[RFC PATCH 10/11] ipa: rkisp1: awb: Use RGB class to store colour gains
Laurent Pinchart
laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com
Sun Nov 17 23:17:11 CET 2024
Replace the individual colour gains with instances of the RGB<double>
class. This simplifies the code that performs calculations on the gains.
Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart at ideasonboard.com>
src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.cpp | 102 ++++++++++++------------------
src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.h | 2 +-
src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.cpp | 31 +--------
src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.h | 20 ++----
4 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.cpp b/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.cpp
index b3c00bef9b7e..1c572055acdd 100644
--- a/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.cpp
+++ b/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.cpp
@@ -45,12 +45,8 @@ Awb::Awb()
int Awb::configure(IPAContext &context,
const IPACameraSensorInfo &configInfo)
- context.activeState.awb.gains.manual.red = 1.0;
- context.activeState.awb.gains.manual.blue = 1.0;
- context.activeState.awb.gains.manual.green = 1.0;
- context.activeState.awb.gains.automatic.red = 1.0;
- context.activeState.awb.gains.automatic.blue = 1.0;
- context.activeState.awb.gains.automatic.green = 1.0;
+ context.activeState.awb.gains.manual = RGB<double>({ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 });
+ context.activeState.awb.gains.automatic = RGB<double>({ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 });
context.activeState.awb.autoEnabled = true;
@@ -87,21 +83,17 @@ void Awb::queueRequest(IPAContext &context,
const auto &colourGains = controls.get(controls::ColourGains);
if (colourGains && !awb.autoEnabled) {
- awb.gains.manual.red = (*colourGains)[0];
- awb.gains.manual.blue = (*colourGains)[1];
+ awb.gains.manual.r() = (*colourGains)[0];
+ awb.gains.manual.b() = (*colourGains)[1];
LOG(RkISP1Awb, Debug)
- << "Set colour gains to red: " << awb.gains.manual.red
- << ", blue: " << awb.gains.manual.blue;
+ << "Set colour gains to " << awb.gains.manual;
frameContext.awb.autoEnabled = awb.autoEnabled;
- if (!awb.autoEnabled) {
- frameContext.awb.gains.red = awb.gains.manual.red;
- frameContext.awb.gains.green = 1.0;
- frameContext.awb.gains.blue = awb.gains.manual.blue;
- }
+ if (!awb.autoEnabled)
+ frameContext.awb.gains = awb.gains.manual;
@@ -114,19 +106,16 @@ void Awb::prepare(IPAContext &context, const uint32_t frame,
* This is the latest time we can read the active state. This is the
* most up-to-date automatic values we can read.
- if (frameContext.awb.autoEnabled) {
- frameContext.awb.gains.red = context.activeState.awb.gains.automatic.red;
- frameContext.awb.gains.green = context.activeState.awb.gains.automatic.green;
- frameContext.awb.gains.blue = context.activeState.awb.gains.automatic.blue;
- }
+ if (frameContext.awb.autoEnabled)
+ frameContext.awb.gains = context.activeState.awb.gains.automatic;
auto gainConfig = params->block<BlockType::AwbGain>();
- gainConfig->gain_green_b = std::clamp<int>(256 * frameContext.awb.gains.green, 0, 0x3ff);
- gainConfig->gain_blue = std::clamp<int>(256 * frameContext.awb.gains.blue, 0, 0x3ff);
- gainConfig->gain_red = std::clamp<int>(256 * frameContext.awb.gains.red, 0, 0x3ff);
- gainConfig->gain_green_r = std::clamp<int>(256 * frameContext.awb.gains.green, 0, 0x3ff);
+ gainConfig->gain_green_b = std::clamp<int>(256 * frameContext.awb.gains.g(), 0, 0x3ff);
+ gainConfig->gain_blue = std::clamp<int>(256 * frameContext.awb.gains.b(), 0, 0x3ff);
+ gainConfig->gain_red = std::clamp<int>(256 * frameContext.awb.gains.r(), 0, 0x3ff);
+ gainConfig->gain_green_r = std::clamp<int>(256 * frameContext.awb.gains.g(), 0, 0x3ff);
/* If we have already set the AWB measurement parameters, return. */
if (frame > 0)
@@ -178,12 +167,12 @@ void Awb::prepare(IPAContext &context, const uint32_t frame,
-uint32_t Awb::estimateCCT(double red, double green, double blue)
+uint32_t Awb::estimateCCT(const RGB<double> &rgb)
