[PATCH v2 1/1] Documentation: Add first version of the tuning-guide

Dan Scally dan.scally at ideasonboard.com
Mon Sep 2 13:12:58 CEST 2024

Hi Stefan

On 27/08/2024 10:56, Stefan Klug wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Thank you for your review.
> On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 09:29:01AM +0100, Dan Scally wrote:
>> Hi Stefan, thanks for the patch. This is very good!
>> On 14/08/2024 08:40, Stefan Klug wrote:
>>> This patch adds a initial version of the tuning guide for libcamera. The
>>> process is established based on the imx8mp and will be improved when we
>>> do more tuning for different ISPs with our own tooling.
>>> Signed-off-by: Stefan Klug <stefan.klug at ideasonboard.com>
>>> ---
>>>    Documentation/conf.py                  |   4 +-
>>>    Documentation/guides/tuning/tuning.rst | 291 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>    Documentation/index.rst                |   1 +
>>>    Documentation/meson.build              |   1 +
>>>    4 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>>>    create mode 100644 Documentation/guides/tuning/tuning.rst
>>> diff --git a/Documentation/conf.py b/Documentation/conf.py
>>> index 7eeea7f3865b..5387942b9af5 100644
>>> --- a/Documentation/conf.py
>>> +++ b/Documentation/conf.py
>>> @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
>>>    # -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
>>>    project = 'libcamera'
>>> -copyright = '2018-2019, The libcamera documentation authors'
>>> -author = u'Kieran Bingham, Jacopo Mondi, Laurent Pinchart, Niklas Söderlund'
>>> +copyright = '2018-2024, The libcamera documentation authors'
>>> +author = u'Kieran Bingham, Jacopo Mondi, Laurent Pinchart, Niklas Söderlund, Stefan Klug'
>>>    # Version information is provided by the build environment, through the
>>>    # sphinx command line.
>>> diff --git a/Documentation/guides/tuning/tuning.rst b/Documentation/guides/tuning/tuning.rst
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 000000000000..a58dda350556
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/Documentation/guides/tuning/tuning.rst
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
>>> +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
>>> +
>>> +Sensor Tuning Guide
>>> +===================
>>> +
>>> +To create visually good images from the raw data provided by the camera sensor,
>>> +a lot of image processing takes place. This is usually done inside an ISP (Image
>>> +Signal Processor). To be able to do the necessary processing, the corresponding
>>> +algorithms need to be parameterized according to the hardware in use (typically
>>> +sensor, light and lens). Calculating these parameters is a process called
>>> +tuning. The tuning process results in a tuning file which is then used by
>>> +libcamera to provide calibrated parameters to the algorithms at runtime.
>>> +
>>> +The processing blocks of an ISP vary from vendor to vendor and can be
>>> +arbitrarily complex. Nevertheless a diagram of common blocks frequently found in
>>> +an ISP design is shown below:
>>> +
>>> + ::
>>> +
>>> +  +--------+
>>> +  |  Light |
>>> +  +--------+
>>> +      |
>>> +      v
>>> +  +--------+     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-------+
>>> +  | Sensor |  -> | BLC | -> | AWB | -> | LSC | -> | CCM | -> | Gamma |
>>> +  +--------+     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-------+
>>> +
>>> +**Light** The light used to light the scene has a crucial influence on the
>> "light used to light" is a bit funny. Perhaps "light used to illuminate"?
>>> +resulting image. The human eye and brain are specialized in automatically
>>> +adapting to different lights. In a camera this has to be done by an algorithm.
>>> +Light is a complex topic and to correctly describe light sources you need to
>>> +describe the spectrum of the light. To simplify things, lights are categorized
>>> +according to their `color temperature (K)
>>> +<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_temperature>`_. This is important to
>>> +keep in mind as it means that calibrations may differ between light sources even
>>> +though they have the same nominal color temperature.
>>> +
>>> +For best results the tuning images need to be taken for a complete range of
>>> +light sources.
>>> +
>>> +**Sensor** The sensor captures the incoming light and converts a measured
>>> +analogue signal to a digital representation which conveys the raw images. The
>>> +light is commonly filtered by a color filter array into red, green and blue
>>> +channels. As these filters are not perfect some postprocessing needs to be done
>>> +to recreate the correct color.
>>> +
>>> +**BLC** Black level correction. Even without incoming light a sensor produces
>>> +pixel values above zero. This is due to two system artifacts that impact the
>>> +measured light levels on the sensor. Firstly, a deliberate and artificially
>>> +added pedestal value is added to get an evenly distributed noise level around
>>> +zero to avoid negative values and clipping the data.
>>> +
>>> +Secondly, additional underlying electrical noise can be caused by various
>>> +external factors including thermal noise and electrical interferences.
>>> +
>>> +To get good images with real black, that black level needs to be subtracted. As
>>> +that level is typically known for a sensor it is hardcoded in libcamera and does
>>> +not need any calibration at the moment. If needed, that value can be manually
>>> +overwritten in the tuning configuration.
>> Can it? For all IPA modules?
>>> +
>>> +**AWB** Auto white balance. For a proper image the color channels need to be
>>> +adjusted, to get correct white balance. This means that monochrome objects in
>>> +the scene appear monochrome in the output image (white is white and gray is
>>> +gray). Presently in the libipa implementation of libcamera, this is managed by a
>>> +grey world model. No tuning is necessary for this step.
>>> +
>>> +**LSC** Lens shading correction. The lens in use has a big influence on the
