Help Re. Recommended Linux Distribution for libcamera Development for i.MX8

Laurent Pinchart laurent.pinchart at
Sun Jan 19 17:26:48 CET 2025

Hi Will,

On Sat, Jan 18, 2025 at 12:48:29PM +0000, w.robertson at wrote:
> Hi all,
> Any advice you could give on getting started using libcamera on the 
> Debix Model A would be wonderful. With fresh Ubuntu Desktop 24.10 and 
> Raspberry Pi OS images written to an SD card (Using the RPi imager) the 
> Debix Model A won't start to boot and with the Debix Ubuntu distribution 
> it boots but I get an error when I try to install the dependencies 
> needed to rebuild the kernel.
> My Debix Model A doesn't have the 2 switches to select boot source so I 
> think it boots from SD only and doesn't have on-board eMMC
> I suspect from the NXP i.MX documentation that with vanilla Ubuntu I'm 
> missing the BSP but I'm not sure.
> I've been trying to follow libcamera Getting Started but it doesn't say 
> which distribution is used:
> I'd be enormously grateful for any advice.

OK. Brace yourself, because it will be a bit of a ride, but it's an
interesting one.

There are multiple options (it would be too easy otherwise), and which
one is best depends on your use cases and personal preferences. While
many vendors provide their own Linux distributions, BSPs and SDKs and
market them as easy to use, turnkey options, I adhere to the (old ?)
school of thoughts that believes understanding what goes behind the
scenes is important. You can then make a fully informed decision on
which components to pick and how much manual control and customization
you need.

Very roughly speaking, an Arm Linux system needs four major components:

- A boot loader
- A device tree (for systems that are device-tree based)
- A kernel
- A root file system

# Boot loader

The boot loader here is a blanket term that comprises all the software
components that run from power up to handing control over to the Linux
kernel. The most common boot loader for Arm-based embedded Linux systems
is U-Boot. It's a well established de facto standard in the industry,
and is what NXP uses for the i.MX8MP. Alternatives exist, but I really
wouldn't recommend them if you're not already experienced with embedded
Linux systems.

Arm has standardized the ARMv8 secure boot flow and split it in multiple
stages, named BL1 (the boot ROM in the SoC, the only component that
can't be updated), BL2 (second stage boot loader, implemented by U-Boot
and named SPL), BL31 (trusted firmware, a reference implementation made
by Arm is available at [1]), and BL33 (the last boot loader stage, known
as untrusted boot loader, and implemented by U-Boot proper). There's
plenty of information online that describes the boot process, for
instance [2].

The boot loader is responsible for initializing all low-level hardware
required to load the kernel (system DRAM, permanent storage such as
eMMC or SD cards, ...). It then loads the kernel, and passes execution
to it. Parts of the boot loader can remain persistent in system DRAM
after loading the kernel, and offer runtime services to the kernel
(control of power domains, secure operations such as access to crypto
engines, ...).


# Device tree

Unlike PCI or USB devices that can be auto-detected at runtime, most
devices inside the SoC, or connected through non-discoverable buses such
as I2C or SPI, need to be declared to the kernel. The majority of Arm
systems use Device Tree for that purpose.

The device tree specification ([3]) defines a textual source format and
a compiled binary format. Device tree bindings then define (as YAML
schemas) how each particular device is described. The bindings
maintained as part of the Linux kernel sources ([4]). Finally, as large
set of device tree sources describing various boards is available in the
kernel source tree as well ([5]). Vendors can also maintain their device
trees outside of the kernel repository.

Device trees are compiled to a binary DTB file and stored in media
accessible by the boot loader. They are loaded by the boot loader as
part of the boot process, and passed to the Linux kernel when starting


# Linux kernel

The kernel is responsible for controlling the hardware and providing
services to userspace. While there is only one Linux kernel, SoC and
board vendor typically fork it to add a set of modifications, from
changes in the kernel core to additional device drivers. This set can be
as small as a handful of patches or as big as millions of lines,
depending on the vendor. Vendor kernels are often referred to as BSP
(Board Support Package) kernels.

After being loaded in system DRAM by the boot loader, the kernel gets
executed and goes through a fairly long initialization phase. Once the
initialization is complete, the kernel mounts the root file system,
loads the init binary, and executes it.

