1.445, 1.441, 1.441, 1.446, 1.461, 1.479, 1.499, 1.521, 1.536, 1.541,
+                            1.524, 1.515, 1.498, 1.477, 1.459, 1.444, 1.431, 1.426, 1.426, 1.435, 1.446, 1.466, 1.487, 1.507, 1.528, 1.538,
+                            1.522, 1.512, 1.491, 1.468, 1.447, 1.431, 1.423, 1.417, 1.418, 1.425, 1.435, 1.455, 1.479, 1.499, 1.523, 1.537,
+                            1.522, 1.509, 1.485, 1.463, 1.441, 1.423, 1.416, 1.413, 1.415, 1.418, 1.429, 1.449, 1.473, 1.495, 1.521, 1.538,
+                            1.522, 1.508, 1.483, 1.461, 1.438, 1.421, 1.413, 1.412, 1.412, 1.415, 1.428, 1.447, 1.471, 1.493, 1.519, 1.538,
+                            1.522, 1.509, 1.484, 1.462, 1.439, 1.421, 1.414, 1.411, 1.412, 1.416, 1.428, 1.447, 1.471, 1.493, 1.519, 1.537,
+                            1.523, 1.511, 1.487, 1.465, 1.443, 1.424, 1.417, 1.413, 1.415, 1.419, 1.429, 1.451, 1.473, 1.494, 1.519, 1.536,
+                            1.524, 1.514, 1.493, 1.471, 1.451, 1.434, 1.424, 1.419, 1.419, 1.428, 1.437, 1.457, 1.477, 1.498, 1.521, 1.538,
+                            1.527, 1.521, 1.503, 1.481, 1.462, 1.449, 1.434, 1.429, 1.429, 1.437, 1.451, 1.469, 1.488, 1.508, 1.527, 1.539,
+                            1.529, 1.527, 1.515, 1.495, 1.477, 1.462, 1.449, 1.444, 1.444, 1.451, 1.467, 1.481, 1.499, 1.519, 1.535, 1.543,
+                            1.534, 1.531, 1.527, 1.512, 1.492, 1.476, 1.463, 1.461, 1.461, 1.464, 1.479, 1.495, 1.515, 1.533, 1.543, 1.546
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            2.603, 2.599, 2.591, 2.567, 2.539, 2.515, 2.489, 2.489, 2.489, 2.491, 2.516, 2.543, 2.574, 2.597, 2.614, 2.617,
+                            2.596, 2.591, 2.571, 2.542, 2.516, 2.489, 2.464, 2.458, 2.458, 2.469, 2.492, 2.518, 2.547, 2.576, 2.602, 2.614,
+                            2.591, 2.576, 2.546, 2.519, 2.489, 2.464, 2.437, 2.427, 2.427, 2.441, 2.467, 2.492, 2.525, 2.553, 2.586, 2.605,
+                            2.588, 2.568, 2.534, 2.503, 2.472, 2.437, 2.423, 2.409, 2.411, 2.425, 2.441, 2.475, 2.513, 2.541, 2.577, 2.602,
+                            2.588, 2.565, 2.527, 2.494, 2.461, 2.425, 2.409, 2.399, 2.403, 2.409, 2.431, 2.466, 2.503, 2.534, 2.571, 2.601,
+                            2.586, 2.561, 2.525, 2.491, 2.454, 2.418, 2.399, 2.396, 2.395, 2.402, 2.424, 2.461, 2.501, 2.531, 2.567, 2.599,
+                            2.583, 2.559, 2.525, 2.491, 2.454, 2.418, 2.398, 2.393, 2.393, 2.401, 2.423, 2.459, 2.498, 2.531, 2.566, 2.597,
+                            2.583, 2.559, 2.526, 2.494, 2.458, 2.421, 2.404, 2.397, 2.399, 2.404, 2.426, 2.461, 2.501, 2.531, 2.566, 2.596,
+                            2.583, 2.563, 2.531, 2.501, 2.469, 2.435, 2.419, 2.405, 2.404, 2.422, 2.435, 2.471, 2.505, 2.537, 2.572, 2.596,
+                            2.585, 2.571, 2.539, 2.516, 2.486, 2.458, 2.435, 2.424, 2.424, 2.435, 2.459, 2.489, 2.521, 2.546, 2.579, 2.601,
+                            2.589, 2.578, 2.557, 2.532, 2.506, 2.483, 2.458, 2.449, 2.449, 2.459, 2.485, 2.507, 2.535, 2.563, 2.591, 2.605,
+                            2.589, 2.586, 2.575, 2.551, 2.525, 2.503, 2.481, 2.476, 2.476, 2.481, 2.504, 2.526, 2.555, 2.583, 2.604, 2.611
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "calibrations_Cb": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            3.311, 3.339, 3.369, 3.374, 3.371, 3.363, 3.356, 3.353, 3.353, 3.353, 3.357, 3.362, 3.362, 3.356, 3.328, 3.311,
+                            3.321, 3.354, 3.374, 3.374, 3.368, 3.359, 3.352, 3.349, 3.347, 3.347, 3.349, 3.357, 3.361, 3.359, 3.343, 3.324,