>>> +resulting image. The typical effects on the image are lens-shading (also called
>>> +vignetting). This means that due to the physical properties of a lens the
>>> +transmission of light falls of towards the corners of the lens. To make things
>> s/falls of/falls off. I would perhaps link vignetting to the Wikipedia page.
>>> +even harder, this falloff can be different for different colors/wavelengths. LSC
>>> +is therefore tuned for a set of light sources and for each color channel
>>> +individually.
>>> +
>>> +**CCM** Color correction matrix. After the previous processing blocks the grays
>>> +are preserved, but colors are still not correct. This is mostly due to the color
>>> +temperature of the light source and the imperfections in the color filter array
>>> +of the sensor. To correct for this a 'color correction matrix' is calculated.
>>> +This is a 3x3 matrix, that is used to optimize the captured colors regarding the
>>> +perceived color error.
>> Perhaps "used to optimize the captured colours by correcting the perceived color error"?
> To me "correcting the error" also doesn't really cut it. Would you be ok with "used to
> optimize the captured colours by minimizing the perceived color error."?
Yep sounds ok to me.
>>> To do this a chart of known and precisely measured colors
>>> +commonly called a macbeth chart is captured. Then the matrix is calculated using
>>> +linear optimization to best map each measured colour of the chart to it's known
>>> +value. The color error is measured in `deltaE
>>> +<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference>`_.
>>> +
>>> +**Gamma** Gamma correction. Today's display usually apply a gamma of 2.2 for
>>> +display.
>> The double "display" feels a bit off. Hmmmm...maybe "Today's displays
>> usually apply a gamma of 2.2 to the image they show"?
> done
>>>    For images to be perceived correctly by the human eye, they need to be
>>> +encoded with the corresponding inverse gamma. See also
>>> +<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_correction>. This block doesn't need
>>> +tuning, but is crucial for correct visual display.
>>> +
>>> +Materials needed for the tuning process
>>> +---------------------------------------
>>> +
>>> +Precisely calibrated optical equipment is very expensive and out of the scope of
>>> +this document. Still it is possible to get reasonably good calibration results
>>> +at little costs. The most important devices needed are:
>> s/costs/cost.
> done
>>> +
>>> +   - A light box with the ability to produce defined light of different color
>>> +     temperatures. Typical temperatures used for calibration are 2400K
>>> +     (incandescent), 2700K (fluorescent), 5000K (daylight fluorescent), 6500K
>>> +     (daylight). As a first test, keylights for webcam streaming can be used.
>>> +     These are available with support for color temperatures ranging from 2500K
>>> +     to 9000K.
>> Is it worth mentioning that you're using those in combination with a DIY
>> lightbox rather than just openly in a room?
> I added: "9000k and can be combined with a simple white or grey card
> box. It is important, that the box is of neutral grey color, so that it
> doesn't influence the measurements."
>>> For better results professional light boxes are needed.
>>> +   - A ColorChecker chart. These are sold from calibrite and it makes sense to
>>> +     get the original one.
>> I think that the reasons for getting the original one might be worth
>> expanding on, as it's probably the most expensive thing to acquire on this
>> list.
> I changed that to: It makes sense to get the original one, as there is
> no easy way to recreate this with similar quality.
>>> +   - A integration sphere. This is used to create completely homogenious light
>>> +     for the lens shading calibration. We had good results with the use of a
>>> +     large light panel with sufficient diffusion to get an even distribution of
>>> +     light (the above mentioned keylight).
>>> +   - An environment without external light sources. Ideally calibration is done
>>> +     without any external lights in a fully dark room. A black curtain is one
>>> +     solution, working by night is the cheap alternative.
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +Overview over the process
>> s/over/of
> done
>>> +-------------------------
>>> +
>>> +The tuning process of libcamera consists of the following steps:
>>> +
>>> +   1. Take images for the tuning steps with different color temperatures
>> s/with/at
> done
>>> +   2. Configure the tuning process
>>> +   3. Run the tuning script to create a corresponding tuning file
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +Taking raw images with defined exposure/gain
>>> +--------------------------------------------
>>> +
>>> +For all the tuning files you need to capture a raw image with a defined exposure
>>> +time and gain. It is crucial that no pixels are saturated on any channel. At the
>>> +same time the images should not be too dark. Strive for a exposure time, so that
>> "Strive for an exposure time such that"
> done
>>> +the brightest pixel is roughly 90% saturated. Finding the correct exposure time
>>> +is currently a manual process. We are working on solutions to aid in that
>>> +process.
>> Are we? cool!
> In my mind it's mostly done :-)... then reality hits.
>>>    After finding the correct exposure time settings, the easiest way to
>>> +capture a raw image is with the ``cam`` application that gets installed with the
>>> +regular libcamera install.
>>> +
>>> +Create a ``constant-exposure-<temperature>.yaml`` file with the following content:
>>> +
>>> +.. code:: yaml
>>> +
>>> +   frames:
>>> +     - 0:
>>> +         AeEnable: false
>>> +         AnalogueGain: 1.0
>>> +         ExposureTime: 1000
>>> +
>> The IPU3 IPA wouldn't handle these...one for my todo list, but perhaps we
>> need to formally define the requirements an IPA would need to meet to
>> support our tuning process somewhere or something...
> Oh what is supported by the ipu3?

