[PATCH v4 5/9] Documentation: Remove libcamera architecture from introduction.rst

Laurent Pinchart laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com
Tue Aug 20 18:37:42 CEST 2024

Hi Dan,

Thank you for the patch.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 02:07:36PM +0100, Daniel Scally wrote:
> The libcamera Architecture section of the introduction is largely a
> duplicate of the section broken out from docs.rst. Remove it from the
> introduction.rst file and consolidate anything that wasn't duplicated
> into libcamera_architecture.rst and feature_requirements.rst. Take the
> opportunity to also expand the list of Platform Support which is now a
> bit out of date.
> Signed-off-by: Daniel Scally <dan.scally at ideasonboard.com>

Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>

> ---
> Changes since v3:
> 	- Merged the contents rather than replaced one with the other, following
> 	  Laurent's suggestion. Also merged one section into the page detailing
> 	  feature requirements
> Changes since v2:
> 	- Reworked to change libcamera architecture section instead of camera
> 	  stack. DDropped R-b
> 	- Updated the list of supported platforms on the new libcamera
> 	  architecture page
> Changes since v1:
> 	- None
>  Documentation/feature_requirements.rst   |  13 +-
>  Documentation/guides/introduction.rst    | 156 +--------------
>  Documentation/libcamera_architecture.rst | 244 +++++++++++++----------
>  3 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/Documentation/feature_requirements.rst b/Documentation/feature_requirements.rst
> index cae7e9ab..e6b74a62 100644
> --- a/Documentation/feature_requirements.rst
> +++ b/Documentation/feature_requirements.rst
> @@ -90,10 +90,15 @@ on top of the minimum required set for the profile they expose.
>  3A and Image Enhancement Algorithms
>  -----------------------------------
> -The camera devices shall implement auto exposure, auto gain and auto white
> -balance. Camera devices that include a focus lens shall implement auto
> -focus. Additional image enhancement algorithms, such as noise reduction or
> -video stabilization, may be implemented.
> +The library shall provide a basic implementation of Image Processing Algorithms
> +to serve as a reference for the internal API. This shall including auto exposure
> +and gain and auto white balance. Camera devices that include a focus lens shall
> +implement auto focus. Additional image enhancement algorithms, such as noise
> +reduction or video stabilization, may be implemented. Device vendors are
> +expected to provide a fully-fledged implementation compatible with their
> +Pipeline Handler. One goal of the libcamera project is to create an environment
> +in which the community will be able to compete with the closed-source vendor
> +biaries and develop a high quality open source implementation.
>  All algorithms may be implemented in hardware or firmware outside of the
>  library, or in software in the library. They shall all be controllable by
> diff --git a/Documentation/guides/introduction.rst b/Documentation/guides/introduction.rst
> index d1e67654..12d1b7d4 100644
> --- a/Documentation/guides/introduction.rst
> +++ b/Documentation/guides/introduction.rst
> @@ -26,10 +26,8 @@ desirable results from the camera.
>  .. _Media Controller: https://www.linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis-new/userspace-api/mediactl/media-controller.html
> -In this developers guide, we will explore the internal `Architecture`_ of
> -the libcamera library with its components. The current `Platform Support`_ is
> -detailed, as well as an overview of the `Licensing`_ requirements of the
> -project.
> +In this developers guide the `Licensing`_ requirements of the project are
> +detailed.
>  This introduction is followed by a walkthrough tutorial to newcomers wishing to
>  support a new platform with the `Pipeline Handler Writers Guide`_ and for those
> @@ -41,156 +39,6 @@ provides a tutorial of the key APIs exposed by libcamera.
>  .. TODO: Correctly link to the other articles of the guide
> -Architecture
> -------------
> -
> -While offering a unified API towards upper layers, and presenting itself as a
> -single library, libcamera isn't monolithic. It exposes multiple components
> -through its public API and is built around a set of separate helpers internally.
> -Hardware abstractions are handled through the use of device-specific components
> -where required and dynamically loadable plugins are used to separate image
> -processing algorithms from the core libcamera codebase.
