[libcamera-devel] [PATCH 09/15] DNI: ipa: raspberrypi: Code refactoring to match style guidelines

Naushir Patuck naush at raspberrypi.com
Mon Jul 25 15:46:33 CEST 2022

Refactor the source files src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rps/[f|g|l]* to match the
recommended formatting guidelines for the libcamera project. The vast majority
of changes in this commit comprise of switching from snake_case to CamelCase,
and starting class member functions with a lower case character.

Signed-off-by: Naushir Patuck <naush at raspberrypi.com>
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.cpp | 14 ++--
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.hpp |  4 +-
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.cpp   | 48 +++++++-------
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.hpp   |  6 +-
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.cpp   | 70 ++++++++++----------
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.hpp   | 22 +++---
 6 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.cpp b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.cpp
index a87ec802b964..90f36e58f28c 100644
--- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.cpp
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.cpp
@@ -23,28 +23,28 @@ Focus::Focus(Controller *controller)
-char const *Focus::Name() const
+char const *Focus::name() const
 	return NAME;
-void Focus::Process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *image_metadata)
+void Focus::process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *imageMetadata)
 	FocusStatus status;
 	unsigned int i;
 	for (i = 0; i < FOCUS_REGIONS; i++)
-		status.focus_measures[i] = stats->focus_stats[i].contrast_val[1][1] / 1000;
+		status.focusMeasures[i] = stats->focus_stats[i].contrast_val[1][1] / 1000;
 	status.num = i;
-	image_metadata->Set("focus.status", status);
+	imageMetadata->set("focus.status", status);
 	LOG(RPiFocus, Debug)
 		<< "Focus contrast measure: "
-		<< (status.focus_measures[5] + status.focus_measures[6]) / 10;
+		<< (status.focusMeasures[5] + status.focusMeasures[6]) / 10;
 /* Register algorithm with the system. */
-static Algorithm *Create(Controller *controller)
+static Algorithm *create(Controller *controller)
 	return new Focus(controller);
-static RegisterAlgorithm reg(NAME, &Create);
+static RegisterAlgorithm reg(NAME, &create);
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.hpp b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.hpp
index 131b1d0f2fbf..a9207eb3cc23 100644
--- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.hpp
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/focus.hpp
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ class Focus : public Algorithm
 	Focus(Controller *controller);
-	char const *Name() const override;
-	void Process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *image_metadata) override;
+	char const *name() const override;
+	void process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *imageMetadata) override;
 } /* namespace RPiController */
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.cpp b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.cpp
index 4530cb75792c..0da5efdf3d3d 100644
--- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.cpp
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.cpp
@@ -28,54 +28,52 @@ Geq::Geq(Controller *controller)
-char const *Geq::Name() const
+char const *Geq::name() const
 	return NAME;
-void Geq::Read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params)
+void Geq::read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params)
 	config_.offset = params.get<uint16_t>("offset", 0);
 	config_.slope = params.get<double>("slope", 0.0);
 	if (config_.slope < 0.0 || config_.slope >= 1.0)
 		throw std::runtime_error("Geq: bad slope value");
 	if (params.get_child_optional("strength"))
-		config_.strength.Read(params.get_child("strength"));
+		config_.strength.read(params.get_child("strength"));
-void Geq::Prepare(Metadata *image_metadata)
+void Geq::prepare(Metadata *imageMetadata)
-	LuxStatus lux_status = {};
-	lux_status.lux = 400;
-	if (image_metadata->Get("lux.status", lux_status))
+	LuxStatus luxStatus = {};
+	luxStatus.lux = 400;
+	if (imageMetadata->get("lux.status", luxStatus))
 		LOG(RPiGeq, Warning) << "no lux data found";
-	DeviceStatus device_status;
