release 0.3

Kieran Bingham kieran.bingham at
Mon May 13 11:35:25 CEST 2024

Quoting Christian Rauch (2024-05-12 21:28:03)
> Am 12.05.24 um 22:13 schrieb Laurent Pinchart:
> > You can also test libcamera's latest master branch. It's supposed to
> > always be the best version.
> I know :-) But I rely on release tags for packaging. Having more
> frequent releases (one minor release every ~2 months?) would help (me)
> to incorporate bugfixes more frequent into (my) application.

Aha, I just googled your name to find out what project you're working on
and I see your repo. That's
interesting to hear about. I've seen your contributions on the list
before, but didn't know what you were working on.

My 'goal' is to align to the kernel release schedule. I missed the 6.8
timeframe due to - essentially overload, holidays and various other
priorities. By the time I caught up - we were closer to 6.9, than 6.8

As 6.9 was released yesterday, I expect to tag 0.3 today. I'm flying to
Madrid today, so I'll be using airport time to deal with writing up the
release notes so I can push the tag.

'minor' releases are difficult as I currently depend entirely on what
gets merged to dictate between a 'minor' or 'major' release. If an
ABI/API break occurs I will bump the 0.X field. If there is no ABI break
reported by the tooling, I'll only bump the 0.X.Y number. We're not
tracking separate branches or backports though. Just a linear history.

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