I can't remember offhand the controls it does handle, but it doesn't handle those controls at the 
moment. It really should though, as I say one for my to-do list.

> Yes, a feature table somewhere would
> be nice. Someday...
>>> +Then capture one or more images using the following command:
>>> +  ``cam -c 1 --script constant-exposure-<temperature>.yaml -C -s role=raw --file=image_#.dng``
>>> +
>>> +.. Note:: Typically the brightness changes for different colour temperatures. So
>>> +    this has to be readjusted for every colour temperature.
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +Capture images for lens shading correction
>>> +------------------------------------------
>>> +
>>> +To be able to correct lens shading artifacts, images of a homogeneously lit
>>> +neutral gray background are needed. Ideally a integration sphere is used for
>>> +that task.
>>> +
>>> +As a fallback images of a flat panel light can be used. If there are multiple
>>> +images for the same color temperature, the tuning scripts will average the
>>> +tuning results which can further improve the tuning quality.
>>> +
>>> +.. Note:: Currently lsc is ignored in the ccm calculation. This can lead to
>>> +    slight color deviations and will be improved in the future.
>>> +
>>> +Images shall be taken for multiple color temperatures and named
>>> +``alsc_<temperature>k_#.dng``. ``#`` can be any number, if multiple images are
>>> +taken for the same color temperature.
>>> +
>>> +.. figure:: img/setup_lens_shading.jpg
>>> +    :width: 50%
>>> +
>>> +    Sample setup using a flat panel light. In this specific setup, the camera
>>> +    has to be moved close to the light due to the wide angle lens. This has the
>>> +    downside that the angle to the light might get way too steep.
>> I _think_ that the effect of that would be to increase the severity of the
>> vignetting and so the tuning process would increase the gains to counter it
>> more aggressively than would really be needed in a natural scene; is that
>> right? Maybe that's worth a note box (or warning? Or whatever the orange one
>> is)
> Yes, that is my expectation. But as I really don't know the actual
> impact of the angle and I don't know the impact of the increase in
> distance to the light source I kept it quite vaguely. Now that I say it,
> maybe we should actually compensate for the light decay due to distance
> change. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-square_law . So in the
> end I don't know exactly what to put in that warning.
Fair enough, no point adding one if we're unsure.
>>> +
>>> +.. figure:: img/camshark-alsc.png
>>> +    :width: 100%
>>> +
>>> +    A calibration image for lens shading correction.
>>> +
>>> +- Ensure the full sensor is lit. Especially with wide angle lenses it may be
>>> +  difficult to get the full field of view lit homogeneously.
>>> +- Ensure that the brightest area of the image does not contain any pixels that
>>> +  reach more than 95% on any of the colors (can be checked with camshark).
>> Ooh where does camshark show that?
> There is a "Info" group, showing RGB and Mean values when you hover over
> the image.