-	device_status.analogue_gain = 1.0; // in case not found
-	if (image_metadata->Get("device.status", device_status))
+	DeviceStatus deviceStatus;
+	deviceStatus.analogueGain = 1.0; // in case not found
+	if (imageMetadata->get("device.status", deviceStatus))
 		LOG(RPiGeq, Warning)
 			<< "no device metadata - use analogue gain of 1x";
-	GeqStatus geq_status = {};
-	double strength =
-		config_.strength.Empty()
+	GeqStatus geqStatus = {};
+	double strength = config_.strength.empty()
 			? 1.0
-			: config_.strength.Eval(config_.strength.Domain().Clip(
-				  lux_status.lux));
-	strength *= device_status.analogue_gain;
+			: config_.strength.eval(config_.strength.domain().clip(luxStatus.lux));
+	strength *= deviceStatus.analogueGain;
 	double offset = config_.offset * strength;
 	double slope = config_.slope * strength;
-	geq_status.offset = std::min(65535.0, std::max(0.0, offset));
-	geq_status.slope = std::min(.99999, std::max(0.0, slope));
+	geqStatus.offset = std::min(65535.0, std::max(0.0, offset));
+	geqStatus.slope = std::min(.99999, std::max(0.0, slope));
 	LOG(RPiGeq, Debug)
-		<< "offset " << geq_status.offset << " slope "
-		<< geq_status.slope << " (analogue gain "
-		<< device_status.analogue_gain << " lux "
-		<< lux_status.lux << ")";
-	image_metadata->Set("geq.status", geq_status);
+		<< "offset " << geqStatus.offset << " slope "
+		<< geqStatus.slope << " (analogue gain "
+		<< deviceStatus.analogueGain << " lux "
+		<< luxStatus.lux << ")";
+	imageMetadata->set("geq.status", geqStatus);
 // Register algorithm with the system.
-static Algorithm *Create(Controller *controller)
+static Algorithm *create(Controller *controller)
 	return (Algorithm *)new Geq(controller);
-static RegisterAlgorithm reg(NAME, &Create);
+static RegisterAlgorithm reg(NAME, &create);
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.hpp b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.hpp
index 8ba3046b2a2b..bdbc55b2e2d9 100644
--- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.hpp
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/geq.hpp
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ class Geq : public Algorithm
 	Geq(Controller *controller);
-	char const *Name() const override;
-	void Read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params) override;
-	void Prepare(Metadata *image_metadata) override;
+	char const *name() const override;
+	void read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params) override;
+	void prepare(Metadata *imageMetadata) override;
 	GeqConfig config_;
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.cpp b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.cpp
index 4d145b6ff0e9..10654fbba94a 100644
--- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.cpp
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.cpp
@@ -31,74 +31,74 @@ Lux::Lux(Controller *controller)
 	status_.lux = 400;
-char const *Lux::Name() const
+char const *Lux::name() const
 	return NAME;
-void Lux::Read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params)
+void Lux::read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params)
-	reference_shutter_speed_ =
+	referenceshutterSpeed_ =
 		params.get<double>("reference_shutter_speed") * 1.0us;
-	reference_gain_ = params.get<double>("reference_gain");
-	reference_aperture_ = params.get<double>("reference_aperture", 1.0);
-	reference_Y_ = params.get<double>("reference_Y");
-	reference_lux_ = params.get<double>("reference_lux");
-	current_aperture_ = reference_aperture_;
+	referenceGain_ = params.get<double>("reference_gain");
+	referenceAperture_ = params.get<double>("reference_aperture", 1.0);
+	referenceY_ = params.get<double>("reference_Y");
+	referenceLux_ = params.get<double>("reference_lux");
+	currentAperture_ = referenceAperture_;
-void Lux::SetCurrentAperture(double aperture)
+void Lux::setCurrentAperture(double aperture)
-	current_aperture_ = aperture;
+	currentAperture_ = aperture;
-void Lux::Prepare(Metadata *image_metadata)
+void Lux::prepare(Metadata *imageMetadata)
 	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
-	image_metadata->Set("lux.status", status_);
+	imageMetadata->set("lux.status", status_);
-void Lux::Process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *image_metadata)
+void Lux::process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *imageMetadata)
