[libcamera-ci] [RFC PATCH v1 2/3] Separate the building and running of unit tests

Barnabás Pőcze barnabas.pocze at ideasonboard.com
Mon Dec 16 10:13:54 CET 2024


2024. 12. 15. 21:43 keltezéssel, Laurent Pinchart írta:
> On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 09:43:20PM +0200, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 09:04:08PM +0200, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
>>> Hi Barnabás,
>>> Thank you for the patch.
>>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 07:16:54PM +0100, Barnabás Pőcze wrote:
>>>> The built artifacts will be reused in a later job, so split
>>>> the "test-unit" into the "build-test" and "test-unit" jobs.
>>>> The `libevent` development package cannot be installed in the container
>>> I've write `libevent-dev` here to avoid ambiguities.
>>>> directly because it is not multiarch compatible. It is, however, installed
>>>> in the architecture specific build jobs, right before building. To ensure
>>>> that the it is available for already built executables in different jobs,
>>> "that the it is" ?
>>>> install just the libraries in the container.
>>> And name here `libevent`.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Barnabás Pőcze <barnabas.pocze at ideasonboard.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>   .gitlab-ci/setup-container.sh |  3 +++
>>>>   gitlab-ci.yml                 | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------
>>>>   2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/setup-container.sh b/.gitlab-ci/setup-container.sh
>>>> index d2909c7..0658368 100755
>>>> --- a/.gitlab-ci/setup-container.sh
>>>> +++ b/.gitlab-ci/setup-container.sh
>>>> @@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ case $FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION in
>>>>   'bookworm')
>>>>   	# libclang-rt-dev for the clang ASan runtime.
>>>>   	PKGS_LIBCAMERA_RUNTIME_MULTIARCH+=( libclang-rt-dev )
>>>> +	# For cam and lc-compliance
>>>> +	# libevent-dev cannot be used here, see build-libcamera-common.sh
>>>> +	PKGS_LIBCAMERA_RUNTIME_MULTIARCH+=( libevent-2.1-7 libevent-pthreads-2.1-7 )
>>>>   	;;
>>>>   'trixie')
>>>>   	# gcc 13 to expand compilation testing coverage.
>>>> diff --git a/gitlab-ci.yml b/gitlab-ci.yml
>>>> index 8bc8bc2..c7448b8 100644
>>>> --- a/gitlab-ci.yml
>>>> +++ b/gitlab-ci.yml
>>>> @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ include:
>>>>   .libcamera-ci.debian:12:
>>>>     variables:
>>>>       FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION: 'bookworm'
>>>> -    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2024-12-12.1'
>>>> +    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2024-12-12.2'
>>>>   .libcamera-ci.debian:13:
>>>>     variables:
>>>> @@ -363,28 +363,18 @@ test-soraka:
>>>>     script:
>>>>       - submit .gitlab-ci/lava/soraka-camera-test.yml
>>>> -# Run the unit tests in a virtual machine. Enable only the options exercised by
>>>> -# the unit tests.
>>>> -test-unit:
>>>> +# Enable only the options exercised by the unit tests.
>>>> +build-test:debug:
>>> I'd call this build-package:amd64, as we have build-package:arm64 and
>>> build-package:cros. I think it would also make sense to use the same
>>> build options for the amd64 and arm64 packages (beside possibly the
>>> selected pipeline handlers, although the 'auto' option may work for
>>> both).
>>>>     extends:
>>>>       - .fdo.distribution-image at debian
>>>>       - .libcamera-ci.debian:12
>>>>       - .libcamera-ci.scripts
>>>> -  stage: test
>>>> +  stage: build
>>>>     needs:
>>>>       - job: container-debian:12
>>>>         artifacts: false
>>>> -  tags:
>>>> -    - kvm
>>>>     script:
>>>>       - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.gitlab-ci/build-libcamera.sh
>>>> -    - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.gitlab-ci/test-libcamera-qemu.sh
>>>> -  artifacts:
>>>> -    name: libcamera-unit-tests-${CI_COMMIT_SHA}
>>>> -    when: always
>>>> -    expire_in: 1 week
>>>> -    paths:
>>>> -      - build/meson-logs/
>>>>     variables:
>>>>       BUILD_TYPE: debug
>>>>       MESON_OPTIONS: >-
>>>> @@ -399,6 +389,30 @@ test-unit:
>>>>         -D qcam=disabled
>>>>         -D test=true
>>>>         -D v4l2=true
>>>> +  artifacts:
>>>> +    paths:
>>>> +      - build/
>>> The whole build directory can be very large. Can't we do the same as
>>> build-package:arm64 and run package-libcamera.sh to only package what we
>>> need ? We'll need probably need an unpackage script for the test-unit
>>> job.
>> But of course the unit test binaries don't get installed... Can we fix
>> that and install them ? You can specify "install_tag : 'tests'" in
>> meson.build so they won't be installed by default (an appropriate
>> install_dir is also needed). This in turn requires bumping the minimum
>> meson version from 0.63.0 to 0.64.0, which shouldn't be an issue.
> I've been told on IRC that the motivation for the "tests" install tag in
> meson is https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-desktop-testing. I don't
> think we should switch to a separate runner for unit tests (the pain is
> not worth the gain at this point in my opinion), but it could be useful
> to tag lc-compliance with install_tag = 'tests'.
>> And now that I've said this, I realize we wouldn't be able to run "meson
>> test" to run the tests :-/ I'm not sure there's an appropriate solution
>> for this. If not, given the size of the build directory, and to avoid
>> transferring a large amount of data between runners, we may need to keep
>> building libcamera within the test-unit job :-(
>> A separate build-package target for lc-compliance would still make
>> sense.

I think it would be unfortunate to give up the usage `meson test` as you
mentioned. I have not noticed that these build artifacts would put any
appreciable strain on the infrastructure. The compressed build directory
comes out to around 167 MiB; I am not sure if I would consider that a
large amount of data. It is definitely cheaper, in terms of time, than
building libcamera twice. Clearing the object files could be another
option. With `artifacts:exclude: build/**/*.o` we can seemingly
remove more than half of the uncompressed size, and about 1/4 of
the compressed size. Does this look acceptable?

Barnabás Pőcze

>>>> +    expire_in: 1 day
>>>> +
>>>> +# Run the unit tests in a virtual machine.
>>>> +test-unit:
>>>> +  extends:
>>>> +    - .fdo.distribution-image at debian
>>>> +    - .libcamera-ci.debian:12
>>>> +    - .libcamera-ci.scripts
>>>> +  stage: test
>>>> +  needs:
>>>> +    - job: build-test:debug
>>>> +  tags:
>>>> +    - kvm
>>>> +  script:
>>>> +    - $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.gitlab-ci/test-libcamera-qemu.sh
>>>> +  artifacts:
>>>> +    name: libcamera-unit-tests-${CI_COMMIT_SHA}
>>>> +    when: always
>>>> +    expire_in: 1 week
>>>> +    paths:
>>>> +      - build/meson-logs/
>>>>     # meson prior to 1.2.0 doesn't correctly escape non-printable characters
>>>>     # when generating the testlog XML. This results in an unparseable file.

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