> -
> -::
> -
> -   --------------------------< libcamera Public API >---------------------------
> -                 ^                                          ^
> -                 |                                          |
> -                 v                                          v
> -          +-------------+  +---------------------------------------------------+
> -          |   Camera    |  |  Camera Device                                    |
> -          |   Manager   |  | +-----------------------------------------------+ |
> -          +-------------+  | | Device-Agnostic                               | |
> -                 ^         | |                                               | |
> -                 |         | |                    +--------------------------+ |
> -                 |         | |                    |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  |
> -                 |         | |                    |  {  +-----------------+  } |
> -                 |         | |                    |  }  | //// Image //// |  { |
> -                 |         | |                    | <-> | / Processing // |  } |
> -                 |         | |                    |  }  | / Algorithms // |  { |
> -                 |         | |                    |  {  +-----------------+  } |
> -                 |         | |                    |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  |
> -                 |         | |                    | ========================== |
> -                 |         | |                    |     +-----------------+    |
> -                 |         | |                    |     | // Pipeline /// |    |
> -                 |         | |                    | <-> | /// Handler /// |    |
> -                 |         | |                    |     | /////////////// |    |
> -                 |         | +--------------------+     +-----------------+    |
> -                 |         |                                   Device-Specific |
> -                 |         +---------------------------------------------------+
> -                 |                          ^                         ^
> -                 |                          |                         |
> -                 v                          v                         v
> -          +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> -          | Helpers and Support Classes                                        |
> -          | +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+ |
> -          | |  MC & V4L2  |  |   Buffers   |  | Sandboxing  |  |   Plugins   | |
> -          | |   Support   |  |  Allocator  |  |     IPC     |  |   Manager   | |
> -          | +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+ |
> -          | +-------------+  +-------------+                                   |
> -          | |  Pipeline   |  |     ...     |                                   |
> -          | |   Runner    |  |             |                                   |
> -          | +-------------+  +-------------+                                   |
> -          +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> -
> -            /// Device-Specific Components
> -            ~~~ Sandboxing
> -
> -
> -Camera Manager
> -  The Camera Manager enumerates cameras and instantiates Pipeline Handlers to
> -  manage each Camera that libcamera supports. The Camera Manager supports
> -  hotplug detection and notification events when supported by the underlying
> -  kernel devices.
> -
> -  There is only ever one instance of the Camera Manager running per application.
> -  Each application's instance of the Camera Manager ensures that only a single
> -  application can take control of a camera device at once.
> -
> -  Read the `Camera Manager API`_ documentation for more details.
> -
> -.. _Camera Manager API: https://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraManager.html
> -
> -Camera Device
> -  The Camera class represents a single item of camera hardware that is capable
> -  of producing one or more image streams, and provides the API to interact with
> -  the underlying device.
> -
> -  If a system has multiple instances of the same hardware attached, each has its
> -  own instance of the camera class.
> -
> -  The API exposes full control of the device to upper layers of libcamera through
> -  the public API, making it the highest level object libcamera exposes, and the
> -  object that all other API operations interact with from configuration to
> -  capture.
> -
> -  Read the `Camera API`_ documentation for more details.
> -
> -.. _Camera API: https://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1Camera.html
> -
> -Pipeline Handler
> -  The Pipeline Handler manages the complex pipelines exposed by the kernel
> -  drivers through the Media Controller and V4L2 APIs. It abstracts pipeline
> -  handling to hide device-specific details from the rest of the library, and
> -  implements both pipeline configuration based on stream configuration, and
> -  pipeline runtime execution and scheduling when needed by the device.
> -
> -  The Pipeline Handler lives in the same process as the rest of the library, and
> -  has access to all helpers and kernel camera-related devices.
> -
> -  Hardware abstraction is handled by device specific Pipeline Handlers which are
> -  derived from the Pipeline Handler base class allowing commonality to be shared
> -  among the implementations.
> -
> -  Derived pipeline handlers create Camera device instances based on the devices
> -  they detect and support on the running system, and are responsible for
> -  managing the interactions with a camera device.
> -
> -  More details can be found in the `PipelineHandler API`_ documentation, and the
> -  `Pipeline Handler Writers Guide`_.
> -
> -.. _PipelineHandler API: https://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html
> -
> -Image Processing Algorithms
> -  An image processing algorithm (IPA) component is a loadable plugin that
> -  implements 3A (Auto-Exposure, Auto-White Balance, and Auto-Focus) and other
> -  algorithms.
> -
> -  The algorithms run on the CPU and interact with the camera devices through the
> -  Pipeline Handler to control hardware image processing based on the parameters
> -  supplied by upper layers, maintaining state and closing the control loop
> -  of the ISP.
> -
> -  The component is sandboxed and can only interact with libcamera through the
> -  API provided by the Pipeline Handler and an IPA has no direct access to kernel
> -  camera devices.