# Root file system

The root file system contains all the userspace components of a Linux
system. Linux supports a large number of storage media and file system
types, including SD cards, eMMCs, SATA or NVMe drives, or accessing the
root file system over the network.

# Distributions and build frameworks

Linux distributions typically provide all those components in the form
of an installable image. Depending on the type of distribution, you can
download a ready-made binary image, or you may need to build one. My
experience is that ready-made images, provided by distributions
originating from desktop systems (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, ...) may be
simpler to install, but more difficult to customize. I'm certainly
biased though, I'm quite sure that someone more familiar with Debian or
Fedora development would have less trouble compiling a custom kernel
using the packaging infrastructure provided by those distributions. As
I'm not such a person, I'll describe alternatives.

In addition to ready-made images, there are build automation frameworks
that help you build a system image and a corresponding cross-compilation
environment (often referred to as SDK). Two common frameworks are
buildroot and OpenEmbedded (often referred to as Yocto, although that's
a misuse of the term). I'm more familiar with buildroot, and that's what
I use with my Debix board, so I will focus on that framework.

Buildroot facilitates the process of building a complete set of
cross-compilation tools, as well as a root file system, from source. It
supports thousands of packages and can build the boot loader, Linux
kernel and root file system image. Building a system image with
buildroot only requires a few simple steps:

- Cloning the builroot repository
- Running `make menuconfig` to select configuration options
- Running `make` to build the image

Deciding which of the thousand packages to select in the configuration
is difficult if you lack experience. I've attached my configuration file
for builroot 2024.11.1 to this e-mail, you can use it as a starting

# Boot flow and system images

Linux is very versatile when it comes to booting a system. Most embedded
boards come with instructions for flashing a system image on an SD card,
and storing all the components (boot loader, device tree, kernel and
root file system) on the card. Buildroot can create images compatible
with that boot flow, and that is possibly a good first step to get
started. However, that's not the boot flow I use.

I find copying files to an SD card every time I make modifications to
the kernel to be cumbersome and error-prone. Instead, a common kernel
and userspace development workflow relies on the following boot flow:

- The boot ROM loads the boot loader from storage media (SD card or
- The boot loader acquires an IP address through DHCP, and loads the
  device tree and kernel over the network through TFTP
- The kernel mounts the root file system over the network through NFS

With this workflow, all components but the boot loader are loaded over
the network. To make modifications to the device tree, kernel, or any
userspace component (including libcamera), I can cross-compile them on
my development machine, and copy them to the TFTP root directory (for
the device tree or kernel) or the NFS root directory (for kernel modules
and any userspace component). New userspace components will be
immediately available on the target device, and running a new kernel
only requires a reboot.

My buildroot configuration is tailored for that workflow, and only
produces a root file system as a tarball, without building a full system
image. It should be possible to use buildroot to build a full system
image for the Debix Model A board, but I don't believe anyone has
contributed the default configuration files, so there would be a bit of
work to do.

# Picking the right U-Boot version

Vendors often don't upstream support for their boards in U-Boot. I
believe that the Debix Model A board is well supported in U-Boot
2024.10, which is the version used by buildroot 2024.11.1, but I haven't
tested that. I have instead compiled U-Boot manually as I needed to make
changes to its configuration to suit my environment.

Recompiling the boot loader manually can be cumbersome. An easy option
may be to flash the system image provided by Polyhex for the Debix Model
A on an SD card to provide the boot loader, and then replacing the
kernel and root file system.

That's lots of information, but I'm sure there are still be lots of gaps
you'll have to fill. I'm also pretty sure it would be possible to take a
general purpose Linux distribution such as Fedora or Ubuntu and run it
on the Debix board, and replace custom components, but I can't help you
with that as that's not what I do. You will need to experiment and
gather information, slowly learning how the pieces fit together.

> On 2025-01-17 21:02, w.robertson at wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > Which Linux distribution is recommended for libcamera development using 
> > the Debix Model A (NXP i.MX 8M) board?
> > 
> > I've been trying using the Debix Model A Ubuntu distribution (Ubuntu 
> > 22.04) from but running into 
> > problems when I try to do a kernel rebuild using the procedure here 
> > and was wondering if 
> > I'd be better using vanilla Ubuntu or Debian?
> > 
> > Thank you for your help!


Laurent Pinchart

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