>>> +
>>> +Take a raw dng image for multiple color temperatures:
>>> +    ``cam -c 1 --script constant-exposure-<temperature>.yaml -C -s role=raw --file=alsc_3200k_#.dng``
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +Capture images for color calibration
>>> +------------------------------------
>>> +
>>> +To do the color calibration, raw images of the color checker need to be taken
>> s/color checker/ColorChecker chart.
> done
>>> +for different light sources. These need to be named
>>> +``<sensor_name>_<lux-level>l_<temperature>k_0.dng``.
>>> +
>>> +For best results the following hints should be taken into account:
>>> +  - Ensure that the 18% gray patch (third from the right in bottom line) is
>>> +    roughly at 18% saturation for all channels (a mean of 16-20% should be fine)
>> So I think that means you need to set the color temperature on your lamp and
>> then tune the intensity until the saturation is met - is that right?
> Yes, either by tuning the intensity or changing the exposure time. I
> added a sentence for that.
>>> +  - Ensure the color checker is homogeneously lit (ideally from 45 degree above)
>>> +  - No straylight from other light sources is present
>>> +  - The color checker is not too small and not too big (so that neither lens
>>> +    shading artifacts nor lens distortions are prevailing in the area of the
>>> +    color chart)
>>> +
>>> +If no lux meter is at hand to precisely measure the lux level, a lux meter app
>>> +on a mobile phone can provide a sufficient estimation.
>>> +
>>> +.. figure:: img/setup_calibration2.jpg
>>> +    :width: 50%
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +Run the tuning scripts
>>> +----------------------
>>> +
>>> +After taking the calibration images, you should have a directory with all the
>>> +tuning files. It should look something like this:
>>> +
>>> + ::
>>> +
>>> +   ../tuning-data/
>>> +   ├── alsc_2500k_0.dng
>>> +   ├── alsc_2500k_1.dng
>>> +   ├── alsc_2500k_2.dng
>>> +   ├── alsc_6500k_0.dng
>>> +   ├── imx335_1000l_2500k_0.dng
>>> +   ├── imx335_1200l_4000k_0.dng
>>> +   ├── imx335_1600l_6000k_0.dng
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +The tuning scripts are part of the libcamera source tree. After cloning the
>>> +libcamera sources the necessary steps to create a tuning file are:
>>> +
>>> + ::
>>> +
>>> +  # install the necessary python packages
>>> +  cd libcamera
>>> +  python -m venv venv
>>> +  source ./venv/bin/activate
>>> +  pip install -r utils/tuning/requirements.txt
>>> +
>>> +  # run the tuning script
>>> +  utils/tuning/rkisp1.py -c config.yaml -i ../tuning-data/ -o tuning-file.yaml
>> There needs to be an explanation of the creation of config.yaml here I think.
> Argh. I knew someone will spot that :-). The config file and code is
> something that really needs some love. But you are soo right. I added a
> comment that just copies the config-example.yaml.
>> Really good work in my opinion.
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Stefan
>>> +
>>> +After the tuning script has run, the tuning file can be tested with any
>>> +libcamera based application like `qcam`. To quickly switch to a specific tuning
>>> +file, the environment variable ``LIBCAMERA_<pipeline>_TUNING_FILE`` is helpful.
>>> +E.g.:
>>> +
>>> + ::
>>> +
>>> +    LIBCAMERA_RKISP1_TUNING_FILE=/path/to/tuning-file.yaml qcam -c1
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +Sample images
>>> +-------------
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +.. figure:: img/image-no-blc.png
>>> +    :width: 800
>>> +
>>> +    Image without black level correction (and completely invalid color estimation).
>>> +
>>> +.. figure:: img/image-no-lsc-3000.png
>>> +    :width: 800
>>> +
>>> +    Image without lens shading correction @ 3000k. The vignetting artifacts can
>>> +    be clearly seen
>>> +
>>> +.. figure:: img/image-no-lsc-6000.png
>>> +    :width: 800
>>> +
>>> +    Image without lens shading correction @ 6000k. The vignetting artifacts can
>>> +    be clearly seen
>>> +
>>> +.. figure:: img/image-fully-tuned-3000.png
>>> +    :width: 800
>>> +
>>> +    Fully tuned image @ 3000k
>>> +
>>> +.. figure:: img/image-fully-tuned-6000.png
>>> +    :width: 800
>>> +
>>> +    Fully tuned image @ 6000k
>>> +
>>> diff --git a/Documentation/index.rst b/Documentation/index.rst
>>> index 5442ae75dde7..991dcf2b66fb 100644
>>> --- a/Documentation/index.rst
>>> +++ b/Documentation/index.rst
>>> @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
>>>       Developer Guide <guides/introduction>
>>>       Application Writer's Guide <guides/application-developer>
>>> +   Sensor Tuning Guide <guides/tuning/tuning>
>>>       Pipeline Handler Writer's Guide <guides/pipeline-handler>
>>>       IPA Writer's guide <guides/ipa>
>>>       Tracing guide <guides/tracing>
>>> diff --git a/Documentation/meson.build b/Documentation/meson.build
>>> index 1ba40fdf67ac..8bf09f31afa0 100644
>>> --- a/Documentation/meson.build
>>> +++ b/Documentation/meson.build
>>> @@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ if sphinx.found()
>>>            'guides/ipa.rst',
>>>            'guides/pipeline-handler.rst',
>>>            'guides/tracing.rst',
>>> +        'guides/tuning/tuning.rst',
>>>            'index.rst',
>>>            'lens_driver_requirements.rst',
>>>            'python-bindings.rst',

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