Non centered scaler-crop on imx8mp

Johannes Kirchmair - SKIDATA Johannes.Kirchmair at
Thu Jan 23 14:21:13 CET 2025

Dear libcamera folks,

I was trying out this new scaler-crop feature because I wanted a 4:3 video stream from a 16:9 camera. 
I am working on an imx8mp.

So, I tried to get jpegs like this:
gst-launch-1.0 libcamerasrc scaler-crop="<0,0,1440,1080>" ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1440,height=1080 ! jpegenc ! multifilesink location=/tmp/test.jpeg

The focus is to be able to vary the x coordinate of the scaler crop, to choose the correct viewing angle for our application.
Unfortunately, it seems like this does not work.

Debug information reveals the following:
[0:08:48.011393125] [2108]  INFO Camera camera.cpp:1202 configuring streams: (0) 1440x1080-NV12
[0:08:48.011711000] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1.cpp:1231 Enabling link from sensor 'imx462 6-001a' to ISP
[0:08:48.011798500] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1.cpp:819 Configuring sensor with 1920x1080-SRGGB10_1X10
[0:08:48.012114000] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1.cpp:831 Sensor configured with 1920x1080-SRGGB10_1X10
[0:08:48.012159625] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1.cpp:848 ISP input pad configured with 1920x1080-SRGGB10_1X10 crop (0, 0)/1920x1080
[0:08:48.012399750] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1.cpp:880 Configuring ISP output pad with 1440x1080-YUYV8_2X8 crop (240, 0)/1440x1080
[0:08:48.012452500] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1.cpp:893 ISP output pad configured with 1440x1080-YUYV8_2X8 crop (240, 0)/1440x1080
[0:08:48.012673000] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1_path.cpp:436 Configured main resizer input pad with 1440x1080-YUYV8_2X8 crop (0, 0)/1440x1080
[0:08:48.012718000] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1_path.cpp:442 Configuring main resizer output pad with 1440x1080-YUYV8_2X8
[0:08:48.012949500] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1_path.cpp:456 Configured main resizer output pad with 1440x1080-YUYV8_1_5X8
[0:08:48.249117750] [2107] DEBUG RkISP1 rkisp1.cpp:1573 Applied rectangle (240, 0)/1440x1080 differs from requested (0, 0)/1440x1080

It seems like, the camera setup crops the stream already to a centric view angle on ISP out, so the resizer is not able to crop it to the view angle that I prefer. 
Wouldn't it be the best to respect the scaler-crop parameters on the ISP output already?

To be honest I tried to implement it but was not able to access the scaler-crop data in the function that sets the ISP output. I am not (yet) very familiar with the inner workings of libcamera :-D

What is your opinion about this.

Best regards

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