Fwd: Error Releasing VideoCapture in OpenCV Using GStreamer Pipeline

Gaspar Ramôa ramoa.science at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 18:25:06 CET 2024

Hello everyone,

I was able to fix all the problems mentioned below by using the version 
tag *v0.3.2+rpt20240927 

In this version, I have no Segmentation fault when trying to use the 
tuning-file option, and I can use GStreamer capture with libcamerasrc 
and opencv. The images had the striping effect because I was using a 
frame size that, although compatible with the camera sensor, was not 
compatible with the GStreamer pipeline for some reason. I did put all of 
that information on the GitHub issue and added my solution there so 
others can benefit:


I still have one question, which has to do with this way of accessing a 
"virtual environment" to allow *libcamerasrc *to work. If I do the 

*/$ gst-inspect-1.0 libcamerasrc/*

*/No such element or plugin 'libcamerasrc'/*


The only way to activate this is to go to the /libcamera installation 
folder and do: */meson devenv-C build/*

After that I am in a virtual environment andthe GStreamer recognizes the 

/gst-inspect-1.0 libcamerasrc/

/Factory Details:/

/Rank                     primary (256)/

/Long-name                libcamera Source/

/Klass                    Source/Video/

/Description              Linux Camera source using libcamera/

/Author                   Nicolas Dufresne <nicolas.dufresne at collabora.com>/


/Plugin Details:/

/Name                     libcamera/

/Description              libcamera capture plugin/


/Version                  0.3.2+98-75fe515a/

/License                  LGPL/

/Source module            libcamera/

/Binary package           libcamera/


How can I activate this by default when I install the libcamera? I do 
not want to do this all the time. I work with JAVA, and I do not want to 
use this environment before initializing the GStreamer.

Best Regards,

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