> -
> -  Open source IPA modules built with libcamera can be run in the same process
> -  space as libcamera, however external IPA modules are run in a separate process
> -  from the main libcamera process. IPA modules have a restricted view of the
> -  system, including no access to networking APIs and limited access to file
> -  systems.
> -
> -  IPA modules are only required for platforms and devices with an ISP controlled
> -  by the host CPU. Camera sensors which have an integrated ISP are not
> -  controlled through the IPA module.
> -
> -Platform Support
> -----------------
> -
> -The library currently supports the following hardware platforms specifically
> -with dedicated pipeline handlers:
> -
> -   -  Intel IPU3 (ipu3)
> -   -  Rockchip RK3399 (rkisp1)
> -   -  RaspberryPi 3 and 4 (rpi/vc4)
> -
> -Furthermore, generic platform support is provided for the following:
> -
> -   -  USB video device class cameras (uvcvideo)
> -   -  iMX7, Allwinner Sun6i (simple)
> -   -  Virtual media controller driver for test use cases (vimc)
> -
>  Licensing
>  ---------
> diff --git a/Documentation/libcamera_architecture.rst b/Documentation/libcamera_architecture.rst
> index 1258db23..abbb0d17 100644
> --- a/Documentation/libcamera_architecture.rst
> +++ b/Documentation/libcamera_architecture.rst
> @@ -5,124 +5,136 @@
>  libcamera Architecture
>  ======================
> +While offering a unified API towards upper layers, and presenting itself as a
> +single library, libcamera isn't monolithic. It exposes multiple components
> +through its public API and is built around a set of separate helpers internally.
> +Hardware abstractions are handled through the use of device-specific components
> +where required and dynamically loadable plugins are used to separate image
> +processing algorithms from the core libcamera codebase.
> +
>  ::
> -   ---------------------------< libcamera Public API >---------------------------
> -                    ^                                      ^
> -                    |                                      |
> -                    v                                      v
> -             +-------------+  +-------------------------------------------------+
> -             |   Camera    |  |  Camera Device                                  |
> -             |   Devices   |  | +---------------------------------------------+ |
> -             |   Manager   |  | | Device-Agnostic                             | |
> -             +-------------+  | |                                             | |
> -                    ^         | |                    +------------------------+ |
> -                    |         | |                    |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  |
> -                    |         | |                    |  {  +---------------+  } |
> -                    |         | |                    |  }  | ////Image//// |  { |
> -                    |         | |                    | <-> | /Processing// |  } |
> -                    |         | |                    |  }  | /Algorithms// |  { |
> -                    |         | |                    |  {  +---------------+  } |
> -                    |         | |                    |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  |
> -                    |         | |                    | ======================== |
> -                    |         | |                    |     +---------------+    |
> -                    |         | |                    |     | //Pipeline/// |    |
> -                    |         | |                    | <-> | ///Handler/// |    |
> -                    |         | |                    |     | ///////////// |    |
> -                    |         | +--------------------+     +---------------+    |
> -                    |         |                                 Device-Specific |
> -                    |         +-------------------------------------------------+
> -                    |                     ^                        ^
> -                    |                     |                        |
> -                    v                     v                        v
> -           +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> -           | Helpers and Support Classes                                        |
> -           | +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+ |
> -           | |  MC & V4L2  |  |   Buffers   |  | Sandboxing  |  |   Plugins   | |
> -           | |   Support   |  |  Allocator  |  |     IPC     |  |   Manager   | |
> -           | +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+ |
> -           | +-------------+  +-------------+                                   |
> -           | |  Pipeline   |  |     ...     |                                   |
> -           | |   Runner    |  |             |                                   |
> -           | +-------------+  +-------------+                                   |
> -           +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> -
> -             /// Device-Specific Components
> -             ~~~ Sandboxing
> -
> -While offering a unified API towards upper layers, and presenting
> -itself as a single library, libcamera isn't monolithic. It exposes
> -multiple components through its public API, is built around a set of
> -separate helpers internally, uses device-specific components and can
> -load dynamic plugins.
> -
> -Camera Devices Manager
> -  The Camera Devices Manager provides a view of available cameras
> -  in the system. It performs cold enumeration and runtime camera
> -  management, and supports a hotplug notification mechanism in its
> -  public API.
> -
> -  To avoid the cost associated with cold enumeration of all devices
> -  at application start, and to arbitrate concurrent access to camera
> -  devices, the Camera Devices Manager could later be split to a
> -  separate service, possibly with integration in platform-specific
> -  device management.
