libcamera - Development of Open Source Embedded Linux Wildlife Camera System

Kieran Bingham kieran.bingham at
Mon Jan 6 09:56:09 CET 2025

Hi Will, Laurent,

Quoting Laurent Pinchart (2025-01-06 08:20:01)
> Hi Will,
> On Fri, Jan 03, 2025 at 09:52:13PM +0000, w.robertson at wrote:
> > Hi Laurent,
> > 
> > > Amlogic is working on support for their C3 ISP
> > 
> > Is there a way of working out which of the Amlogic chips use their C3 
> > ISP or do all Amlogic chips with an ISP use either their C3 ISP or an 
> > ARM Mali ISP? (I was trying to work out if the Amlogic C308X's ISP is a 
> > C3 ISP but I couldn't work it out 🙈)
> Kieran, do you have more information about this ?

I don't have much I'm afraid, not anything other than searching online
for public information anyway:

Perhaps that shows a bit more about the SoC, but I don't know what form
factors this can be bought in - or what products it's integrated in.

I believe there will be commonality in the Amlogic ISPs, so in the
future I would expect to see more devices supported - but presently only
the C308 support has been posted.

If anyone can identify an off the shelf IP camera with an amlogic C308 -
I'd definitely buy it to work on! :-D

Perhaps Keke can add more insight if they're able to.


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