[libcamera-devel] libcamerasrc on librem 5: bayer support missing

Dorota Czaplejewicz dorota.czaplejewicz at puri.sm
Mon Dec 19 19:18:31 CET 2022

On Mon, 19 Dec 2022 19:07:36 +0100
Pavel Machek <pavel at ucw.cz> wrote:

> Hi!
> > > Is there any way to get libcamerasrc (gstreamer glue) to work on
> > > Librem 5?
> > > 
> > > As far as I can tell, libcamerasrc does not support bayer formats,
> > > thus I can't really use gstreamer glue on Librem 5.
> > > 
> > > Would it be simple to add such support?  
> > 
> > I managed to get libcamera's gstreamer frontend to work on the big camera on the L5 in RGB mode with this: https://source.puri.sm/dorota.czaplejewicz/libcamera/-/tree/bayerpipe_rebase
> > 
> > However, it's still broken for the selfie camera, and I've been trying to sort it for a while: https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/libcamera/-/issues/6
> > 
> > The branch in question doesn't allow any Bayer modes at the moment, but might be useful regardless.  
> Thanks for the pointer. This seems to solve different part of problem.
> Is there plan to get it in mainline libcamera? C++ combined with Rust
> and shaders looks tricky to me.
> Best regards,
>        	       		     	      	    	      	      Pavel

Yes, I will try to upstream it piece by piece. But if you're aiming at the Librem 5, we're almost certainly going to use this branch in PureOS before we finish upstreaming.

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