> +   --------------------------< libcamera Public API >---------------------------
> +                 ^                                          ^
> +                 |                                          |
> +                 v                                          v
> +          +-------------+  +---------------------------------------------------+
> +          |   Camera    |  |  Camera Device                                    |
> +          |   Manager   |  | +-----------------------------------------------+ |
> +          +-------------+  | | Device-Agnostic                               | |
> +                 ^         | |                                               | |
> +                 |         | |                    +--------------------------+ |
> +                 |         | |                    |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  |
> +                 |         | |                    |  {  +-----------------+  } |
> +                 |         | |                    |  }  | //// Image //// |  { |
> +                 |         | |                    | <-> | / Processing // |  } |
> +                 |         | |                    |  }  | / Algorithms // |  { |
> +                 |         | |                    |  {  +-----------------+  } |
> +                 |         | |                    |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  |
> +                 |         | |                    | ========================== |
> +                 |         | |                    |     +-----------------+    |
> +                 |         | |                    |     | // Pipeline /// |    |
> +                 |         | |                    | <-> | /// Handler /// |    |
> +                 |         | |                    |     | /////////////// |    |
> +                 |         | +--------------------+     +-----------------+    |
> +                 |         |                                   Device-Specific |
> +                 |         +---------------------------------------------------+
> +                 |                          ^                         ^
> +                 |                          |                         |
> +                 v                          v                         v
> +          +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> +          | Helpers and Support Classes                                        |
> +          | +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+ |
> +          | |  MC & V4L2  |  |   Buffers   |  | Sandboxing  |  |   Plugins   | |
> +          | |   Support   |  |  Allocator  |  |     IPC     |  |   Manager   | |
> +          | +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+ |
> +          | +-------------+  +-------------+                                   |
> +          | |  Pipeline   |  |     ...     |                                   |
> +          | |   Runner    |  |             |                                   |
> +          | +-------------+  +-------------+                                   |
> +          +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> +
> +            /// Device-Specific Components
> +            ~~~ Sandboxing
> +
> +
> +Camera Manager
> +  The Camera Manager enumerates cameras and instantiates Pipeline Handlers to
> +  manage each Camera that libcamera supports. The Camera Manager supports
> +  hotplug detection and notification events when supported by the underlying
> +  kernel devices.
> +
> +  There is only ever one instance of the Camera Manager running per application.
> +  Each application's instance of the Camera Manager ensures that only a single
> +  application can take control of a camera device at once.
> +
> +  Read the `Camera Manager API`_ documentation for more details.
> +
> +.. _Camera Manager API: https://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1CameraManager.html
>  Camera Device
> -  The Camera Device represents a camera device to upper layers. It
> -  exposes full control of the device through the public API, and is
> -  thus the highest level object exposed by libcamera.
> +  The Camera class represents a single item of camera hardware that is capable
> +  of producing one or more image streams, and provides the API to interact with
> +  the underlying device.
> +
> +  If a system has multiple instances of the same hardware attached, each has its
> +  own instance of the camera class.
> +
> +  The API exposes full control of the device to upper layers of libcamera through
> +  the public API, making it the highest level object libcamera exposes, and the
> +  object that all other API operations interact with from configuration to
> +  capture.
> +
> +  Read the `Camera API`_ documentation for more details.
> -  Camera Device instances are created by the Camera Devices
> -  Manager. An optional function to create new instances could be exposed
> -  through the public API to speed up initialization when the upper
> -  layer knows how to directly address camera devices present in the
> -  system.
> +.. _Camera API: https://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1Camera.html
>  Pipeline Handler
> -  The Pipeline Handler manages complex pipelines exposed by the kernel drivers
> -  through the Media Controller and V4L2 APIs. It abstracts pipeline handling to
> -  hide device-specific details to the rest of the library, and implements both
> -  pipeline configuration based on stream configuration, and pipeline runtime
> -  execution and scheduling when needed by the device.
> -
> -  This component is device-specific and is part of the libcamera code base. As
> -  such it is covered by the same free software license as the rest of libcamera
> -  and needs to be contributed upstream by device vendors. The Pipeline Handler
> -  lives in the same process as the rest of the library, and has access to all
> -  helpers and kernel camera-related devices.
> +  The Pipeline Handler manages the complex pipelines exposed by the kernel
> +  drivers through the Media Controller and V4L2 APIs. It abstracts pipeline
> +  handling to hide device-specific details from the rest of the library, and
> +  implements both pipeline configuration based on stream configuration, and
> +  pipeline runtime execution and scheduling when needed by the device.