-	DeviceStatus device_status;
-	if (image_metadata->Get("device.status", device_status) == 0) {
-		double current_gain = device_status.analogue_gain;
-		double current_aperture = device_status.aperture.value_or(current_aperture_);
+	DeviceStatus deviceStatus;
+	if (imageMetadata->get("device.status", deviceStatus) == 0) {
+		double currentGain = deviceStatus.analogueGain;
+		double currentAperture = deviceStatus.aperture.value_or(currentAperture_);
 		uint64_t sum = 0;
 		uint32_t num = 0;
 		uint32_t *bin = stats->hist[0].g_hist;
-		const int num_bins = sizeof(stats->hist[0].g_hist) /
-				     sizeof(stats->hist[0].g_hist[0]);
-		for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; i++)
+		const int numBins = sizeof(stats->hist[0].g_hist) /
+				    sizeof(stats->hist[0].g_hist[0]);
+		for (int i = 0; i < numBins; i++)
 			sum += bin[i] * (uint64_t)i, num += bin[i];
 		// add .5 to reflect the mid-points of bins
-		double current_Y = sum / (double)num + .5;
-		double gain_ratio = reference_gain_ / current_gain;
-		double shutter_speed_ratio =
-			reference_shutter_speed_ / device_status.shutter_speed;
-		double aperture_ratio = reference_aperture_ / current_aperture;
-		double Y_ratio = current_Y * (65536 / num_bins) / reference_Y_;
-		double estimated_lux = shutter_speed_ratio * gain_ratio *
-				       aperture_ratio * aperture_ratio *
-				       Y_ratio * reference_lux_;
+		double currentY = sum / (double)num + .5;
+		double gainRatio = referenceGain_ / currentGain;
+		double shutterSpeedRatio =
+			referenceshutterSpeed_ / deviceStatus.shutterSpeed;
+		double apertureRatio = referenceAperture_ / currentAperture;
+		double yRatio = currentY * (65536 / numBins) / referenceY_;
+		double estimatedLux = shutterSpeedRatio * gainRatio *
+				      apertureRatio * apertureRatio *
+				      yRatio * referenceLux_;
 		LuxStatus status;
-		status.lux = estimated_lux;
-		status.aperture = current_aperture;
-		LOG(RPiLux, Debug) << ": estimated lux " << estimated_lux;
+		status.lux = estimatedLux;
+		status.aperture = currentAperture;
+		LOG(RPiLux, Debug) << ": estimated lux " << estimatedLux;
 			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
 			status_ = status;
 		// Overwrite the metadata here as well, so that downstream
 		// algorithms get the latest value.
-		image_metadata->Set("lux.status", status);
+		imageMetadata->set("lux.status", status);
 	} else
 		LOG(RPiLux, Warning) << ": no device metadata";
 // Register algorithm with the system.
-static Algorithm *Create(Controller *controller)
+static Algorithm *create(Controller *controller)
 	return (Algorithm *)new Lux(controller);
-static RegisterAlgorithm reg(NAME, &Create);
+static RegisterAlgorithm reg(NAME, &create);
diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.hpp b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.hpp
index 3ebd35d1e382..98cfd0ac8bd0 100644
--- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.hpp
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/lux.hpp
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@ class Lux : public Algorithm
 	Lux(Controller *controller);
-	char const *Name() const override;
-	void Read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params) override;
-	void Prepare(Metadata *image_metadata) override;
-	void Process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *image_metadata) override;
-	void SetCurrentAperture(double aperture);
+	char const *name() const override;
+	void read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params) override;
+	void prepare(Metadata *imageMetadata) override;
+	void process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *imageMetadata) override;
+	void setCurrentAperture(double aperture);
 	// These values define the conditions of the reference image, against
 	// which we compare the new image.
-	libcamera::utils::Duration reference_shutter_speed_;
-	double reference_gain_;
-	double reference_aperture_; // units of 1/f
-	double reference_Y_; // out of 65536
-	double reference_lux_;
-	double current_aperture_;
+	libcamera::utils::Duration referenceshutterSpeed_;
+	double referenceGain_;
+	double referenceAperture_; // units of 1/f
+	double referenceY_; // out of 65536
+	double referenceLux_;
+	double currentAperture_;
 	LuxStatus status_;
 	std::mutex mutex_;

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