[PATCH v4 10/11] ipa: mali-c55: Add Lens Shading Correction algorithm

Daniel Scally dan.scally at ideasonboard.com
Fri Nov 15 13:25:39 CET 2024

Add a lens shading correction algorithm to the mali-c55 IPA. This
algorithm parses tables from Yaml in a easy to follow format before
munging them into Arm's interleaved mesh to be copied to the ISP.
A colour temperature estimate from the AGC statistics is used to
select the appropriate table to apply; this can be some interpolation
of two tables, in which case the colour temperature estimate is also
used to derive the coefficient that does the blending.

Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com>
Acked-by: Nayden Kanchev <nayden.kanchev at arm.com>
Co-developed-by: Jacopo Mondi <jacopo.mondi at ideasonboard.com>
Signed-off-by: Jacopo Mondi <jacopo.mondi at ideasonboard.com>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Scally <dan.scally at ideasonboard.com>
Changes in v4:

	- None

Changes in v3:

	- Added a comment explaining the setting of the mesh size variable

Changes in v2:

	- Use the union rather than reinterpret_cast<>() to abstract the block

 src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.cpp     | 216 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.h       |  45 +++++
 src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/meson.build |   1 +
 3 files changed, 262 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.h

diff --git a/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.cpp b/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5afc04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) 2024, Ideas On Board Oy
+ *
+ * lsc.cpp - Mali-C55 Lens shading correction algorithm
+ */
+#include "lsc.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/yaml_parser.h"
+namespace libcamera {
+namespace ipa::mali_c55::algorithms {
+int Lsc::init([[maybe_unused]] IPAContext &context, const YamlObject &tuningData)
+	if (!tuningData.contains("meshScale")) {
+		LOG(MaliC55Lsc, Error) << "meshScale missing from tuningData";
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	meshScale_ = tuningData["meshScale"].get<uint32_t>(0);
+	const YamlObject &yamlSets = tuningData["sets"];
+	if (!yamlSets.isList()) {
+		LOG(MaliC55Lsc, Error) << "LSC tables missing or invalid";
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	size_t tableSize = 0;
+	const auto &sets = yamlSets.asList();
+	for (const auto &yamlSet : sets) {
+		uint32_t ct = yamlSet["ct"].get<uint32_t>(0);
+		if (!ct) {
+			LOG(MaliC55Lsc, Error) << "Invalid colour temperature";
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		if (std::count(colourTemperatures_.begin(),
+			       colourTemperatures_.end(), ct)) {
+			LOG(MaliC55Lsc, Error)
+				<< "Multiple sets found for colour temperature";
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		std::vector<uint8_t> rTable =
+			yamlSet["r"].getList<uint8_t>().value_or(std::vector<uint8_t>{});
+		std::vector<uint8_t> gTable =
+			yamlSet["g"].getList<uint8_t>().value_or(std::vector<uint8_t>{});
+		std::vector<uint8_t> bTable =
+			yamlSet["b"].getList<uint8_t>().value_or(std::vector<uint8_t>{});
+		/*
+		 * Some validation to do; only 16x16 and 32x32 tables of
+		 * coefficients are acceptable, and all tables across all of the
+		 * sets must be the same size. The first time we encounter a
+		 * table we check that it is an acceptable size and if so make
+		 * sure all other tables are of equal size.
+		 */
+		if (!tableSize) {
+			if (rTable.size() != 256 && rTable.size() != 1024) {
+				LOG(MaliC55Lsc, Error)
+					<< "Invalid table size for colour temperature " << ct;
+				return -EINVAL;
+			}
+			tableSize = rTable.size();
+		}
+		if (rTable.size() != tableSize ||
+		    gTable.size() != tableSize ||
+		    bTable.size() != tableSize) {
+			LOG(MaliC55Lsc, Error)
+				<< "Invalid or mismatched table size for colour temperature " << ct;
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		if (colourTemperatures_.size() >= 3) {
+			LOG(MaliC55Lsc, Error)
+				<< "A maximum of 3 colour temperatures are supported";
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) {
+			mesh_[kRedOffset + i] |=
+				(rTable[i] << (colourTemperatures_.size() * 8));
+			mesh_[kGreenOffset + i] |=
+				(gTable[i] << (colourTemperatures_.size() * 8));
+			mesh_[kBlueOffset + i] |=
+				(bTable[i] << (colourTemperatures_.size() * 8));
+		}
+		colourTemperatures_.push_back(ct);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The mesh has either 16x16 or 32x32 nodes, we tell the driver which it
+	 * is based on the number of values in the tuning data's table.
+	 */
+	if (tableSize == 256)
+		meshSize_ = 15;
+	else
+		meshSize_ = 31;
+	return 0;
+size_t Lsc::fillConfigParamsBlock(mali_c55_params_block block) const
+	block.header->type = MALI_C55_PARAM_MESH_SHADING_CONFIG;
+	block.header->flags = MALI_C55_PARAM_BLOCK_FL_NONE;
+	block.header->size = sizeof(struct mali_c55_params_mesh_shading_config);