+                            3.334, 3.368, 3.375, 3.374, 3.365, 3.356, 3.349, 3.347, 3.346, 3.346, 3.347, 3.349, 3.358, 3.361, 3.357, 3.336,
+                            3.346, 3.378, 3.378, 3.369, 3.363, 3.358, 3.351, 3.348, 3.347, 3.346, 3.347, 3.348, 3.354, 3.364, 3.363, 3.345,
+                            3.351, 3.381, 3.381, 3.368, 3.361, 3.357, 3.349, 3.347, 3.347, 3.345, 3.345, 3.347, 3.353, 3.364, 3.364, 3.347,
+                            3.353, 3.379, 3.379, 3.366, 3.359, 3.351, 3.348, 3.343, 3.342, 3.342, 3.343, 3.345, 3.351, 3.363, 3.363, 3.347,
+                            3.353, 3.376, 3.376, 3.363, 3.351, 3.347, 3.343, 3.338, 3.336, 3.338, 3.339, 3.343, 3.351, 3.361, 3.361, 3.347,
+                            3.351, 3.374, 3.374, 3.359, 3.351, 3.345, 3.338, 3.334, 3.333, 3.334, 3.336, 3.339, 3.347, 3.358, 3.358, 3.345,
+                            3.346, 3.368, 3.368, 3.359, 3.349, 3.343, 3.336, 3.332, 3.327, 3.331, 3.333, 3.337, 3.346, 3.356, 3.356, 3.341,
+                            3.336, 3.362, 3.364, 3.359, 3.351, 3.342, 3.334, 3.324, 3.324, 3.325, 3.329, 3.336, 3.346, 3.351, 3.351, 3.333,
+                            3.324, 3.349, 3.359, 3.358, 3.352, 3.341, 3.329, 3.323, 3.321, 3.322, 3.326, 3.336, 3.346, 3.347, 3.339, 3.319,
+                            3.311, 3.328, 3.352, 3.354, 3.352, 3.341, 3.329, 3.321, 3.319, 3.321, 3.324, 3.338, 3.343, 3.343, 3.319, 3.312
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5000,
+                        "table":
+                        [
+                            1.634, 1.647, 1.665, 1.668, 1.668, 1.664, 1.662, 1.662, 1.661, 1.661, 1.661, 1.663, 1.663, 1.659, 1.643, 1.636,
+                            1.639, 1.656, 1.668, 1.669, 1.668, 1.666, 1.664, 1.663, 1.663, 1.661, 1.661, 1.662, 1.663, 1.662, 1.654, 1.642,
+                            1.645, 1.663, 1.669, 1.668, 1.667, 1.667, 1.667, 1.668, 1.668, 1.665, 1.662, 1.661, 1.662, 1.664, 1.661, 1.649,
+                            1.651, 1.669, 1.669, 1.667, 1.666, 1.668, 1.669, 1.672, 1.672, 1.668, 1.665, 1.661, 1.661, 1.665, 1.665, 1.655,
+                            1.654, 1.669, 1.669, 1.666, 1.666, 1.669, 1.672, 1.673, 1.673, 1.671, 1.666, 1.661, 1.661, 1.665, 1.665, 1.659,
+                            1.654, 1.669, 1.669, 1.666, 1.666, 1.669, 1.671, 1.673, 1.672, 1.669, 1.667, 1.661, 1.661, 1.665, 1.665, 1.659,
+                            1.654, 1.668, 1.668, 1.664, 1.663, 1.667, 1.669, 1.671, 1.669, 1.668, 1.665, 1.661, 1.661, 1.663, 1.663, 1.659,
+                            1.653, 1.665, 1.665, 1.661, 1.661, 1.664, 1.667, 1.668, 1.668, 1.665, 1.661, 1.658, 1.659, 1.662, 1.662, 1.657,
+                            1.651, 1.664, 1.664, 1.659, 1.659, 1.661, 1.663, 1.663, 1.662, 1.661, 1.658, 1.656, 1.657, 1.662, 1.662, 1.655,
+                            1.645, 1.661, 1.663, 1.661, 1.659, 1.659, 1.659, 1.657, 1.657, 1.656, 1.654, 1.655, 1.656, 1.661, 1.661, 1.649,
+                            1.641, 1.654, 1.661, 1.661, 1.659, 1.657, 1.655, 1.653, 1.652, 1.651, 1.652, 1.653, 1.657, 1.658, 1.655, 1.644,
+                            1.635, 1.645, 1.661, 1.661, 1.661, 1.655, 1.653, 1.649, 1.648, 1.647, 1.651, 1.653, 1.657, 1.657, 1.646, 1.638
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ],
+                "luminance_lut":
+                [
+                    3.535, 3.279, 3.049, 2.722, 2.305, 1.958, 1.657, 1.647, 1.647, 1.656, 1.953, 2.289, 2.707, 3.058, 3.325, 3.589,
