[PATCH 00/12] Preparation for per-frame-controls and initial tests

Kieran Bingham kieran.bingham at ideasonboard.com
Wed Mar 13 12:51:45 CET 2024

Hi Stefan,

I tried to send this for testing @ gitlab, but the patches didn't apply
to master.

What is your current base?

./send-for-testing.sh 4220
>From https://git.libcamera.org/libcamera/libcamera
   2e2ba223f3a2..d54abd32affd  master     -> libcamera.org/master
>From gitlab.freedesktop.org:camera/libcamera
   2e2ba223f3a2..d54abd32affd  master     -> gl.fdo/master
HEAD is now at 2e2ba223f3a2 libcamera: framebuffer_allocator: Remove entry if allocation fails
Previous HEAD position was 2e2ba223f3a2 libcamera: framebuffer_allocator: Remove entry if allocation fails
Branch 'testing/4220' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'libcamera.org'.
Switched to a new branch 'testing/4220'
Applying: libcamera: delayed_controls: add ctrls list to reset function
error: sha1 information is lacking or useless (include/libcamera/internal/delayed_controls.h).
error: could not build fake ancestor
hint: Use 'git am --show-current-patch=diff' to see the failed patch
Patch failed at 0001 libcamera: delayed_controls: add ctrls list to reset function
When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead.
To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".


Quoting Stefan Klug (2024-03-13 10:56:32)
> Hi everyone,
> unknowingly I stumbled into a topic that is way larger than I thought in the 
> beginning. Delayed-controls and a closely related topic per-frame-controls.
> I (now) know that a lot of work already went into this, noteably by 
> Jacopo Mondi, David Plowman and Naushir Patuck:
> https://patchwork.libcamera.org/cover/16458/
> https://github.com/raspberrypi/libcamera/tree/pfc
> Thanks for that!
> I started off without per-frame-controls in mind (only delayed-controls)  
> and soon realized, that these two are closely related. (It's difficult to
> test delayed-controls in a real pipeline without working per-frame-controls)
> To be able to tackle the whole topic in the long run I'd like to split it into parts:
> 1. Get a initial set of tests on mainline
> I'd like to have them as a discussion basis and a reference to test against. 
> These shouldn't be treated as mandatory for now (ideas on how to express that in 
> code are very welcome)
> - Initial lc-compliance tests for delayed-controls (and because these are system tests
>  also for per-frame-controls)
> - A reworked delayed controls class that hopefully makes things easier
> - Tested on rkisp1 (details see below)
> 2. Get an agreement on "RaspberryPi" mode
> In the previous work by David and Naushir, the (in my understanding) most prominent
> requiremnet was the ability to set a control ASAP even when multiple 
> requests are queued already (which makes complete sense IMHO). This requirement 
> shall not get lost and I think there is a way to make it work.
> 3. Get the tests to pass on rkisp1, rpi and ipu3
> I guess this will take a while and involve different parties, so let's not wait
> until everything works everywhere...
> 4. Make the tests mandatory (details tbd)
> This series contains part 1.
> One change of thought is, that we add the ability to push requests to delayed
> controls for a given sequence number and to re-push for the 
> same sequence number. This has the benefit, that we don't have to decide 
> early on if we operate in strict per-frame-controls mode (sometimes called 
> "android mode") or in "raspberry pi" mode.
> Stefan Klug (12):
>   libcamera: lc-compliance: Add controls param to start() function
>   libcamera: lc-compliance: Add TimeSheet class
>   libcamera: lc-compliance: Add initial set of per-frame-control tests
>   libcamera: delayed_controls: Update unit tests to expected semantics
>   libcamera: delayed_controls: Rename class members
>   libcamera: delayed_controls: Rework delayed controls implementation
>   libcamera: delayed_controls: Add some logging
>   libcamera: delayed_controls: Add ctrls list parameter to reset()
>     function
>   pipeline: rkisp1: Move call to setSensorControls.emit()
>   pipeline: rkisp1: Add more debug logging
>   pipeline: rkisp1: Fix per-frame-controls in manual mode
>   pipeline: rkisp1: Apply initial controls
>  include/libcamera/internal/delayed_controls.h |  20 +-
>  include/libcamera/ipa/rkisp1.mojom            |   7 +-
>  src/apps/lc-compliance/capture_test.cpp       |  46 +++
>  src/apps/lc-compliance/meson.build            |   2 +
>  src/apps/lc-compliance/per_frame_controls.cpp | 316 ++++++++++++++++++
>  src/apps/lc-compliance/per_frame_controls.h   |  43 +++
>  src/apps/lc-compliance/simple_capture.cpp     |   4 +-
>  src/apps/lc-compliance/simple_capture.h       |   2 +-
>  src/apps/lc-compliance/time_sheet.cpp         | 145 ++++++++
>  src/apps/lc-compliance/time_sheet.h           |  55 +++
>  src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/agc.cpp             |   4 +-
>  src/ipa/rkisp1/rkisp1.cpp                     |  49 ++-
>  src/libcamera/delayed_controls.cpp            | 235 ++++++++++---
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/rkisp1/rkisp1.cpp      |  11 +-
>  test/delayed_controls.cpp                     | 203 ++++++++---
>  15 files changed, 1021 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 src/apps/lc-compliance/per_frame_controls.cpp
>  create mode 100644 src/apps/lc-compliance/per_frame_controls.h
>  create mode 100644 src/apps/lc-compliance/time_sheet.cpp
>  create mode 100644 src/apps/lc-compliance/time_sheet.h
> -- 
> 2.40.1

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