[libcamera-devel] Debayering

Dorota Czaplejewicz dorota.czaplejewicz at puri.sm
Wed Nov 10 14:01:23 CET 2021

Hi all,

I'm making sure that Librem 5 cameras can be easily used via libcamera. One of the steps that are needed for the "easily" part is having a builtin debayering mechanism.

Before I jump head-in, I wanted to ask for some guidance about where to place this support, and how to expose it to the consumer.

For a simplest implementation, supported cameras could add the RGB format to the list of supported formats, and transparently convert the bayer data to RGB if configured for RGB. That opens up a question about the opt-in mechanism, but is otherwise simple enough.

But it comes with a downside: the raw bayer frames are lost, and the setting cannot be changed at runtime, even though it's a pure software operation. To overcome that, some other API than configuration would have to be used.

I intend to start by adding a CPU-based debayering implementation for the sake of building it up quickly. Would a simple implementation like I outlined above suitable for upstreaming?

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