+                    3.379, 3.157, 2.874, 2.421, 1.973, 1.735, 1.472, 1.388, 1.388, 1.471, 1.724, 1.963, 2.409, 2.877, 3.185, 3.416,
+                    3.288, 3.075, 2.696, 2.169, 1.735, 1.472, 1.311, 1.208, 1.208, 1.306, 1.471, 1.724, 2.159, 2.695, 3.092, 3.321,
+                    3.238, 3.001, 2.534, 1.981, 1.572, 1.311, 1.207, 1.082, 1.082, 1.204, 1.306, 1.563, 1.973, 2.529, 3.008, 3.259,
+                    3.211, 2.938, 2.414, 1.859, 1.468, 1.221, 1.082, 1.036, 1.031, 1.079, 1.217, 1.463, 1.851, 2.403, 2.931, 3.229,
+                    3.206, 2.904, 2.356, 1.802, 1.421, 1.181, 1.037, 1.002, 1.002, 1.032, 1.175, 1.414, 1.793, 2.343, 2.899, 3.223,
+                    3.206, 2.904, 2.356, 1.802, 1.421, 1.181, 1.037, 1.005, 1.005, 1.032, 1.175, 1.414, 1.793, 2.343, 2.899, 3.223,
+                    3.211, 2.936, 2.417, 1.858, 1.468, 1.222, 1.083, 1.037, 1.032, 1.083, 1.218, 1.463, 1.848, 2.403, 2.932, 3.226,
+                    3.234, 2.997, 2.536, 1.979, 1.569, 1.311, 1.206, 1.084, 1.084, 1.204, 1.305, 1.565, 1.966, 2.524, 2.996, 3.251,
+                    3.282, 3.069, 2.697, 2.166, 1.731, 1.471, 1.311, 1.207, 1.207, 1.305, 1.466, 1.729, 2.158, 2.689, 3.077, 3.304,
+                    3.369, 3.146, 2.873, 2.415, 1.964, 1.722, 1.471, 1.382, 1.382, 1.466, 1.722, 1.964, 2.408, 2.871, 3.167, 3.401,
+                    3.524, 3.253, 3.025, 2.691, 2.275, 1.939, 1.657, 1.628, 1.628, 1.654, 1.936, 2.275, 2.687, 3.029, 3.284, 3.574
+                ],
+                "sigma": 0.00195,
+                "sigma_Cb": 0.00241
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.contrast":
+            {
+                "ce_enable": 1,
+                "gamma_curve":
+                [
+                    0, 0,
+                    1024, 5040,
+                    2048, 9338,
+                    3072, 12356,
+                    4096, 15312,
+                    5120, 18051,
+                    6144, 20790,
+                    7168, 23193,
+                    8192, 25744,
+                    9216, 27942,
+                    10240, 30035,
+                    11264, 32005,
+                    12288, 33975,
+                    13312, 35815,
+                    14336, 37600,
+                    15360, 39168,
+                    16384, 40642,
+                    18432, 43379,
+                    20480, 45749,
+                    22528, 47753,
+                    24576, 49621,
+                    26624, 51253,
+                    28672, 52698,
+                    30720, 53796,
+                    32768, 54876,
+                    36864, 57012,
+                    40960, 58656,
+                    45056, 59954,
+                    49152, 61183,
+                    53248, 62355,
+                    57344, 63419,
+                    61440, 64476,
+                    65535, 65535
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.ccm":
+            {
+                "ccms": [
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2750,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.13004, 0.36392, -0.49396,
+                            -0.45885, 1.68171, -0.22286,
+                            -0.06473, -0.86962, 1.93435
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 2940,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.29876, 0.09627, -0.39503,
+                            -0.43085, 1.60258, -0.17172,
+                            -0.02638, -0.92581, 1.95218
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 3650,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.57729, -0.29734, -0.27995,