/* Convert the RGB values to CIE tristimulus values (XYZ) */
- double X = (-0.14282) * (red) + (1.54924) * (green) + (-0.95641) * (blue);
- double Y = (-0.32466) * (red) + (1.57837) * (green) + (-0.73191) * (blue);
- double Z = (-0.68202) * (red) + (0.77073) * (green) + (0.56332) * (blue);
+ double X = -0.14282 * rgb.r() + 1.54924 * rgb.g() - 0.95641 * rgb.b();
+ double Y = -0.32466 * rgb.r() + 1.57837 * rgb.g() - 0.73191 * rgb.b();
+ double Z = -0.68202 * rgb.r() + 0.77073 * rgb.g() + 0.56332 * rgb.b();
/* Calculate the normalized chromaticity values */
double x = X / (X + Y + Z);
@@ -206,14 +195,12 @@ void Awb::process(IPAContext &context,
const rkisp1_cif_isp_stat *params = &stats->params;
const rkisp1_cif_isp_awb_stat *awb = ¶ms->awb;
IPAActiveState &activeState = context.activeState;
- double greenMean;
- double redMean;
- double blueMean;
+ RGB<double> rgbMeans;
metadata.set(controls::AwbEnable, frameContext.awb.autoEnabled);
metadata.set(controls::ColourGains, {
- static_cast<float>(frameContext.awb.gains.red),
- static_cast<float>(frameContext.awb.gains.blue)
+ static_cast<float>(frameContext.awb.gains.r()),
+ static_cast<float>(frameContext.awb.gains.b())
metadata.set(controls::ColourTemperature, activeState.awb.temperatureK);
@@ -223,9 +210,9 @@ void Awb::process(IPAContext &context,
if (rgbMode_) {
- greenMean = awb->awb_mean[0].mean_y_or_g;
- redMean = awb->awb_mean[0].mean_cr_or_r;
- blueMean = awb->awb_mean[0].mean_cb_or_b;
+ rgbMeans.r() = awb->awb_mean[0].mean_cr_or_r;
+ rgbMeans.g() = awb->awb_mean[0].mean_y_or_g;
+ rgbMeans.b() = awb->awb_mean[0].mean_cb_or_b;
} else {
/* Get the YCbCr mean values */
double yMean = awb->awb_mean[0].mean_y_or_g;
@@ -247,9 +234,9 @@ void Awb::process(IPAContext &context,
yMean -= 16;
cbMean -= 128;
crMean -= 128;
- redMean = 1.1636 * yMean - 0.0623 * cbMean + 1.6008 * crMean;
- greenMean = 1.1636 * yMean - 0.4045 * cbMean - 0.7949 * crMean;
- blueMean = 1.1636 * yMean + 1.9912 * cbMean - 0.0250 * crMean;
+ rgbMeans.r() = 1.1636 * yMean - 0.0623 * cbMean + 1.6008 * crMean;
+ rgbMeans.g() = 1.1636 * yMean - 0.4045 * cbMean - 0.7949 * crMean;
+ rgbMeans.b() = 1.1636 * yMean + 1.9912 * cbMean - 0.0250 * crMean;
* Due to hardware rounding errors in the YCbCr means, the
@@ -257,9 +244,7 @@ void Awb::process(IPAContext &context,
* negative gains, messing up calculation. Prevent this by
* clamping the means to positive values.
- redMean = std::max(redMean, 0.0);
- greenMean = std::max(greenMean, 0.0);
- blueMean = std::max(blueMean, 0.0);
+ rgbMeans = rgbMeans.max(0.0);
@@ -267,19 +252,17 @@ void Awb::process(IPAContext &context,
* divide by the gains that were used to get the raw means from the
* sensor.
- redMean /= frameContext.awb.gains.red;
- greenMean /= frameContext.awb.gains.green;
- blueMean /= frameContext.awb.gains.blue;
+ rgbMeans /= frameContext.awb.gains;
* If the means are too small we don't have enough information to
* meaningfully calculate gains. Freeze the algorithm in that case.
- if (redMean < kMeanMinThreshold && greenMean < kMeanMinThreshold &&
- blueMean < kMeanMinThreshold)
+ if (rgbMeans.r() < kMeanMinThreshold && rgbMeans.g() < kMeanMinThreshold &&
+ rgbMeans.b() < kMeanMinThreshold)
- activeState.awb.temperatureK = estimateCCT(redMean, greenMean, blueMean);
+ activeState.awb.temperatureK = estimateCCT(rgbMeans);
/* Metadata shall contain the up to date measurement */
metadata.set(controls::ColourTemperature, activeState.awb.temperatureK);
@@ -289,8 +272,11 @@ void Awb::process(IPAContext &context,
* gain is hardcoded to 1.0. Avoid divisions by zero by clamping the
* divisor to a minimum value of 1.0.
- double redGain = greenMean / std::max(redMean, 1.0);
- double blueGain = greenMean / std::max(blueMean, 1.0);
+ RGB<double> gains({
+ rgbMeans.g() / std::max(rgbMeans.r(), 1.0),
+ 1.0,
+ rgbMeans.g() / std::max(rgbMeans.b(), 1.0)
+ });
* Clamp the gain values to the hardware, which expresses gains as Q2.8
@@ -298,24 +284,18 @@ void Awb::process(IPAContext &context,
* divisions by zero when computing the raw means in subsequent
* iterations.