> +
> +  The Pipeline Handler lives in the same process as the rest of the library, and
> +  has access to all helpers and kernel camera-related devices.
> +
> +  Hardware abstraction is handled by device specific Pipeline Handlers which are
> +  derived from the Pipeline Handler base class allowing commonality to be shared
> +  among the implementations.
> +
> +  Derived pipeline handlers create Camera device instances based on the devices
> +  they detect and support on the running system, and are responsible for
> +  managing the interactions with a camera device.
> +
> +  More details can be found in the `PipelineHandler API`_ documentation, and the
> +  :doc:`Pipeline Handler Writers Guide <guides/pipeline-handler>`.
> +
> +.. _PipelineHandler API: https://libcamera.org/api-html/classlibcamera_1_1PipelineHandler.html
>  Image Processing Algorithms
>    Together with the hardware image processing and hardware statistics
> -  collection, the Image Processing Algorithms implement 3A (Auto-Exposure,
> +  collection, the Image Processing Algorithms (IPA) implement 3A (Auto-Exposure,
>    Auto-White Balance and Auto-Focus) and other algorithms. They run on the CPU
> -  and interact with the kernel camera devices to control hardware image
> -  processing based on the parameters supplied by upper layers, closing the
> -  control loop of the ISP.
> -
> -  This component is device-specific and is loaded as an external plugin. It can
> -  be part of the libcamera code base, in which case it is covered by the same
> -  license, or provided externally as an open-source or closed-source component.
> -
> -  The component is sandboxed and can only interact with libcamera through
> -  internal APIs specifically marked as such. In particular it will have no
> -  direct access to kernel camera devices, and all its accesses to image and
> -  metadata will be mediated by dmabuf instances explicitly passed to the
> -  component. The component must be prepared to run in a process separate from
> -  the main libcamera process, and to have a very restricted view of the system,
> -  including no access to networking APIs and limited access to file systems.
> -
> -  The sandboxing mechanism isn't defined by libcamera. One example
> -  implementation will be provided as part of the project, and platforms vendors
> -  will be able to provide their own sandboxing mechanism as a plugin.
> -
> -  libcamera should provide a basic implementation of Image Processing
> -  Algorithms, to serve as a reference for the internal API. Device vendors are
> -  expected to provide a full-fledged implementation compatible with their
> -  Pipeline Handler. One goal of the libcamera project is to create an
> -  environment in which the community will be able to compete with the
> -  closed-source vendor binaries and develop a high quality open source
> -  implementation.
> +  and control hardware image processing based on the parameters supplied by
> +  upper layers, closing the control loop of the ISP.
> +
> +  IPAs are loaded as external plugins named IPA Modules. IPA Modules can be part
> +  of the libcamera code base or provided externally by camera vendors as
> +  open-source or closed-source components.
> +
> +  Open source IPA Modules built with libcamera are run in the same process space
> +  as libcamera. External IPA Modules are run in a separate sandboxed process. In
> +  either case, they can only interact with libcamera through the API provided by
> +  the Pipeline Handler. They have a restricted view of the system, with no direct
> +  access to kernel camera devices, no access to networking APIs, and limited
> +  access to file systems. All their accesses to image and metadata are mediated
> +  by dmabuf instances explicitly passed by the Pipeline Handler to the IPA
> +  Module.
> +
> +  IPA Modules are only required for platforms and devices with an ISP controlled
> +  by the host CPU. Camera sensors which have an integrated ISP are not
> +  controlled through the IPA Module.
>  Helpers and Support Classes
>    While Pipeline Handlers are device-specific, implementations are expected to
> @@ -136,3 +148,21 @@ Helpers and Support Classes
>    self-contained support classes, even if such code is present only once in the
>    code base, in order to keep the source code clean and easy to read. This
>    should be the case for instance for plugin management.
> +
> +Platform Support
> +----------------
> +
> +The library currently supports the following hardware platforms specifically
> +with dedicated pipeline handlers:
> +
> +   - Arm Mali-C55
> +   - Intel IPU3 (ipu3)
> +   - NXP i.MX8MP (imx8-isi and rkisp1)
> +   - RaspberryPi 3, 4 and zero (rpi/vc4)
> +   - Rockchip RK3399 (rkisp1)
> +
> +Furthermore, generic platform support is provided for the following:
> +
> +   - USB video device class cameras (uvcvideo)
> +   - iMX7, IPU6, Allwinner Sun6i (simple)
> +   - Virtual media controller driver for test use cases (vimc)


Laurent Pinchart

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