+	block.shading_config->mesh_show = false;
+	block.shading_config->mesh_scale = meshScale_;
+	block.shading_config->mesh_page_r = 0;
+	block.shading_config->mesh_page_g = 1;
+	block.shading_config->mesh_page_b = 2;
+	block.shading_config->mesh_width = meshSize_;
+	block.shading_config->mesh_height = meshSize_;
+	std::copy(mesh_.begin(), mesh_.end(), block.shading_config->mesh);
+	return block.header->size;
+size_t Lsc::fillSelectionParamsBlock(mali_c55_params_block block, uint8_t bank,
+				     uint8_t alpha) const
+	block.header->type = MALI_C55_PARAM_MESH_SHADING_SELECTION;
+	block.header->flags = MALI_C55_PARAM_BLOCK_FL_NONE;
+	block.header->size = sizeof(struct mali_c55_params_mesh_shading_selection);
+	block.shading_selection->mesh_alpha_bank_r = bank;
+	block.shading_selection->mesh_alpha_bank_g = bank;
+	block.shading_selection->mesh_alpha_bank_b = bank;
+	block.shading_selection->mesh_alpha_r = alpha;
+	block.shading_selection->mesh_alpha_g = alpha;
+	block.shading_selection->mesh_alpha_b = alpha;
+	block.shading_selection->mesh_strength = 0x1000; /* Otherwise known as 1.0 */
+	return block.header->size;
+std::tuple<uint8_t, uint8_t> Lsc::findBankAndAlpha(uint32_t ct) const
+	unsigned int i;
+	ct = std::clamp<uint32_t>(ct, colourTemperatures_.front(),
+				  colourTemperatures_.back());
+	for (i = 0; i < colourTemperatures_.size() - 1; i++) {
+		if (ct >= colourTemperatures_[i] &&
+		    ct <= colourTemperatures_[i + 1])
+			break;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * With the clamping, we're guaranteed an index into colourTemperatures_
+	 * that's <= colourTemperatures_.size() - 1.
+	 */
+	uint8_t alpha = (255 * (ct - colourTemperatures_[i])) /
+			(colourTemperatures_[i + 1] - colourTemperatures_[i]);
+	return { i, alpha };
+void Lsc::prepare(IPAContext &context, [[maybe_unused]] const uint32_t frame,
+		  [[maybe_unused]] IPAFrameContext &frameContext,
+		  mali_c55_params_buffer *params)
+	/*
+	 * For each frame we assess the colour temperature of the **last** frame
+	 * and then select an appropriately blended table of coefficients based
+	 * on that ct. As a bit of a shortcut, if we've only a single table the
+	 * handling is somewhat simpler; if it's the first frame we just select
+	 * that table and if we're past the first frame then we can just do
+	 * nothing - the config will never change.
+	 */
+	uint32_t temperatureK = context.activeState.agc.temperatureK;
+	uint8_t bank, alpha;
+	if (colourTemperatures_.size() == 1) {
+		if (frame > 0)
+			return;
+		bank = 0;
+		alpha = 0;
+	} else {
+		std::tie(bank, alpha) = findBankAndAlpha(temperatureK);
+	}
+	mali_c55_params_block block;
+	block.data = &params->data[params->total_size];
+	params->total_size += fillSelectionParamsBlock(block, bank, alpha);
+	if (frame > 0)
+		return;
+	/*
+	 * If this is the first frame, we need to load the parsed coefficient
+	 * tables from tuning data to the ISP.
+	 */
+	block.data = &params->data[params->total_size];
+	params->total_size += fillConfigParamsBlock(block);
+} /* namespace ipa::mali_c55::algorithms */
+} /* namespace libcamera */
diff --git a/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.h b/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e613277a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/lsc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) 2024, Ideas On Board Oy
+ *
+ * lsc.h - Mali-C55 Lens shading correction algorithm
+ */
+#include <map>
+#include <tuple>
+#include "algorithm.h"
+namespace libcamera {
+namespace ipa::mali_c55::algorithms {
+class Lsc : public Algorithm
+	Lsc() = default;
+	~Lsc() = default;
+	int init(IPAContext &context, const YamlObject &tuningData) override;
+	void prepare(IPAContext &context, const uint32_t frame,
+		     IPAFrameContext &frameContext,
+		     mali_c55_params_buffer *params) override;
+	static constexpr unsigned int kRedOffset = 0;
+	static constexpr unsigned int kGreenOffset = 1024;
+	static constexpr unsigned int kBlueOffset = 2048;
+	size_t fillConfigParamsBlock(mali_c55_params_block block) const;
+	size_t fillSelectionParamsBlock(mali_c55_params_block block,
+					uint8_t bank, uint8_t alpha) const;
+	std::tuple<uint8_t, uint8_t> findBankAndAlpha(uint32_t ct) const;
+	std::vector<uint32_t> mesh_ = std::vector<uint32_t>(3072);
+	std::vector<uint32_t> colourTemperatures_;
+	uint32_t meshScale_;
+	uint32_t meshSize_;
+} /* namespace ipa::mali_c55::algorithms */
+} /* namespace libcamera */
diff --git a/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/meson.build b/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/meson.build
index f11791aa..1665da07 100644
--- a/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/meson.build
+++ b/src/ipa/mali-c55/algorithms/meson.build
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ mali_c55_ipa_algorithms = files([
+    'lsc.cpp',

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