+                            -0.42965, 1.66231, -0.23265,
+                            -0.02183, -0.62331, 1.64514
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 4625,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.52145, -0.22382, -0.29763,
+                            -0.40445, 1.82186, -0.41742,
+                            -0.05732, -0.56222, 1.61954
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    {
+                        "ct": 5715,
+                        "ccm":
+                        [
+                            1.67851, -0.39193, -0.28658,
+                            -0.37169, 1.72949, -0.35781,
+                            -0.09556, -0.41951, 1.51508
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.sharpen": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.focus": { }
+        },
+        {
+            "rpi.af":
+            {
+                "ranges":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "min": 0.0,
+                        "max": 12.0,
+                        "default": 1.0
+                    },
+                    "macro":
+                    {
+                        "min": 4.0,
+                        "max": 32.0,
+                        "default": 6.0
+                    }
+                },
+                "speeds":
+                {
+                    "normal":
+                    {
+                        "step_coarse": 2.0,
+                        "step_fine": 0.5,
+                        "contrast_ratio": 0.75,
+                        "pdaf_gain": -0.03,
+                        "pdaf_squelch": 0.2,
+                        "max_slew": 4.0,
+                        "pdaf_frames": 20,
+                        "dropout_frames": 6,
+                        "step_frames": 4
+                    },
+                    "fast":
+                    {
+                        "step_coarse": 2.0,
+                        "step_fine": 0.5,
+                        "contrast_ratio": 0.75,
+                        "pdaf_gain": -0.05,
+                        "pdaf_squelch": 0.2,
+                        "max_slew": 5.0,
+                        "pdaf_frames": 16,
+                        "dropout_frames": 6,
+                        "step_frames": 4
+                    }
+                },
+                "conf_epsilon": 8,
+                "conf_thresh": 12,
+                "conf_clip": 512,
+                "skip_frames": 5,
+                "map": [ 0.0, 420, 35.0, 920 ]
+            }
+        }
+    ]
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/meson.build b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/meson.build
index 5565508cf602..b163a052f57c 100644
--- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/meson.build
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/data/meson.build
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ conf_files = files([
+    'imx708.json',
+    'imx708_noir.json',
+    'imx708_wide.json',
+    'imx708_wide_noir.json',
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/meson.build b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/meson.build
index 4e2689536257..9230e17bca22 100644
--- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/meson.build
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/meson.build
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ rpi_ipa_sources = files([
+    'cam_helper_imx708.cpp',

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