- redGain = std::clamp(redGain, 1.0 / 256, 1023.0 / 256);
- blueGain = std::clamp(blueGain, 1.0 / 256, 1023.0 / 256);
+ gains = gains.max(1.0 / 256).min(1023.0 / 256);
/* Filter the values to avoid oscillations. */
double speed = 0.2;
- redGain = speed * redGain + (1 - speed) * activeState.awb.gains.automatic.red;
- blueGain = speed * blueGain + (1 - speed) * activeState.awb.gains.automatic.blue;
+ gains = gains * speed + activeState.awb.gains.automatic * (1 - speed);
- activeState.awb.gains.automatic.red = redGain;
- activeState.awb.gains.automatic.blue = blueGain;
- activeState.awb.gains.automatic.green = 1.0;
+ activeState.awb.gains.automatic = gains;
LOG(RkISP1Awb, Debug)
<< std::showpoint
- << "Means [" << redMean << ", " << greenMean << ", " << blueMean
- << "], gains [" << activeState.awb.gains.automatic.red << ", "
- << activeState.awb.gains.automatic.green << ", "
- << activeState.awb.gains.automatic.blue << "], temp "
+ << "Means " << rgbMeans << ", gains "
+ << activeState.awb.gains.automatic << ", temp "
<< activeState.awb.temperatureK << "K";
diff --git a/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.h b/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.h
index b3b2c0bbb9ae..058c0fc53490 100644
--- a/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.h
+++ b/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public:
ControlList &metadata) override;
- uint32_t estimateCCT(double red, double green, double blue);
+ uint32_t estimateCCT(const RGB<double> &rgb);
bool rgbMode_;
diff --git a/src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.cpp b/src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.cpp
index 14d0c02a2b32..8f545cd76d52 100644
--- a/src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.cpp
+++ b/src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.cpp
@@ -188,30 +188,12 @@ namespace libcamera::ipa::rkisp1 {
* \struct IPAActiveState::awb.gains
* \brief White balance gains
- * \struct IPAActiveState::awb.gains.manual
+ * \var IPAActiveState::awb.gains.manual
* \brief Manual white balance gains (set through requests)
- * \var IPAActiveState::awb.gains.manual.red
- * \brief Manual white balance gain for R channel
- *
- * \var IPAActiveState::awb.gains.manual.green
- * \brief Manual white balance gain for G channel
- *
- * \var IPAActiveState::awb.gains.manual.blue
- * \brief Manual white balance gain for B channel
- *
- * \struct IPAActiveState::awb.gains.automatic
+ * \var IPAActiveState::awb.gains.automatic
* \brief Automatic white balance gains (computed by the algorithm)
- * \var IPAActiveState::awb.gains.automatic.red
- * \brief Automatic white balance gain for R channel
- *
- * \var IPAActiveState::awb.gains.automatic.green
- * \brief Automatic white balance gain for G channel
- *
- * \var IPAActiveState::awb.gains.automatic.blue
- * \brief Automatic white balance gain for B channel
- *
* \var IPAActiveState::awb.temperatureK
* \brief Estimated color temperature
@@ -333,15 +315,6 @@ namespace libcamera::ipa::rkisp1 {
* \struct IPAFrameContext::awb.gains
* \brief White balance gains
- * \var IPAFrameContext::awb.gains.red
- * \brief White balance gain for R channel
- *
- * \var IPAFrameContext::awb.gains.green
- * \brief White balance gain for G channel
- *
- * \var IPAFrameContext::awb.gains.blue
- * \brief White balance gain for B channel
- *
* \var IPAFrameContext::awb.temperatureK
* \brief Estimated color temperature
diff --git a/src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.h b/src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.h
index 7b93a9e9461d..b4dec0c3288d 100644
--- a/src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.h
+++ b/src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <libipa/camera_sensor_helper.h>
#include <libipa/fc_queue.h>
#include <libipa/matrix.h>
+#include <libipa/vector.h>
namespace libcamera {
@@ -87,16 +88,8 @@ struct IPAActiveState {
struct {
struct {
- struct {
- double red;
- double green;
- double blue;
- } manual;
- struct {
- double red;
- double green;
- double blue;
- } automatic;
+ RGB<double> manual;
+ RGB<double> automatic;
} gains;
unsigned int temperatureK;
@@ -140,12 +133,7 @@ struct IPAFrameContext : public FrameContext {
} agc;
struct {
- struct {
- double red;
- double green;
- double blue;
- } gains;
+ RGB<double> gains;
bool autoEnabled;
} awb;
Laurent Pinchart
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