[libcamera-devel] qcam display scale bug

hermann at stamm-wilbrandt.de hermann at stamm-wilbrandt.de
Sun Jul 5 21:44:15 CEST 2020

I started working with libcamera on Raspberry Pi.
I cannot tell whether this scale bug exists for raspberrypi only, or in 

qcam app requests a 800x600 window, but displayed window is 800x472 
This is not acceptable when using qcam as microscope app:

The best mode selected by libcamera is 2028x1520 which is 4:3.
So 800x600 (also 4:3) is needed for display.

It would be helpful to know whether qcam display is also 800x472 instead 
of 800x600 when not running on Rasberry Pi.


Hermann Stamm-Wilbrandt.

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