Kakip libcamera support

Kieran Bingham kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com
Sun Nov 3 09:36:21 CET 2024

Hi Tim,

Quoting Tim Webster (2024-11-01 21:44:33)
> Hi libcamera and idesonboard
> Is libcamera supported on the kakip https://www.kakip.ai/en/ ?
> If not much time and money to add libcamra support to this board.

It's not yet, but we have done substantial work to be able to support
this already, including the development of drivers for the ARM Mali-C55
ISP and the Renesas IVC which are used in the camera pipeline on the
Kakip board.

> As a separate note.  Assuming you would work with Samsung to add
> support for 200M and 50M camera modules.  How much time and money for
> this support?

I don't think I have seen many drivers for Samsung Sensors. To be able
to support those we would need either an existing functional driver
and/or a datasheet for the sensor from the vendor.



> Alternatively, if there is a similar board with multiple mipi support, pcie
> expansion and ethernet we are open to coinciding that board as well.
> best regards
> Timothy Webster
> Genist Systems.
> -- 
>  (oVo)
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> 778 707 4922
> 202 630 1881

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